Mastering Professional Nursing Practice
Mastering Professional Nursing Practice
N.B. Please follow the guidance on using artificial intelligence (AI) applications to prepare assignments in the Assignment Box on the module Moodle site.
“Mastering professional practice through transcultural health care provision: a personal reflection on a patient I have cared for” (3500 words)
You need to identify a patient YOU have cared for, which presented a transcultural care incident of interest to you. You need to follow the framework outlined below to plan your reflective assignment.
We advise using Gibbs (1998) Reflective Model as used for this guidance. This guidance has eight sections and is based on this model. You can use a different reflective model, but you will need to adapt the framework below to the model of reflection that you select.
1: Background and introduction (approx. 200 words)
Briefly introduce yourself, area of practice and how you will use the concepts of reflection and cultural care to demonstrate mastering (or advancing) of practice. State how you will answer the assignment title, what your aim and objectives are. A good assignment begins by explaining to the reader what you are going to write about the topic area and how you are structuring the essay. You need to introduce the transcultural issue which your selected incident presents, and some background information relating to it. You need to state why you chose the transcultural incident for this assignment and why you selected the care of this patient for reflection on your own practice. You need to include how reflecting on this will relate to advancing your nursing practice. The introduction provides several signposts for the reader to look out for and sets out what can be expected. You need to state that you will be using Gibbs (1998) reflective cycle (or another) to structure your assignment, and which transcultural theory you will be using to structure your analysis of the incident. You need to present your rationale for your transcultural theory selection.
2: Description of event (what happened?) (approx. 400 words).
Choose a transcultural health care incident that you have experienced in your own practice (e.g., within the last 2 years or so), and write a summary report about it. The strongest submission will provide honest reflections on your own practice.
3: Feeling and Evaluation
Two parts to this section – (approx. 850 words).
- Feeling (what were you thinking or feeling?)
- Evaluation (what was good and bad about the experience?)
Using the key concepts of transcultural nursing care theory, apply them to your incident and reflect on what you did (what actions you took, how you felt about this, what emotions you felt, what you feel are your strengths and weaknesses. Take care with the structure of the reflection and how you acknowledge your feelings, strengths, and weaknesses.
4: Analysis
Two parts to this section – (approx. 1400 words).
- Analysis (what sense can you make of the situation?) You must structure your analysis using a transcultural care theory/conceptual framework (and provide a rationale for selection)
- Advancing your own practice
What else could you have done? What didn’t you do that you wished you had? Consider the importance of partnership in decision-making (person-centred).
Use literature to help you critically analyse your transcultural care incident. Link your analysis to how you will advance your own practice and the service you will provide in the future.
5: Action Plan (Approx. 500 words).
Include what would you do differently if the situation arose again. Present clear details of what you have learnt in relation to the specific incident you have presented. Briefly build on how you have, or will advance practice by presenting recommendations for your own practice and what you would need to do to implement these? Be as creative as you can be to achieve necessary change in your own practice, (and for the clinical area where applicable).
6: Conclusion (approx. 150 words)
In the conclusion make sure you restate your original aims and objectives. State briefly how you have met these. State key learning and recommendation for your own practice. Mastering Professional Nursing Practice
7: Reference list
Make sure that you support your discussion with references. There is an expectation that you will read some Hong Kong papers, textbooks (or part of these books) and journal articles. It is not best practice just to refer to the information presented on the Module Moodle site. The wider your self-directed reading is, the more likely you will be able to critically analyse at the required level. Start with a range of selections from the reading list provided (Reading list can be found by clicking on: MPNP Reading List 2023 : see LSM and the Module Moodle site for full URL)
8: Appendices are not usually required, and remember these are not awarded a mark, and not included in the word count.
Note: all supporting evidence should be referenced to acknowledge the origin of the original ideas, authors thinking and writing (and to avoid plagiarism).
Word Allowance: maximum 3500 words
You are required to put an accurate word count at the end of your assignment. Words that exceed the maximum allowed will not be marked. If in doubt, you should discuss this with the Module Leader before submission. Mastering Professional Nursing Practice
Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Oxford: Further Education Unit. Oxford.
ONE OUTLINE should be submitted via Turnitin on the Outline Box on Moodle and your outline should be sent by 3 August 2023 at 7.00pm HK time (receive feedback within 7 working days – 14 August 2023 at 7.00pm HK time).
ONE FULL DRAFT to be submitted via Turnitin in the draft box on Moodle and your draft should be sent by 1 September 2023 at 7.00pm HK time (receive feedback within 10 working days – 15 September 2023 at 7.00pm HK time.
