NURS FPX 6214 Assessment 4 Staff Training Session
NURS FPX 6214 Assessment 4 Staff Training
Staff Training Session
Workplaces arrange employee training sessions to improve work efficiency, provide professional growth opportunities, and address the organization’s weaknesses, magnifying the value of training in healthcare settings as medical treatment strategies and healthcare technologies advance daily. For example, when a new telehealth technology is implemented, medical staff is crucial personnel and needs training on using that specific healthcare technology system (Chike-Harris et al., 2021).
NURS FPX 6214 Assessment 4 Staff Training Session
The staff training session will include essential aspects that need to be managed for the effective implementation of new telehealth technology, such as:
- The staff training session will include essential aspects that need to be managed for the effective implementation of new telehealth technology, such as:
- Whether the training session is aligned with proposed technology requirements and if it follows safety guidelines as outlined within the Health Insurance Portability and Affordability Act (HIPAA).
- If the training knowledge matches the skill levels of all staff members, including nurses, physicians, and technical staff. These groups may have various degrees of technical expertise and require different training sessions.
- Acknowledging that the training platform is as critical as the educational and technical requirements. Several training platforms, in-house and online, can complement the specific training needs. The training platform will be selected depending on organizational resources and the financial budget.
- Ensuring that the post-training assessment will also be organized to analyze the effectiveness of the training session.
- Additionally, ensuring that follow-up training sessions will be arranged as they are vital to assess prior training and improve the staff’s technical skills.
- Lastly, training knowledge will provide opportunities for developing skills in areas other than healthcare, like technical abilities and system evaluation techniques
Purpose of New Telehealth Technology
The new integrated patient portal software will provide our patients with online medical data and make the sharing and exchanging the data accessible. The use of patient portal software has facilitated nurses and physicians to quickly access patient data, enabling them to provide patients with faster healthcare assistance. In addition, quality assessments for medical facilities in the healthcare organization are possible through analytical teams, which assure safe patient care (Grossman et al., 2019).
The purpose of proposing the telehealth technology within the EMR system includes:
- Entering and extracting required data in a more organized and timely manner will improve treatment assessments.
- The availability of safer, up-to-date, and accurate patient data in multiple software applications and devices.
- Quicker access to healthcare records and patients’ personal information for improved medical care.
- Safe and reliable sharing and exchanging of information among multiple healthcare organizations.
- The portal allows physicians and pharmacists to prescribe proper medication and deliver safer treatment.
- Provides patient data privacy and safeguards critical healthcare information from misuse and potential hackers.
Use of New Telehealth Technology
The new patient portal is a digitalized patient management system that provides medical and treatment data for patients and contains their history. This telehealth technology will be used for effective communication among patients, nurses, physicians, and other healthcare organizations through one platform. In addition, the integrated software is used for collaborative and coordinated treatment strategies and improved medical interventions (Crossen et al., 2020).
The integrated telehealth technology system will be used to:
- Arrange online appointments and schedule check-ups.
- Organize healthcare data processes and analyze any necessary improvements.
- Track patient data and adjust treatment schedules according to their severity.
- Identify critical patients to prioritize their screening and routine check-ups.
- Keep track of the patient’s medical history and lab reports.
- Assess daily progress post personalized interventions through healthcare applications.
Downsides to Telehealth Technology
Patient portal software is an advanced system that utilizes cloud-based data for charting in the healthcare information system. Certain aspects of patient data that are constantly accessed could be compromised, creating challenges regarding data safety, immediate responses, and privacy concerns.
There are various downsides to the use of integrated telehealth technology, such as:
- The integrated system is costly its effects on the healthcare organization’s budget need to be monitored closely
- Handling the patient portal and integrating the billing processes will be an extra effort that engages the managers, technical staff, and account department.
- Patient data safety and privacy concerns are always present, and sharing data in the cloud can present many security challenges.
- The loss of patient data is also possible due to systemic technical errors.
- Protecting the system from cyber-attacks is another security challenge.
- The online healthcare information system could also affect remote patient care and user experience (McIntyre et al., 2020).
Potential Risks
Healthcare managers must assess the new telehealth to learn its workflow before implementation. An analysis of the potential risks of using the integrated software system is necessary to prevent medication and treatment errors. In addition, Telehealth technology could require additional effort and work hours for nurses and other medical staff, affecting patient care.
Some of the potential risks in the use of telehealth technology systems are:
- That patient harm is possible when integrated portals have technical issues leading to inaccurate patient data mistakes.
- Using software in the emergency department (ED) could harm the patients regarding delays in response times. Sometimes patient portals provide access to one data record at a time due to system errors and interface delays. Also, the medical staff may need to record data manually or remember it orally for entry into the system later.
- Critical patient information can be missed due to complex system interfaces. For example, extensive patient data is available through multiple devices, which may require more work to keep data up to date among all the integrated systems. Additionally, complex issues can lead to medication errors, missed patient histories, and emergency alerts.
