Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory

Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory

Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective

of postmodern relativism within health care.

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Statistically detect wrong use of…: sun  son

 Potentially missing comma: 2022  2022,

Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory

Qiu sun

Grand Canyon University


Dr. Henry


Spirituality is often described as a journey of lived experience, characterised by a greater

sense of peace, meaning, purpose and connectedness (Burkhardt 1989, Ross 1994). An essential

characteristic of this emerging understanding of spirituality is that it is a uniquely individual

experience, though experienced in a relationship (McCarroll et al. 2005). The concept of

spirituality is not the same for everyone. With regard to Christianity, the word “spirituality” has a

more defined meaning than its general use in contemporary society. Specifically, it explores how

human values, lifestyles, and spiritual practices relate to a human understanding of God, human

identity, and the material world (Sheldrake, 2016 ).

In (Bogue & Hogan, 2020), According to Christianity, Jesus Christ was the Son of God,

fully human and divine, and through faith in him and following his teachings, one can inherit

eternal life. Christians believe that Jesus died for humanity, that God raised him from the dead,

and that Jesus will come again at the end of time. Christians also believe in the Trinity, or the

three parts of God: God the Father or Creator, God the Son (Jesus) or Redeemer, and God the

Holy Spirit or Sanctifier. Holy Spirit is the presence of God in the world. The scriptures of the

Christian worldview are called the Bible. Christians view the scriptures as the sacred Word of

God. God’s Word is sufficient for the Christian believer, bringing hope when facing all

challenges, including evil and suffering. Similar to this, when Christians are faced with a critical

illness, their religious beliefs provide them with spiritual comfort and enable them to find

meaning in life despite challenging circumstances. Christians view ethics as the process of

making judgments based on God’s instructions in the Bible. Briefly, Christian ethics is based on


God’s will. However, God never wills anything contrary to his unchanging moral character. To

illustrate, The commandment of God against murder (Geisler, 1989).

As a healthcare professional, it is essential to explore one’s worldview in order to provide

high-quality care for patients. A clear understanding of what health is and how to address issues

that may arise is crucial. Postmodernism relativism is a philosophy that holds that there is no

absolute truth, everything is relative (Zavada, 2021 ). With postmodern assumptions, nursing care

can also emphasize plurality, respect for cultural and individual differences, the relativity of truth

or reality, constructive discourse, different perspectives on special knowledge, positioning as

well as listening to different viewpoints. Moreover, postmodernists reject traditional truth and

any form of centralized thought, and they are opposed to any notion of a central truth in life

(Zardosht, 2020).


The roots of scientism extend as far back as early 17th century Europe, an era that came

to be known as the Scientific Revolution. Nevertheless, a torrent of new learning during the late

Renaissance challenged the authority of the ancients, causing long-established intellectual

foundations to crack(Burnett, 2012).

·Scientism, according to Worldview Analysis, is an activity that aims to investigate the

natural world using well-established, clearly defined methodologies. Given the complexity of the

 Spelling mist…: characterised  characterized

 Spelling mist…: connectedness  conceitedness

 not the same (diff…: not the same  different

 with/in reference to…: With regard to  About

 Spelling mistake: Sheldrake  Speedbrake

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Spelling mistake: Sanctifier  Sanctified

 Web Content:…

 sufficient (enough): sufficient  enough

 Web Content:…

 Web Content:…

 Spelling mistake: Zavada  Canada

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Spelling mistake: Zardosht  Hardest

 Web Content:…

 Web Content:…



cosmos, there are several scientific fields, each with its own set of tools, ranging from the very

large to the very small, inorganic to organic.



The two of the main arguments against it are the strong and weak issues about scientism;

Strong Issues that against scientism

Strong scientism holds that science is the only way to know the truth while all other

claims to knowledge are simply irrelevant.

 Possibly demeaning adverb: clearly  Web Content:…

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Three successive sentences begin with…: It

 Spelling mistake: sceptical  skeptical

 Spelling mistake: recognise  recognize

 majority (most, usually) wh…: majority  most

 Redundant phrase: all of the  all the

 Web Content:…

 on the other hand (…: on the other hand  but

 Spelling mistake: behaviour  behavior

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

·There is nothing that can be known outside of science, which is like to a successful

fisherman claiming that everything he can’t capture in his nets doesn’t exist. It’s mostly used as a

derogatory term to describe scientists who try to push science’s bounds beyond empiricism.

