NURS 6051 The Nurse Leader and The Systems Development Life Cycle

NURS 6051 The Nurse Leader and The Systems Development Life Cycle

NURS 6051 The Nurse Leader and The Systems Development Life Cycle

NURS 6051 The Nurse Leader and The Systems Development Life Cycle

Part 1. The Systems Development Life Cycle for Implementation
In a 2-page narrative, address the following:

  • Explain each step of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) for a nursing informatics project. (1 page)
  • Explain why nurse leaders should be involved in each step of the SDLC by identifying at least two ways that nurse leaders can contribute to best practices for the implementation of nursing informatics projects. Be specific and provide examples. (1 page)

Part 2. Job and Role Description of the Nurse in Systems Development and Implementation
Develop a 1- to a 2-page job and role description for a graduate-level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team for a new nursing documentation system. The job and role description should be based on the systems development life cycle (SDLC) stages and tasks, and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the steps.

  • Define the role of the nurse in the planning and defining requirements stage of the SDLC. (1–2 paragraphs)
  • Define the role of the nurse in the analysis stage of the SDLC. (1–2 paragraphs)
  • Define the role of the nurse in the design of the new system stage of the SDLC. (1–2 paragraphs)
  • Define the role of the nurse in the implementation stage of the SDLC. (1–2 paragraphs)
  • Define the role of the nurse in the testing and maintenance stages of the SLDC. (1–2 paragraphs)

©2017 Walden University 1
TN005: The Nurse Leader and the Systems Development Life Cycle: Define the role of the nurse for participation on an implementation team as a component of the systems development life cycle.
Assessment Rubric
Rubric Criteria 0
Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations
Module 1: The Systems Development Life Cycle as a Best Practice for Implementation

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Part 1. The Systems Development Life Cycle for Implementation
In a 2-page narrative, address the following:

  • Explain each step of the systems development life cycle for a nursing informatics project.

Learning Objective 1.1 – Explain the steps of the systems development life cycle for nursing informatics projects
The response explaining each step of the systems development life cycle for a nursing informatics project is missing.
The response inaccurately or vaguely explains each step of the systems development life cycle for a nursing informatics project.
The response accurately and thoroughly explains in detail each step of the systems development life cycle for a nursing informatics project.

  • Explain why nurse leaders should be involved in each step of the systems development life cycle by identifying at least two ways nurse leaders can contribute to best practices for implementation of nursing informatics projects.

The response explaining why nurse leaders should be involved in each step of the systems development life cycle is missing. The response identifying at least two ways that nurse leaders can contribute to best practices for implementation
The response inaccurately or vaguely explains why nurse leaders should be involved in each step of the systems development life cycle. The response identifies only 1 way that nurse leaders can contribute to best practices for implementation of
The response accurately and clearly explains in detail why nurse leaders should be involved in each step of the systems development life cycle. The response clearly and accurately details the identification of 2 or more
©2017 Walden University 2
Rubric Criteria 0
Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations
Learning Objective 1.2 – Analyze nurse leader involvement in the systems development life cycle for best practices of implementation of nursing informatics projects
of nursing informatics projects is missing.
nursing informatics projects or inaccurately/vaguely identifies at least 2 ways that nurse leaders contribute to best practices for implementation of nursing informatics projects. The response minimally synthesizes and integrates resources that may support the responses provided.
ways that nurse leaders can contribute to best practices for implementation of nursing informatics projects. The response synthesizes and integrates at least two outside resources and two competency-specific resources that fully support the responses provided.

Click here  to ORDER an A++ paper from our MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: NURS 6051 The Nurse Leader and The Systems Development Life Cycle

