NURS6053 Week 7 Workplace Environment Assessment

NURS6053 Week 7 Workplace Environment Assessment

Clearly, diagnosis is a critical aspect of healthcare. However, the ultimate purpose of a diagnosis is the development and application of a series of treatments or protocols. Isolated recognition of a health issue does little to resolve it.
In this module’s Discussion, you applied the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory to diagnose potential problems with the civility of your organization. In this Portfolio Assignment, you will continue to analyze the results and apply published research to the development of a proposed treatment for any issues uncovered by the assessment.

Write a brief description of the results of your Work Environment Assessment. Based on the results, how civil is your workplace? Explain why your workplace is or is not civil. Then, describe a situation where you have experienced incivility in the workplace. How was this addressed? Be specific and provide examples.

Post a brief description of the results of your Work Environment Assessment. Based on the results, how civil is your workplace? Explain why your workplace is or is not civil. Then, describe a situation where you have experienced incivility in the workplace. How was this addressed? Be specific and provide examples. 

To Prepare:
· Review the Resources and examine the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory, found on page 20 of Clark (2015).
· Review the Work Environment Assessment Template.
· Reflect on the output of your Discussion post regarding your evaluation of workplace civility and the feedback received from colleagues.
· Select and review one or more of the following articles found in the Resources:
o Clark, Olender, Cardoni, and Kenski (2011)
o Clark (2018)
o Clark (2015)
o Griffin and Clark (2014)
The Assignment (3-6 pages total):

Part 1: Work Environment Assessment (1-2 pages)

· Review the Work Environment Assessment Template you completed for this Module’s Discussion.
· Describe the results of the Work Environment Assessment you completed on your workplace.
· Identify two things that surprised you about the results and one idea you believed prior to conducting the Assessment that was confirmed.
· Explain what the results of the Assessment suggest about the health and civility of your workplace.

Part 2: Reviewing the Literature (1-2 pages)

· Briefly describe the theory or concept presented in the article(s) you selected.
· Explain how the theory or concept presented in the article(s) relates to the results of your Work Environment Assessment.
· Explain how your organization could apply the theory highlighted in your selected article(s) to improve organizational health and/or create stronger work teams. Be specific and provide examples.

Part 3: Evidence-Based Strategies to Create High-Performance Interprofessional Teams (1–2 pages)

· Recommend at least two strategies, supported in the literature, that can be implemented to address any shortcomings revealed in your Work Environment Assessment.

· Recommend at least two strategies that can be implemented to bolster successful practices revealed in your Work Environment Assessment.

Part 1: Work Environment Assessment *Template, completed in the week 7 discussion, should not be submitted with this assignment · Describe the results of the Work Environment Assessment you completed on your workplace. · Identify two things that surprised you about the results and one idea that you believed prior to conducting the assessment that was confirmed. · Explain what the results of the assessment suggests about the health and civility of your workplace. = The responses accurately and thoroughly describe the results of the Work Environment Assessment completed on a workplace. … The responses thoroughly and clearly identify two surprising things about the results and thoroughly describe at least one idea that was believed prior to conducting the assessment that was confirmed. … The responses accurately and thoroughly explain in detail what the results of the assessment suggests about the health and civility of a workplace.

Part 2: Reviewing the Literature · Briefly describe the theory or concept presented in the article you selected. · Explain how the theory or concept presented in the article relates to the results of your Work Environment Assessment. · Explain how your organization could apply the theory highlighted in your selected article to improve organizational health and/or stronger work teams. Be specific and provide examples. = The responses accurately and thoroughly describe the theory or concept presented in the article selected. … The responses accurately and completely explain how the theory or concept presented in the article relates to the results of the Work Environment Assessment. … The responses accurately and thoroughly explain how an organization could apply the theory highlighted in the selected article to improve organizational health and/or stronger work teams. … Specific and detailed examples are provided which fully support the responses.

Part 3: Evidence-Based Strategies to Create High-Performance Interprofessional Teams · Recommend at least two strategies, supported in the literature, that can be implemented to address any shortcomings revealed in your Work Environment Assessment. · Recommend at least two strategies that can be implemented to bolster successful practices revealed in your Work Environment Assessment. = Using the literature, the responses clearly and thoroughly recommend at least two strategies that can be implemented to address any shortcomings revealed in the Work Environment Assessment. … The responses clearly and thoroughly recommend at least two strategies that can be implemented to bolster successful practices revealed in the Work Environment Assessment.

Resource Synthesis= Using proper in-text citations, the response fully integrates at least 2 outside resources and 2 or 3 course-specific resources.

Written Expression and Formatting—Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction is provided, which delineates all required criteria. = Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity. … A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided, which delineates all required criteria.

Written Expression and Formatting—English Writing Standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation. = Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.

