Nurs6531 all assignments latest

Nurs6531 all assignments latest

Week 4 assignment Week 1 question

Assignment: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
As a future advanced practice nurse, it is important that
you are able to connect your classroom experience to your Practicum Experience.
By applying the concepts that you study in the classroom to clinical settings,
you enhance your professional competency. Each week, you complete an Assignment
such as Journal Entries and SOAP Notes that prompts you to reflect on your
Practicum Experiences and relate them to the material presented in the
classroom. This week, you begin documenting your Practicum Experiences in your
Practicum Journal.
To prepare for this course’s Practicum Experience, address
the following in your Practicum Journal:
Select and describe a nursing theory to guide your practice.
Develop goals and objectives for your Practicum Experience
in this course. When developing your goals and objectives, be sure to keep the
seven domains of practice in mind.
Create a timeline of practicum activities based on your
practicum requirements.
By Day 7 of Week 4
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 1 Journal
Entry, along with the Week 2 Journal Entry, the Week 3 SOAP Note, and Week 4
Journal Entry by Day 7 of Week 4.
Week 2 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on pattern recognition in diagnoses. Explain how pattern recognition of patient
symptoms might help lead to a diagnosis. If you have not yet been placed at a
practicum site, please contact your Instructor.
By Day 7 of Week 4
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 2 Journal
Entry, along with the Week 1 Journal Entry, the Week 3 SOAP Note, and Week 4
Journal Entry by Day 7 of Week 4.
Week 3 question
In addition to Journal Entries, SOAP Note submissions are a
way to reflect on your Practicum Experiences and connect these experiences to
your classroom experience. SOAP Notes, such as the ones required in this
course, are often used in clinical settings to document patient care. Please
refer to the Seidel, et. al. book excerpt and the Gagan article located in this
week’s Learning Resources for guidance on writing SOAP Notes.
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, select a
patient that you examined during the last 3 weeks. With this patient in mind,
address the following in a SOAP Note:
Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding
his or her personal and medical history?
Objective: What observations did you make during the
physical assessment?
Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a
minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest
priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?
Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary
diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management including
alternative therapies?
Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar
patient evaluation?
By Day 7 of Week 4
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 3 SOAP
Note along with your Journal Entries (Weeks 1, 2, and 4) by Day 7 of Week 4.
Week 4 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient with a known history of a cardiovascular disorder such as a blood
clot or arrhythmia. Describe the patient’s personal and medical history, drug
therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. If you did not evaluate a patient
with this background during the last four weeks, you may select a related case
study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical experiences.
By Day 7 of Week 4
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 4 Journal
Entry along with the Week 1 and Week 2 Journal Entries, and the Week 3 SOAP
Note by Day 7.
Note: Be sure to submit your Assignment to the appropriate
submission link below.
Submissions should match the following:
Week 1 Theory for Practice: Submit to the Assignment Part 1
– Week 4 submission link.
Week 2 Pattern Recognition: Submit to the Assignment Part 2
– Week 4 submission link.
Week 3 SOAP Note: Submit to the Assignment Part 3 – Week 4
submission link.
Week 4 CV Disorder: Submit to the Assignment Part 4 – Week 4
submission link
The Journal Entries are assessed with a Satisfactory (S) or
Unsatisfactory (U) score. This concept also applies to Weeks 7 and 10.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK4PTXAssgn+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 4 Assignment Part X links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK4PTXAssgn+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 5

