Securing Financing Research Paper

 Securing Financing Research Paper


Conduct research and write a 4-5 page paper on financial strategies that healthcare organizations use to secure financing, while considering the current economic status (Florida). In your paper, be sure to do the following:

Discuss different options for securing financing. Consider capital investment methods.

Determine if the climate is ideal for the organization to seek expansion in (Florida).

  • Share a potential challenge the organization may encounter outside of financing.
  • Consider whether there are alternatives to borrowing from a bank.
  • Provide insight on the break-even analysis.
  • Provide recommendation on best capital investment method and whether the time is right for expansion.

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    Securing Financing Research Paper
    Securing Financing Research Paper

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Social Media Plan Paper

Social Media Plan Paper

This course is all about social media, so your project should be creative and reflective of the components of the course. Select one of the following ways to complete your final project:

  • PowerPoint
  • YouTube/Video
  • Movie
  • Brochure/Pamphlet
  • Song
  • SlideShare
  • Interview Form
  • Podcast Form
  • Live Social Media Feed

There will be the option to present your project to your instructor and class in the live classroom, so begin thinking about if this is something you’d like to do.

We’ll be fleshing out your previous work to work on a rough draft of your final project for this module..

As a refresher, you have already completed the following:

  1. Select a Topic (some ideas are listed below)
  2. Is there something specific you’d like to learn more about? What information do you already know about your topic?
  3. Provide a brief overview of your topic.
  4. Be specific and chat about the who, what, where, when, and why.
  5. Choose a theory
  6. What theory can you relate to your topic? How does it support your topic? What can the audience learn about your topic through this theory?
  7. Relate it to class
  8. Discuss how your chosen topic relates to what you’ve learned so far in the course.
  9. How does social media affect attitude and behavior about your topic?
  10. How does this impact communication?
  11. Sources
  12. Find two sources this week that can help support your thoughts and claims.
  13. Be sure to include in-text citations and a reference page.

This week, you will work on completing the following:

  1. Choose the way you want to complete your project.
  2. Begin adding all previous information from your topic selection.
  3. Expand and relate it to class
  4. How do societal standards and stereotypes affect your topic?
  5. What cultural issues are present?
  6. Does advertising or marketing relate to your topic at all? If so, how? (If not, do not add anything).
  7. How does violence in the media affect your topic? If so, how?
  8. Can you provide any relation to your theory and your chosen topic by now expanding on the above points?

Would like to do a powerpoint

Need to use one of the following theories not the theory in the uploaded doc but the uploaded doc is my chosen topic

Once we have changed behavior, we have to explain how and why it happened. Some of the most prominent theoretical views are listed below. They attempt to explain how frequent exposure to social medial might lead to changes in values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors.

Cultivation Theory

Cultivation theory explains that regular and frequent exposure to certain types of social media information have an effect on a person’s attitudes and behavior. Cultivation theorists believe that social media has effects that are small, gradual, indirect, and cumulative – they add up over time to change a person’s attitudes and behaviors, kind of like a stalagmite building up on a cave floor over the years.

Social Learning Theory

Social learning theory explains that we learn through observation. According to social learning theory, the three pieces of this puzzle are the person, the modeled behavior, and the environment. We form a model of behaviors without needing to actually do it ourselves – we can see someone almost being hit by a car in the street and know that we need to be very careful in the street without being (nearly) hit ourselves. We can watch a YouTube video on makeup application or car repair and then go on to try the process in real life.

Agenda Setting Theory

Agenda setting theory explains that social media influences people regarding what to think about rather than what to think. This theory holds that social media influences and amplifies our existing beliefs, and that people are willing to look to social media to cue us as to where we should focus our attention. You might see this as waves of people on your social media sites tend to post about similar issues, which gets you (and them) thinking about them more and leads to more posting for a while. Then the attention goes somewhere else. For example, for a while, the gold and white / blue and black dress was lighting up social media sites (google it if you don’t know), which led to a lot of discussions on visual processing and the work our brains do. Then along came the next big item on the agenda.