- Also, telehealth technology within the EMR systems at different healthcare organizations may need to provide interaction for nursing collaboration. Although telehealth technology has been established to improve communication between different healthcare settings, workflow protocols still need to be established.
- Stress levels among nurses and doctors may increase with the EMR system. The upgraded telehealth technology could put too much responsibility, time consumption, and pressure on doctors as the main reasons for stress (Weber et al., 2021).
Potential Benefits
The integrated patient portal software is a powerful tool that will transform medical treatments and communication strategies. Improvements in healthcare delivery have become possible due to cloud-based technology, and there are certain benefits to using new upgraded technology that will benefit medical workers and patients, such as:
- Better and improved patient care through organized data chats and quicker access through personal IDs for nurses and patients.
- Patient-centered treatment techniques involve the patient’s participation in keeping follow-up appointments. It will motivate patients to stay positive by analyzing the treatment progress.
- Collaboration and coordination with patients will be improved through software applications regarding treatment improvement programs.
- Easy access to patient data will improve disease diagnosis and facilitate physicians in prescribing accurate prescriptions.
- Insurance policies and financial plans suggested by the information system may help patients worry less about expenses.
- Medical workers will improve evidence-based treatment strategies (Vimalananda et al., 2022).
NURS FPX 6214 Assessment 4 Staff Training Session
Reasons for Not Choosing an Integrated EMR System
There are several reasons why organizations may not choose to adopt an integrated EMR telehealth system. First, some organizations may not need an integrated system’s features or can get by with their existing separate EMR and telehealth systems.
Some of the most common reasons are:
- The cost of implementing such a system.
- The need for more flexibility that comes with an integrated system.
- Losing patient data is possible in cloud-based technology, preventing healthcare organizations from shifting to telehealth technology.
- More training for nurses and physicians is also a big issue when adopting integrated technology.
- Hacking software and technical issues cause healthcare organizations extra challenges (Cedillo et al., 2020).
Requirements for a Successful Deployment
Several requirements must be met to successfully deploy a new or upgraded telehealth technology. First, ensure the technology integrates seamlessly with the existing Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system. If the two systems are incompatible, nurses and physicians can have significant problems in their daily workflow. Additionally, it is vital to ensure that nurses and other medical workers are adequately trained in using the new technology, as they will interact with patients daily. Effective management of new telehealth technology implementation is also necessary for successful deployment. An extra workforce is also required for technical support and assistance. Finally, monitoring patient outcomes after the telehealth system’s implementation is essential to ensure a positive impact on care quality.
Training and Identification of Areas of Uncertainty
The integrated telehealth system will be a continuously evolving technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way health care is delivered. Despite this potential, significant challenges are associated with its practical use, particularly in provider training. Nurses and physicians must be trained appropriately to implement the software effectively. This includes understanding how to document patient encounters, system navigation, and utilizing clinical decision-support tools. Medical workers also need to be aware of the potential impact of EMR telehealth technology on patient care and outcomes.
Patients and their families must also be educated and trained about using the software. They should understand how their personal health information will be used and shared and what privacy protections are in place. They should also know how to access their records and ensure their accuracy.
There is still much uncertainty surrounding using EMRs and other telehealth systems, and more research is needed to determine their impact on providers and patients. First, however, all stakeholders must receive adequate training on these systems.
Patient Confidentiality and Privacy Safeguards
Integrating telehealth technology within the EMR system will improve patient outcomes and reduce medication errors; however, using an integrated system also raises concerns about the confidentiality of patients’ medical information. Nurses and physicians are typically responsible for inputting data into the system, which is accessible to other medical workers involved in the patient’s care. This raises the question of who should access the information and how it should be safeguarded (Shi et al., 2020).
There are several ways to address these concerns:
- One way is to limit access to the software to only those medical workers who need it.
- Another approach is to encrypt the data stored in the system so authorized users can only access it.
- Also, nurses and medical workers should be aware of the websites and malfunctions created by these websites and how to troubleshoot them.
- Additionally, accepting cookies from different websites will share the system information; nurses should know this.
- Software hacking can be avoided by installing robust and secure security systems.
Whatever approach is taken, protecting the patient’s confidentiality and privacy is essential. This will help to build trust between patients and their care providers and ultimately improve patient outcomes.
Assumptions on Which Safeguards are Based
There are several assumptions on which patient data privacy safeguards are based. One is that the healthcare providers’ integrated patient portal software is secure and cannot be hacked or compromised. Another assumption is that end users, such as healthcare providers and patients, will responsibly use the software and not engage in any activities that could jeopardize the security of patient data. Finally, it is assumed that viruses and other malicious software will not be able to penetrate the system and gain access to patient information. These assumptions are critical because they form the basis for ensuring that patient data remains private and confidential. Patient data privacy safeguards against emerging threats and vulnerabilities must constantly be reassessed. For example, if a new virus can infect EMR systems, security measures must be implemented to protect against new threats.