Assignment 1: Application – Pulmonary Function Testing
Patients with respiratory disorders often require short-term
and long-term treatment. While short-term treatments may successfully relieve a
patient’s current symptoms, long-term treatment and management is a necessary
component of the care plan. Prior to establishing a care plan, it is essential
to complete a thorough patient evaluation. Patients presenting with symptoms of
respiratory disorders such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
frequently require pulmonary function testing. These pulmonary function tests
are designed to assess patient lung function. Results of these tests can be
used in conjunction with the COPD guidelines to develop effective treatment and
management plans for patients.
To prepare:
Review the COPD guidelines in the Global Initiative for
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease article in this week’s Learning Resources.
Reflect on COPD diagnosis, management, and prevention
strategies suggested in the guidelines. Consider how to implement these
strategies in a clinical setting.
Locate and select a case study from a reputable source on a
patient whose condition required pulmonary function testing.
Consider the COPD guidelines for diagnosis and think about a
potential diagnosis for the patient in the case study that you selected.
Reflect on treatment and management options based on the
patient’s diagnosis.
To complete:
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
Describe COPD diagnosis, management, and prevention
strategies suggested in the COPD guidelines. Explain how to implement these
strategies in a clinical setting.
Explain your diagnosis for the patient in the case study
that you selected. Compare the patient’s pulmonary function test results to the
COPD guidelines when making your diagnosis.
Describe treatment and management options based on the
patient’s diagnosis.
By Day 7 of Week 5
This Assignment is due.
Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers
submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The
Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those
required elements (available at All
papers submitted must use this formatting.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK5PTXAssgn1+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 5 Assignment 1 Part 1-3 links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK5PTXAssgn1+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 7

Week 5 question
Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient with a known history of asthma. Explain potential predisposing
genetic and environmental factors associated with asthma. If you did not
evaluate a patient with this background during the last 5 weeks, you may select
a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical
By Day 7 of Week 7
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 5 Journal
Entry along with the Week 6 Journal Entries and the Week 7 SOAP Note by Day 7
of Week 7
Week 6 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient who presented with abdominal pain. Describe the patient’s personal
and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. If you
did not evaluate a patient with this background during the last 6 weeks, you
may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous
clinical experiences.
By Day 7 of Week 7
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 6 Journal
Entry along with the Week 5 Journal Entry and the Week 7 SOAP Note by Day 7 of
Week 7
Week 7 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – SOAP Note and Journal
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, select a
patient whom you examined during the last 3 weeks. With this patient in mind,
address the following in a SOAP Note:
Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding
his or her personal and medical history?
Objective: What observations did you make during the
physical assessment?
Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a
minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest
priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?
Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary
diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management including
alternative therapies?
Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar
patient evaluation?
Please refer to the Learning Resources in Week 3 for
guidance on writing SOAP Notes.
By Day 7
This Assignment is due. You will submit the Week 7 SOAP Note
and your Journal Entries (Weeks 5, and 6) by Day 7.
Note: Be sure to submit your Assignment to the appropriate
submission link below.
Submissions should match the following:
Week 5 Asthma: Submit to the Assignment Part 1 – Week 7
submission link.
Week 6 Abdominal Pain: Submit to the Assignment Part 2 –
Week 7 submission link.
Week 7 SOAP Note: Submit to the Assignment Part 3 – Week 7
submission link.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK7PTXAssgn+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 7 Assignment Part X links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK7PTXAssgn+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 9

Week 8 question
Assignment 1: Application– Chronic Kidney Disease
According to the National Kidney Foundation, 26 million
adults in the United States have chronic kidney disease with millions of others
at risk (National Kidney Foundation, 2012). Over time, this disorder will
become progressively worse, and patients will eventually experience a loss of
renal function. Early detection and prevention is key for patients with this
disorder. For this reason, it is important for you, as the provider, to be
aware of various signs, symptoms, and risk factors of chronic kidney disease.
In this Assignment, you explore the disorder including the role that patient
history, physical exams, and diagnostics play in diagnosis and treatment.
To prepare:
Review Chapter 149 in Part 13 of the Buttaro et al. text in
this week’s Learning Resources. Reflect on the clinical presentation of chronic
kidney disease.
Think about how you might diagnose a patient with chronic
kidney disease. Consider the role that patient history, physical exams, and
diagnostics play in diagnosis.
Reflect on potential treatment options for chronic kidney
disease including the implications of prescribed drugs.
Consider the following patient factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, and behavior. Think about how these factors might impact the
diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease.
To complete:
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following
Describe the clinical presentation of chronic kidney
Explain how you might diagnose a patient with chronic kidney
disease including the role that patient history, physical exams, and
diagnostics play in diagnosis.
Explain implications of potential treatment options for this
disease including prescribed drugs.
Describe how patient factors might impact the diagnosis and
treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease.
Week 9 question
Assignment 1: Application – Chronic Kidney Disease (Due)
By Day 7
Submit Assignment: Chronic Kidney Disease. This Assignment
was presented in Week 8 and is due by Day 7 of Week 9.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK9Assgn+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 9 Assignment link.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK9Assgn+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 10

