FPX 4102 Assessment 2: Emotional Intelligence

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 2: Emotional Intelligence

FPX 4102 Assessment 2: Emotional Intelligence

Create a 6-9-page analysis and reflection on why emotional intelligence is a key competency for health care and its role in promoting teamwork and collaboration.


This assessment is dedicated to emotional intelligence (EQ). Emotional intelligence was pioneered by Daniel Goleman and has four main components: self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, and relationship management (Daft, 2015). Emotional intelligence is loosely defined as an individual’s ability to “perceive, identify, understand and manage emotions in self and others” (Daft, 2015, p. 146). Experts argue that emotional intelligence is a better predictor of successful decision making and interpersonal relationships than cognitive intelligence, or IQ (Daft, 2015).

Additionally, emotional intelligence is now recognized as a critical factor in leadership development. Your work on this assessment will build on the completion of a personal leadership assessment that examines five critical domains from a high level that you have already completed in the first assessment. You will look specifically at emotional intelligence. By completing this assessment, you will evaluate your EQ and explore the role that EQ plays in successful leadership.


Daft, R. L. (2015). The leadership experience (6th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Assess one’s leadership style in a professional setting.
    • Discuss the different elements of emotional intelligence.
    • Analyze the reason for health care leaders to develop their emotional intelligence skills.
  • Competency 2: Explain cultural competence and its relevance to health care management.
    • Establish the impact of emotional intelligence on cultural competence in health care organizations.
    • Evaluate personal competence with regards to emotional intelligence.
    • Discuss how emotional intelligence promotes teamwork and collaboration in culturally diverse organizations.
  • Competency 3: Analyze communication styles and its impact on teamwork and collaboration.
    • Explain the impact of emotional intelligence on relationships and communication effectiveness in health care organizations.
  • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.
    • Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.
    • Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


This assessment is based on the media piece in the Vila Health: Emotional Intelligence activity. Be sure you have worked through the scenario before you start this assessment.


This assessment has three main parts, a discussion of the different elements of emotional intelligence as it relates to the scenario from the Vila Health media piece, a self-evaluation of your current state of emotional intelligence, and an analysis of the impact and benefits of health care leaders being competent with regards to emotional intelligence.

Part 1: Elements of Emotional Intelligence

Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria:

  • Discuss the different elements of emotional intelligence.
  • Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.
  • Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

For this first part of your assessment, discuss the scene and what happened between Christina Robledo and the two nurses. You can draw upon your answers to the question from the media piece, as well as consider the following:

  • Do you feel the nurses demonstrated strong emotional intelligence in their communications with Christina? Why or why not?
  • What are the key elements of emotional intelligence that were demonstrated in this scenario?
  • Which key elements of emotional intelligence were lacking from the scenario?
    • How might the scenario have turned out differently if these elements had been demonstrated?

Part 2: Emotional Intelligence Self-Evaluation

Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria:

  • Evaluate personal competence with regards to emotional intelligence.
  • Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.
  • Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

The second part of the assessment will focus on a brief self-evaluation of your current state with regards to emotional intelligence. Consider the following after using the elements of emotional intelligence from the resources in this course, your personal research, and the ones you applied to your discussion of the Vila Health media piece:

  • Reflect on your interaction with others
    • Do you feel you are able to identify and understand others’ emotions?
    • Are you able to control your emotions when dealing with others?
    • Which specific elements of emotional intelligence do you feel are the strongest in you?
    • Which elements of emotional intelligence would you like to improve?

Part 3: Impact of Emotional Intelligence for Health Care Leaders

Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria:

  • Analyze the reason for health care leaders to develop their emotional intelligence skills.
  • Explain the impact of emotional intelligence on relationships and communication effectiveness in health care organizations.
  • Establish the impact of emotional intelligence on cultural competence in health care organizations.
  • Discuss how emotional intelligence promotes teamwork and collaboration in culturally diverse organizations.
  • Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.
  • Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

This third and final part of the assessment requires you to analyze the need, impact, and benefits of health care leaders being competent with regards to emotional intelligence. As you work to address the scoring guide criteria relevant to this section consider the following:

  • Describe the elements of emotional intelligence and explain why it is important for health care leaders to develop their skills in each area.
  • Thinking back to the Vila Health media piece, if you were one of the nurses, how could you have communicated differently with Christinato to acknowledge her concerns and her emotions?
    • Are there any specific examples from your professional or personal life where you have utilized your emotional intelligence to improve communication with others?
  • Either in relation to the Vila Health media piece or your professional practice and career, how does an organization’s culture impact visibility or need of emotionally intelligent leaders and individuals.
    • How does an emotionally intelligent environment impact professional practice and personal interactions within an organization?
  • With regards to either the Vila Health media piece or your professional practice and career, how can emotional intelligence be used to improve teamwork and collaboration?
    • How might one be able to tell if teamwork and collaboration are valued at an organization?
Additional Requirements
  • Structure: Include a title page and a reference page.
  • Length: 6–9 pages, not including the title and reference page.
  • References: Cite at least three current scholarly or professional resources.
  • Format: Use APA style for references and citations.
    • You may wish to refer to the following APA resources to help with your structure, formatting, and style:
      • APA Style and Format.
      • APA Paper Tutorial.
      • APA Paper Template.
    • You may use the first person for the portions of your reflection where it is appropriate to do so.
  • Font: Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced for narrative portions only.

    Resources: Emotional Intelligence

  • Resources: Capella Library and APA Style



    • Capella Writing Center.
      • This links out to numerous resources and tutorials that can help you improve the quality of your academic writing.

Emotional Intelligence – self assessment

For each item below, rate how well you are able to display the ability described. Before responding, try to think of actual situations in which you have had the opportunity to use the ability.

Very Slight Ability Moderate Ability Very Much Ability

1 2 3 4 5

1. Associate different internal physiological cues with different emotions

2. Relax when under pressure in situations

3. “Gear up” at will for a task

4. Know the impact that your behavior has on others

5. Initiate successful resolutions of conflict with others

6. Calm yourself quickly when angry

7. Know when your becoming angry

8. Regroup quickly after a setback

9. Recognize when others are distressed

10. Build consensus with others

11. Know what senses you are currently using

12. Use internal “talk” to change your emotional state

13. Produce motivation when doing uninteresting work

14. Help others manage their emotions

15. Make others feel good

16. Identify when you experience mood shifts

17. Stay calm when you are the target of anger from others

18. Stop or change an ineffective habit

19. Show empathy for others

20. Provide advice and emotional support to others as needed

21. Know when you become defensive

22. Know when you are thinking negatively and head it off

23. Follow your words with actions

24. Engage in intimate conversations with others

25. Accurately reflect people’s feelings back to them

This is only a guide and snap shot of your perceptions of your emotional intelligence. It is not to be taken as the “final” word on the subject. Good emotional intelligence skills can be learned.