Uses and Gratification Theory

Uses and gratification theory identifies that people look to social media to escape from challenges or be entertained. This theory assumes that people are not passive, but are actively searching out and using the information they are consuming from social media sites.


Schemas are ways of organizing our world. We all have stereotypes that help us classify people and things. Schemas are not a theory, per se, but an explanation on how our memory organizes information. Jean Piaget developed the use of schemas to explain not only how we categorize our knowledge, but how we utilize that knowledge as well.

For example, if someone asks you to describe a Republican or a Democrat, how would you do that? You may have a particular schema of a person belonging to one or the other political party. Your information on political parties may be extensive or limited, so how you explain a person from each party will reflect that level of expertise. If you were someone who routinely watches a particular 24-hour news network, your schema may change toward a particular party as you assimilate the new information into your original framework (schema) of that political party.

In the same light, viewing the social media networks may alter or accommodate your existing schema to fit the new information.


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Social Media Plan Paper
Social Media Plan Paper

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Message in a Ad by Adidas Paper

Message in a Ad by Adidas Paper


We’re talking a lot about advertising and social media this week. Let’s apply this directly to one of the successful ad campaigns listed below:

  • #HereToCreate by Adidas
  • #PutACanOnIt by Red Bull
  • #TweetFromTheSeat by Charmin
  • #MyCalvins by Calvin Klein
  • #NationalFriedChickenDay by KFC
  • #WeAccept by Airbnb
  • #DoUsAFlavor by Lays
  • #ShareYourEars by Disney

In a minimum of 2 pages, please do the following:

  1. Summarize: Provide a summary of the ad and include a screenshot, and explain what the intent behind the ad is.
  2. Analyze: Look at what the ad actually says
  3. Describe: How social media play into the intent and the actual message?
  4. What made it successful (or not successful)?
  5. What ideas and opinions do you have about the product or brand after reviewing the ad?
  6. What can we learn about how businesses use Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, etc. to communicate, network, broaden their customer base, and promote their products/services?
  7. Must include a screenshot of the ad

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    Message in a Ad by Adidas
    Message in a Ad by Adidas

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Criminal Justice Questions

 Criminal Justice Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a criminal justice multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


The topic that I chose was gun laws and I need help expanding this I don’t know where to start.


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Criminal Justice Questions
Criminal Justice Questions

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Module 5 Writing Alexa Case Study

Module 5 Writing Alexa Case Study


Module 05 ContentIn the previous module, you were introduced to Alexa and you compiled your initial thoughts on what might be influencing her actions. If needed, please review the Module 04 case study and your assignment.In this assignment you will build on this knowledge to create a plan to implement trauma-informed care strategies to support Alexa.In a minimum of a one-page essay or bulleted list format, include the following information to create a trauma-informed care plan for Alexa. Use resources and include a reference page to validate your strategies as a best practice. Your plan should include the following:

Identification of two goals for Alexa. Describe how each goal will support her development.In connection with your goals, describe two proactive strategies that can be used to support Alexa to eliminate or decrease the frequency of triggers she is experiencing. Describe how eliminating the triggers will give Alexa a sense of security.

  1. In connection to your goals, describe at least three strategies you will use to build a responsive relationship with Alexa. Include details about how these strategies will support Alexa.

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    Module 5 Writing Alexa Case Study
    Module 5 Writing Alexa Case Study

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english composition- editing rough work

english composition- editing rough work

to improve the quality of this essay. You will show successful completion of this deliverable by:

  • Providing feedback for corrections/alterations using the Comments feature in Word (Review tab).
  • Respond to the six questions at the end of the student rough draft linked above.
  • Use complete sentences in all of your responses.

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    english composition- editing rough

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    We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium.