Week 8 question
Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient with a known history of a renal disorder. Describe the patient’s
personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care.
If you did not evaluate a patient with this background during the last 8 weeks,
you may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on
previous clinical experiences.
By Day 7 of Week 10
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 8 Journal
Entry along with the Week 9 Journal Entry and the Week 10 SOAP Note by Day 7 of
Week 10.
Week 9 question
Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient with a known history of a musculoskeletal disorder. Describe the
patient’s personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and
follow-up care. If you did not evaluate a patient with this background during
the last 9 weeks, you may select a related case study from a reputable source
or reflect on previous clinical experiences.
By Day 7 of Week 10
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 9 Journal
Entry along with the Week 8 Journal Entries, and the Week 10 SOAP Note by Day 7
of Week 10.
Week 10 question
Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – SOAP Note and Journal
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, select a
patient that you examined during the last 3 weeks. With this patient in mind,
address the following in a SOAP Note:
Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding
his or her personal and medical history?
Objective: What observations did you make during the
physical assessment?
Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a
minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest
priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?
Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary
diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management including
alternative therapies?
Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar
patient evaluation?
Please refer to the Learning Resources in Week 3 for
guidance on writing SOAP Notes.
By Day 7
You will submit the Week 10 SOAP Note and your Journal
Entries (Weeks 8 and 9) by Day 7.
Note: Be sure to submit your Assignment to the appropriate
submission link below.
Submissions should match the following:
Week 8 Renal Disorder: Submit to the Assignment 2 Part 1 –
Week 10 submission link.
Week 9 Musculoskeletal Disorder: Submit to the Assignment 2
Part 2 – Week 10 submission link.
Week 10 SOAP Note: Submit to the Assignment 2 Part 3 – Week
10 submission link.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK11PTXAssgn2+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 11 Assignment 2 Part X links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK11PTXAssgn2+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 11

Week 10 question
Assignment 1: Application – Patient Education on Stroke
A stroke is a serious disorder that impacts patients
quickly, requiring immediate intervention and treatment. Due to implications of
this disorder, patient education is essential for patient populations at an
increased risk of stroke. According to the National Stroke Association, up to
80% of strokes can be prevented in patients (National Stroke Association,
2012). For this reason, it is essential that you provide patients with the
education and tools necessary to reduce their risk as well as identify signs
and symptoms of strokes. In this Assignment, you have the opportunity to give
back to your practicum site by creating media to educate patients about stroke
prevention. When designing patient education media such as flyers, posters, and
music, it is important to consider strategies that meet the needs of the
patient population you treat at your practicum site.
Note: This Assignment is the focus of the week’s Discussion
and should be completed and ready to post by Day 4.
To prepare:
Review the stroke prevention articles in this week’s
Learning Resources.
Reflect on common lifestyle, behavioral, and cultural
choices of the population that you treat within your practicum setting.
Consider stroke prevention methods for this population.
Think about ways to educate patients on these prevention
methods. Consider educational pieces such as flyers, posters, or other media
that might be most effective with your patient population.
To complete:
Design a media piece to educate patients on stroke
prevention. You may create a flyer, poster, or any other media that is suitable
for your patient population.
By Day 7 of Week 11
This Assignment is due. Prior to your final submission, be
sure to use the feedback your colleagues provide in the Discussion to further
refine your stroke prevention media.
Week 11 question
Assignment 1: Application – Patient Education on Stroke
Prevention (Due)
By Day 7
Submit the Patient Education on Stroke Prevention
Assignment. This Assignment was presented in Week 10 and is due by Day 7.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK11Assgn1+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 11 Assignment 1 link.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK11Assgn1+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