Please submit your assignment as an e-copy (in word format) via Turnitin on VLE- Moodle by HK time 7:00pm on WEDNESDAY 4 OCTOBER 2023. Mastering Professional Nursing Practice
For Turnitin submission guidelines, please refer to the “Handbook for Accessing the Brookes Network Service” provided by AIE.
N.B. Failure to submit the Word document of the final assignment via Turnitin as required by the due date will result in 0% Fail for the module.
Marking Team
Sue McBean Liz Puffet Nigel Conway
Netta Lloyd-Jones Marie Herd
You will find the following marking criteria a helpful guide for self-assessment. Please use this alongside the assignment. Look at the distinction guidance to help you understand what is needed to achieve the best you can in this assignment. Mastering Professional Nursing Practice
Marking Criteria and Weighting
Distinction (100) |
The work is outstanding and flawlessly presented in concise and imaginative manner and finished to an exceptional level of accuracy throughout. The style of presentation consistently and comprehensively engages the reader and enhances the nature of the work throughout. |
Consistently demonstrates exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge in a complex or specialised area, recognising the limits of the current knowledge base and practice/craft. Theoretical and complex work shows consistent and exceptional integration, with an in-depth understanding of practice. Exceptional range of key texts are utilised and analysed effectively throughout. |
The work consistently demonstrates an exceptional and deep appreciation of the diversity of people encountered in health and social care. Issues of social justice, discrimination and inequality are sensitively and realistically explored throughout. |
Contains exceptionally clear and authoritative critique across a comprehensive range of views, theories and practice issues related to the topic. Outstanding evaluative comment is applied consistently to theoretical and applied concepts throughout. |
Consistently demonstrates novel and effective approaches to generating ideas, defining, and solving problems, and / or developing action plans and strategies. Takes exceptional account of the complexity of knowledge in relation to the topic area throughout. Outstanding and thought-provoking conclusions, A precise and comprehensive reflection of key issues throughout. |
Shows consistent and exceptional levels of confidence and independence in initiating, conducting, and evaluating own work. Effectively judges own abilities and work with confidence and independence. Consistently uses reflection to demonstrate clear and comprehensive evidence of significant learning and application of new insights throughout. |
Distinction (92) |
The work shows excellent presentation in a concise and imaginative manner and finished to an excellent level of accuracy throughout. The style of presentation engages the reader and consistently enhances the nature of the work. |
Demonstrates exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge in a complex or specialised area, recognising the limits of the current knowledge base and practice/craft. Theoretical and complex work shows exceptional integration with an in-depth understanding of practice. An excellent range of key texts are utilised and analysed effectively throughout. |
The work demonstrates an exceptional appreciation of the diversity of people encountered in health and social care. Issues of social justice, discrimination and inequality are sensitively and realistically explored. |
Contains clear and authoritative critique across an excellent range of views, theories and practice issues related to the topic. Excellent evaluative comment is applied to theoretical and applied concepts throughout |
Consistently demonstrates novel and effective approaches to generating ideas, defining, and solving problems, and / or developing action plans and strategies. Takes full account of the complexity of knowledge in relation to the topic area throughout. Exceptional conclusions are a precise and comprehensive reflection of key issues throughout. |
Shows some evidence of exceptional levels of confidence and independence in initiating, conducting, and evaluating own work. Effectively judges own abilities and work with confidence and independence. Consistently uses reflection to demonstrate clear and comprehensive evidence of significant learning and application of new insights throughout. |
Distinction (87) |
The work shows excellent presentation in a concise and imaginative manner and finished to a very high level of accuracy throughout. The style of presentation engages the reader and enhances the nature of the work throughout. |
Demonstrates excellent breadth and depth of knowledge in a complex or specialised area, recognising the limits of the current knowledge base and practice/craft. Theoretical and complex work shows excellent integration with an in-depth understanding of practice. A wide range of key texts are utilised and analysed effectively. |
The work demonstrates an excellent appreciation of the diversity of people encountered in health and social care. Issues of social justice, discrimination and inequality are sensitively and realistically explored. |
Contains clear and authoritative critique across a full range of views, theories and practice issues related to the topic. Excellent evaluative comment is applied to theoretical and applied concepts |
Demonstrates novel and effective approaches to generating ideas, defining, and solving problems, and / or developing action plans and strategies throughout. Takes excellent account of the complexity of knowledge in relation to the topic area. Conclusions are an excellent and precise reflection of key issues. |
Shows some evidence of excellent levels of confidence and independence in initiating, conducting, and evaluating own work. Effectively judges own abilities and work with confidence and independence. Consistently uses reflection to demonstrate clear and comprehensive evidence of significant learning and application of new insights throughout. |
Distinction (82) |