Sum your responses to the twenty-five (25) questions to obtain your overall emotional intelligence score. Your score for self-awareness is the total of questions 1, 6, 11, 16, and 21.

Your score for managing emotions is the total of questions 2, 7, 12, 17, and 22

Your score for motivating yourself is the sum of questions 3, 8, 13, 18, and 23

Your score for empathy is the sum of the questions 4, 9, 14, 19, and 24

Your score for social skills is the sum of questions 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25


The questionnaire provides some indication of your emotional intelligence. If you received a total score of 100 or more, you are certainly considered a person with high emotional intelligence. A score of 50 to 100 means you have a good platform of emotional intelligence from which to develop your leadership capability. A score below 50 indicates that you realize that you are probably below average in emotional intelligence.

For each of the five components of emotional intelligence – self-awareness, managing emotions, motivating one’s self, empathy and social skill – a score above 20 is considered high, while a score under 10 would be considered low. Think about what you might do to develop those areas where you scored low. Compare your scores with those of others. What will you do to improve your scores?


NRS 8045 Stakeholder Communication

NRS 8045 Capella University Stakeholder Communication Question

NRS 8045 Capella University Stakeholder Communication Question


Interprofessional communication with stakeholders will be critical to your success at the practicum site, and identifying these stakeholders can help you understand additional areas for research in support of your project. For this assessment, you will communicate with your practicum site, as well as research stakeholders in the intervention, and synthesize the evidence, relating stakeholders to the problem or practice gap.



By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
    • Integrate evidence appropriately into writing.
  • Competency 3: Create a literature review that supports a possible intervention or process change.
    • Synthesize evidence in support of the assessment purpose.
  • Competency 5: Communicate with organizational and community stakeholders in a responsive and responsible manner that supports a team approach to the promotion, delivery, and maintenance of health and the prevention and treatment of disease.
    • Explain how you will tailor your message to stakeholder groups.


Communicate with your practicum site about the stakeholder groups involved in or affected by the intervention you have identified. Conduct additional research as needed to find evidence about the identities and interests of these stakeholder groups.


Note: The assessments in this course must be completed in the order presented; subsequent assessments should be built on both your earlier work and your instructor’s feedback on earlier assessments. If you choose to submit assessments prematurely, without considering and integrating your instructor’s feedback, your assessment may be returned ungraded, resulting in your loss of an assessment attempt. Summarize your intended intervention, and identify the stakeholder groups in the intervention. Base the assessment on discussions with the preceptor and the practicum site, as well as references to resources found through research. In Part 1 of your Project Charter, you will describe the focus of your project. The focus of the project is the implementation of the evidence-based intervention, including how it will be carried out, who will be involved, and when and where it will happen. Refer to the DNP Program Handbook for guidance on appropriate parameters for each element of the project. Your assessment should address the following:

  • Explain how you will tailor your message to stakeholder groups.
    • Communication about the problem and the intervention will require effective interprofessional communication. Explain how you will address different stakeholder groups.
  • Synthesize the information in support of the assessment purpose.
    • Synthesis means that you should connect identified stakeholders to the problem or practice gap in well-organized paragraphs.
  • Integrate evidence appropriately into writing.


  • Writing: Well-organized paragraphs and text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.
  • APA Format: Use current Evidence and APA for references and citations.

NURSFPX4050 Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

NURSFPX4050 Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

NURSFPX4050 Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Develop a 3-4-page preliminary care coordination plan for an individual in your community with whom you choose to work. Identify and list available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care.

NOTE: You are required to complete this assessment before Assessment 4.The first step in any effective project or clinical patient encounter is planning. This assessment provides an opportunity for you to strengthen your understanding of how to plan and negotiate the coordination of care for an individual in your community as you consider the patient’s unique needs; the ethical, cultural, and physiological factors that affect care; and the critical resources available in your community that are the foundation of a safe plan for the continuum of care.

As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Care Coordination Planning activity. Completion of this will provide useful practice, particularly for those of you who do not have care coordination experience in community settings. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment. Completing formatives is also a way to demonstrate engagement.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Adapt care based on patient-centered and person-focused factors.
    • Analyze a health concern and the associated best practices for health improvement.
  • Competency 2: Collaborate with patients and family to achieve desired outcomes.
    • Establish mutually agreed-upon health goals for a care coordination plan, in collaboration with the patient.
  • Competency 3: Create a satisfying patient experience.
    • Identify available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care.
  • Competency 6: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead patient-centered care.
    • Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.


Imagine that you are a staff nurse in a community care center. Your facility has always had a dedicated case management staff that coordinated the patient plan of care, but recently, there were budget cuts and the case management staff has been relocated to the inpatient setting. Care coordination is essential to the success of effectively managing patients in the community setting, so you have been asked by your nurse manager to take on the role of care coordination. You are a bit unsure of the process, but you know you will do a good job because, as a nurse, you are familiar with difficult tasks.

As you take on this expanded role, you will need to plan effectively in addressing the specific health concerns of community residents.As you assume your expanded care coordination role, you have been tasked with addressing the specific health concerns of a particular individual within the community. You decide to prepare a preliminary care coordination plan and proceed by identifying the patient’s three priorities for health and by investigating the resources available in your community for a safe and effective continuum of care.To prepare for this assessment, you may wish to:

  • Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete.
  • Allow plenty of time to plan your patient clinical encounter.
  • Be sure that you have a patient in mind that you can work with throughout the course.

Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft plan to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.


Note: You are required to complete this assessment before Assessment 4.This assessment has two parts.