Written Expression and Formatting: The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, running head, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list. = Uses correct APA format with no errors.

Required reading

· Broome, M., & Marshall, E. S. (2021).  Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

· Chapter 5, “Collaborative Leadership Contexts: It Is All About Working Together (pp. 155–178)

· Chapter 8, “Creating and Shaping the Organizational Environment and Culture to Support Practice Excellence” (pp. 237–272)

· Chapter 7, “Building Cohesive and Effective Teams” (pp. 212–231)

Select at least ONE of the following:

· Clark, C. M., Olender, L., Cardoni, C., Kenski, D. (2011).  Fostering civility in nursing education and practiceLinks to an external site.The Journal of Nursing Administration, 41(7/8), 324–330. 

· Clark, C. M. (2018). Combining cognitive rehearsal, simulation, and evidence-based scripting to address incivility.  Nurse EducatorLinks to an external site. .

· Clark, C. M. (2015). Conversations to inspire and promote a more civil workplace.  American Nurse Today, 10Links to an external site. (11), 18–23. Retrieved from

· Griffin, M., & Clark, C. M. (2014).  Revisiting cognitive rehearsal as an intervention against incivility and lateral violence in nursing: 10 years laterLinks to an external site.Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 45(12), 535–542.

Sample of what I did for class

With mounting evidence that a healthy work environment improves employee satisfaction, retention, patient outcomes, and organizational performance, many health organizations define the criteria for a healthy workplace for healthcare in the future. As leaders, we must be able to sense the health and well-being of our workplace. A healthy work environment necessitates strong nursing leadership at all levels. Creating a healthy work environment necessitates effective nursing leadership at all levels of the organization, particularly at the point of care, where most frontline staff work and patient care is delivered (Sherman & Pross, 2010). The health organization promotes broad communication, responsibility, hands-on collaboration with appropriate and qualified staff, shared decision-making with tangible leadership, professional growth, and employee recognition. (Coalition of Nursing Organizations, 2004).

Results of the Work Environment Assessment

The Clark Health Workplace Inventory revealed a score of 53, indicating my current work environment is unhealthy. Communication and professional development resources received the lowest score. The organization suffers from a lack of communication between leaders and other team members and inadequate teamwork and employee compassion.

Why the Workplace is not Civil

Employee happiness, engagement, and morale are all factors that negatively impact the workplace. The workplace is unfriendly because the employees, particularly the nursing staff, believe they are underappreciated, overworked, and underpaid. For example, a high staff turnover rate leads to many callouts, poor customer service, dissatisfied patients and family members, and low employee morale (Martin, 2017). Employees at this institution are unhappy, and most of them are leaving or switching to part-time or per diem work. The frontline staff, particularly the nursing team, are not involved in decision-making discussions that affect their work. Most of the nurses in this facility believe and feel that the managers do not care about them or how they think. The nurses believe that the managers do not listen to their issues and concerns and that their contributions or services are insignificant. These nurses’ feelings and beliefs in the facility have created a culture of intrinsic value distinct from that of the management team and the facility. As a result, it impacts the driving force of the facility’s success, resulting in a lack of interest and readiness for change.

Incivility Experience

For example, my numerous requests for professional development certifications, which would satisfy my desire for career advancement and promotion and benefit the organization with increased nursing care knowledge, were flatly ignored. For optimal patient care, nurse work environments must include open communication, growth opportunities, positive reinforcement, and a productive environment (Manning & Jones, 2021). Professional development interventions can improve job satisfaction and retention among nurses and other staff members. Significant recent findings demonstrated the link between improving nurses’ competency and expertise.

How it was Addressed

Good communication skills to address the manager’s behavior. A request for a private meeting with the manager was made. The manager was reminded of the effort that had been put into the projects, and it was made clear that recognition and acknowledgment of one’s participation and contribution to the projects would have been appreciated. The message was clear and precise, and intelligence techniques were employed. Emotional intelligence is a valuable skill that can help improve workplace communication, management, problem-solving, and relationships (Mcginnis, 2018). In this case, was used to explain how the manager’s actions affected those around him. Although the manager could not correct the incivility, dealing with the case resulted in an honest working relationship between us.


As leaders, we must all endeavor to build and maintain peaceful, healthy work cultures in which we communicate effectively and manage disagreement in a courteous and responsible manner. Communication that is straightforward and respectful promotes a civil work climate, encourages teamwork, and ultimately improves patient care. Acting against incivility by speaking up when it occurs. It may be the most effective strategy to stop it from happening (Clark, 2015).


Clark, C. M. (2015). Conversations to inspire and promote a more civil workplace. American Nurse Today, 10(11), 18–23. Retrieved from

Manning, J., & Jones, N. (2021). Improving Healthy Work Environments Through Specialty Nursing Professional Development. Journal of Radiology Nursing.