The work is very well presented in a concise and imaginative manner and finished to a very high level of accuracy throughout. The style of presentation engages the reader and enhances the nature of the work throughout. |
Demonstrates very good breadth and depth of knowledge in a complex or specialised area, recognising the limits of the current knowledge base and practice/craft. Theoretical and complex work is very well integrated with an in- depth understanding of practice. A range of key texts are utilised and analysed effectively. |
The work consistently demonstrates a deep appreciation of the diversity of people encountered in health and social care. Issues of social justice, discrimination and inequality are sensitively and realistically explored. |
Contains clear and authoritative critique across a full range of views, theories and practice issues related to the topic. Very sound and evaluative comment is applied to theoretical and applied concepts |
Demonstrates novel and effective approaches to generating ideas, defining, and solving problems, and / or developing action plans and strategies. Takes very good account of the complexity of knowledge in relation to the topic area. Conclusions are a precise reflection of key issues. |
Shows some evidence of very high levels of confidence and independence in initiating, conducting, and evaluating own work. Effectively judges own abilities and work with confidence and independence. Consistently uses reflection to demonstrate clear and comprehensive evidence of significant learning and application of new insights throughout. |
Distinction (77) |
The work is well presented in a concise and imaginative manner and finished to a high level of accuracy throughout. The style of presentation engages the reader and enhances the nature of the work. |
Demonstrates good breadth and depth of knowledge in a complex or specialised area, recognising the limits of the current knowledge base and practice/craft. Theoretical and complex work is well integrated with an in-depth understanding of practice. Most key texts are utilised and analysed effectively. |
The work demonstrates a very good appreciation of the diversity of people encountered in health and social care. Issues of social justice, discrimination and inequality are sensitively and realistically explored. |
Contains clear and authoritative critique across a wide range of views, theories and practice issues related to the topic. Sound evaluative comment is applied to theoretical and applied concepts |
Demonstrates some novel and effective approaches to generating ideas, defining and solving problems, and / or developing action plans. Takes account of the complexity of knowledge in relation to the topic area. Conclusions are a a clear and accurate reflection of key issues. |
Shows some evidence of very good levels of confidence and independence in initiating, conducting, and evaluating own work. Effectively judges own abilities and work with confidence and independence. Consistently uses reflection to demonstrate clear and comprehensive evidence of significant learning and application of new insights throughout. |
Distinction (72) |
The work is well presented in a concise manner with some imagination. It is finished to a very good level of accuracy. The style of presentation engages the reader and enhances the nature of the work. |
Demonstrates breadth and depth of knowledge in a complex or specialised area, recognising the limits of the current knowledge base and practice/craft. Theoretical and complex work is mainly integrated with an in-depth understanding of practice. Some key texts are utilised and analysed. |
The work demonstrates a good appreciation of the diversity of people encountered in health and social care. Issues of social justice, discrimination and inequality are sensitively and realistically explored. |
Contains clear and authoritative critique across a range of views, theories and practice issues related to the topic. Sound evaluative comment is applied to theoretical and applied concepts |
Demonstrates effective approaches to ideas, defining and solving problems, or developing action plans and strategies. Takes account of the complexity of knowledge in relation to the topic area. Conclusions are a clear reflection of key issues. |
Shows some evidence of good levels of confidence and independence in initiating, conducting, and evaluating own work. Judges own abilities and work with confidence and independence. Uses reflection to demonstrate clear and comprehensive evidence of significant learning and application of new insights throughout. |
Merit (67) |
The work is very clearly structured, including concise purpose, summaries, and overview statements. Referencing and cross referencing is accurate and accessible. All material is valid and relevant and presented coherently and logically. |
Demonstrates an effective balance between breadth and depth of knowledge. Relevant issues are broached, with complex theoretical concepts recognised and considered alongside practice issues. Most key texts are incorporated into arguments in an effective manner. |
A good range of perspectives is explored with understanding and respect. Diversity is portrayed as a source of richness in most elements of the work. Explicit mention is made of the specific challenges faced by different groups as a result of their disability / culture / age / gender experience / educational opportunities |
Provides consistent critical analysis of a full range of views, theories and practice issues related to the topic. Recognises strengths and limitations. Comments on theoretical and applied areas are consistently evaluative in nature |
Convincing evidence is given for innovative, ways of approaching problems and answering fundamental questions in relation to the topic. Explores the topic area with fluency, taking account of significant knowledge. Conclusions reflect the key issues. |
Shows independence in initiating, conducting, and evaluating own work. Judges own work with accuracy and sensitivity and confidence. Uses reflection to demonstrate clear and thorough evidence of significant learning and/or application to practice in relation to the topic area. |
Merit (62) |