Part 1: Develop the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Complete the following:

  • Identify a health concern as the focus of your care coordination plan. Possible health concerns may include, but are not limited to:
    • Stroke.
    • Heart disease (high blood pressure, stroke, or heart failure).
    • Home safety.
    • Pulmonary disease (COPD or fibrotic lung disease).
    • Orthopedic concerns (hip replacement or knee replacement).
    • Cognitive impairment (Alzheimer’s disease or dementia).
    • Pain management.
    • Mental health.
    • Trauma.
  • Identify available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care.
Part 2: Secure Individual Participation in the Activity

Complete the following:

  • Contact local individuals who may be open to an interview and a care coordination plan addressing their health concerns. The person you choose to work with may be a colleague, community member, friend, or family member.
  • Meet with the individual to describe the care coordination plan session that you intend to provide. Collaborate with the participant in setting goals for the session, evaluating session outcomes, and suggesting possible revisions to the plan.
  • Establish a tentative date and time for the care coordination plan session. Document the name of the individual and a single point of contact, either an e-mail address or a phone number.
Document Format and Length

For your care coordination plan, you may use the Care Coordination Plan Template [DOCX], choose a format used in your own organization, or choose a format you are familiar with that adequately serves your needs for this assessment.

  • Your preliminary plan should be 3–4 pages in length. In a separate section of the plan, identify the person you have chosen to work with, and be sure to include his or her contact information.
  • Document the community resources you have identified using the Community Resources Template [DOCX].
Supporting Evidence

Cite at least two credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications that support your preliminary plan.

Grading Requirements

The requirements, outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

  • Analyze your selected health concern and the associated best practices for health improvement.
    • Cite supporting evidence for best practices.
    • Consider underlying assumptions and points of uncertainty in your analysis.
  • Establish mutually agreed-upon health goals for the care coordination plan, in collaboration with the selected individual.
  • Identify available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care.
  • Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.
    • Write with a specific purpose with your patient in mind.
    • Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and current APA formatting requirements.
Additional Requirements

Before submitting your assessment, proofread your preliminary care coordination plan and community resources list to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your plan. Be sure to submit both documents.


Important note: The time you spend securing individual participation in this activity and the time you spend presenting your final care coordination plan to the patient in Assessment 4 must total at least three hours. Be sure to log your time in the CORE ELMS system. The CORE ELMS link is located in the courseroom navigation menu.Portfolio Prompt: Save your presentation to your ePortfolio. Submissions to the ePortfolio will be part of your final Capstone course.


We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium.

  • Discussion Questions (DQ)

Initial responses to the DQ should address all components of the questions asked, including a minimum of one scholarly source, and be at least 250 words. Successful responses are substantive (i.e., add something new to the discussion, engage others in the discussion, well-developed idea) and include at least one scholarly source. One or two-sentence responses, simple statements of agreement or “good post,” and responses that are off-topic will not count as substantive. Substantive responses should be at least 150 words. I encourage you to incorporate the readings from the week (as applicable) into your responses.

  • Weekly Participation

Your initial responses to the mandatory DQ do not count toward participation and are graded separately. In addition to the DQ responses, you must post at least one reply to peers (or me) on three separate days, for a total of three replies. Participation posts do not require a scholarly source/citation (unless you cite someone else’s work). Part of your weekly participation includes viewing the weekly announcement and attesting to watching it in the comments. These announcements are made to ensure you understand everything that is due during the week.

  • APA Format and Writing Quality

Familiarize yourself with the APA format and practice using it correctly. It is used for most writing assignments for your degree. Visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center, under the Resources tab in Loud-cloud for APA paper templates, citation examples, tips, etc. Points will be deducted for poor use of APA format or absence of APA format (if required). Cite all sources of information! When in doubt, cite the source. Paraphrasing also requires a citation. I highly recommend using the APA Publication Manual, 6th edition.

  • Use of Direct Quotes

I discourage over-utilization of direct quotes in DQs and assignments at the Master’s level and deduct points accordingly. As Masters’ level students, it is important that you be able to critically analyze and interpret information from journal articles and other resources. Simply restating someone else’s words does not demonstrate an understanding of the content or critical analysis of the content. It is best to paraphrase content and cite your source.

  • LopesWrite Policy

For assignments that need to be submitted to Lopes Write, please be sure you have received your report and Similarity Index (SI) percentage BEFORE you do a “final submit” to me. Once you have received your report, please review it. This report will show you grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors that can easily be fixed. Take the extra few minutes to review instead of getting counted off for these mistakes. Review your similarities. Did you forget to cite something? Did you not paraphrase well enough? Is your paper made up of someone else’s thoughts more than your own? Visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center, under the Resources tab in Loud-cloud for tips on improving your paper and SI score.

  • Late Policy

The university’s policy on late assignments is a 10% penalty PER DAY LATE. This also applies to late DQ replies. Please communicate with me if you anticipate having to submit an assignment late. I am happy to be flexible, with advance notice. We may be able to work out an extension based on extenuating circumstances. If you do not communicate with me before submitting an assignment late, the GCU late policy will be in effect. I do not accept assignments that are two or more weeks late unless we have worked out an extension. As per policy, no assignments are accepted after the last day of class. Any assignment submitted after midnight on the last day of class will not be accepted for grading.

  • Communication

Communication is so very important. There are multiple ways to communicate with me: Questions to Instructor Forum: This is a great place to ask course content or assignment questions. If you have a question, there is a good chance one of your peers does as well. This is a public forum for the class. Individual Forum: This is a private forum to ask me questions or send me messages. This will be checked at least once every 24 hours. NURSFPX4050 Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

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  • Services Offered

  • Custom paper writing
  • Question and answers
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  • Editing and proofreading
  • Plagiarism removal services
  • Multiple answer questions


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Capella University Health Disparities Disaster Recovery Plan

Capella University Health Disparities Disaster Recovery Plan

Capella University Health Disparities Disaster Recovery Plan

Develop a disaster recovery plan to lessen health disparities and improve access to community services after a disaster. Then, develop an 8-10 slide presentation (PowerPoint preferred) of the plan for the Vila Health system, city officials, and the disaster relief team.


Complete the following:

  1. Develop a disaster recovery plan for the Vila Health community that will lessen health disparities and improve access to services after a disaster. Refer back to the Vila Health: Disaster Recovery Scenario to understand the Vila Health community.
    • Assess community needs.
    • Consider resources, personnel, budget, and community makeup.
    • Identify the people accountable for implementation of the plan and describe their roles.
    • Focus on specific Healthy People 2020 goals.
    • Include a timeline for the recovery effort.
  2. Use the MAP-IT (Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track) framework to guide the development of your plan:
    • Mobilize collaborative partners.
    • Assess community needs.
    • Plan to lessen health disparities and improve access to services.
    • Implement a plan to reach Healthy People 2020 objectives.
    • Track community progress.
  3. Develop a slide presentation of your disaster recovery plan with an audio recording of you presenting your assessment of the Vila Health: Disaster Recovery Scenario for city officials and the disaster relief team.
Presentation Format and Length

You may use Microsoft PowerPoint (preferred) or other suitable presentation software to create your slides and add your voice-over. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your instructor to avoid potential file compatibility issues.

