NURS 6640 week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments

NURS 6640 week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments

Week 1 Journal Entry Counseling Theory to Guide my Practice

The cognitive theory developed by Aaron Beck will be used to guide my practice. The focus of this theory is on how an individual’s thinking can influence and change their feelings and behaviors. Therefore, cognitive theory attempts to explain an individual’s behavior by understanding their thought process (Wampold, 2015). For instance, the cognitive theory is used by therapists to teach clients how to identify their maladaptive thought patterns and change such thoughts into constructive ones. NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments. This theory is focused on problem-solving and the focus is more on the present situation of the client and distorted thinking, rather than focusing on their past (Biesecker et al, 2017). The cognitive theory assumes that thoughts determine an individual’s emotions and behavior due to the information processing process. While using cognitive theory, I will ask clients questions to identify “thoughts” of the client when they are feeling depressed or anxious and then a discussion is facilitated to examine if such thinking is a reality. Secondly, I will listen to the client empathically and with an unconditional acceptance and then ask the client to summarize the key points in order to underpin the learned aspects and have any misunderstanding addressed. Finally, I will ask the client questions that allow them to synthesize and analyze the new and more realistic perspective of their mental disturbance and hence such clients are able to restructure their thought patterns. Accordingly, the client is able to identify the maladaptive thoughts and replace them with more adaptive and positive patterns (Tougas et al, 2017). The rationale of selecting cognitive theory to guide my practice is because this theory is the basis of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and evidence shows that CBT is effective in treating symptoms of many mental health problems (Tougas et al, 2017). NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments

Nursing Theory to Guide my Practice

The nursing theory that will be used to guide my practice is Orem’s self-care theory. The rationale for selecting Orem’s self-care theory is because it provides a clinical guideline to plan and implement good self-care principles. Orem hypothesized that people have the capacity to take care of their health; in case the ability to take care of self is distorted, healthcare providers can help such individuals regain the ability by care provision and education (Afrasiabifar et al, 2016). Therefore, during my practice, Orem’s self-care theory will guide me in being the facilitator and change agent for all my clients. This will be achieved through the provision of direct care and educating my clients to improve their self-care ability and positively influence their quality of life (Hasanpour-Dehkordi et al, 2016). In addition, I will always provide information to clients regarding their disease status, treatment regimen and emphasize that their health is their own responsibility; this will promote the clients to make positive lifestyle changes to improve their health (Khatiban et al, 2018).
I will base my practicum objectives and goals on the seven domains of nursing practice. Accordingly, my goals will be to play a helping role for my clients, educate my clients, perform accurate diagnosis and documentation and ensure effective monitoring and observation of my clients. In addition, I hope to always manage clients in crisis, administer therapy effectively, and effectively coordinate the client’s needs and activities.
By the end of the practicum:

  1. I will be in a position to effectively conduct accurate diagnosis for my clients
  2. I will be able to effectively provide different forms of psychotherapies to my clients in accordance with my selected nursing and counseling theories
  3. I will be able to effectively organize and manage all clients’ needs
  4. I will base my practice on the most recent research evidence

Timeline of Practicum Activities

  • During the first week, I will be adequately inducted and familiar with the organization and all my expected roles. Within the first week, I will effectively perform observations in order to learn what is expected of me
  • During the second and third week, I will have developed a good interpersonal relationship and alliance with my preceptor, mentor, as well as other healthcare practitioners. This means by the third week I will be a good team player and be in a position to collaborate with the multidisciplinary team
  • For week four and five, I will have learned how to conduct differential diagnosis and come up with an accurate diagnosis for my clients
  • By week 6, I will have learned how to effectively assess clients and deliver the appropriate psychotherapy
  • By the end of the practicum, I will be in a position to effectively provide different types of psychotherapies to my clients using the cognitive theory, prioritize client needs, adequately develop care plans, and finally I will be able to educate clients about their mental health and lifestyle changes in accordance with Orem’s self-care theory (Hasanpour-Dehkordi et al, 2016).

Afrasiabifar H, Mehri Z, Sadat S, Reza H & Shirazi G. (2016). The Effect of Orem’s Self-Care Model on Fatigue in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Single-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial Study. Iran Red Crescent Med J. 18(8), e31955.
Biesecker B, Austin  & Colleen C. (2017).Theories for Psychotherapeutic Genetic Counseling: Fuzzy-Trace Theory and Cognitive Behavior Theory. J Genet Couns. 26(2), 322–330.
Hasanpour-Dehkordi A, Mohammadi N &Alireza N. (2016). Re-designing Orem’s Self-care Theory for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis. Indian J Palliat Care. 22(4): 395–401.
Khatiban M, Shirani F & Oshvandi K. (2018). Orem’s Self-Care Model With Trauma Patients: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Nursing Science Quarterly. 31(4).
Tougas E, Hayden A, McGrath J, Huguet A & Rozario S (2015). A Systematic Review Exploring the Social Cognitive Theory of Self-Regulation as a Framework for Chronic Health Condition Interventions. PLoS ONE. 10(8): e0134977.
Wampold B. (2015). How important are the common factors in psychotherapy? An update. World Psychiatry. 14(3), 270–277.

Week 1 Discussion: Foundations of Psychotherapy

Course Schedule – NURS 6640: Psychotherapy With Individuals
This Course Schedule outlines the assignments and due dates for the course. For full assignment details and directions, refer to the corresponding area in the course. Week 1 Discussion: Foundations of Psychotherapy
NURS 6640 Week 1 Foundations of Psychotherapy
Resources Readings
Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
Chapter 1, “The Nurse Psychotherapist and a Framework for Practice” (pp. 3–52)
Fournier, J. C., & Price, R. B. (2014). Psychotherapy and neuroimaging. Psychotherapy: New Evidence and New Approaches, 12(3), 290–298. Retrieved from
Holttum, S. (2014). When bad things happen our brains change but psychotherapy and support can help the recovery of our brains and our lives. Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 18(2), 52–58. doi:10.1108/MHSI-02-2014-0006Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. NURS 6640: Psychotherapy With Individuals.
Petiprin, A. (2016). Psychiatric and mental health nursing. Nursing Theory. Retrieved from
Fisher, M. A. (2016). Introduction. In Confidentiality limits in psychotherapy: Ethics checklists for mental health professionals (pp. 3–12). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/14860-001 © 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 2 of 31 Week 1 Foundations of Psychotherapy. NURS 6640: Psychotherapy With Individuals.
Document: Practicum Journal Template Note: This template is provided by the School of Nursing and is designated to document practicum activity. You are required to use this template for all journal entry submissions.
Document: Midterm Exam Study Guide
Document: Final Exam Study Guide
Document: Nurse Practitioner (NP) Student Clinical Orientation (PowerPoint file)
Document: Practicum Manual (PDF). Retrieved from
Laureate Education (Producer). (2016). Introduction to psychotherapy with individuals [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes. NURS 6640: Psychotherapy With Individuals.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2015e). Therapies are helpful: Dodo bird conjecture [Video file]. Baltimore, MD:Author.Provided courtesy of the Laureate International Network of Universities.Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 2 minutes.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2015f). Therapies change and integrate different approaches over time [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.Provided courtesy of the Laureate International Network of Universities.Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 1 minute.
Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Sommers-Flanagan, R. (2012). Clinical interview: Intake, assessment & therapeutic alliance [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA: NURS 6640: Psychotherapy With Individuals.
Note: You will access this media from the Walden Library databases. The approximate length of this media piece is 124 minutes.© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 3 of 31Week 1 Foundations of Psychotherapy
Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Sommers-Flanagan, R. (2013). Counseling and psychotherapy theories in context and practice [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA:
Note: For this week, view the Introduction and Psychoanalytical Approaches only. You will access this media from the Walden Library databases.

