Nojax Company Reorganization Report Essay

 Nojax Company Reorganization Report Essay


Determine the value of organizational behavior.

Assess employee contributions within an organization.

Critique factors that influence and motivate employees.

Justify the importance of building organizational relationships.

Apply conflict management and negotiation strategies to decision-making.

Analyze the influence leaders have on organizational change.

  1. Scenario
    You are an organizational behavior consultant, and your role is to analyze a company’s overall performance. As a consultant, you conduct observation, analysis, and suggestions for workplace improvement to help organizations achieve overall success. An American company called NoJax Inc. has hired you based on your ability to demonstrate professionalism and skillset as an OB analyst.

You have been asked by NoJax to come in as a consultant and analyze the business for factors that impact the company’s organizational behavior. NoJax Inc. would like to ensure that their company design is current and that its employees are as efficient as possible. You have been analyzing several elements of the organization structure and behaviors using the NoJax Company background document to identify improvement areas. You will use that information to provide NoJax with a new reorganization plan to continue their success, be more efficient, and stay ahead of their competition.

Review the NoJax Company background document as part of your analysis and create a reorganization report that:

Includes an executive summary that discusses the value of organizational behavior analysis for NoJax and challenges and opportunities in applying your recommendations.

Examines the big-five personality traits for your analysis of the workforce from the background document and determine what personalities and personal values are a good “organizational fit” for NoJax Inc.

Analyzes policies that can improve employee motivation and how these policies might influence employee behavior, attitudes, and motivation. Note: policies may need to be updated.

Proposes one change for each of NoJax’s barriers and then discuss how the changes will create more effective and supportive communication to build better relationships.

Details the process of decision-making NoJax currently uses and provides recommendations on how they can better use the negotiation process, ensuring NoJax is making each step of the decision-making process more efficient.

Summarizes how each management person should best use their management style to have the most significant positive influential impact on employees.

  • Additionally, identify the three essential elements to management, maintaining a balance between the current culture, and improving relationships to minimize resistance to change.
  • Uses examples to support understanding of concepts in a well-defined reorganization report

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     Nojax Company Reorganization Report Essay
    Nojax Company Reorganization Report

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