Week 4

Week 1 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
As a future advanced practice nurse, it is important that
you are able to connect your classroom experience to your Practicum Experience.
By applying the concepts that you study in the classroom to clinical settings,
you enhance your professional competency. Each week, you complete an Assignment
such as Journal Entries and SOAP Notes that prompts you to reflect on your
Practicum Experiences and relate them to the material presented in the
classroom. This week, you begin documenting your Practicum Experiences in your
Practicum Journal.
To prepare for this course’s Practicum Experience, address
the following in your Practicum Journal:
Select and describe a nursing theory to guide your practice.
Develop goals and objectives for your Practicum Experience
in this course. When developing your goals and objectives, be sure to keep the
seven domains of practice in mind.
Create a timeline of practicum activities based on your
practicum requirements.
By Day 7 of Week 4
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 1 Journal
Entry, along with the Week 2 Journal Entry, the Week 3 SOAP Note, and Week 4
Journal Entry by Day 7 of Week 4.
Week 2 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on pattern recognition in diagnoses. Explain how pattern recognition of patient
symptoms might help lead to a diagnosis. If you have not yet been placed at a
practicum site, please contact your Instructor.
By Day 7 of Week 4
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 2 Journal
Entry, along with the Week 1 Journal Entry, the Week 3 SOAP Note, and Week 4
Journal Entry by Day 7 of Week 4.
Week 3 question
In addition to Journal Entries, SOAP Note submissions are a
way to reflect on your Practicum Experiences and connect these experiences to
your classroom experience. SOAP Notes, such as the ones required in this
course, are often used in clinical settings to document patient care. Please
refer to the Seidel, et. al. book excerpt and the Gagan article located in this
week’s Learning Resources for guidance on writing SOAP Notes.
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, select a
patient that you examined during the last 3 weeks. With this patient in mind,
address the following in a SOAP Note:
Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding
his or her personal and medical history?
Objective: What observations did you make during the
physical assessment?
Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a
minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest
priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?
Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary
diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management including
alternative therapies?
Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar
patient evaluation?
By Day 7 of Week 4
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 3 SOAP
Note along with your Journal Entries (Weeks 1, 2, and 4) by Day 7 of Week 4.
Week 4 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient with a known history of a cardiovascular disorder such as a blood
clot or arrhythmia. Describe the patient’s personal and medical history, drug
therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. If you did not evaluate a patient
with this background during the last four weeks, you may select a related case
study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical experiences.
By Day 7 of Week 4
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 4 Journal
Entry along with the Week 1 and Week 2 Journal Entries, and the Week 3 SOAP
Note by Day 7.
Note: Be sure to submit your Assignment to the appropriate
submission link below.
Submissions should match the following:
Week 1 Theory for Practice: Submit to the Assignment Part 1
– Week 4 submission link.
Week 2 Pattern Recognition: Submit to the Assignment Part 2
– Week 4 submission link.
Week 3 SOAP Note: Submit to the Assignment Part 3 – Week 4
submission link.
Week 4 CV Disorder: Submit to the Assignment Part 4 – Week 4
submission link
The Journal Entries are assessed with a Satisfactory (S) or
Unsatisfactory (U) score. This concept also applies to Weeks 7 and 10.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK4PTXAssgn+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 4 Assignment Part X links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK4PTXAssgn+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 5