Week 1 Discussion: Foundations of Psychotherapy Discussion

  • Does Psychotherapy Have a Biological Basis? Post on or before Day 3 an explanation of whether psychotherapy has a biological basis.
  • Explain how culture, religion, and socioeconomics might influence one’s perspective of the value of psychotherapy treatments. Support your rationale with evidence based literature.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.Respond on or before Day 6 to at least two of your colleagues by providing an additional scholarly resource that supports or challenges their position along with a brief explanation of the resource. Week 1 Discussion: Foundations of Psychotherapy.

Practicum Week 1 Journal Entry
In preparation for this course’s practicum experience, address the following in your Practicum Journal:

  • Review the media Clinical Interview: Intake, Assessment, & Therapeutic Alliance in your Learning Resources.
  • Select one nursing theory and one counseling theory to best guide your practice in psychotherapy. Note: For guidance on nursing and counseling theories, refer to the Wheeler textbook in this week’s Learning Resources. NURS 6640: Psychotherapy With Individuals.
  • Explain why you selected these theories. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.
  • Develop at least three goals and at least three objectives for the practicum experience in this course.
  • Create a timeline of practicum activities based on your practicum requirements.Note: Be sure to use the Practicum Journal Template, located in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 4.

Psychotherapy with Individuals

Credit & Practicum Hours
Quarter Credit Hours: 5 credits

  • Didactic – 3 credits
  • Practicum – 2 credits (144 practicum hours)

Practicum Hours:  This course requires a minimum of 160 practicum hours.  
Course Learning Outcomes

  • Evaluate evidence-based psychotherapeutic counseling theories
  • Apply psychotherapeutic counseling techniques and tools
  • Assess clients presenting for psychotherapy
  • Develop psychiatric diagnoses for clients across the lifespan
  • Evaluate the use of psychopharmacological agents with clients across the lifespan
  • Evaluate ethical and legal implications of counseling clients presenting for psychotherapy
  • Analyze strategies to become a social change agent for psychiatric mental health

Practicum Activities
The practicum experience in this course will assist your transition from the role of learner to that of scholar-practitioner. To achieve this transition, you will engage in a relationship with a clinical instructor and preceptor, focusing on roles and role functions and the achievement of individualized learning objectives. The primary objective of your practicum is to provide you with the basic skills necessary to serve as a mid-level provider of primary care to selected populations and prepare you to take the appropriate national certification exam.
The practicum component of the course will be graded as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. In order to pass the course, you must earn a grade of Satisfactory on all required practicum activities including journal entries and time logs.
At the end of the course, you must also ensure that your practicum preceptor submits an online evaluation of your performance. You will also complete an online evaluation of your practicum experience at the end of the course. These evaluations will not only provide information about the progress of individual students, but also help program leadership to continuously work on the course review and improvements. You will receive an Incomplete (I) as a grade if any of the above evaluations are not received by the posted deadlines.
All assignments must be completed to pass the course.
Time Logs: Students are required to keep a log of the time spent related to their practicum experience and enter every patient they see each day. Students can access their time log from the Welcome Page in their Meditrek account. Students will track time individually for each patient they work with. Students are required to continuously input their hours throughout the term. Logs are reviewed by instructors in weeks 4, 7 and 10. Please print and keep your completed Meditrek Log at the end of your clinical experiences for future use as a component of your portfolio.

NURS 6640 Week 8 Discussion

In 3- to 5-minute Kaltura video, you will discuss a client you have observed and/or counseled during your practicum experience. Be sure to make arrangements with your preceptor so you can fulfill the requirements of the Discussion. Refer to the Week8 Discussion for additional guidance.

NURS 6640 Week 10 Discussion

In 3- to 5-minute Kaltura video, you will discuss an older adult client you have observed and/or counseled during your practicum experience. Be sure to make arrangements with your preceptor so you can fulfill the requirements of the Discussion. Refer to the Week 10 Discussion for additional guidance.
Looking Ahead Practicum Assignments
Each week, you will complete practicum-related assignments. It is highly recommended that you review the practicum assignments for Weeks 2–10 before Day 7 of Week 1. This will give you time to connect with your preceptor so that you can fulfill the requirements of each practicum assignment.

NURS 6640 Week 2: Assessment and Diagnosis in Psychotherapy

Resources Readings
Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. Chapter 3, “Assessment and Diagnosis” (pp. 95–168)· Chapter 4, “The Initial Contact and Maintaining the Frame” (pp. 169–224). NURS 6640: Psychotherapy With Individuals.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Note: It is highly recommended that you use this resource as a reference guide throughout the course. You will access this text from the Walden Library databases.
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (1995). Practice parameters for the psychiatric assessment of© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 5 of 31Week 2 Assessment and Diagnosis in Psychotherapy children and adolescents. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from
American Psychiatric Association. (2016). Practice guidelines for the psychiatric evaluation of adults (3rd ed.). Arlington, VA:Author. Retrieved from 426760
Walden Library. (2017). NURS 6640 week 2 discussion guide.Retrieved from Week 1 Discussion: Foundations of Psychotherapy
Walden University. (n.d.). Tests & measures: Home. Retrieved February 6, 2017, from This database may be helpful in obtaining assessment tool information for this week’s Discussion.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2015a). Counseling competencies—The application of ethical guides and laws to record keeping [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.Provided courtesy of the Laureate International Network of Universities. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 23minutes.

NURS 6640 Week 2 Discussion: Assessment Tools

Post on or before Day 3 an explanation of the psychometric properties of the assessment tool you were assigned. Explain when it’s appropriate to use this assessment tool with clients, including whether the tool can be used to evaluate the efficacy of psychopharmacologic medications. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.NURS 6640: Psychotherapy With Individuals.
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses. Respond on or before Day 6 to at least two of your colleagues by comparing your assessment tool to theirs.

NURS 6640 Practicum Week 2 Journal Entry

Select a client whom you observed or counseled this week. Then,address the following in your Practicum Journal:

  • Describe the client (without violating HIPAA regulations) and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.
  • Using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5), explain and justify your diagnosis for this client.
  • Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling this client.
  • Support your approach with evidence-based literature.Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 4.

“A sensitively crafted intake assessment can be a powerful therapeutic tool. It can establish rapport between patient and therapist, further the therapeutic alliance, alleviate anxiety, provide reassurance, and facilitate the flow of information necessary for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.”
—Pamela Bjorklund, clinical psychologist
Whether you are treating patients for physical ailments or clients for mental health issues, the assessment process is an inextricable part of health care. To properly diagnose clients and develop treatment plans, you must have a strong foundation in assessment. This includes a working knowledge of assessments that are available to aid in diagnosis, how to use these assessments, and how to select the most appropriate assessment based on a client’s presentation.
This week, as you explore assessment and diagnosis in psychotherapy, you examine assessment tools, including their psychometric properties and appropriate use. You also develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy and consider legal and ethical implications of counseling these clients.
Client Description
A 30-year-old Caucasian female S K was referred by her primary care physician to our outpatient clinic with complaints of : extreme worry, stress, difficulty to concentrate, a lot of anxiety and thoughts. She had also been unable to sleep for the past one month. These symptoms were her first and were as a result of a divorce with her husband. She had reportedly not felt as bad before. She denied panic attacks but admitted to experiencing excess worry. The husband left her with three children for another woman and she was worried that her job was well paid to support her with the children. For approximately four months, she has persistently been in court about the divorce and has used a lot of finances to seek support for the children from her divorced husband. SK denied delusions, homicidal and suicidal ideation, audio and visual hallucinations. The client had been undergoing counseling for four months now but the counseling had not proven to be effective. She had also been started on Sertraline 100 mg daily and Xanax 0.25 mg before going to bed but had also not proven to be effective. Due to poor progress in treatment, she was thus referred by her primary care physician for further management.