McGinnis, E. J.(2018). Developing the emotional intelligence of undergraduate music education majors: An exploratory study using Bradberry and Greaves’ (2009) emotional intelligence 2.0. Journal of Music Teacher Education, 27(2),11–22. Retrieved from

Martin, C. (2017). The effects of nurse staffing on quality of care. MEDSURG Nursing, 24(2), 4- 6. Retrieved from 9&sid=03853523-1b6b-40b1-b592-f045d264df9%40sdc-v-sessmgr02

Nurses Organization Alliance. (2004). Principles and elements of a healthy practice/work environment. Retrieved April 11, 2022, from

Sherman, R., & Pross, E., (2010). Growing Future Nurse Leaders to Build and Sustain Healthy Work Environments at the Unit Level. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 15(1). https://doi-10.3912/OJIN.Vol15No01Man01.

NURS6053 Week 7 Workplace Environment Assessment

How healthy is your workplace?

You may think your current organization operates seamlessly, or you may feel it has many issues. You may experience or even observe things that give you pause. Yet, much as you wouldn’t try to determine the health of a patient through mere observation, you should not attempt to gauge the health of your work environment based on observation and opinion. Often, there are issues you perceive as problems that others do not; similarly, issues may run much deeper than leadership recognizes.

There are many factors and measures that may impact organizational health. Among these is civility. While an organization can institute policies designed to promote such things as civility, how can it be sure these are managed effectively? In this Discussion, you will examine the use of tools in measuring workplace civility.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and examine the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory, found on page 20 of Clark (2015).
  • Review and complete the Work Environment Assessment Template in the Resources.
  • Post a brief description of the results of your Work Environment Assessment. Based on the results, how civil is your workplace? Explain why your workplace is or is not civil. Then, describe a situation where you have experienced incivility in the workplace. How was this addressed? Be specific and provide examples.

Sample 1 Week 7

Study shows that when a work environment is healthy, it brings lots of positive attribute to the job such as job satisfaction, staff retention, and patient safety (Marshall & Broome, 2017).  This week assignment focuses on how healthy is our work environment, according to Marshall & Broome (2017), interprofessional collaboration is necessary to achieve effective leadership in healthcare.  The following core values are essential for interprofessioal collaboration that influence quality patient care: respect, accountability, communication and teamwork (Marshall & Broome, 2017).  In order to address workplace incivility, one must do an organizational assessment.  Cynthia Clark developed Healthy Workplace Inventory to determine the health environment of a workplace.

            My workplace scored a 42 in Clark’s Healthy Workplace Inventory assessment, which states a score less than 50 is very unhealthy.  My workplace is not civil based on the following statements receiving “completely untrue” responses: high level of employee morale and job satisfaction, organization culture is assessed on an on going basis, there is comprehensive mentoring program for all employees, emphasis on employee wellness and self-care, sufficient resources for professional growth and development, workload is reasonable, manageable, and fairly distributed.  My organization has the possibilities of a mentoring program but lack resources to achieve it. 

            A situation I have experienced incivility in the workplace is bullying.  A nurse I oriented in the PICU started to spread rumors about me and it eventually got back to me.  I know conflict resolution is one of my weaknesses so I asked my manager to handle it.  The nurse ended up being spoken to twice by my manager for two different incidents.  After the third incident, I decided to talk to her myself with the charge nurse present in a private room.  After that conversation, she stopped spreading rumors and talking badly about me.

            With the purpose of nurturing a civil and collaborative culture health care professionals must focus on the higher purpose- providing safe, effective, patient care, and skilled communication (Clark, 2015).  Inter-collaboration among leaderships suggests a successful healthy work environment.  “High quality communication combined with high quality interpersonal relationships results in better patient outcome’”(Laureate Education, 2018).


Clark, C. M. (2015). Conversations to inspire and promote a more civil workplace. American Nurse Today10(11), 18-23. Retrieved from

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). Diagnosis: Communication Breakdown [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Marshall, E. S., & Broome, M. E. (2017). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

Sample 2 Week 7

NURS6053 Week 7 Discussion Template



Week 7 – 9 work must be scholarly and graduate level work. This assignment should not be a vehicle for venting but to describe a real workplace issue, identify an evidence-based solution, and provide constructive strategies for improvement based on theory and evidence in the literature.

By Day 3

Post a brief description of the results of your Work Environment Assessment. Based on the results, how civil is your workplace? Explain why your workplace is or is not civil. Then, describe a situation where you have experienced incivility in the workplace. How was this addressed? Be specific and provide examples.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days

If you’re using new terminology from the course readings

Define/Describe the terms in your own words (paraphrase) or quote the authors but use the appropriate APA citation!! Then… apply those terms to your situation.