Assignment 1: Application – Pulmonary Function Testing
Patients with respiratory disorders often require short-term
and long-term treatment. While short-term treatments may successfully relieve a
patient’s current symptoms, long-term treatment and management is a necessary
component of the care plan. Prior to establishing a care plan, it is essential
to complete a thorough patient evaluation. Patients presenting with symptoms of
respiratory disorders such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
frequently require pulmonary function testing. These pulmonary function tests
are designed to assess patient lung function. Results of these tests can be
used in conjunction with the COPD guidelines to develop effective treatment and
management plans for patients.
To prepare:
Review the COPD guidelines in the Global Initiative for
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease article in this week’s Learning Resources.
Reflect on COPD diagnosis, management, and prevention
strategies suggested in the guidelines. Consider how to implement these
strategies in a clinical setting.
Locate and select a case study from a reputable source on a
patient whose condition required pulmonary function testing.
Consider the COPD guidelines for diagnosis and think about a
potential diagnosis for the patient in the case study that you selected.
Reflect on treatment and management options based on the
patient’s diagnosis.
To complete:
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
Describe COPD diagnosis, management, and prevention
strategies suggested in the COPD guidelines. Explain how to implement these
strategies in a clinical setting.
Explain your diagnosis for the patient in the case study
that you selected. Compare the patient’s pulmonary function test results to the
COPD guidelines when making your diagnosis.
Describe treatment and management options based on the
patient’s diagnosis.
By Day 7 of Week 5
This Assignment is due.
Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers
submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The
Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those
required elements (available at All
papers submitted must use this formatting.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK5PTXAssgn1+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 5 Assignment 1 Part 1-3 links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK5PTXAssgn1+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 7

Week 5 question
Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient with a known history of asthma. Explain potential predisposing
genetic and environmental factors associated with asthma. If you did not
evaluate a patient with this background during the last 5 weeks, you may select
a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical
By Day 7 of Week 7
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 5 Journal
Entry along with the Week 6 Journal Entries and the Week 7 SOAP Note by Day 7
of Week 7
Week 6 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient who presented with abdominal pain. Describe the patient’s personal
and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. If you
did not evaluate a patient with this background during the last 6 weeks, you
may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous
clinical experiences.
By Day 7 of Week 7
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 6 Journal
Entry along with the Week 5 Journal Entry and the Week 7 SOAP Note by Day 7 of
Week 7
Week 7 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – SOAP Note and Journal
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, select a
patient whom you examined during the last 3 weeks. With this patient in mind,
address the following in a SOAP Note:
Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding
his or her personal and medical history?
Objective: What observations did you make during the
physical assessment?
Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a
minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest
priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?
Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary
diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management including
alternative therapies?
Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar
patient evaluation?
Please refer to the Learning Resources in Week 3 for
guidance on writing SOAP Notes.
By Day 7
This Assignment is due. You will submit the Week 7 SOAP Note
and your Journal Entries (Weeks 5, and 6) by Day 7.
Note: Be sure to submit your Assignment to the appropriate
submission link below.
Submissions should match the following:
Week 5 Asthma: Submit to the Assignment Part 1 – Week 7
submission link.
Week 6 Abdominal Pain: Submit to the Assignment Part 2 –
Week 7 submission link.
Week 7 SOAP Note: Submit to the Assignment Part 3 – Week 7
submission link.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK7PTXAssgn+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 7 Assignment Part X links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK7PTXAssgn+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 9

Week 8 question
Assignment 1: Application– Chronic Kidney Disease
According to the National Kidney Foundation, 26 million
adults in the United States have chronic kidney disease with millions of others
at risk (National Kidney Foundation, 2012). Over time, this disorder will
become progressively worse, and patients will eventually experience a loss of
renal function. Early detection and prevention is key for patients with this
disorder. For this reason, it is important for you, as the provider, to be
aware of various signs, symptoms, and risk factors of chronic kidney disease.
In this Assignment, you explore the disorder including the role that patient
history, physical exams, and diagnostics play in diagnosis and treatment.
To prepare:
Review Chapter 149 in Part 13 of the Buttaro et al. text in
this week’s Learning Resources. Reflect on the clinical presentation of chronic
kidney disease.
Think about how you might diagnose a patient with chronic
kidney disease. Consider the role that patient history, physical exams, and
diagnostics play in diagnosis.
Reflect on potential treatment options for chronic kidney
disease including the implications of prescribed drugs.
Consider the following patient factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, and behavior. Think about how these factors might impact the
diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease.
To complete:
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following
Describe the clinical presentation of chronic kidney
Explain how you might diagnose a patient with chronic kidney
disease including the role that patient history, physical exams, and
diagnostics play in diagnosis.
Explain implications of potential treatment options for this
disease including prescribed drugs.
Describe how patient factors might impact the diagnosis and
treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease.
Week 9 question
Assignment 1: Application – Chronic Kidney Disease (Due)
By Day 7
Submit Assignment: Chronic Kidney Disease. This Assignment
was presented in Week 8 and is due by Day 7 of Week 9.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK9Assgn+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 9 Assignment link.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK9Assgn+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 10