Pertinent History, Medical Information, and Prescribed Medications

The client’s paternal grandfather suffered from the major depressive disorder. The paternal grandmother abused ETOH. Her senior sister had previously suffered from general anxiety disorder when she lost her job the year 2005 and was managed with Paxil. Both her parents are alive but her father has mild cognitive deficits. Her mother and other four siblings are alive and well. The client was previously diagnosed with moderate anxiety immediately she had been laid off her first job in the year 2017. She consulted a counselor who helped to relieve some of the symptoms but was not prescribed any medications and neither was she hospitalized. Despite the client denying childhood history of abuse and trauma, she reported psychological and verbal abuse and physical trauma by the husband. The client suffered from varicella at 2 years of age, frequently suffers from recurrent tonsillitis, had appendicitis in the year 1999 and underwent an appendectomy the same year. The client denied use of tobacco, ETOH, and illicit drug use. She was taking sertraline 100mg orally QD and Xanax 0.25mg orally at bedtime (Lader, 2015).

Justifying the Diagnosis Based on DSM-V Criteria

According to American Psychiatric Association (2013), a client is diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder when he/she presents with complaints of excessive worry and anxiety over an event or activity that has occurred for more than 6 months, the client has found it difficult to control the worry and anxiety which may be associated with any three of the following symptoms: easy fatigue, irritability, restlessness, muscle tension, difficulty in paying attention and sleep disturbance.  Besides, a patient’s focus on anxiety should not be associated with panic attacks, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, separation anxiety disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder(Er, 2015).
The client’s symptoms, worry, and anxiety experienced by a client should cause significant distress that can clinically be observable. These symptoms should cause impairment to a client’s occupational, educational and social functioning (Cuijpers et al., 2014).  Lastly, the symptoms should not be as a result of the direct physiological effects of a substance, medications or an underlying medical illness and should not occur exclusively during a development, psychotic or mood disorder (Stein & Sareen, 2015).
Similarly, in the context of this client, SK presented with the complaints of extreme worry, stress, difficulty to concentrate, a lot of anxiety and thoughts for more than six months and inability to sleep for approximately one month. SK did not abuse drugs, had no chronic underlying medical illnesses and denied having panic attacks. These symptoms resulted in significant social and occupational impairment on her life to an extent that she only wanted to be alone most of the time. Besides, SK had also started performing poorly at work. These signs and symptoms meet the diagnostic criteria for General Anxiety Disorder.

Legal and Ethical Implications Related To Counseling This Client

One of the ethical implications in counseling this client is confidentiality. This client will greatly benefit from individual, group and family counseling. However, the information shared by the client during individual counseling ought to remain confidential during family counseling with her children. This confidentiality limit can only be violated in case the patient proves to be suicidal or self-harm. However, there is a likelihood that at some point during counseling, some confidential information about the divorce will have to be shared with the children. However, information should only be shared with the client’s consent and understanding (Sori & Hecker, 2015).
Another ethical implication is whether the client will be able to make well-informed decisions regarding her involvement in psychotherapy. This means that some of the decisions made by the client might be influenced by emotions and this would only contribute to failure (Sori & Hecker, 2015). However, the client ought to undergo prior counseling to be informed of the positive and negative implications of her decisions regarding treatment before being given the opportunity to make individual decisions.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Pub.
Cuijpers, P., Sijbrandij, M., Koole, S., Huibers, M., Berking, M., & Andersson, G. (2014). Psychological treatment of generalized anxiety disorder: a meta-analysis. Clinical psychology review34(2), 130-140.
Er, I. (2015). Diagnosis and management of generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder in adults. Am Fam Physician91(9), 617-624.
Lader, M. (2015). Generalized anxiety disorder. In Encyclopedia of psychopharmacology (pp. 699-702). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Stein, M. B., & Sareen, J. (2015). Generalized anxiety disorder. New England Journal of Medicine373(21), 2059-2068.
Sori, C. F., & Hecker, L. L. (2015). Ethical and legal considerations when counseling children and families. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy36(4), 450-464.

NURS 6640 Week 3: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Resources Readings

  • Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. Chapter 5, “Supportive and Psychotherapy” (pp. 225–238 and pp. 245–258)
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington,DC: Author.Note: You will access this text from the Walden Library databases.
  • Young, J. M., & Solomon, M. J. (2009). How to critically appraise an article. Nature Clinical Practice. Gastroenterology& Hepatology, 6(2), 82–91.

For the Assignment:
Select one of the following articles on psycho-dynamic therapy to evaluate in your Assignment:

  1. Aznar-Martinez, B., Perez-Testor, C., Davins, M., &Aramburu, I. (2016). Couple psychoanalytic psychotherapy© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 7 of 31 Week 3 Psychodynamic Psychotherapyas the treatment of choice: Indications, challenges, and benefits. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 33(1), 1–20.doi:10.1037/a0038503
  2. Karbelnig, A. M. (2016). “The analyst is present”: Viewing thepsychoanalytic process as performance art. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 33(supplement 1), S153–S172.doi:10.1037/a0037332
  3. LaMothe, R. (2015). A future project of psychoanalytic psychotherapy: Revisiting the debate between classical/commitment and analytic therapies. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 32(2), 334–351. doi:10.1037/a0035982

4.Migone, P. (2013). Psychoanalysis on the Internet: A discussion of its theoretical implications for both online and offline therapeutic technique. Psychoanalytic Psychology,30(2), 281–299. doi:10.1037/a0031507

  1. Tummala-Narra, P. (2013). Psychoanalytic applications in adiverse society. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 30(3), 471–487.doi:10.1037/a0031375

Note: You will access all of these articles from the Walden Library databases.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2015c). The importance of a therapeutic relationship: Mary Boyle [Video file]. Baltimore,MD: Author. Provided courtesy of the Laureate International Network of Universities. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 2 minutes.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2015b). Foundations of counseling techniques [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Provided courtesy of the Laureate International Network of Universities.Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 32minutes.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2013b). Hernandez family genogram [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 5 minutes.

NURS 6640 Week 3 Assignment Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice

In a 5- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation, address the following:

  • Provide an overview of the article you selected.© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 8 of 31Week 3 Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
  • What population is under consideration?o What was the specific intervention that was used? Is this a new intervention or one that was already used?o What were the author’s claims?
  • Explain the findings/outcomes of the study in the article. Include whether this will translate into practice with your own clients. If so, how? If not, why?
  • Explain whether the limitations of the study might impact your ability to use the findings/outcomes presented in the article. Support your position with evidence-based literature.

Note: The presentation should be 5–10 slides, not including the title and reference slides. Include presenter notes (no more than ½ page per slide) and use tables and/or diagrams where appropriate. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from the article you selected. Support your approach with evidence-based literature. Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 3.
Practicum Assessing Clients
Part 1: Comprehensive Client Family Assessment
With this client in mind, address the following in a Comprehensive Client Family Assessment (without violating HIPAA regulations):

  • Demographic information
  • Presenting problem
  • History or present illness
  • Past psychiatric history
  • Medical history
  • Substance use history
  • Developmental history
  • Family psychiatric history
  • Psychosocial history
  • History of abuse/trauma
  • Review of systems
  • Physical assessment
  • Mental status exam
  • Differential diagnosis
  • Case formulation
  • Treatment plan

Part 2: Family Genogram

Week 3 Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Prepare a genogram for the client you selected. The genogram should extend back by at least three generations (great grandparents,grandparents, and parents). Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 4.

