NURS2502 Pediatric Nursing Group Presentation

NURS2502 Pediatric Nursing Group Presentation

Learning Outcomes

  • Please refer to the Course Outline

Learning Objectives


  1. Review the corresponding chapter from Kennan-Lindsay, and Leifer, G. (2023), on the topic your group will be presenting. Pay careful attention to the information outlined in the textbook.
  2. Learners may use the textbook as a resource but must also include a minimum of 2 scholarly articles, published within the last 5-7 years.
  3. Connect with your 5-6 group Please be aware that your instructor may assign you a topic, a group, or both.
  4. Research your assigned medical condition while considering the following
    1. Pathophysiology of the condition
    2. Presentation (signs and symptoms)
    3. Diagnosis of disease/condition
    4. Treatment
    5. Prognosis
    6. Nursing Care and Interventions
    7. Patient Education
  5. Develop an original 20-minute presentation following the rubric Creativity is encouraged and your group may create anything if it addresses the points in the rubric and adheres to the 20- minute time frame.
  6. Presentations will be completed during class time as outlined by your instructor.
  7. To ensure class engagement, each group will need to prepare an interactive, hands-on, engaging classroom activity of their choosing as part of their presentation. For example, fill in the blanks, case studies, Kahoot, Please connect with your instructor prior to your presentation to approve your activity.
  8. Submit all presentation material via Brightspace electronic drop
  9. Complete your peer evaluation via MS Link provided on D2L Homepage.

Self-and-Peer Evaluation

Your instructor will create a form to rate your group members. This link will be sent or posted on D2L prior to the due date.

Please note- you will only rate yourself and the members of your group.

  • This section of the assignment is allotted as individual marks.
  • You will rate yourself and each group member based on the following criteria:
    1. Does equal share of work
    2. Meets deadlines/attends group meetings
    3. Provides respectful feedback
    4. Accepts feedback
    5. Actively participates in group (may organize meetings, provide leadership, or engage in group tasks, etc.)
  • Each member must submit their self-and-peer evaluations from the link provided in the D2L.
    • Each group member’s overall self-and-peer evaluation mark will be an average of all marks submitted for that individual.
    • If a group member does not submit their self-and-peer evaluation by the due date, or if it is incorrect/incomplete, that learner will receive a zero on this portion of the assignment.

    Please note: All peer evaluation marks are confidential. Learners should NOT be inquiring with group members regarding the peer evaluations mark they received. Any questions or concerns should be discussed with your instructor

    Assignment Writing Supports

    The Bow Valley College Library can help with searching research databases, finding scholarly articles, and APA formatting resources. Please visit for resources or stop by the library desk.

    Also note that Learner Success Services offers assignment support with APA, formatting, and grammar. You can connect with a Writing Specialist three different ways: Email, MS Teams, or in-person at the Academic Success Centre (N266).

    Plagiarism is a serious violation of professionalism and will result in consequences ranging from a reprimand to expulsion from the college. Refer to the Bow Valley College Academic Honesty Policy 500-1-7 as well as the Code of Conduct Policy 200-1-13.

    Turnitin is also a tool available to you on your assignment to assist you in ensuring you are following BVC’s Academic Honesty Policy regarding plagiarism and use of others work. Turnitin highlights resources used in your assignment. Learners obtain a score percentage based on similarities to other resources. A high score doesn’t necessarily mean you have plagiarized. Please review your score to ensure the citations and references you have used follow APA 7th edition standards. Direct quotes for example will flag a higher Turnitin score, paraphrasing your resources will help to reduce your score and shows better application and synthesis of the content. For questions about Turnitin please reach out to your instructor.

    Assignment extensions and late penalties will be considered as per BVC Guidelines.

    If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to your instructor for guidance and support.

