Professional Development

I have developed a curriculum vitae to capture my academic and professional accomplishments to date. I have also developed a statement identifying one or more professional development goals, and a statement proposing how I might align one or more of these professional development goals with the University’s emphasis on social change.
The results of my efforts are below.
Directions: Complete Step 1 by developing (or copying and pasting) a curriculum vitae (CV) in the space provided. Complete Step 2 by completing a statement identifying your professional development goals space identified. Complete Step 3 by writing a statement proposing how you might align one or more of your professional development goals with the University’s emphasis on social change.
Step 1: Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Use the space below to write your CV based on your current education and professional background. Alternatively, you may write this in a separate document and copy/paste the results below.
NOTE: If needed there are a variety of online resources available with tips and samples of graduate nurse CVs.
Step 2: Professional Development Goals
Use the space below to write a statement identifying your professional development goals.
Step 3: Alignment with Social Change
Use the space below to write a statement proposing how you might align one or more of your professional development goals with the University’s emphasis on social change.

© 2018 Laureate Education Inc.
Professional Development Plan
Florence Nightingale
Walden University
NURS 6001, Section 10, Foundations of Graduate Study
November 1, 2014
Professional Development Plan
As graduate study in nursing begins, identifying the program of study and professional
development plan aligned with personal and professional goals is crucial. The purpose of this
assignment is to provide a description of my educational and professional background as well as
explore professional and personal goals related to the course and the practicum.
Education and Professional Background
My name is Florence Nightingale and I want to start by giving you some insight into my
personal life. I currently reside in Orange County, California, where the military has placed my
family. I am an army wife, an associate degree nurse, and a mother of two boys. From a small
town in Virginia, my only opportunity to obtain a higher education degree was to attend a local
college that offered a 2-year degree in nursing. I had an opportunity to begin my chosen
profession early, having a family, and never have to worry about finding employment. I always
knew I wanted to increase my knowledge and do more. Year after year it seemed impossible to
go back to school in the traditional way, since raising small children and moving interfered with
finishing a degree.
Nursing has been the most rewarding career. It is not a job to me but my life. My formal
education began in 1989 at a branch of Kent State University. I graduated with a Bachelor of
Science in Nursing (BSN) in 1993. Working and going to school full-time put a strain on my
grade point average (GPA), but the experience helped me grow both professionally and
personally to an independent self-motivated practitioner.
Currently, I work in an endoscopy department where I developed many standard
operating procedure guidelines which are being utilized throughout the hospital. I am also
planning to obtain my Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates (SGNA) certification
this year. Another certification workshop I plan to attend is a nurse management seminar in July.
Currently, I hold certifications in basic life support (BLS), advanced cardiac life support
(ACLS), pediatric advanced life support (PALS) and conscious sedation. Prior certifications held
were electrocardiogram (ECG) interpretation and neurology assessment.
My experiences are very diverse which has made me flexible, efficient, and have given
me a broad knowledge base. The different areas of expertise include neurology, orthopedics,
urology, day surgery, endoscopy, telemetry, home health, recovery, and research-based projects.
In many of these fields I was chosen to take on leadership roles such as charge nurse, team
leader, preceptor, computer specialist, educator, and admission/discharge specialist. I like new
challenges at work. Being involved in leadership roles confirmed my desire to advance my
career in leadership and administration.
Professional Goals
My personal goal is to do my best in all that I do and make a difference in people’s lives.
My professional goal is to obtain my Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) with the specialty
being in leadership and management. Reflecting on the University’s vision and mission
statement, it is a privilege to attend this graduate level program in order to learn how to
positively transform society for the greater global good.
As a professional, I want to personally make society a better place, not only for my
children, but for all the children of the future. Also, this specialization gives me a way to make a
difference in the community around me that would not be possible at my current degree status.
My experience has proven that to be a great leader, you must first serve. As a professional, I
desire to serve my community through various outreach programs that will provide members
with the tools and information needed to improve overall health and wellness. I also desire to
make a difference as a leader in the organization I serve. I want to transform the landscape of
positively managing and leading staff. Lastly, I wish to obtain certification in my field as a nurse
leader. I am looking forward to accomplishing my professional goals and making a difference.
Course Outcomes
At first, being an adult in a learning atmosphere was a challenge for me. Through this
course, I have developed the skills necessary to function proficiently as an online learner. I
learned how to navigate through the various platform areas and more importantly, the resources
available to assist all students as they transition into an online learning environment. In addition,
I have learned new strategies that are helping me improve my ability to plan and manage my
time as a student while obtaining resources, using technology, and communicating effectively in
the online environment. Lastly, I developed sound knowledge of academic integrity and the
importance of crediting sources.
Although there are many areas this course has helped me improve upon, continued
growth is still needed. Since I have not been in a student role for many years, American
Psychological Association (APA) style of writing is new to me. This is where Walden’s online
program can help me reach my goals without sacrificing my commitment to my family. In order
to grow in my knowledge of APA, I plan to view several webinars offered by the Walden
Writing Center on this topic. In addition, I will seek out feedback from the Writing Center tutors
on written assignments.
I view the practicum as an exceptionally important part of the master’s education. I began
planning for the practicum in leadership on the day I was accepted into Walden’s nursing
program. I contacted a nurse manager, Victoria Smith, from a local acute care institution. I know
of Smith’s work and reputation as a nurse leader in our community. Smith agreed to serve as my
preceptor when it is time for me to enroll in the practicum. Although this will happen in two
years, Smith feels confident that she will continue to be in the current position and have the
flexibility to mentor a student.
During my practicum experience, I would like to develop and implement a nurse
preceptor program. In this program, I would like to develop several classes for experienced
nurses that want to become preceptors for new employees and graduate nurses. I believe more
needs to be done when it comes to preceptors understanding their role and how they can be
successful at meeting the needs of new employees and graduates.
I am excited for the journey ahead. I believe my experience and past education has
prepared me to be successful as I pursue my MSN degree. Moreover, as a graduate prepared
nurse, Walden will provide me with the knowledge and tools necessary to make a positive
impact in the world around me. Since starting back to school is a new experience, especially the
online program, I am planning to view webinars and to seek assistance from Writing Center
tutors to learn more about APA writing style. My degree completion date is February 2016. I
look forward to expanding my knowledge base as a scholar practitioner through Walden

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