It is a philosophical thesis that falls within the epistemology sub-discipline. It is a thesis

about science rather than a thesis about science. In its most extreme version, the thesis asserts

that scientific knowledge, i.e. information created by the natural sciences of physics, chemistry,

and biology, is the only true knowledge. In its weaker version, the thesis acknowledges that

social sciences, humanities, and other fields have some cognitive worth, but asserts that natural

scientific knowledge is significantly better and authoritative, and is the “gold standard” of


Personal Inventory of Scientism:

Scientism is the presentation of science as a religion, such that individuals who subscribe

to this mode of thought are not sceptical of scientific concepts, or, as he puts it, only dubious of

ideas in which they have no trust. It is critical to recognise that the majority of peer-reviewed

publications are incorrect, yet many people accept them without inquiry. My most acquainted

area of scientism is bicycle research, which is a minor field of study yet has all of the tribal ideas

that apply to other fields.

Scientism, on the other hand, is a speculative worldview concerning the ultimate reality

and significance of the cosmos. Despite the reality that our world is home to millions of species,

scientism places a disproportionate amount of emphasis on human behaviour and ideas.



Contrary to what many others have noted, the term “scientism” comes out of the philosophy of science, and it is not intended to be loaded, positively or negatively. So without

getting into all its various uses, let’s start with a well-formed definition within the philosophy of

science, which involves how to interpret scientific propositions.

I propose that we distinguish between strong and weak views, as well as hard and soft

views, of scientism. The pretheoretically intuition is that there are some people who view science

as the only or best method to obtain knowledge. And of those, there are some who claim that

either nothing exists outside of that knowledge, or if it does, it is irrelevant since we can’t know it


Weak Issues that against scientism

That is, scientism considers values and goals to be less valid if decided without the use of

science. I would describe myself as subscribing to a weak form of scientism, I believe many

ethical, social, and political norms have been pretty well determined without science.

But I believe we could do better by applying the methods of science to those areas instead

of leaving them to philosophers and politicians. Until that happens, we should use the best tools


we have. It is typically applied critically, referring to the cosmetic application of science in

situations that are not accessible to the scientific process or equivalent scientific criteria.

What is ultimate reality?

Scientists feel we have enough brainpower to comprehend reality, and religions base their

beliefs upon faithful acceptance of revealed truth that exceeds our human mentality.

Ultimate Reality, if it existed would be an omniscient God’s eye view that would be able to take

in all aspects of both time and space, time in the sense that everything we know is in a process of

change for living creatures the process is from birth to death. We ourselves are inseparably part

of the process we call time/duration. Hence we are ourselves an integral part of this world we

seek to know. There goes objectivity in its purest form. The reality we know is the changing one

of process, not some metaphysical absolute static reality.

From these brain activities, we infer ‘reality’ and reproduce a representation from the

input our several senses give us, through a process of elimination of inconsequential detail. We

do this by focussing attention on the specific things of relevance each of us is interested in, we

form an idea not linguistically at this juncture) more like an image that is correlated across the

brain, and influenced by such other factors as physic emotions and visceral responses -such and

gut reactions to incoming input.

What is the nature of the universe?

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…  Passive voice: is not intended to be

 Spelling mist…: pretheoretica…  theoretically

 obtain (get): obtain  get

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Emphatic reflexive pronoun: We ourselves

 Punctuation error: Hence  Hence,

 Spelling mistake: focussing  focusing

 Unpaired braces, brackets, quotation m…: )





conscience are always pure positive is that it equals to your pure positive subconscious Soul,

your Higher Self.

What is knowledge?

Plato’s dialogue Theaetetus explores the ambiguity between a belief, which is often

termed an opinion, and a belief that qualifies as knowledge. The participants in the debate agree

that for an opinion to qualify as knowledge, it must be ‘true,’ because if the opinion, or belief,

turns out to be wrong, we will not consider it to have ever been knowledge. Although having a

correct belief is required for knowing, it is insufficient. For a real belief to be considered

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Passive voice: it is possible that

 Possibly demeaning adverb: obviously

 Possible wordiness: As to whether  Whether

 Redundant phrase: could possibly  could

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 Spelling mistake: chakras  charts

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The true nature of the universe, whatever that actually means, is fundamentally

unknowable, then it is beyond the scope of science, and so be it: we need only concern ourselves

with what we can measure and predict. There is no need to worry about what lies beyond human

comprehension if we could never know it. If you mean to ask if it is possible that there is some

form of behavior in this universe that we would never be able to model, I think this is a question

that we will, quite obviously, never know the answer to. But it doesn’t do us any good to worry

about it, and it shouldn’t change how we approach science. As to whether we could possibly

come to an end of progress in the predictive power of science, I suppose it is possible, but again,

grappling with this question is useless. I think there’s nothing to acknowledge or deny here,

really: this kind of thinking is just sort of tangential to scientific work.

