MMHA6200 Principles of Pop Health Week 8 Project

Walden MMHA6200 Principles of Pop Health Week 8 Project.

Final Project Program Evaluation
Throughout the past few weeks, you have been working on the many components of your Community Needs Assessment. You identified the top health problems in your community to propose a local health initiative. Then, you conducted a detailed SWOT analysis for your initiative. This week, you propose a pilot program to evaluate your initiative.
The Assignment
For this Assignment, in 4-6 pages design a pilot program and evaluation to address community needs for your Final Project initiative proposal. In your Assignment, be sure to include the following items:
Description of your proposed program that you developed in Weeks 3 and 6
Description of your proposed pilot program
Describe a small scale program that will help to determine the feasibility of your final project
Describe how many participants, staff, volunteers, and organizations will be involved
Description of your proposed evaluation of the pilot program including a tool (Six Sigma, TQM, etc…) to improve the proposed piloted processes
You may also develop a survey, use focus groups, or interviews for the evaluation process
Description of what other health care organizations and/or nongovernmental organizations have done to address your initiative.