NURS 6640 Week 4 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Resources Readings
Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-basedpractice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.· Chapter 8, “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy” (pp. 313–346)·
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington,DC: Author. Note: You will access this text from the Walden Librarydatabases.
Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Sommers-Flanagan, R. (2013). Counseling and psychotherapy theories in context and practice[Video file]. Mill Valley, CA:
Note: For this week, view Behavior Therapy and CognitiveBehavioralTherapy only. You will access this media from the Walden Library databases.
Beck, A. (1994). Aaron Beck on cognitive therapy [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA: Note: You will access this media from the Walden Library databases. The approximate length of this media piece is 50minutes.
Eysenck, H. (n.d.). Hans Eysenck on behavior therapy [Videofile]. Mill Valley, CA: Note: You will access this media from the Walden Library databases. The approximate length of this media piece is 50minutes. © 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 10 of 31

NURS 6640 Week 4 Cognitive Behavioral Assignment

Cognitive Behavioral Theory Versus Rational Emotive Behavioral Theory

In a 1- to 2-page paper, address the following:

  • Briefly describe how cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT) are similar.
  • Explain at least three differences between CBT and REBT.Include how these differences might impact your practice as a mental health counselor.
  • Explain which version of cognitive behavioral therapy you might use with clients and why. Support your approach evidence-based literature. Note: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 4.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Family and Individual Settings

CBT, or Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, is a mental treatment that was created through logical research. That is, the entirety of the parts of CBT have been tried by analysts to decide if they are compelling and that they do what they are expected to do. Research has demonstrated that CBT is one of the best medications for the administration of tension. Fortunately in spite of the fact that it is best finished with a prepared CBT advisor, you can apply CBT standards at home to deal with your own nervousness and overcome your feelings of dread. What are the Principles of CBT? CBT includes adapting new aptitudes to deal with your manifestations. It shows you better approaches for deduction and carrying on that can assist you with dealing with your nervousness over the long haul. There are a couple of rules that are critical to comprehend when utilizing CBT (Corey, 2013). .
CBT centers around the present time and place. A significant standard of CBT is that treatment includes managing the indications that you are battling with this moment, instead of concentrating on the reason for your concern. Despite the fact that it very well may be fascinating to see how your uneasiness grew, simply knowing why you have nervousness issues is regularly insufficient to assist you with dealing with your tension.
CBT underscores the significance of schoolwork. Regardless of whether you are getting CBT from a prepared advisor or you are utilizing self improvement CBT systems at home, schoolwork is a key part. Doing schoolwork for CBT fundamentally implies that from week to week, you should rehearse the new abilities that you are learning and apply them to your day by day life. Furthermore, similar to the schoolwork that you were given in school, you have to rehearse those abilities consistently. For what reason is schoolwork so significant? Except if you practice the new procedures that you figure out how to oversee uneasiness, you won’t utilize them well indeed, and you will likely neglect to utilize them when you need them most: when you are feeling exceptionally on edge. Adapting better approaches to oversee uneasiness is similar to building up another solid propensity. On the off chance that for instance, you needed to begin practicing normally, you would need to fit in another activity routine into your timetable. It would be troublesome from the start, however on the off chance that you kept at it, that new standard would turn into a propensity, and in the end a piece of your customary exercises. The equivalent is valid with CBT abilities: on the off chance that you practice them consistently, they will end up being a piece of your every day schedule. Fortunately the more you utilize your CBT aptitudes, the simpler it gets, and the better you will become at dealing with your tension.

Components of cognitive behavioral family therapy

A measured way to deal with psychological conduct treatment incorporates a few fundamental parts, which are successively conveyed. Self-observing, self-guidance, balanced examination, and social order speak to the major systems.
Self-checking expects patients to watch and record explicit physiological, subjective, social, enthusiastic, and relational procedures. Recording these information focuses gives a springboard to intercession and grapples assessment of progress. The Circle of Perception practice is a fantastic self-observing undertaking, which uncovers the level of coalition/distance individuals see. He prescribed every part get a perfect bit of unlined white paper, a pen or pencil, and gets the guidance to draw the family framework utilizing one hover to speak to every part. They are advised to make an outline where individuals’ circles are put because of their impression of enthusiastic closeness. In the event that circles contact or interface, they are viewed as adjusted and close. On the off chance that a separation isolates them, it speaks to less closeness. In the second piece of the activity, the relatives’ take another bit of paper and draw how they might want to see the family. One creator recommended handling the drawings by asking what experienced their brains about the activity, regardless of whether they saw contrasts in the first and second drawings and in what ways did the drawings vary from one another? A few specialists change this activity utilizing hovers cut out of development paper marked with the relatives’ names.
Every relative makes an outline and afterward shares it with the others. The paper circles make the errand fairly increasingly concrete for families who experience issues with progressively equivocal or dynamic undertakings. Day by day Thought Records (DTR) are effectively coordinated into family work. Consider the accompanying model where all the relatives experience a typical stressor (for example a family contention). Be that as it may, every individual part has various attributions and sentiments related with the difference. The twelve-year-old little girl considers her to be’s responses as nonsensical because of an infringement of her apparent rights (for example “They reserve no privilege to instruct me. They are too bossy.”). The dad is discouraged and says to himself, “My family is a wreck and I am defenseless to transform it.” The mother then again is angered at both the girl and father thinking the two of them cheapen her for example “(I am the one in particular who successfully make things work out. Nobody in the family acknowledges me.”). Contrasting the idea journals for a similar circumstance gives the establishment to ensuing self-instructional or reasonable investigation intercession. Self-guidance Simply, self-instructional systems target thought content (for example programmed considerations) and psychological procedures (for example subjective contortions). They change misappraisals of explicit circumstances to increasingly precise clarifications. Self-instructional mediations work to change the idea of every relative’s interior exchange. A few creators prescribe testing programmed musings within the sight of other relatives so they bolster each other’s rebuilding endeavors (Huether and McCance, 2017; Hammer and McPhee, 2014).
Corey, G. (2013). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy, 9th ed. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.
Hammer, D.G., & McPhee, S.J. (Eds). (2014). Pathophysiology of disease: An introduction to clinical medicine, 7th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
Huether, S.E. & McCance, K.L. (2017). Understanding pathophysiology, 6th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, Inc.
Katzung, B.G. (Ed) (2018). Basic and clinical pharmacology, 14th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Practicum Week 1 Journal Entry

Students will:
Analyze nursing and counseling theories to guide practice in psychotherapy

  • Develop goals and objectives for personal practicum experiences*
  • Create timelines for practicum activities**

The Learning Objectives are related to the Assignment presented in Week 1. Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 4. Refer to Week 1 for additional guidance.
Practicum Week 2 Journal Entry
Students will:

  • Develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy
  • Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric disorders*© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 11 of 31

NURS 6640 Week 4 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

The Learning Objectives are related to the Assignment presented in Week 2.Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 4. Refer to Week 2 for additional guidance.
Practicum Week 4 Journal Entry
Select a client whom you observed or counseled this week. Then,address the following in your Practicum Journal:

  • Describe the client (without violating HIPAA regulations) and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.
  • Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for this client.
  • Explain whether cognitive behavioral therapy would be effective with this client. Include expected outcomes based on this therapeutic approach. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.
  • Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling this client.Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 4. NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments.

Practicum Reminder Time Logs
You are required to keep a log of the time you spend related to your practicum experience and enter every patient you see each day. You can access your time log from the Welcome Page in your Meditrek account. You will track time individually for each patient you work with. Please make sure to continuously input your hours throughout the term.

NURS 6640 Week 5 Psychotherapy With Trauma

Resources Readings
Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-basedpractice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. © 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 12 of 31Week 5 Psychotherapy With Trauma· Chapter 13, “Stabilization for Trauma and Dissociation” (pp.469–508) NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington,DC: Author.Note: You will access this text from the Walden Library databases.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2012a). Academic year in residence: Thompson family case study [Multimedia file].Baltimore, MD: Author.
Ochberg, F. (2012). Psychotherapy for chronic PTSD [Videofile]. Mill Valley, CA: Note: You will access this media from the Walden Library databases. The approximate length of this media piece is 84minutes.