SCORE A+ WITH HELP FROM OUR PROFESSIONAL WRITERS – NURS2502 Pediatric Nursing Group Presentation


Module 6 Seizure Disorders Cerebral Palsy Spina Bifida Module 7

Developmental Hip Dysplasia Muscular Dystrophy Developmental Hip Dysplasia Module 8

Asthma Cystic Fibrosis


Module 9

Patent Ductus Arteriosus Atrial Septal Defect Ventricular Septal Defect

Module 10

Hemophilia Sickle Cell Disease

Leukemia Module 11 Pyloric Stenosis

Cleft Lip and Palate Gastroesophageal Reflux Module 12 Hypospadias/Epispadias Module 13

Burns Dermatitis Module 14

Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Insipidus













Creative and

Engaging Delivery







Presentation lacks creativity and engagement. No forms of technology used; information provided through a lecture approach.

Presentation has attempted creative approaches, lacking engagement.

Presentation is creative and engaging.

Presentation uses different technology platforms and delivers information in a

creative way.


2 pts

Contains Interaction with Peers/Audience







Presentation does not engage or interact with peers/audience.

Presentation has minimal engagement with audience.

Presentation engages audience, interacts with

peers throughout presentation.


2 pts

Starts and Finishes on Time







Significantly longer or shorter than the given time limit (<10

min, >20 min)

Slightly shorter than the given time limit. (Between 10 and

15 minutes)

Within allotted time limit.

(15-20 minutes)


2 pts

Delivery is Fluid







Presentation is not fluid in delivery. Including clearly reading from script, muted technology, difficulties with using technology. Group members not active in presentation.

Presentation is fluid, script is well rehearsed, technology works smoothly. Some group members participate in presentation and delivery of information.

Occasionally choppy.

Well-rehearsed, smooth delivery. Highly effective in content delivery. Speech is clear and intelligible. All team members work in a cohesive fashion with effective technology.


2 pts


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Presentation Skills







Minimal to no presenting in a professional manner.

Appearance unprofessional. Presenters made little effort to engage the audience.

Time allotted was not utilized.

Time went over to the point where instructor needed to stop the presentation.

Most members presented themselves in a professional demeanor.


Most members strove to engage the audience.


Was able to answer most questions.


Time allotted was utilized well; did not go over allotted time.

All members introduced themselves, presented themselves in a professional manner and engaged the audience.


Allowed time for questions to be asked at the end of the presentation.


Time was fully utilized; did not go over the allotted time.


2 pts














Presentation does not outline the pathophysiology of the assigned topic.

Presentation minimally outlines the pathophysiology of the assigned topic.

Presentation outlines adequate pathophysiology of the assigned topic.

Presentation clearly outlines the pathophysiology

of the assigned topic.

3 pts

Presentation (signs

and symptoms)







Presentation does not outline the signs and symptoms of the assigned disease/condition. Does not cover any aspects of disease presentation.

Presentation shows minimal comprehension of disease presentation.

Outlines the signs and symptoms of the assigned topic, however, missing many important

aspects of disease presentation.

Presentation shows comprehension of disease presentation.

Outlines the signs and symptoms of the assigned topic. Covers all aspects of disease presentation.


2 pts








Presentation does not outline the treatment of the

assigned disease/condition.

Presentation shows minimal comprehension of

treatment of disease/condition.

Presentation outlines the common

treatment for assigned

Presentation clearly outlines and describes the

common methods of treatment for

3 pts

SCORE A+ WITH HELP FROM OUR PROFESSIONAL WRITERS – NURS2502 Pediatric Nursing Group Presentation




disease/condition, however, missing important details.

assigned disease/condition.









Presentation does not outline how the diagnosis is made for the assigned disease/condition.


Does not cover prognosis of disease/condition.

Presentation shows minimal comprehension of how the diagnosis is made for the assigned disease/condition.


Minimal discussion on prognosis of disease/condition.

Presentation outlines how the diagnosis is made for assigned disease/condition, however, missing important details.


Prognosis for assigned disease/condition is discussed.

