Public School System Worksheet

Public School System Worksheet


You are working as an analytics developer for your local public school system. You need to run a couple of analytics on student data to analyze student population in a certain area. This requires you to read student data into SAS.

In this assignment, you will write a SAS script and explore various ways to read the data using the freeform list, column input, and formatted input.

You will create at least 5-6 sample rows for below sample data.

  • Student_ID
  • sName
  • sAddressline1
  • sAddressline2
  • sCity
  • sState
  • sZip

You can use the data below or create your own.

Student_ID Student_Name Addressline1 Addressline2 City State Zip

113081 Brian Orlando 875 Main Tallahassee Fl 33950

113082 William Reno 422 East D Unit 2 Apalachicola Fl 33951

113083 Linda Ciccone 428 Logee Apt 1 Woonsock Fl 11289

113084 Raymond Niquett 473 Grand Woonsock FL 11289

113085 Gina Knapp 123 Cape Drive Unit 3A Cape Coral Fl 33986

You will then create three types of SAS scripts and read the data using the three methods discussed in the live meeting and in your textbook readings; freeform list, column input, and formatted input. In each script, you need to use PROC PRINT statement and print the output. Consider the pros and cons of each data input method and consider any issues you may have and how to resolve them (Ex: embedded spaces don’t work for freeform input, adjust the data to make it work for that input method. Do this for each input method). These issues and ways to solve them will be discussed in the live meeting.

Please submit ONE word doc with the following to the dropbox:

  • Text of each SAS Script code (not a screenshot, I need to be able to run your code). You can include one document with all code included, clearly label each script.
  • A screenshot of each SAS script OUTPUT, clearly labeled.
  • A screenshot of ONE of your scripts that shows the code in SAS Studio. No need to do a screenshot of all three. Include the screenshot in the Word document, clearly labeled.

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    Public School System Worksheet
    Public School System Worksheet

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