NURS 6640 Discussion Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Post on or before Day 3 an explanation of your observations of the client William in Thompson Family Case Study, including behaviors that align to the PTSD criteria in DSM-5. Then, explain therapeutic approaches you might use with this client, including psychotropic medications if appropriate. Finally, explain expected outcomes for the client based on these therapeutic approaches. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.Respond on or before Day 6 to at least two of your colleagues by providing one alternative therapeutic approach. Explain why you suggest this alternative and support your suggestion with literature and/or your own experiences with clients. NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments.
Practicum Week 5 Journal Entry
Select a client whom you observed or counseled that suffers from adisorder related to trauma. Then, address the following in your Practicum Journal:

NURS 6640 Week 5 Psychotherapy With Trauma

  • Describe the client (without violating HIPAA regulations) and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.
  • Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for this client.
  • Explain whether any of the therapeutic approaches in this week’s Learning Resources would be effective with this client. Include expected outcomes based on these therapeutic approaches. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.
  • Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling this client. Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 7.

NURS 6640 Week 6 Psychotherapy for Addictive Disorders

Resources Readings
Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.· Chapter 7, “Motivational Interviewing” (pp. 299–312)· Chapter 16, “Psychotherapeutic Approaches for Addictions and Related Disorders” (pp. 565–596)
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington,DC: Author. Note: You will access this text from the Walden Library databases.
Albrecht, U., Kirschner, N. E., & Grusser, S. M. (2007). Diagnostic instruments for behavioral addiction: An overview.German Medical Science Psycho-Social-Medicine, 4, 1–11.Retrieved from NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments.
Fisher, M. A. (2016). The ethical ABCs of conditional confidentiality. In Confidentiality limits in psychotherapy: Ethics checklists for mental health professionals (pp. 13–25). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.doi:10.1037/14860-002© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc.

NURS 6640 Week 6 Psychotherapy for Addictive Disorders

Walden University. (2016). ASC success strategies: Studyingfor and taking a test. Retrieved from

Laureate Education (Producer). (2013c). Levy family: Episodes1–5 [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 25minutes.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2012c). In their own words[Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 25minutes.

Assignment Assessing Clients With Addictive Disorders

In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following:

  • After watching Episode 1, describe:o What is Mr. Levy’s perception of the problem?o What is Mrs. Levy’s perception of the problem?o What can be some of the implications of the problem onthe family as a whole?
  • After watching Episode 2, describe:o What did you think of Mr. Levy’s social worker’s ideas?o What were your thoughts of her supervisor’s questions about her suggested therapies and his advice to Mr.Levy’s supervisor?
  • After watching Episode 3, discuss the following:o What were your thoughts about the way Mr. Physiotherapist responded to what Mr. Levy had to say?o What were your impressions of how the therapist worked with Mr. Levy? What did you think about the therapy session as a whole?o Informed by your knowledge of pathophysiology,explain the physiology of deep breathing (a common technique that we use in helping clients to manage© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 15 of 31

NURS 6640 Week 6 Psychotherapy for Addictive Disorders anxiety

  • Explain how changing breathing mechanics can alter blood chemistry.o Describe the therapeutic approach his therapist selected. Would you use exposure therapy with Mr.Levy? Why or why not? What evidence exists to support the use of exposure therapy (or the therapeutic approach you would consider if you disagree with exposure therapy)?
  • In Episode 4, Mr. Levy tells a very difficult story about Kurt, his platoon officer.o Discuss how you would have responded to this revelation.o Describe how this information would inform your therapeutic approach. What would you say/do next?
  • In Episode 5, Mr. Levy’s therapist is having issues with his story.o Imagine that you were providing supervision to this therapist, how would you respond to her concerns?
  • Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

Note: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 6. NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments.

NURS 6640 Exam Midterm Exam

Students will:

  • Assess knowledge of concepts and principles related to the psychotherapy of individuals. This exam will cover the following topics, which relate to psychotherapy with individuals in the Wheeler textbook and the Fisher textbook excerpts:
  • The Nurse Psychotherapist and a Framework for Practice
  • Confidentiality Limits in Psychotherapy: Ethics Checklists forMental Health Professionals© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 16 of 31Week 6 Psychotherapy for Addictive Disorders
  • Assessment and Diagnosis
  • The Initial Contact and Maintaining the Frame
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Supportive and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
  • Stabilization for Trauma and Dissociation Motivational Interviewing
  • Psychotherapeutic Approaches for Addictions and Related Disorders

Complete the Midterm Exam by Day 7 of Week 6. Prior to starting the exam, you should review all of your materials. There is a 2-hour time limit to complete this 75-question exam. You may only attempt this exam once.

NURS 6640 Practicum Week 6 Journal Entry

Select a client whom you observed or counseled this week. Then,address the following in your Practicum Journal:

  • Describe the client (without violating HIPAA regulations) and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.
  • Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for this client.
  • Explain whether motivational interviewing would be effective with this client. Include expected outcomes based on this therapeutic approach. Support your approach with literature.
  • Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling this client.Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 7. NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments.

NURS 6640 Week 7 Supportive and Interpersonal Psychotherapy

Resources Readings
Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.o Chapter 5, “Supportive and Psychotherapy” (pp. 238–242)o Chapter 9, “Interpersonal Psychotherapy” (pp. 347–368)© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 17 of 31Week 7 Supportive and Interpersonal Psychotherapy
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington,DC: Author.Note: You will access this text from the Walden Library databases.
Abeles, N., & Koocher, G. P. (2011). Ethics in psychotherapy.In J. C. Norcross, G. R. VandenBos, D. K. Freedheim, J. C.Norcross, G. R. VandenBos, & D. K. Freedheim (Eds.), History of psychotherapy: Continuity and change (pp. 723–740).Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.doi:10.1037/12353-048Note: You will access this resource from the Walden Library databases.
Cameron, S., & Turtle-Song, I. (2002). Learning to write case notes using the SOAP format. Journal of Counseling and Development, 80(3), 286–292. Retrieved from the Academic Search Complete database. (Accession No. 7164780)Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments.
Nicholson, R. (2002). The dilemma of psychotherapy note sand HIPAA. Journal of AHIMA, 73(2), 38–39. Retrieved from· U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d.). Privacy rule and sharing information related to mental health.Retrieved from
Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Sommers-Flanagan, R. (2013). Counseling and psychotherapy theories in context and practice[Video file]. Mill Valley, CA: For this week, view Reality Therapy, Feminist Therapy,and Solution-Focused Therapy only. You will access this media from the Walden Library databases.© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 18 of 31 Week 7 Supportive and Interpersonal Psychotherapy
Stuart, S. (2010). Interpersonal psychotherapy: A case of postpartum depression [Video file]. Mill Valley, You will access this media from the Walden Library databases. The approximate length of this media piece is 110minutes.

Assignment Supportive Psychotherapy Versus Interpersonal Psychotherapy

In a 1- to 2-page paper, address the following:

  • Briefly describe how supportive and interpersonal psychotherapies are similar.
  • Explain at least three differences between these therapies. Include how these differences might impact your practice as a mental health counselor.
  • Explain which therapeutic approach you might use with clients and why. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.Note: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 7 NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments.