Be sure that your slide deck includes the following slides:

  • Title slide.
    • Recovery plan title.
    • Your name.
    • Date.
    • Course number and title.
  • References (at the end of your presentation).

Your slide deck should consist of 8–10 content slides plus title and references slides. Use the speaker’s notes section of each slide to develop your talking points and cite your sources as appropriate.


Capella University Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Paper

Capella University Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Paper

Capella University Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Paper

For this assessment you will create a 2-4 page plan proposal for an interprofessional team to collaborate and work toward driving improvements in the organizational issue you identified in the second assessment.The health care industry is always striving to improve patient outcomes and attain organizational goals. Nurses can play a critical role in achieving these goals; one way to encourage nurse participation in larger organizational efforts is to create a culture of ownership and shared responsibility (Berkow et al., 2012).

Participation in interdisciplinary teams can also offer nurses opportunities to share their expertise and leadership skills, fostering a sense of ownership and collegiality.You are encouraged to complete the Budgeting for Nurses activity before you develop the plan proposal. The activity consists of seven questions that will allow you the opportunity to check your knowledge of budgeting basics and as well as the value of financial resource management. The information gained from completing this formative will promote success with the Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal. Completing this activity also demonstrates your engagement in the course, requires just a few minutes of your time, and is not graded.


  • Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health.
    • Explain organizational resources, including a financial budget, needed for the plan to be a success and the impacts on those resources if nothing is done, related to the improvements sought by the plan.
  • Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes.
    • Describe an objective and predictions for an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to achieve a specific objective related to improving patient or organizational outcomes.
    • Explain the collaboration needed by an interdisciplinary team to improve the likelihood of achieving the plan’s objective. Include best practices of interdisciplinary collaboration from the literature.
  • Competency 4: Explain how change management theories and leadership strategies can enable interdisciplinary teams to achieve specific organizational goals.
    • Explain a change theory and a leadership strategy, supported by relevant evidence, that are most likely to help an interdisciplinary team succeed in collaborating and implementing, or creating buy-in for, the project plan.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.
    • Communicate the interdisciplinary plan with writing that is clear, logically organized, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.

Berkow, S., Workman, J., Aronson, S., Stewart, J., Virkstis, K., & Kahn, M. (2012). Strengthening frontline nurse investment in organizational goals. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 42(3), 165–169.


This assessment will allow you to describe a plan proposal that includes an analysis of best practices of interprofessional collaboration, change theory, leadership strategies, and organizational resources with a financial budget that can be used to solve the problem identified through the interview you conducted in the prior assessment.


Having reviewed the information gleaned from your professional interview and identified the issue, you will determine and present an objective for an interdisciplinary intervention to address the issue.Note: You will not be expected to implement the plan during this course. However, the plan should be evidence-based and realistic within the context of the issue and your interviewee’s organization.


For this assessment, use the context of the organization where you conducted your interview to develop a viable plan for an interdisciplinary team to address the issue you identified. Define a specific patient or organizational outcome or objective based on the information gathered in your interview.The goal of this assessment is to clearly lay out the improvement objective for your planned interdisciplinary intervention of the issue you identified. Additionally, be sure to further build on the leadership, change, and collaboration research you completed in the previous assessment. Look for specific, real-world ways in which those strategies and best practices could be applied to encourage buy-in for the plan or facilitate the implementation of the plan for the best possible outcome.

Using the Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Template [DOCX] will help you stay organized and concise. As you complete each section of the template, make sure you apply APA format to in-text citations for the evidence and best practices that inform your plan, as well as the reference list at the end.Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

  • Describe an objective and predictions for an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to achieve a specific goal related to improving patient or organizational outcomes.
  • Explain a change theory and a leadership strategy, supported by relevant evidence, that is most likely to help an interdisciplinary team succeed in collaborating and implementing, or creating buy-in for, the project plan.
  • Explain the collaboration needed by an interdisciplinary team to improve the likelihood of achieving the plan’s objective. Include best practices of interdisciplinary collaboration from the literature.
  • Explain organizational resources, including a financial budget, needed for the plan to succeed and the impacts on those resources if the improvements described in the plan are not made.
  • Communicate the interdisciplinary plan, with writing that is clear, logically organized, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.


  • Length of submission: Use the provided template. Remember that part of this assessment is to make the plan easy to understand and use, so it is critical that you are clear and concise. Most submissions will be 2 to 4 pages in length. Be sure to include a reference page at the end of the plan.
  • Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your central ideas. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.
  • APA formatting: Make sure that in-text citations and reference list follow current APA style.

Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the final assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you complete the final Capstone course.

SCORE A+ WITH HELP FROM OUR PROFESSIONAL WRITERS – Capella University Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Paper

We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium.

  • Discussion Questions (DQ)

Initial responses to the DQ should address all components of the questions asked, including a minimum of one scholarly source, and be at least 250 words. Successful responses are substantive (i.e., add something new to the discussion, engage others in the discussion, well-developed idea) and include at least one scholarly source. One or two-sentence responses, simple statements of agreement or “good post,” and responses that are off-topic will not count as substantive. Substantive responses should be at least 150 words. I encourage you to incorporate the readings from the week (as applicable) into your responses.

  • Weekly Participation

Your initial responses to the mandatory DQ do not count toward participation and are graded separately. In addition to the DQ responses, you must post at least one reply to peers (or me) on three separate days, for a total of three replies. Participation posts do not require a scholarly source/citation (unless you cite someone else’s work). Part of your weekly participation includes viewing the weekly announcement and attesting to watching it in the comments. These announcements are made to ensure you understand everything that is due during the week.

  • APA Format and Writing Quality

Familiarize yourself with the APA format and practice using it correctly. It is used for most writing assignments for your degree. Visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center, under the Resources tab in Loud-cloud for APA paper templates, citation examples, tips, etc. Points will be deducted for poor use of APA format or absence of APA format (if required). Cite all sources of information! When in doubt, cite the source. Paraphrasing also requires a citation. I highly recommend using the APA Publication Manual, 6th edition.