The work is clearly structured, including concise purpose, summaries, and overview statements. Referencing and cross referencing is accurate and mostly accessible. Most material is valid and relevant and presented coherently and logically. |
Demonstrates a balance between breadth and depth of knowledge. Most relevant issues are broached, with complex theoretical concepts recognised and considered alongside practice issues. Some key texts are incorporated into arguments in an effective manner. |
A range of perspectives is explored with understanding and respect. Diversity is portrayed as a source of richness. Mention is made of the specific challenges faced by different groups as a result of their disability / culture / age / gender experience / educational opportunities |
Provides critical analysis of a full range of views, theories and practice issues related to the topic. Mostly recognises strengths and limitations. Comments on theoretical and applied areas are evaluative in nature |
Evidence is given for innovative ways of approaching problems and answering fundamental questions in relation to the topic. Explores the topic area with fluency, taking account of significant knowledge. Conclusions reflect the key issues. |
Shows independence in initiating, conducting, and evaluating own work. Some judgment of work with accuracy and sensitivity and confidence. Uses reflection to demonstrate clear and thorough evidence of significant learning and/or application to practice in relation to the topic area. |
Pass (57) |
The work is organised and presented in an appropriate academic style, making the purpose and conclusions clear. The material included is relevant and presented in a way that guides the reader / observer. Referencing and cross referencing is mostly accurate. |
Demonstrates a reasonable knowledge base of the topic area, encompassing some breadth and depth of current knowledge. Key texts are recognised. There is clear understanding of relevant issues, with links between theory and practice fully explored. |
Diversity is accepted as a reality within which judgements and decisions are made. A range of perspectives other than that of the author are recognised and explored. Value judgements include consideration of issues of equity and social justice |
Shows an ability to enquire into a range of complex issues, recognising similarities and contradictions between different viewpoints and theoretical models. Work of others is accurately and sensitively assessed and evaluated, with a concise summary presented |
Develops ideas which are relevant, useful, and acceptable in relation to the topic. Explores alternative understandings and approaches. Conclusions take account of the important issues. |
Shows responsibility for planning, conducting, and evaluating own work. Demonstrates clear insights into the strengths and limitations of own abilities and work. Demonstrates development of learning in relation to the topic area. The reader has a clear sense that the author is reflecting upon and driving forward own personal/professional development |
Pass (50) |
The work is mostly organised and presented in an appropriate academic style, making the purpose and conclusions mostly clear. Most material included is relevant and presented in a way that guides the reader / observer. Referencing and cross referencing is mostly accurate. |
Demonstrates a good knowledge base of the topic area, encompassing both the breadth and depth of current knowledge. Most key texts are recognised. There is mostly clear understanding of relevant issues, with some links between theory and practice fully explored. |
Diversity is accepted as a reality within which judgements and decisions are made. Perspectives other than that of the author are recognised and explored. Value judgements include some consideration of issues of equity and social justice. |
Shows an ability to enquire into complex issues, recognising similarities and contradictions between different viewpoints and theoretical models. Work of others is mostly accurately and sensitively assessed and evaluated, with a summary presented |
Develops some ideas which are relevant, useful, and acceptable in relation to the topic. Explores some alternative understandings and approaches. Some conclusions take account of the important issues. |
Shows some responsibility for planning, conducting, and evaluating own work. Demonstrates some insights into the strengths and limitations of own abilities and work. Demonstrates some development of learning in relation to the topic area. The reader has a sense that the author is reflecting upon and driving forward own personal/professional development |
Resit (30-49) |
The work fails to engage the reader either due to poor organisation or lack of overall structure or poor technical writing skills and / or a lack of clearly defined purpose. Referencing and / or cross referencing is inadequate. Excessive or irrelevant materials detract from the focus of the work. |
The work shows only a superficial knowledge base and/or limited recognition of current thinking on the topic. The work conveys limited understanding of the major theoretical and practice related issues relevant to the topic. Key references are lacking, and literature presented is sparse and not current. |
The work presents the views of the author only with limited apparent consideration of other perspectives. Some evidence of lack of respect and/or discrimination with respect to different groups e.g., based on culture / age / race, gender, ability / disability, professional identity |
Shows some ability to dissect ideas, theories, and practice issues of others in a rational manner. Work is mostly descriptive and only partially addresses controversial or debatable viewpoints. Little evidence of assessment and evaluative comment is given. The reader is left with a sense of not knowing what the author is trying to say in some areas. |
There is little evidence of the development of ideas in relation to the topic. Work presents a narrow range of views. Conclusions are not reflective of the content. |
Is dependent on tutor guidance when planning and managing own work. Lacks confidence and/or realistic awareness of own abilities. There is little evidence of reflection and learning in relation to the topic area. |
