Esubsequent Reporting of Incidences Data Analysis Paper

Esubsequent Reporting of Incidences Data Analysis Paper


You have recently been hired as an Emergency Services Analyst for the city of Lincolnton, NC. In this role, you are to analyze all emergency services incident patterns, collect statistics, prepare and disseminate information, and assist with special projects. Recently, you have been tasked with conducting analysis on the emergency services data from 911 related calls from around the city.

Part 1: You receive the email from your Director of Emergency Services, including an Excel file of source data, and are asked to analyze the calls from around the community. You will perform your analysis (in the same Excel spreadsheet) and provide an explanation in an email response (Word document). Download the source data file attached.

Within the spreadsheet, perform the following:

A. Prepare a dataset from the “Source Data” spreadsheet. Remove any potential errors or outliers, duplicate records, or data that are not necessary. Provide a clean copy of the data in your email response.

B. Explain why you removed each column and row from the “Source Data” spreadsheet or why you imputed data in empty fields as you prepared the data for analysis.

C. Create data sheets using your cleaned dataset and provide each of the following to represent the requested aggregated data.

a.      Table: date and number of events OR

b.      Bar graph: date and number of events

c.      Table: number of incident occurrences by event type OR

d.      Bar graph: number of incident occurrences by event type

e.      Table: sectors and number of events OR

f.       Bar graph: sectors and number of events

D. Summarize your observations from reviewing the datasheets you have created and include it as part of your introduction to your analysis report analysis in Part 2.

Part 2: Further, the state has offered an additional funding incentive for police departments that are able to meet the standard of having a minimum of 2.5 officers onsite per incident. The Director has delegated the task to you to analyze the police department’s data to determine if the department will be eligible for additional funding. You will use the same source data provided in the Excel spreadsheet. In a Word document, complete the following questions and include the summary from Part 1 in an analysis report.

E. Describe the fit of the linear regression line to the data, providing graphical representations or tables as evidence to support your description.

F. Describe the impact of the outliers on the regression model, providing graphical representations or tables as evidence to support your description.

G. Create a residual plot and explain how to improve the linear regression model based on your interpretation of the plot.

H. Using the linear regression analysis, explain if the department qualifies for additional state funding, including any limitations posed by the available data to the assessment of the department’s current funding eligibility.

I. Conduct a comparative matrix for the sectors. Explain how your findings impact the operations of the police department.

J. Describe the precautions or behaviors that should be exercised when working with and communicating about the sensitive data in this scenario.

K. Discuss any additional tools or technologies that could impact the data collection, storage, or analysis for future projects.

L. Provide attribution for credible sources needed in completing your report.


Submit your email document, analysis report, and completed Excel file in one zipped (compressed) file


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Esubsequent Reporting of Incidences Data Analysis Paper
Esubsequent Reporting of Incidences

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Corporate Social Responsibility Plan Paper

Corporate Social Responsibility Plan Paper



You have just received a promotion to Chief Sustainability Officer for TFord Incorporate. Recently, the company was fined for engaging with suppliers and vendors that did not employ ethical and environmentally sound practices. Your first task is to create part of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Plan dealing with supplier and vendor relationship management.


In Microsoft Word, create the section of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Plan that will contain a synopsis of how TFord can reassess the impact of their supplier and vendor strategies, tactics, and ethics on their competitive advantage and sustainability.

Your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Plan should include:

  • An introduction to the company’s new supplier and vendor relationship philosophy
  • An explanation of how TFord can use CSR in their supplier and vendor relationship strategies
  • An explanation of how TFord can use ethical practices in their business relationships with suppliers and vendors
  • A recommendation for how TFord can optimize the triple bottom line to support their competitive advantage and sustainability practices for suppliers and vendor management
  • Attribution for credible sources

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    Corporate Social Responsibility Plan

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JBH Electronics Essay

JBH Electronics Essay


Assignment Content

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Analyze supply chain strategy to ensure profitability and sustainability.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


In your role as a Business Process Consultant at Bryce-Kingston, you are writing an analysis for JBH Electronics who just received approval to acquire one of their competitors. The Board of Directors wants to ensure that the acquisition will be profitable and wants your perspective on how JBH can use a supply chain strategy to make the acquisition profitable. You will need to research the best practices in the industry for supply chain strategies.