  • Use of Direct Quotes

I discourage over-utilization of direct quotes in DQs and assignments at the Master’s level and deduct points accordingly. As Masters’ level students, it is important that you be able to critically analyze and interpret information from journal articles and other resources. Simply restating someone else’s words does not demonstrate an understanding of the content or critical analysis of the content. It is best to paraphrase content and cite your source.

  • LopesWrite Policy

For assignments that need to be submitted to Lopes Write, please be sure you have received your report and Similarity Index (SI) percentage BEFORE you do a “final submit” to me. Once you have received your report, please review it. This report will show you grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors that can easily be fixed. Take the extra few minutes to review instead of getting counted off for these mistakes. Review your similarities. Did you forget to cite something? Did you not paraphrase well enough? Is your paper made up of someone else’s thoughts more than your own? Visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center, under the Resources tab in Loud-cloud for tips on improving your paper and SI score.

  • Late Policy

The university’s policy on late assignments is a 10% penalty PER DAY LATE. This also applies to late DQ replies. Please communicate with me if you anticipate having to submit an assignment late. I am happy to be flexible, with advance notice. We may be able to work out an extension based on extenuating circumstances. If you do not communicate with me before submitting an assignment late, the GCU late policy will be in effect. I do not accept assignments that are two or more weeks late unless we have worked out an extension. As per policy, no assignments are accepted after the last day of class. Any assignment submitted after midnight on the last day of class will not be accepted for grading.

  • Communication

Communication is so very important. There are multiple ways to communicate with me: Questions to Instructor Forum: This is a great place to ask course content or assignment questions. If you have a question, there is a good chance one of your peers does as well. This is a public forum for the class. Individual Forum: This is a private forum to ask me questions or send me messages. This will be checked at least once every 24 hours. Capella University Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Paper

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Capella University Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Capella University Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Capella University Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Develop a 3-4 page preliminary care coordination plan for a hypothetical individual in your community. Identify and list available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care.

NOTE: You are required to complete this assessment before Assessment 4.

The first step in any effective project or clinical patient encounter is planning. This assessment provides an opportunity for you to strengthen your understanding of how to plan and negotiate the coordination of care for an individual in your community as you consider the patient’s unique needs; the ethical, cultural, and physiological factors that affect care; and the critical resources available in your community that are the foundation of a safe plan for the continuum of care.


As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Care Coordination Planning activity. Completion of this will provide useful practice, particularly for those of you who do not have care coordination experience in community settings. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment. Completing formatives is also a way to demonstrate engagement.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Adapt care based on patient-centered and person-focused factors.
    • Analyze a health concern and the associated best practices for health improvement.
  • Competency 2: Collaborate with patients and family to achieve desired outcomes.
    • Establish mutually agreed-upon health goals for a care coordination plan, in collaboration with the patient.
  • Competency 3: Create a satisfying patient experience.
    • Identify available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care.
  • Competency 6: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead patient-centered care.
    • Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.


Imagine that you are a staff nurse in a community care center. Your facility has always had a dedicated case management staff that coordinated the patient plan of care, but recently, there were budget cuts and the case management staff has been relocated to the inpatient setting. Care coordination is essential to the success of effectively managing patients in the community setting, so you have been asked by your nurse manager to take on the role of care coordination. You are a bit unsure of the process, but you know you will do a good job because, as a nurse, you are familiar with difficult tasks. As you take on this expanded role, you will need to plan effectively in addressing the specific health concerns of community residents.

As you assume your expanded care coordination role, you have been tasked with addressing the specific health concerns of a particular individual within the community. You decide to prepare a preliminary care coordination plan and proceed by identifying the patient’s three priorities for health and by investigating the resources available in your community for a safe and effective continuum of care.

To prepare for this assessment, you may wish to:

  • Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete.
  • Allow plenty of time to plan your patient clinical encounter.
  • Be sure that you have a hypothetical patient in mind.

Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft plan to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.


Note: You are required to complete this assessment before Assessment 4.

Develop the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Complete the following:

  • Identify a health concern as the focus of your care coordination plan. Possible health concerns may include, but are not limited to:
    • Stroke.
    • Heart disease (high blood pressure, stroke, or heart failure).
    • Home safety.
    • Pulmonary disease (COPD or fibrotic lung disease).
    • Orthopedic concerns (hip replacement or knee replacement).
    • Cognitive impairment (Alzheimer’s disease or dementia).
    • Pain management.
    • Mental health.
    • Trauma.
  • Identify available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care.
Document Format and Length

You can use the linked templates as a guide for the needs of your hypothetical patient who has a selected health care problem.

For your care coordination plan, you may use the Care Coordination Plan Template [DOCX], choose a format used in your own organization, or choose a format you are familiar with that adequately serves your needs for this assessment.

  • Your preliminary plan should be 3–4 pages in length. In a separate section of the plan, identify the hypothetical person you have chosen to work with.
  • Document the community resources you have identified using the Community Resources Template [DOCX].
Supporting Evidence

Cite at least two credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications that support your preliminary plan.

Grading Requirements

The requirements, outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

  • Analyze your selected health concern and the associated best practices for health improvement.
    • Cite supporting evidence for best practices.
    • Consider underlying assumptions and points of uncertainty in your analysis.
  • Identify a hypothetical individual who would benefit from a care coordination plan.
  • Document goals for the care coordination plan.
  • Identify available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care.
  • Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.
    • Write with a specific purpose with your patient in mind.
    • Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and current APA formatting requirements.
Additional Requirements

Before submitting your assessment, proofread your preliminary care coordination plan and community resources list to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your plan. Be sure to submit both documents.

Portfolio Prompt: Save your presentation to your ePortfolio. Submissions to the ePortfolio will be part of your final Capstone course.

Nursing Plan Proposal

Capella University Nursing A Page Plan Proposal

Capella University Nursing Plan Proposal

For this assessment you will create a 2-4 page plan proposal for an interprofessional team to collaborate and work toward driving improvements in the organizational issue you identified in the second assessment.

The health care industry is always striving to improve patient outcomes and attain organizational goals. Nurses can play a critical role in achieving these goals; one way to encourage nurse participation in larger organizational efforts is to create a shared vision and team goals (Mulvale et al., 2016). Participation in interdisciplinary teams can also offer nurses opportunities to share their expertise and leadership skills, fostering a sense of ownership and collegiality.

