Holistic Patient Intake Essay

Holistic Patient Intake Essay



  1. Apply holistic philosophical, theoretical, and ethical principles to professional nursing practice.
  2. Appraise integrative nutrition from a nursing perspective as a foundation of holistic practice.
  3. Utilize the holistic caring process.
  4. Apply therapeutic communication to holistic nursing actions.
  5. Create integrative, holistic, caring environments supported by evidence-based strategies.
  6. Analyze the impact of self-reflective practice in relation to self-care.


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You are the chair of a newly formed Holistic Nursing Committee at the healthcare setting where you are currently employed (if not currently employed, base it on previous clinical experience). You were recently asked to create a holistic patient intake form that will transform current nursing practice in your facility and enhance the holistic healing environment.


Create a holistic patient intake form and a resource handout for nursing staff that attends to the items below:

  1. Create a resource handout for nursing staff that provides background knowledge about holistic nursing practices. Your handout should address the following:
  2. Describe at least 1 holistic philosophical, theoretical, and ethical principle in professional nursing practice.
  3. Define integrative nutrition and explain why it is the foundation for holistic practice.
  4. Provide at least 1 holistic caring strategy that nurses could incorporate in their daily practice.
  5. Provide at least 1 therapeutic communication strategy nurses can use in their daily practice.
  6. Explain how creating evidence-based integrative, holistic, caring environments will enhance nursing practice in your facility.
  7. Explain how self-reflective practice influences an individual’s self-care and professional practice.
  8. Create an intake form for patient care that documents a holistic assessment of your patients. You have the freedom to design the intake form in a traditional way (questions that assess your patients), or you may want to develop an alternate approach (using a visual graphic for patients to circle areas of wellness/concern). Whatever approach you choose, your intake form must be clearly organized, well designed, and assess all of the following domains of care:
  9. Nutritional Assessment
  10. Physiological Assessment
  11. Emotional Assessment
  12. Sociological Assessment
  13. Developmental Assessment
  14. Spiritual Assessment
  15. Cultural Assessment
  16. Family Assessment
  17. Environmental Assessment
  18. Practical Assessment
  19. Prevention Assessment
  20. Community Assessment
  21. Patient Treatment Plan
  22. Conventional Treatment Preferences
  23. Complementary Treatment Preferences
  24. Health Goals

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