  • Find supplemental articles and prepare an analysis outlining JBH’s profitability and sustainability strategy. Include the following in writing your analysis of the acquisition.
  • Using your supplemental articles, analyze a supply chain strategy for JBH Electronics.
  • Identify any potential issues and threats to resources that JBH may face.
  • Outline any potential areas to increase sustainability practices for JBH Electronics.
  • Based on your analysis and research, make a recommendation on JBH’s acquisition.
  • Provide attribution for credible sources.

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    JBH Electronics Essay
    JBH Electronics Essay

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Using the Scientific Method in Your Life Discussion

Using the Scientific Method in Your Life Discussion


Conduct your own physical experiment using the scientific method. Research the scientific method and give a 1-2 page written description of each step. You will then document your process with photos and/or video. Results will also be shared by uploading such media (or the links) of your process to the discussion board in this module. Save and submit the media in this exercise along with your 1-2 page written description.


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Using the Scientific Method in Your
Using the Scientific Method in Your

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Capital Investments Presentation

Capital Investments Presentation


Assignment Content


Critique organizational investments using forecasting scenarios.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


You are a production manager for Gold Corporation, a manufacturing company that manufactures bottles of liquid soap. The equipment you are using is over 20 years old, having been purchased when liquid soap first entered the retail market. While the equipment still works, you incur $100,000 annually in maintenance expenses because the equipment is old. You presently produce 1 million cases of liquid soap per year. This soap sells for $3 per case. Given the age of the equipment, you anticipate a decline in production of 50,000 cases in each of the next five years because of breakdowns in the equipment. You have been researching new production equipment and have found a new machine that will reduce annual operating costs to $48,000 per year and allow an increase in production over the 1 million cases presently being sold by sales and marketing. In conversations with sales and marketing, management believes that they can increase sales by 1% per year for the next five years. The new machine will have a fully loaded cost of $370,000, and an expected useful life of 5 years with no salvage value. The old machine can be sold today as scrap for $5,000.


Prepare a 6-10 slide PowerPoint presentation for management to demonstrate the following:

Develop a schedule of projected cash flows using current equipment including the reduction in future sales.

Develop a schedule of projected cash flows using discounted cash flows for the proposed new equipment.

Analyze the projected cash flows and evaluate the feasibility of the proposed capital investment.

Make a recommendation on the course of action management of Gold Corporation should take regarding the capital equipment used in this manufacturing process.


A 4 Mastery

Schedule of projected cash flows using current equipment is both accurate and cogent.

A 4 Mastery

Schedule of discounted cash flows using current equipment is both accurate and cogent.

A 4 Mastery

Accurately and cogently evaluates feasibility of the proposed capital investment.

A 4 Mastery

Accurate and articulate recommendation.


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Capital Investments Presentation
Capital Investments Presentation

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Transformational Leadership and Working from Home Presentation

 Transformational Leadership and Working from Home Presentation


Assignment Content


Critique the impact of leadership on organizational outcomes.


As part of a global pandemic in 2020, many companies directed their employees to work from home (WFH). There were so many uncertainties that companies were faced with making decisions on whether to continue with their WFH strategy. In the meantime, leadership worried about keeping their employees productive. Many leaders are still adjusting to this paradigm shift. As the organizational development manager, you decide to address the issue of WFH and the impact of this decision on the organization in a presentation in the upcoming C-suite leadership meeting.


Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that includes the following:

Discuss the transition from transactional leadership to transformational leadership practices and any obstacles leaders will face by not having a physical presence with their team (1-2 slides)

Describe the measurements a leader may take in order to ensure consistency and quality from their team while they are WFH (1-2 slides)

Explain how work from home can affect an organization overall and what the leader can do to maintain cohesion (1-2 slides)

Describe the steps a leader should take when their team is transitioning from the office to WFH (1-2 slides)


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 Transformational Leadership and Working from Home Presentation
Transformational Leadership and Working

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Transformational Leadership and Working from Home Presentation

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Body System Assessment Discussion

Body System Assessment Discussion


Conduct an assessment on the following body systems:

Head, Face, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat & Neck

You may conduct the assessment on a fellow student, friend, or family member. Remember to secure their permission.

  • Collect both subjective and objective data using the process described in the textbook.