· Define – Describe

· Analyze and Apply

· Support with Appropriate References


Level I Heading


1. Provide a brief description of the results of your Work Environment Assessment.

Workplace Assessment Summary

Support your work with course resources or published literature



2. Based on the results from criterion 1, how civil is your workplace?


Explain why your workplace is or is not civil

3. Provide an example of a situation where you experienced incivility in the workplace and how was this situation addressed

Addressing Incivility

Provide a brief example of an act of incivility either you experienced or witnessed (NOT A RUMOR). Provide an assessment of how the leadership in your organization managed this situation. MINIMAL use of first person is acceptable for this example.

Correlate your assessment with evidence from the literature.

Below is the APA scholarly format required for ALL Discussion Questions

1. APA does not allow a Level I heading “Introduction” for your introductory paragraph

2. Use the Level I headings provided for you below

3. Remove the Criteria # from the Level I headings before you post to the classroom

Do Not Include a Level I Heading for your introduction – APA does not allow us to use “Introduction” as a Level I Heading

The next page is the required template for your Discussion Question

· Please complete your response in this template then copy/paste into the Week 1 Discussion Question link

· This is a self-reflection assignment. MINIMAL use of first person is acceptable.

· Remove the criterion # from each section – they are included for your benefit only

According to (Marquis & Huston, 2017), effective leaders are vital to the success of an organization. Leaders are individuals with a formal title and those without a title, which can be just as effective. Transformational leaders empower and motivate nurses and can cultivate evidence-based, organizational culture change (Stetler, Richie, Rycroft-Malone, & Charns, 2014). However, informal leaders can influence the organizational climate by showing co-workers how to incorporate the change (Downey, Parslow, & Smart, 2011).

Workplace Assessment Summary

According to the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, to establish and sustain healthy work environments there are six standards skilled communication, true collaboration, effective decision-making, appropriate staffing, meaningful recognition, and authentic leadership. (Clark,2015). These standards help to provide a civil working environment. In the determination of workplace civilization and health of the environment of the workplace, the Clifton Workplace Assessment Tool was utilized.

The organization scores a 58, which determined an unhealthy work environment. The organization lacks communication, team work, compassion for employees, and burn out. If management communicated with their employees, they would see that they are overworked and underappreciated for the time they contribute to the organization.


Each department has one manager that is responsible to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) the Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) and the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The CEO and the CNO, along with the Board of Director’s approval, make the significant organizational and financial decisions. According to Marquis and Huston (2017), in a flat design, there is an attempt at decentralizing the organization. However, our significant decisions appear to come down from upper management.

Each department leader has control of hiring, firing, and most functional decisions (within the budget) in our organization, which is an example of decentralized decision making (Marquis & Huston, 2017). For civility to thrive in any workplace, leaders at all levels must hold themselves accountable for demonstrating organizational values and making sure their staff does too. The organization’s leaders generally exhibit and discuss values but also make it clear that meeting business objectives is always more important than adhering to company values this deems the facility uncivil.

Addressing Incivility

The acuity of the patients has been extremely high over the past year. Nurses and nursing aides are racking up the over-time. Our manager needed an extra nurse and aide on certain days. However, the new position control committee, comprised of the four department managers, the CEO, the CNO, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and the Chairman of the board must approve of any positions, declined this request. She was able to show the amount of overtime paid and pleaded for help since most of us were exhausted. Therefore, this made somewhat of an improvement that helped the staff not feel so overwhelmed.


Poor management and poor planning created a chaotic environment for the staff and our leaders. Mitchell (2013) states change usually fails because management (or the change agent) doesn’t follow a framework for change (Mitchell, 2013). Using a change framework could help improve action plans, communication, teamwork, and leadership. Proactive planning is critical for change to avoid organizational outcome failures (Marquis & Huston, 2017).


Clark, C.M. (2015). Conversations to inspire and promote a more civil workplace. American Nurse Today, 10(11), 18-23. Retrieved from

Downey, M., Parslow, S., & Smart, M. (2011). The hidden treasure in nursing leadership: informal leaders. Journal of Nursing Management, 19(4), 517-521.

Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2017). Organizational planning. Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (9th ed. (pp. 160-185). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Mitchell, G. (2013). Selecting the best theory to implement planned change. Nursing Management, 20(1), 32-37. Retrieved from


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Initial responses to the DQ should address all components of the questions asked, including a minimum of one scholarly source, and be at least 250 words. Successful responses are substantive (i.e., add something new to the discussion, engage others in the discussion, well-developed idea) and include at least one scholarly source. One or two-sentence responses, simple statements of agreement or “good post,” and responses that are off-topic will not count as substantive. Substantive responses should be at least 150 words. I encourage you to incorporate the readings from the week (as applicable) into your responses.

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