Module 2: The Role of the Nurse Leader in the Systems Development Life Cycle
Part 2. Job and Role Description of the Nurse in Systems Development and Implementation
Develop a 1- to 2-page job and role description for a graduate- level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team for a new nursing documentation system. The job and role description should be based on the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) stages and tasks, and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the steps.
The job and role description for a graduate-level nurse’s participation on an implementation team and the role of the nurse in each of the following stages of the systems development life cycle is missing:
o Planning and defining requirements
o Analysis
The job and role description for a graduate-level nurse’s participation on an implementation team inaccurately or vaguely defines the role of the nurse in each of the following stages of the systems development life cycle:
o Planning and defining requirements
o Analysis
The job and role description for a graduate-level nurse’s participation on an implementation team accurately and completely defines the role of the nurse in each of the following stages of the systems development life cycle:
o Planning and defining requirements
o Analysis
©2017 Walden University 3
Rubric Criteria 0
Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations
Learning Objective 2.1 – Create job and role descriptions for the role of the nurse in each step of the systems development life cycle
o Design of the new system
o Implementation o Testing and
o Design of the new system
o Implementation o Testing and
maintenance The response minimally synthesizes and integrates resources that may support the responses provided.
o Design of the new system
o Implementation o Testing and
maintenance The response synthesizes and integrates at least two outside resources and two competency-specific resources that fully support the responses provided.
Mastery Rubric No Yes

Click here  to ORDER an A++ paper from our MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: NURS 6051 The Nurse Leader and The Systems Development Life Cycle

Exceeds Expectations: The Nurse Leader and the Systems Development Life Cycle
Learning Objective – Define the role of the nurse for participation on an implementation team as a component of the systems development life cycle
A comprehensive job and role description is provided that does not synthesizes the role of the nurse in each step of the systems development life cycle and does not fully support the perspectives of including the nurse leader in each step of the systems development life cycle for nursing informatics projects that contributes to best practices for implementation.
A comprehensive job and role description is provided that synthesizes the role of the nurse in each step of the systems development life cycle and fully supports the perspectives of including the nurse leader in each step of the systems development life cycle for nursing informatics projects that contributes to best practices for implementation.
©2017 Walden University 4
Professional Skills Building
0 Not Present
1 Needs Improvement
2 Meets Expectations
PS001: Written Communication: Demonstrate graduate-level writing skills.
Learning Objective PS 1.1: Use proper grammar, spelling, and mechanics.
Multiple major and minor errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics are highly distracting and seriously impact readability.
Multiple minor errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics are distracting and negatively impact readability.
Writing reflects competent use of standard edited American English. Errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics do not negatively impact readability.
Learning Objective PS 1.2: Organize writing to enhance clarity.
Writing is poorly organized and incoherent. Introductions, transitions, and conclusions are missing or inappropriate.
Writing is loosely organized. Limited use of introductions, transitions, and conclusions provides partial continuity.
Writing is generally well-organized. Introductions, transitions, and conclusions provide continuity and a logical progression of ideas.
Learning Objective PS 1.3: Apply APA style to written work.
APA conventions are not applied.
APA conventions for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are applied inconsistently.
APA conventions for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are generally applied correctly in most
©2017 Walden University 5
instances. Sources are generally cited appropriately and accurately.
Professional Skills Building
0 Not Present
1 Needs Improvement
2 Meets Expectations
Learning Objective PS 1.4: Use appropriate vocabulary and tone for the audience and purpose.
Vocabulary and tone are inappropriate and negatively impact clarity of concepts to be conveyed.
Vocabulary and tone have limited relevance to the audience.
Vocabulary and tone are generally appropriate for the audience and support communication of key concepts.
PS005: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Use critical-thinking and problem-solving skills to analyze professional issues and inform best practice.
Learning Objective PS 5.1: Analyze assumptions and fallacies.
Analysis of assumptions is missing.
Response is weak in assessing the reasonableness of assumptions in a given argument. Response does not adequately identify and discuss the implications of fallacies or logical weaknesses in a given argument.
Response generally assesses the reasonableness of assumptions in a given argument. Response identifies and discusses the implications of fallacies and/or logical weaknesses in a given argument.
Learning Objective PS 5.2: Generate reasonable and appropriate assumptions.
Assumptions are missing. Response does not adequately present and discuss key assumptions in an original argument.
Response presents and discusses key assumptions in an original argument.
Learning Objective PS 5.3: Assess multiple perspectives and alternatives.
Assessment of multiple perspectives is missing.
Response does not identify nor adequately consider multiple perspectives or alternatives.
Response identifies and considers multiple perspectives and alternatives.
©2017 Walden University 6
Learning Objective PS 5.4: Use problem-solving skills.
Problems and solutions are not identified.
Response presents solutions, but they are ineffective in addressing the specific problem.
Response presents solutions that are practical and work in addressing the specific problem.

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