Practicum Assessing Client Progress

Part 1: Progress Note

Using the client from your Week 3 Assignment, address the following in a progress note (without violating HIPAA regulations):

  • Treatment modality used and efficacy of approach
  • Progress and/or lack of progress toward the mutually agreed upon client goals (reference the Treatment plan—progress towards goals)
  • Modification(s) of the treatment plan that were made based on progress/lack of progress
  • Clinical impressions regarding diagnosis and/or symptoms
  • Relevant psychosocial information or changes from original assessment (i.e., marriage, separation/divorce, new© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 19 of 31Week 7 Supportive and Interpersonal Psychotherapy relationships, move to a new house/apartment, change of job,etc.)
  • Safety issues
  • Clinical emergencies/actions taken
  • Medications used by the patient (even if the nursepsychotherapist was not the one prescribing them)
  • Treatment compliance/lack of compliance
  • Clinical consultations
  • Collaboration with other professionals (i.e., phoneconsultations with physicians, psychiatrists, marriage/familytherapists, etc.)
  • Therapist’s recommendations, including whether the client agreed to the recommendations Referrals made/reasons for making referrals
  • Termination/issues that are relevant to the termination process(i.e., client informed of loss of insurance or refusal of insurance company to pay for continued sessions)
  • Issues related to consent and/or informed consent fortreatment
  • Information concerning child abuse, and/or elder or dependent adult abuse, including documentation as to where the abuse was reported
  • Information reflecting the therapist’s exercise of clinical judgment

Note: Be sure to exclude any information that should not be found in a discoverable progress note.

Part 2: Privileged Note

Based on this week’s readings, prepare a privileged psychotherapy note that you would use to document your impressions of therapeutic progress/therapy sessions for your client from the Week 3 Practicum Assignment.

  • The privileged note should include items that you would not typically include in a note as part of the clinical record.
  • Explain why the items you included in the privileged note would not be included in the client’s progress note. Explain whether your preceptor uses privileged notes, and if so, describe the type of information he or she might include. If not, explain why.© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 20 of 31Week 7 Supportive and Interpersonal Psychotherapy

Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 7.
Practicum Week 5 Journal Entry
Students will:

  • Develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy*
  • Evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic approaches for clients*
  • Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric disorders

**These Learning Objectives are related to the Assignment from Week5. Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 7. Refer to Week 5 for additional guidance. NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments.

NURS 6640 Practicum Week 6 Journal Entry

Students will:

  • Develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy*
  • Evaluate the efficacy of motivational interviewing techniques for clients*
  • Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric disorders

**These Learning Objectives are related to the Assignment from Week6. Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 7. Refer to Week 6 for additional guidance. Week 1 Discussion: Foundations of Psychotherapy
Practicum Reminder Time Logs
You are required to keep a log of the time you spend related to your practicum experience and enter every patient you see each day. You can access your time log from the Welcome Page in your Meditrekaccount. You will track time individually for each patient you work with. Please make sure to continuously input your hours throughout the term.
Looking Ahead Week 8 Clinical Supervision Discussion Week 8
Discussion: In 3- to 5-minute Kaltura video, you will discuss client you have observed and/or counseled during your practicum experience. Be sure to make arrangements with your preceptor so© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 21 of 31 Week 7 Supportive and Interpersonal Psychotherapy you can fulfill the requirements of the Discussion. Refer to the Week 8 Discussion for additional guidance. NURS 6640: Psychotherapy With Individuals.

NURS 6640 Week 8 Existential-Humanistic Therapy

Resources Readings
Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-basedpractice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.· Chapter 10, “Humanistic-Existential and Solution-Focused Approaches to Psychotherapy” (Review pp.369–406)
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington,DC: Author.Note: You will access this text from the Walden Library databases.
Nagy, T. F. (2011). Ethics in psychotherapy. In Essential ethics for psychologists: A primer for understanding and masteringcore issues (pp. 185–198). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/12345-010 Note: You will access this resource from the Walden Librarydatabases.Media
Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Sommers-Flanagan, R. (2013). Counseling and psychotherapy theories in context and practice[Video file]. Mill Valley, CA: For this week, view Existential Therapy, Person Centered Therapy, and Gestalt Therapy only. You will access this media from the Walden Library databases NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2012b). Clinical supervision follow-up [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.Note: This is a follow-up to the Thompson family media piece in Week 5. The approximate length of this media piece is 9minutes.© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 22 of 31Week 8 Existential-Humanistic Therapy
Laureate Education (Producer). (2015d). On a hamster wheel[Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 2 minutes.
Bugental, J. (n.d.). Existential-humanistic psychotherapy[Video file]. Mill Valley, CA: You will access this media from the Walden Library databases. The approximate length of this media piece is 108minutes.

NURS 6640 Discussion Clinical Supervision

Post on or before Day 3 a 3- to 5-minute Kaltura video that addresses the following:

  • Describe a client you are counseling whom you do not think is adequately progressing according to expected clinical outcomes. Note: Do not use the client’s actual name.
  • Explain your therapeutic approach with the client, including the perceived effectiveness of your approach.
  • Identify any additional information about this client that may potentially impact expected outcomes.

Note: Nurse practitioners must have strong oral communication skills.This Discussion is designed to help you hone these skills. When filming your Kaltura video, be sure to dress and speak in professional manner.
View a selection of your colleagues’ responses.Respond on or before Day 6 to at least two of your colleagues by providing feedback based on an existential-humanistic therapeutic perspective. Support your feedback with evidence-based literature and/or your own experiences with clients.Note about uploading media: Refer to the Kaltura Media Uploader instructions document, which provides guidance on how to upload media for the Clinical Supervision Discussions.
NURS 6640 Week 8 Practicum Week 8 Journal Entry
This week, you complete a two-part journal entry. For Part 1, select a client whom you observed or counseled this week(other than the client used for this week’s Discussion). Then, address the following in your Practicum Journal:

  • Describe the client and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.
  • Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for this client. NURS 6640: Psychotherapy With Individuals.
  • Explain whether existential-humanistic therapy would be beneficial with this client. Include expected outcomes based on this therapeutic approach.
  • Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling this client.

Support your approach with evidence-based literature.For Part 2, reflect on your clinical supervision experiences. Then,address the following in your Practicum Journal:

  • How often are you receiving clinical supervision from your preceptor?
  • What are the sessions like?
  • What is the preceptor bringing to your attention?
  • How are you translating these sessions to your clinical practice?

Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 10.

NURS 6640 Week 9 Psychotherapy With Children and Adolescents

Resources Readings
Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-basedpractice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.o Chapter 17, “Psychotherapy With Children” (pp. 597–624) NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington,DC: Author. Note: You will access this text from the Walden Library databases.© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 24 of 31Week 9 Psychotherapy With Children and Adolescents
Bass, C., van Nevel, J., & Swart, J. (2014). A comparison between dialectical behavior therapy, mode deactivationtherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy in the treatment of adolescents.International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy,9(2), 4–8. doi:10.1037/h0100991Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.
Koocher, G. P. (2003). Ethical issues in psychotherapy with adolescents. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 59(11), 1247–1256. PMID:14566959
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.
McLeod, B. D., Jensen-Doss, A., Tully, C. B., Southam-Gerow,M. A., Weisz, J. R., & Kendall, P. C. (2016). The role of setting versus treatment type in alliance within youth therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84(5), 453–464.doi:10.1037/ccp0000081 Note: You will access this article from the Walden Librarydatabases.
Zilberstein, K. (2014). The use and limitations of attachment theory in child psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 51(1), 93–103.doi:10.1037/a0030930Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2013a). Disruptive behaviors[Multimedia file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Walker, R. (n.d.). Making child therapy work [Video file]. MillValley, CA: You will access this media from the Walden Library databases. The approximate length of this media piece is 95minutes.© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 25 of 31 Week 9 Psychotherapy With Children and Adolescents

NURS 6640 Week 9 Discussion Counseling Adolescents

Post on or before Day 3 an explanation of your observations of the client in the case study you selected, including behaviors that align to the criteria in DSM-5. Then, explain therapeutic approaches you might use with this client, including psychotropic medications if appropriate. NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments. Finally, explain expected outcomes for the client base on these therapeutic approaches. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.Respond on or before Day 6 to at least two of your colleagues by providing one alternative therapeutic approach. Explain why you suggest this alternative and support your suggestion with evidence based literature and/or your own experiences with clients.
NURS 6640 Practicum Week 9 Journal Entry
Select a child or adolescent client whom you observed or counseled this week. Then, address the following in your Practicum Journal:

  • Describe the client (without violating HIPAA regulations) and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.
  • Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for this client.
  • Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling this client.
  • Support your position with evidence-based literature.Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 10.