Week 8 question
Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient with a known history of a renal disorder. Describe the patient’s
personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care.
If you did not evaluate a patient with this background during the last 8 weeks,
you may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on
previous clinical experiences.
By Day 7 of Week 10
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 8 Journal
Entry along with the Week 9 Journal Entry and the Week 10 SOAP Note by Day 7 of
Week 10.
Week 9 question
Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient with a known history of a musculoskeletal disorder. Describe the
patient’s personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and
follow-up care. If you did not evaluate a patient with this background during
the last 9 weeks, you may select a related case study from a reputable source
or reflect on previous clinical experiences.
By Day 7 of Week 10
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 9 Journal
Entry along with the Week 8 Journal Entries, and the Week 10 SOAP Note by Day 7
of Week 10.
Week 10 question
Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – SOAP Note and Journal
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, select a
patient that you examined during the last 3 weeks. With this patient in mind,
address the following in a SOAP Note:
Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding
his or her personal and medical history?
Objective: What observations did you make during the
physical assessment?
Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a
minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest
priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?
Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary
diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management including
alternative therapies?
Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar
patient evaluation?
Please refer to the Learning Resources in Week 3 for
guidance on writing SOAP Notes.
By Day 7
You will submit the Week 10 SOAP Note and your Journal
Entries (Weeks 8 and 9) by Day 7.
Note: Be sure to submit your Assignment to the appropriate
submission link below.
Submissions should match the following:
Week 8 Renal Disorder: Submit to the Assignment 2 Part 1 –
Week 10 submission link.
Week 9 Musculoskeletal Disorder: Submit to the Assignment 2
Part 2 – Week 10 submission link.
Week 10 SOAP Note: Submit to the Assignment 2 Part 3 – Week
10 submission link.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK11PTXAssgn2+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 11 Assignment 2 Part X links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK11PTXAssgn2+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 11

Week 10 question
Assignment 1: Application – Patient Education on Stroke
A stroke is a serious disorder that impacts patients
quickly, requiring immediate intervention and treatment. Due to implications of
this disorder, patient education is essential for patient populations at an
increased risk of stroke. According to the National Stroke Association, up to
80% of strokes can be prevented in patients (National Stroke Association,
2012). For this reason, it is essential that you provide patients with the
education and tools necessary to reduce their risk as well as identify signs
and symptoms of strokes. In this Assignment, you have the opportunity to give
back to your practicum site by creating media to educate patients about stroke
prevention. When designing patient education media such as flyers, posters, and
music, it is important to consider strategies that meet the needs of the
patient population you treat at your practicum site.
Note: This Assignment is the focus of the week’s Discussion
and should be completed and ready to post by Day 4.
To prepare:
Review the stroke prevention articles in this week’s
Learning Resources.
Reflect on common lifestyle, behavioral, and cultural
choices of the population that you treat within your practicum setting.
Consider stroke prevention methods for this population.
Think about ways to educate patients on these prevention
methods. Consider educational pieces such as flyers, posters, or other media
that might be most effective with your patient population.
To complete:
Design a media piece to educate patients on stroke
prevention. You may create a flyer, poster, or any other media that is suitable
for your patient population.
By Day 7 of Week 11
This Assignment is due. Prior to your final submission, be
sure to use the feedback your colleagues provide in the Discussion to further
refine your stroke prevention media.
Week 11 question
Assignment 1: Application – Patient Education on Stroke
Prevention (Due)
By Day 7
Submit the Patient Education on Stroke Prevention
Assignment. This Assignment was presented in Week 10 and is due by Day 7.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK11Assgn1+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 11 Assignment 1 link.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK11Assgn1+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.