Presentation clearly outlines and describes how the diagnosis is made for the assigned disease.


Prognosis for assigned disease/condition is clearly outlined.

3 pts

Nursing Care and








Presentation does not outline the nursing care or interventions of the assigned disease/condition.

Presentation shows minimal comprehension of nursing care and interventions for the assigned disease/condition. Missing many important details.

Presentation shows adequate comprehension of nursing care and interventions for the assigned disease/condition. Missing few important details.

Presentation shows exceptional comprehension of nursing care and interventions for the assigned disease/condition.

3 pts

Patient Education







Presentation does not provide any important patient education points.

Presentation shows minimal comprehension of patient education for the assigned disease/condition. Missing many important details.

Presentation shows adequate comprehension of patient education for the assigned disease/condition. Missing few important details.

Presentation shows exceptional comprehension of patient education for the assigned disease/condition.

3 pts







3 Marks







Minimal formatting (<25%) correct such as page number, title page, margins, heading, font size and type, italics, and spacing are incorrect and/or

not appropriately used

Some formatting (<50%) is correct such as Page number, title page, margins heading, font size and type, italics, spacing are incorrect and/or not appropriately used

Most formatting (75%) is correct. Page number, title page, margins heading, font size and type, italics, spacing are correct and appropriately used

Almost all Formatting (90%) is correct. Page number, title page, margins heading, font size and type, italics, spacing are correct and appropriately used (90%)

3 pts









Minimal citations (25%) are correct and/or no citations included



Plagiarism with visible intent

Some citations (50%) are correct/ appropriately used



Inadvertent or accidental Plagiarism

Most citations (75%) correct and appropriately used

Almost all citation (90%) is correct and appropriately used









Minimal Key Parts (25%) are present including Author, Date, Title, Container (journal, website, or book), Publisher / URL



References inappropriate or no resources used

Some Key Part (50%) are present including Author, Date, Title, Container (journal, website, or book), Publisher / URL



Contains minimal references that are superficial, questionable, and or not well researched

Most Key Part (75%) are present including Author, Date, Title, Container (journal, website, or book), Publisher / URL



Contains adequate references are scholarly, valid, credible, and well


Almost all Key Part (90%) are present including Author, Date, Title, Container (journal, website, or book), Publisher / URL



Contains many references are scholarly, valid, credible, and well researched








3 Marks







Work contains many spelling, mechanic, or grammatical errors (75%)

Work contains more than a few spelling, mechanic, or grammatical errors (50%)

Work contains few if any spelling, mechanic, or grammatical errors (25%)

No prominent errors interfere with reading. There is almost no spelling, mechanic, or grammatical errors (10%)

3 pts

Total:  / 33


 Keenan-Lindsay, L., & Leifer, G., (2023). Leifer’s introduction to maternity and pediatric nursing in Canada. (1st Ed.). Elsevier.

ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CLASS – NURS2502 Pediatric Nursing Group Presentation

Who we are

We are a professional custom writing website. If you have searched for a question and bumped into our website just know you are in the right place to get help with your coursework.

Do you handle any type of coursework?

Yes. We have posted our previous orders to display our experience. Since we have done this question before, we can also do it for you. To make sure we do it perfectly, please fill out our Order Form. Filling the order form correctly will assist our team in referencing, specifications, and future communication.

Is it hard to Place an Order?

  • 1. Click on “Order Now” on the main Menu and a new page will appear with an order form to be filled.
  • 2. Fill in your paper’s requirements in the “PAPER INFORMATION” section and the system will calculate your order price/cost.
  • 3. Fill in your paper’s academic level, deadline, and the required number of pages from the drop-down menus.
  • 4. Click “FINAL STEP” to enter your registration details and get an account with us for record-keeping and then, click on “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT” at the bottom of the page.
  • 5. From there, the payment sections will show, follow the guided payment process and your order will be available for our writing team to work on it.