Write a summary of the assessment and the skills utilized. Answer the following 3 questions in the summary. Do not disclose any patient identifiers.

What skills (assessment techniques) were utilized during the assessment?

What subjective data did you collect? (list your findings)

What objective data did you collect? (list your findings


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Body System Assessment Discussion
Body System Assessment Discussion

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Change Management Plan Essay

Change Management Plan Essay


Assignment Content


Critique the impact of leadership on organizational outcomes.


As part of a global pandemic in 2020, many companies directed their employees to work from home (WFH). There were so many uncertainties that companies were faced with making decisions on whether to continue with their WFH strategy. In the meantime, leadership worried about keeping their employees productive. Many leaders are still adjusting to this paradigm shift. As the organizational development manager, you decide to address the issue of WFH and the impact of this decision on the organization in a presentation in the upcoming C-suite leadership meeting.


Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that includes the following:

Title slide (1 slide)

Agenda (1 slide)

Discuss the transition from transactional leadership to transformational leadership practices and any obstacles leaders will face by not having a physical presence with their team (1-2 slides)

Describe the measurements a leader may take in order to ensure consistency and quality from their team while they are WFH (1-2 slides)

Explain how work from home can affect an organization overall and what the leader can do to maintain cohesion (1-2 slides)

Nutritional Diet Therapy for An MI Essay

Nutritional Diet Therapy for An MI Essay


The focus for this live classroom is a discussion about diet therapy for a 58 year old woman who experienced her first MI and is being discharged home. She currently works full time and is divorced. She lives in an apartment and has no family in the surrounding community.

To prepare for the live classroom session and your written submission, use your chapter readings, review of videos, course materials, research, and written assignments.

Be prepared to discuss the following:

  1. What should be the focus for her nutritional history and assessment?
  2. What dietary recommendations should be made?
  3. What obstacles to staying on the diet recommended might this woman encounter?
  4. What special considerations should you, as a nurse, be aware of?

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    Nutritional Diet Therapy for An
    Nutritional Diet Therapy for An

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    We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium.

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Multiculturalism Similarities and Differences of Cultures Paper

 Multiculturalism Similarities and Differences of Cultures Paper

Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to review personal

identification of one’s culture and how it translates to how one should view cultural dynamics as a Human Services professional working with diverse clientele.

Transferrable Skill: Diversity

Instructions: Dr. Rasmussen scheduled your supervision meeting for next Thursday. The email that Dr. Rasmussen provides you is as such:

Good Morning!

Thank you for accepting the email invitation for our second weekly supervision meeting. I want to give you an overview of what we will be discussing this week:

  1. We will discuss our client population and your experience of working with different cultures. Take time to think about the similarities and differences of cultures that you have interacted with at work, but also in your personal life. What sense have you made of these cultural dynamics that you have observed throughout your life? How does understanding differences and encountering unfamiliar cultures translate to your passion for working within the field of Human Services?
  2. I would also like to delve into your own cultural identity. Think about the cultural group(s) you identify with. Why is it important for all Human Services Professionals to promote the acceptance of all cultures and the inclusion of all cultures? What steps can this agency take towards ensuring the promotion of acceptance and the inclusion of all cultures so that the work done [as Human Services Professionals] is effective and efficient?

I look forward to conversing with you and having an interactive session. As your supervisor, my role is to serve as a vessel towards assisting you as you move towards becoming the best Human Services Professional possible. In the meantime, if you need me, please feel free to contact me!


Directions: Answer the following prompts presented in the email by Dr. Rasmussen (and listed below) as your initiative towards engaging with him before your scheduled supervision next week.

  • Take time to think about the similarities and differences of cultures that you have interacted with at work, but also in your personal life.
  • What sense have you made of these cultural dynamics that you have observed throughout your life?
  • How does understanding differences and encountering unfamiliar cultures translate to your passion for working within the field of Human Services?
  • Think about the cultural group(s) you identify with.
  • Why is it important for all Human Services Professionals to promote the acceptance of all cultures and the inclusion of all cultures?
  • What steps can this agency take towards ensuring the promotion of acceptance and the inclusion of all cultures so that the work done [as Human Services Professionals] is effective and efficient?

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     Multiculturalism Similarities and Differences of Cultures Paper
    Multiculturalism Similarities and

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    We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium.

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