Looking Ahead Week 10 Clinical Supervision Discussion: Week 10
Discussion: In 3- to 5-minute Kaltura video, you will discuss an older adult client you have observed and/or counseled during your practicum experience. Be sure to make arrangements with your preceptor so you can fulfill the requirements of the Discussion. Refer to the Week 10 Discussion for additional guidance.© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 26 of 31 NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments.

NURS 6640 Week 10 Psychotherapy With Older Adults

Resources Readings
Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.· Chapter 18, “Psychotherapy With Older Adults” (pp. 625–660)· Chapter 20, “Termination and Outcome Evaluation” (pp.693–712)
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington,DC: Author.Note: You will access this text from the Walden Library databases.
McGuire, J. (2009). Ethical considerations when working with older adults in psychology. Ethics & Behavior, 19(2), 112–128.doi:10.1080/10508420902772702 Note: You will access this article from the Walden Librarydatabases.
Swift, J. K., & Greenberg, R. P. (2015). What is premature termination, and why does it occur? In Premature termination in psychotherapy: Strategies for engaging clients and improving outcomes (pp. 11–31). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/14469-002. Note: You will access this resource from the Walden Library databases.

NURS 6640 Discussion Clinical Supervision

Post on or before Day 3 a 3- to 5-minute Kaltura video that addresses the following:

  • Describe an older client you are counseling whom you do not think is adequately progressing according to expected clinical outcomes. Note: Do not use the client’s actual name.
  • Explain your therapeutic approach with the client, including the perceived effectiveness of your approach.
  • Identify any additional information about this client that may potentially impact expected outcomes.© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 27 of 31Week 10 Psychotherapy With Older Adults NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments

Note: Nurse practitioners must have strong oral communication skills.This Discussion is designed to help you hone these skills. When filming your Kaltura video, be sure to dress and speak in a professional manner.
View a selection of your colleagues’ responses.Respond on or before Day 6 to at least two of your colleagues by sharing additional insights or alternative perspectives. Support your feedback with evidence-based literature and/or your own experiences with clients.Note about uploading media: Refer to the Kaltura Media Uploader instructions document, which provides guidance on how to uploadmedia for the Clinical Supervision Discussions.
Practicum Client Termination Summary
With the client you selected in mind, address the following in a client termination summary (without violating HIPAA regulations):

  • Identifying information of client (i.e., hypothetical name, age,etc.)
  • Date initially contacted therapist, date therapy began, duration of therapy, and date therapy will end
  • Total number of sessions, including number of missed sessions
  • Termination planned or unplanned
  • Presenting problem
  • Major psychosocial issues
  • Types of services rendered (i.e., individual, couple/familytherapy, group therapy, etc.)
  • Overview of treatment process
  • Goal status (goals met, partially met, unmet)
  • Treatment limitations (if any)
  • Remaining difficulties and/or concerns
  • Recommendations
  • Follow-up plan (if indicated)
  • Instructions for future contact
  • Signatures

Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 10.© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 28 of 31
Week 10 Psychotherapy With Older Adults
Practicum Week 8 Journal Entry
Students will:

  • Develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy*
  • Evaluate the efficacy of existential-humanistic therapy for clients*
  • Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric disorders*
  • Analyze clinical supervision experiences
  • NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments

**These Learning Objectives are related to the Assignment from Week8. Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 10. Refer to Week 8 for additional guidance.
Practicum Week 9 Journal Entry
Students will:

  • Develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy
  • Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric disorders

**These Learning Objectives are related to the Assignment from Week9. Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 10. Refer to Week 9 for additional guidance.
NURS 6640 Practicum Week 10 Journal Entry
Reflect on your overall practicum experience in this course. Then,address the following in your Practicum Journal:

  • Explain whether your therapeutic theory has changed as result of your practicum experiences. Recall the theories you selected in Week 1.
  • Explain how you integrated the therapeutic approaches from this course in your clinical practice. Include how this helped you achieve the goals and objectives you developed in Week1.
  • Explain how you might impact social change through your work with clients who have mental health issues.© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 29 of 31Week 10 Psychotherapy With Older Adults
  • Support your approach with evidence-based literature.Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 10.

Practicum Logs  REMINDER
You are required to keep a log of the time you spend related to yourpracticum experience and enter every patient you see each day. Youcan access your time log from the Welcome Page in your Meditrekaccount. You will track time individually for each patient you workwith. Please make sure to continuously input your hours throughoutthe term. NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments

NURS 6640 Week 11 Psychotherapy With Personality Disorders

Resources Readings
Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advancedpractice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-basedpractice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer PublishingCompany.o Chapter 20, “Termination and Outcome Evaluation”(Review pp. 693–712)
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington,DC: Author.Note: You will access this text from the Walden Librarydatabases.
Dixon-Gordon, K. L., Turner, B. J., & Chapman, A. L. (2011).Psychotherapy for personality disorders. International Reviewof Psychiatry, 23(3), 282–302.doi:10.3109/09540261.2011.586992Note: You will access this article from the Walden Librarydatabases.
Lorentzen, S., Ruud, T., Fjeldstad, A., & Høglend, P. A.(2015). Personality disorder moderates outcome in short- andlong-term group analytic psychotherapy: A randomized clinical trial. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54(2), 129–146.doi:10.1111/bjc.12065Note: You will access this article from the Walden Librarydatabases.© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 30 of 31Week 11 Psychotherapy With Personality Disorders
Paris, J. (2004). Personality disorders over time: Implications for psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 58(4),420–429. PMID: 15807086 Note: You will access this article from the Walden Librarydatabases.
Swift, J. K., & Greenberg, R. P. (2015). What is prematuretermination, and why does it occur? In Premature terminationin psychotherapy: Strategies for engaging clients andimproving outcomes (pp. 11–31). Washington, DC: AmericanPsychological Association. doi:10.1037/14469-002Note: You will access this resource from the Walden Librarydatabases.
Discussion Therapy for Clients With Personality Disorders
Post on or before Day 3 a description of the personality disorder youselected.

  • Explain a therapeutic approach (including psychotropicmedications if appropriate) you might use to treat a client presentingwith this disorder, including how you would share your diagnosis ofthis disorder to the client in order to avoid damaging the therapeutic relationship. NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments.
  • Support your approach with evidence-based literature.Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.
  • Respond on or before Day 6 to at least two of your colleagues byproviding one alternative therapeutic approach.
  • Explain why yousuggest this alternative and support your suggestion with evidencebasedliterature and/or your own experiences with clients.

Exam Final Exam
Students will:

  • Assess knowledge of concepts, principles, and theories relatedto the psychotherapy of individuals

This exam will cover the following topics from the Wheeler textbook,which relate to psychotherapy of individuals:

  • Supportive and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy
  • Humanistic-Existential and Solution-Focused Approaches toPsychotherapy© 2017 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 31 of 31Week 11 Psychotherapy With Personality Disorders
  • Psychotherapy With Children
  • Psychotherapy With Older Adults NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments.
  • Termination and Outcome EvaluationComplete the Final Exam by Day 7 of Week 11. Prior to starting theexam, you should review all of your materials. There is a 2-hour timelimit to complete this 75-question exam. You may only attempt thisexam once. NURS 6640: Psychotherapy With Individuals.CourseEvaluationComplete your Course Evaluation by Day 7.NURS 6640: Psychotherapy With Individuals

Therapy for Clients with Personality Disorders
A description of borderline personality disorder
Jenny is an 80 year old female diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Her major symptoms include emotional instability, suicidal thoughts, low mood feelings, outbursts of rage and anxiety.  According to Stoffers-Winterling et al (2012), borderline personality disorder is marked by widespread pattern of variability in impulse control, affect regulation, self- image and interpersonal relationships.
Clinical hallmarks entail impulsive aggression, emotional deregulation, and repetitive self-injury along with chronic suicidal ideation. Patients with borderline personality disorder usually have problems regulating their impulses and emotions, and find it difficult to maintain relationships. They may suffer swift alterations in mood, experience feelings of desolation and may injure themselves (Stoffers-Winterling et al, 2012).

