Engage Target Audience Discussion

Engage Target Audience Discussion

Andre is a health care administrator for a public health agency in a densely populated urban area. His department just received funding to implement a new health services initiative for establishing prenatal care programs in low-income migrant rural communities. This program will allow individuals from these low-income migrant rural communities to come to the public health agency that Andre works for to receive free prenatal care. One of the challenges facing Andre is the realization that his target communities do not have access to traditional health care service delivery. Furthermore, these target communities are apprehensive about the free prenatal care options that Andre is promoting within his public health agency.
Andre is developing materials to distribute to his target communities at a health fair sponsored by the community liaisons in the low-income migrant rural communities that are targeted to benefit from these services.

What considerations should Andre keep in mind to engage these communities effectively? How might Andre develop these materials to ensure that the communities fully understand and are receptive to the programs offered by his public health agency?

For this Assignment, consider how you might begin to target a population with your health services marketing plan. Also, consider potential barriers you might face in reaching these communities and how you might address them.

Note: The completion of this Assignment will consist of the elements necessary for Component 3 of your Final Project.

The Assignment (2–3 pages)

  • Explain which population will be most served by your health services marketing plan and why.
  • Describe two barriers that you might face in promoting your health services marketing plan and suggest two strategies for overcoming the barriers you identified. Be specific and provide examples.

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    Engage Target Audience Discussion
    Engage Target Audience Discussion

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