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Computer Science Worksheet

Computer Science Worksheet


At this point in time, you should have your program developed and ready to attach the database portion to it.

Submit your current program code. Your program should have the following:

  • Allow the user to navigate the program and input information that may be required to enter in sales/invoices, etc.
  • Allow the user to navigate the program and print out a variety of reports that would be proper for your system.
  • At this point you may use arrays/variables to demonstrate the report/input processing that is needed at this time.
  • Include a document that describes your current process:
  • You will need to explain the current state of your code and where you plan on going with it – i.e. steps needed to continue with the project.
  • Place this new version in your version control system so that on the next two deliverables it can be demonstrated if requested – please provide a screen shot.

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    We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium.

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Mental Health Worksheet

 Mental Health Worksheet


This discussion explores the discourse around mental health in digital spaces. By analyzing news stories, posts, tweets, videos, and other forms of social media associated with popular mental health hashtags, we will try to examine ways in which the narrative around mental health is being shaped in digital spaces every day, both by the general public and/or those who have experienced psychosocial distress themselves.

You are expected to gather information related to any ONE popular hashtag listed below associated with Mental Health:








# Bodypositive

Google one of the above hashtags and provide a brief but thorough summary of the hashtag.

  • What does it stand for?
  • How was it formed/who created it?
  • Who uses it?

Next, list three current news stories/feeds/posts/videos that are trending that relate to your chosen hashtag. Briefly discuss the trending items and how they relate to the selected hashtag. How is the narrative around mental health being shaped or influenced by this post? What might someone who has never experienced this situation/mental illness learn from this media? Would it be beneficial or inspiring to someone who has a mental illness?


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Mental Health Worksheet
Mental Health Worksheet

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Coronary Heart Disease Discussion Response

 Coronary Heart Disease Discussion Response


THIS IS THE ONE THAT I NEED YOUR HELP TO REPLY TO: Coronary heart disease is a very common heart condition; The significant blood vessels that supply the heart battle to send sufficient blood, oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle; Cholesterol stores (plaques) in the heart arteries and inflammation are normally the reason for coronary artery disease(Story, 2020). There are both modifiable and non modifiable risk factors for coronary artery disease. The non-modifiable risk factors include age of an individual, gender, and family history. Hence, older adults are exposed to risk factors such as hypertension, for example, for a longer periods of time. Interestingly and surprisingly, heart disease have been shown to kill more women than breast cancer; more specifically happens, in premenopausal women. Thus, gender plays a significant role. In addition, the risk of heart disease is also more likely to occur in individuals who has a family history of the condition. In other words and more specifically, risk of heart disease is greater for those with a family history of premature heart attacks. The modifiable risk factors include diabetes, hypertension and smoking. These risk factors can easily be modified by an individual who is determined to avoid coronary heart disease.    THIS IS THE DISCUSION POST I NEED HELP TO REPLY TO.


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 Coronary Heart Disease Discussion Response

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Coronary Heart Disease Discussion
Coronary Heart Disease Discussion Response

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We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium.

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Business Development Roadmap

Business Development Roadmap



You have decided to open a cupcake bakery and move your home-based business into a storefront. Recently, you met with SBA National, a non-profit, that focuses on helping entrepreneurs start their business with funding and guidance. The non-profit also hosts a business pitch competition to anyone who is a client. One of the requirements of the SBA business pitch competition is that each participant must do a Business Development Roadmap to document the process that you will use to create a business development strategy.


******Develop a Business Development Roadmap using the provided template.****

  • Include the following areas in your roadmap:
  • Planning and Identifying Priorities
  • Client prospecting
  • Market research on your industry and area
  • Networking strategy
  • Marketing strategy
  • For each area, list the key implications (opportunity or strength) to your business

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    Business Development Roadmap
    Business Development Roadmap

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    5. From there, the payment sections will show, follow the guided payment process and your order will be available for our writing team to work on it. 

    We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium.

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