SCORE A+ WITH HELP FROM OUR PROFESSIONAL WRITERS – NURS2502 Pediatric Nursing Group Presentation

We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium.

  • Discussion Questions (DQ)

Initial responses to the DQ should address all components of the questions asked, including a minimum of one scholarly source, and be at least 250 words. Successful responses are substantive (i.e., add something new to the discussion, engage others in the discussion, well-developed idea) and include at least one scholarly source. One or two-sentence responses, simple statements of agreement or “good post,” and responses that are off-topic will not count as substantive. Substantive responses should be at least 150 words. I encourage you to incorporate the readings from the week (as applicable) into your responses.

  • Weekly Participation

Your initial responses to the mandatory DQ do not count toward participation and are graded separately. In addition to the DQ responses, you must post at least one reply to peers (or me) on three separate days, for a total of three replies. Participation posts do not require a scholarly source/citation (unless you cite someone else’s work). Part of your weekly participation includes viewing the weekly announcement and attesting to watching it in the comments. These announcements are made to ensure you understand everything that is due during the week.

  • APA Format and Writing Quality

Familiarize yourself with the APA format and practice using it correctly. It is used for most writing assignments for your degree. Visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center, under the Resources tab in Loud-cloud for APA paper templates, citation examples, tips, etc. Points will be deducted for poor use of APA format or absence of APA format (if required). Cite all sources of information! When in doubt, cite the source. Paraphrasing also requires a citation. I highly recommend using the APA Publication Manual, 6th edition.

  • Use of Direct Quotes

I discourage over-utilization of direct quotes in DQs and assignments at the Master’s level and deduct points accordingly. As Masters’ level students, it is important that you be able to critically analyze and interpret information from journal articles and other resources. Simply restating someone else’s words does not demonstrate an understanding of the content or critical analysis of the content. It is best to paraphrase content and cite your source.

  • LopesWrite Policy

For assignments that need to be submitted to Lopes Write, please be sure you have received your report and Similarity Index (SI) percentage BEFORE you do a “final submit” to me. Once you have received your report, please review it. This report will show you grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors that can easily be fixed. Take the extra few minutes to review instead of getting counted off for these mistakes. Review your similarities. Did you forget to cite something? Did you not paraphrase well enough? Is your paper made up of someone else’s thoughts more than your own? Visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center, under the Resources tab in Loud-cloud for tips on improving your paper and SI score.

  • Late Policy

The university’s policy on late assignments is a 10% penalty PER DAY LATE. This also applies to late DQ replies. Please communicate with me if you anticipate having to submit an assignment late. I am happy to be flexible, with advance notice. We may be able to work out an extension based on extenuating circumstances. If you do not communicate with me before submitting an assignment late, the GCU late policy will be in effect. I do not accept assignments that are two or more weeks late unless we have worked out an extension. As per policy, no assignments are accepted after the last day of class. Any assignment submitted after midnight on the last day of class will not be accepted for grading. NURS2502 Pediatric Nursing Group Presentation

  • Communication

Communication is so very important. There are multiple ways to communicate with me: Questions to Instructor Forum: This is a great place to ask course content or assignment questions. If you have a question, there is a good chance one of your peers does as well. This is a public forum for the class. Individual Forum: This is a private forum to ask me questions or send me messages. This will be checked at least once every 24 hours. NURS2502 Pediatric Nursing Group Presentation

  • GuaranteeNURS2502 Pediatric Nursing Group Presentation

  • Zero Plagiarism
  • On-time delivery
  • A-Grade Papers
  • Free Revision
  • 24/7 Support
  • 100% Confidentiality
  • Professional Writers

  • Services Offered

  • Custom paper writing
  • Question and answers
  • Essay paper writing
  • Editing and proofreading
  • Plagiarism removal services
  • Multiple answer questions


We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium. NURS2502 Pediatric Nursing Group Presentation

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