You are encouraged to complete the Budgeting for Nurses activity before you develop the plan proposal. The activity consists of seven questions that will allow you the opportunity to check your knowledge of budgeting basics and as well as the value of financial resource management. The information gained from completing this formative will promote success with the Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal. Completing this activity also demonstrates your engagement in the course, requires just a few minutes of your time, and is not graded. Capella University Nursing A Page Plan Proposal


  • Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health.
    • Explain organizational resources, including a financial budget, needed for the plan to be a success and the impacts on those resources if nothing is done, related to the improvements sought by the plan.
  • Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes.
    • Describe an objective and predictions for an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to achieve a specific objective related to improving patient or organizational outcomes.
    • Explain the collaboration needed by an interdisciplinary team to improve the likelihood of achieving the plan’s objective. Include best practices of interdisciplinary collaboration from the literature.
  • Competency 4: Explain how change management theories and leadership strategies can enable interdisciplinary teams to achieve specific organizational goals.
    • Explain a change theory and a leadership strategy, supported by relevant evidence, that are most likely to help an interdisciplinary team succeed in collaborating and implementing, or creating buy-in for, the project plan.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.
    • Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling.
    • Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references, exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.

Mulvale, G., Embrett, M., & Shaghayegh, D. R. (2016). ‘Gearing up’ to improve interprofessional collaboration in primary care: A systematic review and conceptual framework. BMC Family Practice17.


This assessment will allow you to describe a plan proposal that includes an analysis of best practices of interprofessional collaboration, change theory, leadership strategies, and organizational resources with a financial budget that can be used to solve the problem identified through the interview you conducted in the prior assessment.


Having reviewed the information gleaned from your professional interview and identified the issue, you will determine and present an objective for an interdisciplinary intervention to address the issue.Note: You will not be expected to implement the plan during this course. However, the plan should be evidence-based and realistic within the context of the issue and your interviewee’s organization.


For this assessment, use the context of the organization where you conducted your interview to develop a viable plan for an interdisciplinary team to address the issue you identified. Define a specific patient or organizational outcome or objective based on the information gathered in your interview.The goal of this assessment is to clearly lay out the improvement objective for your planned interdisciplinary intervention of the issue you identified. Additionally, be sure to further build on the leadership, change, and collaboration research you completed in the previous assessment. Look for specific, real-world ways in which those strategies and best practices could be applied to encourage buy-in for the plan or facilitate the implementation of the plan for the best possible outcome.

Using the Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Template [DOCX] will help you stay organized and concise. As you complete each section of the template, make sure you apply APA format to in-text citations for the evidence and best practices that inform your plan, as well as the reference list at the end.Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

  • Describe an objective and predictions for an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to achieve a specific goal related to improving patient or organizational outcomes.
  • Explain a change theory and a leadership strategy, supported by relevant evidence, that is most likely to help an interdisciplinary team succeed in collaborating and implementing, or creating buy-in for, the project plan.
  • Explain the collaboration needed by an interdisciplinary team to improve the likelihood of achieving the plan’s objective. Include best practices of interdisciplinary collaboration from the literature.
  • Explain organizational resources, including a financial budget, needed for the plan to succeed and the impacts on those resources if the improvements described in the plan are not made.
  • Communicate the interdisciplinary plan, with writing that is clear, logically organized, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.


  • Length of submission: Use the provided template. Remember that part of this assessment is to make the plan easy to understand and use, so it is critical that you are clear and concise. Most submissions will be 2 to 4 pages in length. Be sure to include a reference page at the end of the plan.
  • Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your central ideas. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.
  • APA formatting: Make sure that in-text citations and reference list follow current APA style.

Note: Faculty may use the Writing Feedback Tool when grading this assessment. The Writing Feedback Toolis designed to provide you with guidance and resources to develop your writing based on five core skills. You will find writing feedback in the Scoring Guide for the assessment, once your work has been evaluated.Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the final assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you complete the final Capstone course.

Capella University Interdisciplinary Collaboration Reflection Paper

Capella University Interdisciplinary Collaboration Reflection Paper

Capella University Interdisciplinary Collaboration Reflection Paper

For this assessment you will create a 5-10 minute video reflection on an experience in which you collaborated interprofessionally, as well as a brief discussion of an interprofessional collaboration scenario and how it could have been better approached.Interprofessional collaboration is a critical aspect of a nurse’s work. Through interprofessional collaboration, practitioners and patients share information and consider each other’s perspectives to better understand and address the many factors that contribute to health and well-being (Sullivan et al., 2015). Essentially, by collaborating, health care practitioners and patients can have better health outcomes. Nurses, who are often at the frontlines of interacting with various groups and records, are full partners in this approach to health care.

Reflection is a key part of building interprofessional competence, as it allows you to look critically at experiences and actions through specific lenses. From the standpoint of interprofessional collaboration, reflection can help you consider potential reasons for and causes of people’s actions and behaviors (Saunders et al., 2016). It also can provide opportunities to examine the roles team members adopted in a given situation as well as how the team could have worked more effectively.As you begin to prepare this assessment you are encouraged to complete the What is Reflective Practice? activity. The activity consists of five questions that will allow you the opportunity to practice self-reflection. The information gained from completing this formative will help with your success on the Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video assessment. Completing formatives is also a way to demonstrate course engagementNote: The Example Kaltura Reflection demonstrates how to cite sources appropriately in an oral presentation/video. The Example Kaltura Reflection video is not a reflection on the Vila Health activity. Your reflection assessment will focus on both your professional experience and the Vila Health activity as described in the scenario. Capella University Interdisciplinary Collaboration Reflection Paper



Saunders, R., Singer, R., Dugmore, H., Seaman, K., & Lake, F. (2016). Nursing students’ reflections on an interprofessional placement in ambulatory care. Reflective Practice, 17(4), 393–402.Sullivan, M., Kiovsky, R., Mason, D., Hill, C., Duke, C. (2015). Interprofessional collaboration and education. American Journal of Nursing, 115(3), 47–54.


  • Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health.
    • Identify how poor collaboration can result in inefficient management of human and financial resources supported by evidence from the literature.
  • Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes.
    • Reflect on an interdisciplinary collaboration experience noting ways in which it was successful and unsuccessful in achieving desired outcomes.
    • Identify best-practice interdisciplinary collaboration strategies to help a team to achieve its goals and work more effectively together.
  • Competency 4: Explain how change management theories and leadership strategies can enable interdisciplinary teams to achieve specific organizational goals.
    • Identify best-practice leadership strategies from the literature, which would improve an interdisciplinary team’s ability to achieve its goals.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.
    • Communicate via video with clear sound and light.
    • The full reference list is from relevant and evidence-based (published within 5 years) sources, exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.


This assessment will help you to become a reflective practitioner. By considering your own successes and shortcomings in interprofessional collaboration, you will increase awareness of your problem-solving abilities. You will create a video of your reflections, including a discussion of best practices of interprofessional collaboration and leadership strategies, cited in the literature.


As part of an initiative to build effective collaboration at your Vila Health site, where you are a nurse, you have been asked to reflect on a project or experience in which you collaborated interprofessionally and examine what happened during the collaboration, identifying positive aspects and areas for improvement.You have also been asked to review a series of events that took place at another Vila Health location and research interprofessional collaboration best practices and use the lessons learned from your experiences to make recommendations for improving interprofessional collaboration among their team. Your task is to create a 5–10 minute video reflection with suggestions for the Vila Health team that can be shared with leadership as well as Vila Health colleagues at your site. Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact DisabilityServices@Capella.edu to request accommodations. If, for some reason, you are unable to record a video, please contact your faculty member as soon as possible to explore options for completing the assessment.


Using Kaltura, record a 5–10 minute video reflection on an interprofessional collaboration experience from your personal practice, proposing suggestions on how to improve the collaboration presented in the Vila Health: Collaboration for Change activity.Be sure that your assessment addresses the following criteria. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you will know what is needed for a distinguished score:

  • Reflect on an interdisciplinary collaboration experience, noting ways in which it was successful and unsuccessful in achieving desired outcomes.
  • Identify how poor collaboration can result in inefficient management of human and financial resources, citing supporting evidence from the literature.
  • Identify best-practice leadership strategies from the literature that would improve an interdisciplinary team’s ability to achieve its goals, citing at least one author from the literature.
  • Identify best-practice interdisciplinary collaboration strategies to help a team achieve its goals and work together, citing the work of at least one author.
  • Communicate in a professional manner, is easily audible, and uses proper grammar. Format reference list in current APA style.

You will need to relate an experience that you have had collaborating on a project. This could be at your current or former place of practice, or another relevant project that will enable you to address the requirements. In addition to describing your experience, you should explain aspects of the collaboration that helped the team make progress toward relevant goals or outcomes, as well as aspects of the collaboration that could have been improved.A simplified gap-analysis approach may be useful:

  • What happened?
  • What went well?
  • What did not go well?
    • What should have happened?

After your personal reflection, examine the scenario in the Vila Health activity and discuss the ways in which the interdisciplinary team did not collaborate effectively and the negative implications for the human and financial resources of the interdisciplinary team and the organization as a whole.Building on this investigation, identify at least one leadership best practice or strategy that you believe would improve the team’s ability to achieve their goals. Be sure to identify the strategy and its source or author and provide a brief rationale for your choice of strategy.Additionally, identify at least one interdisciplinary collaboration best practice or strategy to help the team achieve its goals and work more effectively together. Again, identify the strategy, its source, and reasons why you think it will be effective.You are encouraged to integrate lessons learned from your self-reflection to support and enrich your discussion of the Vila Health activity.You are required to submit an APA-formatted reference list for any sources that you cited specifically in your video or used to inform your presentation. The Example Kaltura Reflection will show you how to cite scholarly sources in the context of an oral presentation.Refer to the Campus tutorial Using Kaltura [PDF] as needed to record and upload your reflection.


  • References: Cite at least 3 professional or scholarly sources of evidence to support the assertions you make in your video. Include additional properly cited references as necessary to support your statements.
  • APA Reference Page: Submit a correctly formatted APA reference page that shows all the sources you used to create and deliver your video.
    • You may wish to refer to the Campus APA Module for more information on applying APA style.

Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the final assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you complete the final Capstone course.

FPX 4102 Capella University Conflict Resolution Presentation

FPX 4102 Capella University Conflict Resolution Presentation

FPX 4102 Capella University Conflict Resolution Presentation

Create 8-12 slides of PowerPoint presentation with 5-10 minutes of recorded audio that will address conflict resolution with regards to a specific scenario that is depicted in the assessment media.


Conflict is inevitable at any level in any organization or industry. Leaders must be ready and able to properly address conflict when it arises. This is to minimize disruptions and negative impact on employees. It is also important to remember that not all conflict is negative. Conflict can actually be positive when it minimizes or prevents groupthink, which occurs when team members are more concerned with cohesiveness and avoiding conflict than they are with high performance. When groupthink occurs, team members simply agree with their peers instead of voicing their opinions or offering alternate solutions. Leaders must recognize when this happens and strive to create a healthy team environment that promotes collaboration but welcomes differences of opinion.


As a health care leader, you will be called upon to resolve conflicts in your team and within your organization. You will need to manage conflicts that occur with you and also handle situations where you were not present. The media piece in the Vila Health: Conflict Resolution activity presents a scenario that you will review. After the review, prepare a PowerPoint presentation, accompanied by an audio recording, that you would give to hospital leadership to train them on how to handle situations such as this.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 2: Explain cultural competence and its relevance to health care management.
    • Explain how a lack of cultural competence can compound already stressful situations and impede collaboration.
  • Competency 3: Analyze communication styles and its impact on teamwork and collaboration.
    • Explain the communication techniques that should be avoided to include diverse cultures.
    • Discuss communication strategies that hospital leadership should promote within the organization to resolve conflicts.
    • Explain the role of relationships in communication and its impact on teamwork and collaboration.
    • Recommend strategies that could be implemented to improve the relationship between nursing and housekeeping.
  • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.
    • Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.
    • Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


The media piece in the Vila Health: Conflict Resolution activity will be used as context for this assessment. Work through the scenario and begin planning to resolve the conflict between the nursing and housekeeping staff.