What is a human being?

Based on my knowledge, a Human being has a body with energy channels and chakras,

points from where the energy is divided into your body. Around this life energies are astral

layers and an aura, this is the body of your Soul.

The Soul has an awareness too. When the Soul was attached to a human, a conscious part

of the Soul was created into your awareness, in most cases, this awareness had zero memory. To

have a new fresh start in this experience.

Besides this, your subconscious part of the Soul is your Higher Self. When you listen to

intuition and your conscience, you are listening to your Higher Self. The reason that intuition and

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

 Date: 01-Jul-2021



knowledge, something more is required.

What is your basis of ethics?

The answer is simple. It is the well-known corollary of the survival instinct, the Golden

Rule. It is hard-wired into all human beings. When they disobey it, their conscience bothers

them? Unfortunately, it is not the only instinct hard-wired into human beings. Fear, greed, lust,

gluttony, etc. are also hard-wired and they sometimes interfere with the practice of the Golden


What is the purpose of your existence?

Personally, the way I see it is that the purpose of life is for life to have a purpose, and that

purpose changes over time depending upon your life and existence thereby turning past purposes

into hobbies you still pursue. One defines their purpose as it relates to their own existence.


However, life and existence are tumultuous, unpredictable, roller coaster-like rides, and as one

age with the passage of time, their ideas, beliefs, and rationale may also change. Ultimately, thus

so must their life purpose. So as one age their life purpose will change to reflect the change in

their life.

For example, when you were six you may have decided that your life purpose was to

understand to the best of your ability the complexities of space, and so you pursued that purpose

and dream. Yet, as you aged you realized the crazy political social life we live in and decided to

be an activist and voice to the weak and vulnerable for example. Now you have a new purpose to

power you through life and give you meaning. However, this does not mean that past life

purposes fade out because of this purpose, more than likely you might end up turning that past

purpose into a fun hobby.



 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 comma between…: hard-wired an…  hard-wired, a…

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Punctuation error, sentence looks …: So as





Burkhardt MA (1989) Spirituality: an analysis of the concept. Holistic Nursing Practice 3, 69–


Bogue, David W & Hogan, Michael (2020). Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian

values and decision making in health care. Retrieved from

and-decision-making-in-health-care/v1.1/#/Chapter 1

Burnett, Tomas. (2012) “What Is Scientism? – AAAS – DoSER.” AAAS – DoSER,, 21 May 2012,

Geisler, N. L. (1989). Christian ethics (pp. 216-217). Baker Book House.

McCarroll P, O’Connor T, Meakes E, Meier A, O’Connor TSJ & VanKatwyk PL (2005)

Assessing plurality in spirituality defini- tions. In Spirituality and Health: Multi-

Disciplinary Explorations (Meier A, O’Connor TSJ & VanKatwyk PL eds). Wilfrid

Laurier University Press, Waterloo, pp. 43–59.

Sheldrake, P. (2016) Christian Spirituality and Social Transformation. Oxford Research

Encyclopedia of Religion. Retrieved 9 Apr. 2022, from


Zavada, Jack. (2021, September 4). What Is Postmodernism in Religion? Retrieved from

Zardosht, R. (2020). Nursing Care and Postmodernism. Future of Medical Education Journal,

10(2), 57-57. doi: 10.22038/fmej.2020.46519.1314


 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Hyphenation p…: decision maki…  decision-maki…

 Use an m-dash.: –  —

 Spelling mistake: sciencereligiondialogue

 Unpaired braces, brackets, quotation m…: (

 Spelling mistake: Meakes  Makes

 Spelling mistake: defini  define

 Spelling mistake: tions  tons

 Spelling mistake: Sheldrake  Speedbrake

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…


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