Evaluation of Effectiveness
The evaluation of the healthcare setting regarding the effectiveness of an integrated EMR telehealth system is essential to determine the potential value of this technology. There are many factors to consider when making this assessment, such as patient safety, healthcare expenses, and patient experience. Although it is difficult to make a definitive conclusion about the effectiveness of this system without further research, the available evidence suggests that it has the potential to improve patient care and reduce healthcare costs.
The effectiveness of telehealth technology can be evaluated by:
- An improvement in patient outcomes
- A reduction in medication errors
- An improvement in the work efficiency of nurses and physicians
- Better communication among nurses, physicians, and patients
- The cost-effectiveness of the technology
Ongoing Training and Technical Support for Nursing Staff
As healthcare demands continue to evolve, nursing staff needs to have access to ongoing training and technical support and keep their knowledge up to date with the latest developments in their fields while effectively caring for their patients.
Evidence-based practice is one type of ongoing training available to the nursing staff. Nurses will be trained in groups based on skills, and technical expertise, allowing them better to understand the technicalities of the new telehealth system. Training will be conducted in shifts to manage the staff and continue medical care. Support from other medical staff for nurses to adjust to their schedules is needed to accommodate the changing needs of patients. Additionally, remote care will be available for nurses who need it. This will allow them to provide care from a distance, which can be especially helpful for those patients who have difficulty traveling or live in rural areas (Taylor & Fuller, 2021).
Knowledge Gaps
Adequate training is required for nurses as telehealth technology becomes more integrated. However, a recent study has identified some knowledge gaps and areas of uncertainty among nurses regarding telehealth technology within EMRs. For example, many nurses needed clarification about properly documenting patient information in the system, searching for information within the software, and protecting patient privacy when using telehealth technology. These are all critical skills that nurses need to be proficient in when using an EMR (Jedwab et al., 2019). Moreover, some nurses may need to know the benefits of using integrated software, such as improved patient care and efficiency. These findings highlight the need for better nurse training in the telehealth system.
EMR and integrated technology are robust systems that provide advanced tools in the healthcare information system. They ensure better patient outcomes with improved treatment strategies. For example, implementing a patient portal within the EMR system in patient data management reduces medication errors and ultimately improves the public health and efficiency of the healthcare organization. Although telehealth technology provides various advantages and benefits in patient care, it also poses potential risks to patient safety and quality of care. These risks can be reduced by providing training sessions on the effective use of integrated technology, keeping the system up-to-date, and by technological requirements. The training session will also provide insight into the area’s privacy and confidentiality risks and knowledge gaps.
NURS FPX 6214 Assessment 4 Staff Training Session
Cedillo, P., Valdez, W., Cárdenas-Delgado, P., & Prado-Cabrera, D. (2020). A data-as-a-service metamodel for managing information of healthcare and internet of things applications. In (Ed.), Information and communication technologies (pp. 272–286). Springer International Publishing.
Chike-Harris, K. E., Durham, C., Logan, A., Smith, G., & DuBose-Morris, R. (2021). Integration of telehealth education into the health care provider curriculum: A review. Telemedicine and e-Health, 27(2), 137–149.
Crossen, S., Raymond, J., & Neinstein, A. (2020). Top 10 tips for successfully implementing a diabetes telehealth program. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 22(12), 920–928.
Grossman, L. V., Masterson Creber, R. M., Benda, N. C., Wright, D., Vawdrey, D. K., & Ancker, J. S. (2019). Interventions to increase patient portal use in vulnerable populations: A systematic review. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 26(8-9), 855–870.
Jedwab, R. M., Chalmers, C., Dobroff, N., & Redley, B. (2019). Measuring nursing benefits of an electronic medical record system: A scoping review. Collegian, 26(5), 562–582.
McIntyre, M., Robinson, L. R., & Mayo, A. (2020). Practical considerations for implementing virtual care in physical medicine and rehabilitation. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 99(6), 464–467.
Shi, S., He, D., Li, L., Kumar, N., Khan, M., & Choo, K.-K. (2020). Applications of blockchain in ensuring the security and privacy of electronic health record systems: A survey. Computers & Security, 97, 101966.
Taylor, J., & Fuller, B. (2021). The expanding role of telehealth in nursing: Considerations for nursing education. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 18(1).
Vimalananda, V. G., Brito, J. P., Eiland, L. A., Lal, R. A., Maraka, S., McDonnell, M. E., Narla, R. R., Roth, M. Y., & Crossen, S. S. (2022). Appropriate use of telehealth visits in endocrinology: Policy perspective of the endocrine society. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 107(11), 2953–2962.
Weber, A. M., Dua, A., Chang, K., Jupalli, H., Rizwan, F., Chouthai, A., & Chen, C. (2021). An outpatient telehealth elective for displaced clinical learners during the covid-19 pandemic. BMC Medical Education, 21(1).
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