Some guidelines as you start preparing for your assessment are as follows:

  • Begin your presentation by providing background information into the problem and explain how a lack of cultural competence can compound already stressful situations and impede collaboration.
    • This should be taken from the Vila Health: Conflict Resolution media piece, as well from the resources in the assessment, or your personal research.
  • Think about the communication techniques that were used in this simulation but should not have been used as they are related to diverse cultures.
    • In other words, what were the mistakes made in the media piece that you will want to avoid?
  • Think about the communication strategies that would most likely promote better understanding and help to resolve conflicts easily in the future.
  • Think about how communication between roles and individuals impacts their relationships and ability or willingness to collaborate.
  • Think about the communication and conflict resolution strategies that would be most relevant for improving the relationships between the nursing and housekeeping staff in this situation.


For this assessment, you will create an 8–12 slide PowerPoint presentation. The presentation should include a recorded audio that is 5–10 minutes in length. You may wish to consult these resources before starting your assessment:

  • Vila Health: Conflict Resolution | Transcript.
    • Use this as context and imagine you are presenting your PowerPoint to Vila Health leadership as a guide to effectively resolve situations like the one in the media piece in the future.
  • Using Kaltura [PDF].
    • This guide outlines the steps to creating a recording using Kaltura. You may wish to use this tool to record your presentation for this assessment.

You are free to organize your presentation however you like. One potential way to organize it is as follows:

  1. Cover slide: One slide that includes the name and number of the course, name of the project, submission date, name of the learner, and contact information.
  2. Introduction slide: One slide that provides a brief overview of conflict resolution and the case study. This is the elevator speech of the case study and captures an overview in a list format. Provide two short paragraphs in the speaking notes to support the points made in the list.
  3. Background slide: One slide that explains the background of the case study.
  4. Analysis of the situation: A section of two slides that explains how a lack of cultural competence can compound already stressful situations and impede collaboration.
  5. Communication slide 1: One slide that lists at least two communication strategies that leadership can use to help the organization resolve the conflict.
  6. Communication slide 2: One slide that explains the role of relationships in communication. You may wish to discuss the relationship between leaders and followers and also leaders overseeing teams.
  7. Communication slide 3: One slide that explains the role of communication in teamwork and collaboration.
  8. Application of literature to the case study: Recommend strategies that could be implemented to improve the relationship between nursing and housekeeping.
  9. Summary: One slide that sums up the case study.
  10. References: This section should list, in APA format, the scholarly references used to create the plan, especially with regard to the review of the literature.

When presenting, do not read directly from the slides; instead, contribute additional information or elaboration on the content provided. Also, the text on your slides should be organized by bullet points that highlight the key ideas for each slide, rather than writing out entire paragraphs of information. Though, you may find it useful to write a detailed outline or script as a reference while you create your audio recording. Record your presentation audio either directly into PowerPoint or by using Kaltura.

Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact Disabilityservices@capella.edu to request accommodations.

Additional Requirements
  • Structure: Include a slide with APA formatted references at the end of your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Length: 5 to 10 minutes in length. About 8–12 slides.
  • References: Cite at least three current scholarly or professional resources.
  • Format: Use APA style for references and citations.
    • You may wish to refer to the following APA resource to help with your structure, formatting, and style:
      • APA Style and Format.
      • APA Paper Tutorial.
      • APA Paper Template.
  • Font: Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced for narrative portions only.

Capella University Recruitment Process & Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

Capella University Recruitment Process & Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

Capella University Recruitment Process & Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal


  • Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health.
    • Explain organizational resources, including a financial budget, needed for the plan to be a success and the impacts on those resources if nothing is done, related to the improvements sought by the plan.
  • Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes.
    • Describe an objective and predictions for an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to achieve a specific objective related to improving patient or organizational outcomes.
    • Explain the collaboration needed by an interdisciplinary team to improve the likelihood of achieving the plan’s objective. Include best practices of interdisciplinary collaboration from the literature.
  • Competency 4: Explain how change management theories and leadership strategies can enable interdisciplinary teams to achieve specific organizational goals.
    • Explain a change theory and a leadership strategy, supported by relevant evidence, that are most likely to help an interdisciplinary team succeed in collaborating and implementing, or creating buy-in for, the project plan.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.
    • Communicate the interdisciplinary plan with writing that is clear, logically organized, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.



Berkow, S., Workman, J., Aronson, S., Stewart, J., Virkstis, K., & Kahn, M. (2012). Strengthening frontline nurse investment in organizational goals. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 42(3), 165–169.


This assessment will allow you to describe a plan proposal that includes an analysis of best practices of interprofessional collaboration, change theory, leadership strategies, and organizational resources with a financial budget that can be used to solve the problem identified through the interview you conducted in the prior assessment.


Having reviewed the information gleaned from your professional interview and identified the issue, you will determine and present an objective for an interdisciplinary intervention to address the issue.

Note: You will not be expected to implement the plan during this course. However, the plan should be evidence-based and realistic within the context of the issue and your interviewee’s organization.


For this assessment, use the context of the organization where you conducted your interview to develop a viable plan for an interdisciplinary team to address the issue you identified. Define a specific patient or organizational outcome or objective based on the information gathered in your interview.

The goal of this assessment is to clearly lay out the improvement objective for your planned interdisciplinary intervention of the issue you identified. Additionally, be sure to further build on the leadership, change, and collaboration research you completed in the previous assessment. Look for specific, real-world ways in which those strategies and best practices could be applied to encourage buy-in for the plan or facilitate the implementation of the plan for the best possible outcome.

Using the Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Template [DOCX] will help you stay organized and concise. As you complete each section of the template, make sure you apply APA format to in-text citations for the evidence and best practices that inform your plan, as well as the reference list at the end.

Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

  • Describe an objective and predictions for an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to achieve a specific goal related to improving patient or organizational outcomes.
  • Explain a change theory and a leadership strategy, supported by relevant evidence, that is most likely to help an interdisciplinary team succeed in collaborating and implementing, or creating buy-in for, the project plan.
  • Explain the collaboration needed by an interdisciplinary team to improve the likelihood of achieving the plan’s objective. Include best practices of interdisciplinary collaboration from the literature.
  • Explain organizational resources, including a financial budget, needed for the plan to succeed and the impacts on those resources if the improvements described in the plan are not made.
  • Communicate the interdisciplinary plan, with writing that is clear, logically organized, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.


  • Length of submission: Use the provided template. Remember that part of this assessment is to make the plan easy to understand and use, so it is critical that you are clear and concise. Most submissions will be 2 to 4 pages in length. Be sure to include a reference page at the end of the plan.
  • Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your central ideas. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.
  • APA formatting: Make sure that in-text citations and reference list follow current APA style.