Therapeutic approach i might use to treat a client presenting with borderline personality disorder

The most effective therapeutic therapy that I can use to treat a client presenting with the disorder is dialectical behavioral therapy. This therapy is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy that provides patients with novel skills of managing painful emotions and lessening struggles in relationships. According to Biskin and Paris (2012), dialectical behavioral therapy has a strict order of targets for treatment and life-threatening behavior at the topmost of the hierarchy. A major dialectics in the treatment of borderline personality disorder is the equilibrium that the psychotherapist must attain in authenticating the behaviors and experiences of the client whilst enhancing change.
The therapy entails weekly life-skills sessions that impart skills in four domains, including mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotions regulation, distress tolerance and mindfulness. Distress tolerance focuses on increasing an individual’s tolerance to adverse emotion, other than attempting to run away from it. Mindfulness focuses on promoting the ability of the client to acknowledge the present moment. Interpersonal effectiveness comprises techniques that permit the client to communicate with other people in an assertive way that strengthens relationships and maintains self-respect. NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments. Emotion regulation entails strategies of managing and changing extreme emotions that cause problems in the life of the client (Biskin & Paris, 2012),

Use of psychotropic medications to treat a client presenting borderline personality disorder

Psychotropic medications that i can use to treat a client with this disorder include antidepressants, mood stabilizers, antipsychotic medications, and sedatives. Bradford and Holt (2015) argue that psychotropic medications are normally regarded as second-line treatment after psychotherapy, though they can be used to treat borderline personality disorder.  Nevertheless, there is no evidence for the single best medication for borderline personality disorder and the majority of researchers recommends that drug therapy must be targeted towards individual symptoms of the disorder. NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments.
As Martinho et al (2015) indicate, people with borderline personality disorder receive as –needed psychotropic drugs, regardless of lack of evidence of their effectiveness.  Psychotropic medication is used in patients with a borderline personality disorder to alleviate symptoms like agitation, sleep disturbance, anger, impulsivity, transient psychosis and intensified emotional liability.  When a patient represents these symptoms, the caregiver, patient or nurse decides when the medications are administered, under a preceding prescribed medication regimen (Martinho et al, 2015).

How I would share my diagnosis of borderline personality disorder in order to avoid damaging the therapeutic relationship

I would share my diagnosis of the disorder by offering a detailed description of the disorder in an honest manner. Cultivating a productive emotional relationship is an effective strategy for developing and sustaining a progressive therapeutic relationship. According to McMain et al (2015), emotional awareness is important in therapeutic interaction since emotional reactivity and sensitivity of either the therapist or the client can hinder therapeutic procedure and obstruct a positive therapeutic connection from developing. Tension and conflict in therapeutic relationship are intensified when either the client or therapist disregards them until they overwhelm both parties. So as to cultivate a positive therapeutic relationship, it will be crucial that diagnosis and therapy take in the emotions of both the therapist and the client.
Bradford, R., & Holt, C. (2015). The Use of Psychotropic Drug Therapy in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Case Report. Psychiatric Danubina, 27(Suppl 1): S371- S374.
Biskin, R., & Paris, J. (2012). Management of borderline personality disorder. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 184(17): 1897-1902.
Martinho, E., Frankenburg, F., Fitzmaurice, G., & Zanarini, M. (2015). PRN (As-Needed) Psychotropic Medication Use in Borderline Patients and Other Personality –Disorder Subjects over 14 Years of Prospective Follow-up.  Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 34(4): 499-503.
McMain, S., Labyman, M., & Boritz, T. (2015). Common strategies for cultivating a positive therapy relationship in the treatment of borderline personality disorder. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 25(1): 20-29.
Stoffers-Winterling, J., Vollom, B., & Rucker, G et al. (2012). Psychological therapies for people with borderline personality disorder. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 15(8): CD 005652. NURS 6640 Psychotherapy With Individuals week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments.


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  • Discussion Questions (DQ)

Initial responses to the DQ should address all components of the questions asked, including a minimum of one scholarly source, and be at least 250 words. Successful responses are substantive (i.e., add something new to the discussion, engage others in the discussion, well-developed idea) and include at least one scholarly source. One or two-sentence responses, simple statements of agreement or “good post,” and responses that are off-topic will not count as substantive. Substantive responses should be at least 150 words. I encourage you to incorporate the readings from the week (as applicable) into your responses.

  • Weekly Participation

Your initial responses to the mandatory DQ do not count toward participation and are graded separately. In addition to the DQ responses, you must post at least one reply to peers (or me) on three separate days, for a total of three replies. Participation posts do not require a scholarly source/citation (unless you cite someone else’s work). Part of your weekly participation includes viewing the weekly announcement and attesting to watching it in the comments. These announcements are made to ensure you understand everything that is due during the week.

  • APA Format and Writing Quality

Familiarize yourself with the APA format and practice using it correctly. It is used for most writing assignments for your degree. Visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center, under the Resources tab in Loud-cloud for APA paper templates, citation examples, tips, etc. Points will be deducted for poor use of APA format or absence of APA format (if required). Cite all sources of information! When in doubt, cite the source. Paraphrasing also requires a citation. I highly recommend using the APA Publication Manual, 6th edition.

  • Use of Direct Quotes

I discourage over-utilization of direct quotes in DQs and assignments at the Master’s level and deduct points accordingly. As Masters’ level students, it is important that you be able to critically analyze and interpret information from journal articles and other resources. Simply restating someone else’s words does not demonstrate an understanding of the content or critical analysis of the content. It is best to paraphrase content and cite your source. NURS 6640 week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments

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For assignments that need to be submitted to Lopes Write, please be sure you have received your report and Similarity Index (SI) percentage BEFORE you do a “final submit” to me. Once you have received your report, please review it. This report will show you grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors that can easily be fixed. Take the extra few minutes to review instead of getting counted off for these mistakes. Review your similarities. Did you forget to cite something? Did you not paraphrase well enough? Is your paper made up of someone else’s thoughts more than your own? Visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center, under the Resources tab in Loud-cloud for tips on improving your paper and SI score.

  • Late Policy

The university’s policy on late assignments is a 10% penalty PER DAY LATE. This also applies to late DQ replies. Please communicate with me if you anticipate having to submit an assignment late. I am happy to be flexible, with advance notice. We may be able to work out an extension based on extenuating circumstances. If you do not communicate with me before submitting an assignment late, the GCU late policy will be in effect. I do not accept assignments that are two or more weeks late unless we have worked out an extension. As per policy, no assignments are accepted after the last day of class. Any assignment submitted after midnight on the last day of class will not be accepted for grading. NURS 6640 week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments

  • Communication

Communication is so very important. There are multiple ways to communicate with me: Questions to Instructor Forum: This is a great place to ask course content or assignment questions. If you have a question, there is a good chance one of your peers does as well. This is a public forum for the class. Individual Forum: This is a private forum to ask me questions or send me messages. This will be checked at least once every 24 hours. NURS 6640 week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments

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SCORE A+ WITH HELP FROM OUR PROFESSIONAL WRITERS NURS 6640 week 1 – 11 discussions and assignments

We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium.

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