F (0-29) |
The work fails to engage the reader, is disorganised and /or incoherent. No overall structure, very poor technical writing skills and / or failure to provide a clearly defined purpose. Referencing and / or cross referencing is insufficient. Excessive or irrelevant materials detract from the focus of the work. |
The work shows a lack of knowledge base and/or fails to recognise current thinking on the topic. The work does not convey understanding of the major theoretical and practice related issues relevant to the topic. Key references are omitted, and literature presented is sparse and not current. |
The work presents the views of the author only with no apparent consideration of other perspectives. Evidence of lack of respect and/or discrimination with respect to different groups e.g., based on culture / age / race, gender, ability / disability, professional identity |
Shows an inability to dissect ideas, theories, and practice issues of others in a rational manner. Work is descriptive and fails to address controversial or debatable viewpoints. No evidence of assessment and evaluative comment is given. The reader is left with a sense of not knowing what the author is trying to say. |
There is no evidence of the development of ideas in relation to the topic. Work presents only a very narrow range of views. Conclusions are not reflective of the content. |
Is highly dependent on tutor guidance when planning and managing own work. No evidence of confidence and/or realistic awareness of own abilities. There is no evidence of reflection and learning in relation to the topic area. |
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- Discussion Questions (DQ)
Initial responses to the DQ should address all components of the questions asked, including a minimum of one scholarly source, and be at least 250 words. Successful responses are substantive (i.e., add something new to the discussion, engage others in the discussion, well-developed idea) and include at least one scholarly source. One or two-sentence responses, simple statements of agreement or “good post,” and responses that are off-topic will not count as substantive. Substantive responses should be at least 150 words. I encourage you to incorporate the readings from the week (as applicable) into your responses. Mastering Professional Nursing Practice
- Weekly Participation
Your initial responses to the mandatory DQ do not count toward participation and are graded separately. In addition to the DQ responses, you must post at least one reply to peers (or me) on three separate days, for a total of three replies. Participation posts do not require a scholarly source/citation (unless you cite someone else’s work). Part of your weekly participation includes viewing the weekly announcement and attesting to watching it in the comments. These announcements are made to ensure you understand everything that is due during the week.
- APA Format and Writing Quality
Familiarize yourself with the APA format and practice using it correctly. It is used for most writing assignments for your degree. Visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center, under the Resources tab in Loud-cloud for APA paper templates, citation examples, tips, etc. Points will be deducted for poor use of APA format or absence of APA format (if required). Cite all sources of information! When in doubt, cite the source. Paraphrasing also requires a citation. I highly recommend using the APA Publication Manual, 6th edition.
- Use of Direct Quotes
I discourage over-utilization of direct quotes in DQs and assignments at the Master’s level and deduct points accordingly. As Masters’ level students, it is important that you be able to critically analyze and interpret information from journal articles and other resources. Simply restating someone else’s words does not demonstrate an understanding of the content or critical analysis of the content. It is best to paraphrase content and cite your source. Mastering Professional Nursing Practice
- LopesWrite Policy
For assignments that need to be submitted to Lopes Write, please be sure you have received your report and Similarity Index (SI) percentage BEFORE you do a “final submit” to me. Once you have received your report, please review it. This report will show you grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors that can easily be fixed. Take the extra few minutes to review instead of getting counted off for these mistakes. Review your similarities. Did you forget to cite something? Did you not paraphrase well enough? Is your paper made up of someone else’s thoughts more than your own? Visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center, under the Resources tab in Loud-cloud for tips on improving your paper and SI score.
- Late Policy
The university’s policy on late assignments is a 10% penalty PER DAY LATE. This also applies to late DQ replies. Please communicate with me if you anticipate having to submit an assignment late. I am happy to be flexible, with advance notice. We may be able to work out an extension based on extenuating circumstances. If you do not communicate with me before submitting an assignment late, the GCU late policy will be in effect. I do not accept assignments that are two or more weeks late unless we have worked out an extension. As per policy, no assignments are accepted after the last day of class. Any assignment submitted after midnight on the last day of class will not be accepted for grading. Mastering Professional Nursing Practice
- Communication
Communication is so very important. There are multiple ways to communicate with me: Questions to Instructor Forum: This is a great place to ask course content or assignment questions. If you have a question, there is a good chance one of your peers does as well. This is a public forum for the class. Individual Forum: This is a private forum to ask me questions or send me messages. This will be checked at least once every 24 hours.
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We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium.
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