MMHA6200 Principles of Pop Health Week 3 Project

Walden MMHA6200 Principles of Pop Health Week 3 Project.
Final Project Data Analysis and Initiative Proposal
Your final assignment for this course (referred to as the Final Project) begins in Week 3 with the completion of a Community Needs Assessment. This project builds by sections during Weeks 3, 6, 8, and 11. It is important that you select a health topic in Week 3 that you will be able to write about at length during the four weeks you are developing your project. This week, you begin your Community Needs Assessment Final Project by completing an analysis of your local community to identify the top health problems.
Community Needs Assessments are used by health care administrators, decision makers, and policy makers to identify health inequities and to ensure that health care resources are maximized for health improvement. A Community Needs Assessment describes the health and welfare of the priority population, identifies the major health risk factors, and the top health problems, and helps to identify the next steps to address these factors.
To prepare for this Assignment
Consider the parameters of your geographic area. This is a population based project; please choose a city or county in your state – or country. You will complete and submit both sections of the Data Collection Worksheet Template provided in this week’s Learning Resources.
The Assignment
Complete Section One of the Data Collection Worksheet Template provided in this week’s Learning Resources. The data you enter on the worksheet should be based on a city or county – plus US data. (International students may choose a region of their country and compare this data to their country’s national data)
Compare your city or county data to the national data in the appropriate column. You will summarize these findings in Section Two.
Complete Section Two.  Based on your analysis and identification of top health problems, choose one population health issue and reply to the questions/topics in this section.
Submit the entire worksheet, which includes your data in Section One and responses to the items in Section Two.
This assignment will be 4-5 pages.  The information will be used in your Final Project assignments during Weeks 6, 8, and 11.