ECON Assignment: Slowdown in economic growth and interest rates, microeconomics
ECON Assignment: Slowdown in economic growth and interest rates, microeconomics
The following macroeconomics concept/models should be used to answer when appropriate: The IS curve, Monetary Policy and Philipps curve, Stabilization Policy and he AS/AD framework, Exchange rates for international trade.
L A Slowdown in Economic Growth? (30 points, 5 points each part) Consider the extent to which the recent growth slowdown can be explained by data on R&D.
- Download the series “Y001RX1A020NBEA’ from the FRED database on “Real Gross Private Domestic Investment in Intellectual Property Prod” This series will be our measure of real R&D for the economy (we’re ignoring global R&D to simplify things). Convert this series into an index so that the 1967 value equals one by dividing all entries by the 1967 value. Plot this series on a ratio scale with the labels “1 2 4 8…” on the vertical axis. This graph is the answer to part (a) of this question.
- Suppose the idea production function for this economy takes the form
AAt±i _
________ zRtAt‘)‘
where z and 7 (the Greek letter “gamma”) are parameters that take some positive value, R. is the R&D series that you plotted in part (a), and At corresponds to total factor productivity in the economy (relative to the model we considered in class, we are setting ,3 = 1). In one paragraph, discuss the economic interpretation of this idea production function.
- Assume that A1967 = 1 and z =02. Why does the value of 0.02 for make sense?
- Use the idea production function from part (b) together with the parameter values we’ve assumed so far to simulate the time series of total factor productivity growth in this model from 1968 through 2022 and show your result in a graph. NOTE WELL: in order to do this, you will have to choose a value of -y. Experiment with different values of 7 and choose one that you think is reasonable.
- What value of did you choose and why?
(1) In a paragraph, summarize the takeaway from this question: can U.S. R&D data explain the recent growth slowdown? What are the pro’s and Cons of this explanation?
Interest rates and inflation expectations. (30 points, 6 points each).
In this exercise we will look at the relationship between nominal and real interest rates, and the role of inflation expectations.
NOTE: For parts (b), (c), (d), and (e) below, your answer should consist of a single well-written paragraph.
Go to https: / /www.federalreserve.govidatadownload/Build.aspx?rel,H15 to obtain the yield on government securities. In the Data Set field pick “Selected Interest Rates” and click continue. Follow the instructions to get monthly yields for 5- and 10-year maturity Treasuries, nominal (TCMNOM) and inflation indexed (TCMII). Also get the Federal Funds Rate (FF). Get the data from Jan 2003 to April 2023. In the Maturity field, pick Overnight, 5 year, and 10-year. At some point you will have to click on “Format Package” to proceed. Download the CSV values into excel.
(a) The yield on nominal bonds is the interest rate at the corresponding maturity. Inflation indexed bonds are protected against inflation, so their yield is the real interest rate. Using the nominal and real interest rates, compute the 5- and 10-year ahead inflation expectations, as perceived by the market, at each point in time. For the purposes of this question, we will ignore risk-premia. Assume the Fisher equation holds in expectations.
Plot and show the following graphs (no other explanations are required for part (a)):
- The 5- and 10-year nominal interest rate and the Federal Funds rate
- The 5- and 10-year real interest rate
- The 5- and 10-year expected inflation
(b) What are liquidity traps, and how is this concept relevant to monetary policy during the financial crisis and the COVID-19 crisis?
- How would you describe the long-run behavior of real interest rates (over the last two decades)? Hint: Compare the average real rates before 2010 and after 2010. How is this related to the concept of “secular stagnation” and r? What does this imply about the likelihood of liquidity traps under inflation-targeting monetary regimes?
- What is the main relationship between the FF rate and the 5-year and 10-year nominal rates? Why were 10-year nominal rates higher than 5-year rates after the financial crisis?
- What happened to inflation expectations during the financial crisis (specifically, late 2008)? What was the effect on real interest rates and aggregate demand? Compare to what happened during the COVID-19 crisis and its
Inflation Targeting in the U.K. (30 points, 6 points each).
Suppose the Bank of England is considering whether or not to raise the target rate of inflation from 2 percent to 4 percent.
- As background for this problem, obtain graphs of the inflation rate in the K. as well as the Bank of England’s “base rate” (which is an analog to the U.S. fed funds rate). (You can just find a source and copy the images; no need to make a new graph yourself.) Show these graphs in your solution and discuss in a paragraph what you see there.
- Assuming that the U.K. economy begins in steady state, with inflation at the target level, explain how GDP and inflation would evolve in response to changing the inflation target from 2 percent to 4 percent.
- What are some arguments in favor of this change?
- What are some arguments against this change?
- On balance, do you think moving to a 4% inflation target would be a good idea?
Estimating Potential GDP (30 points, 5 points each)
- There are good reasons to believe the CBO’s estimate of potential GDP for the United States in 20202022 is not accurate. You are on the staff of the macroeconomics forecasting group for a leading company, and they have asked you to come up with your own estimate of potential output in these years.
Details: Use the Short-Run model as presented in class. Make whatever assumptions are necessary to implement your calculation and explain why you think these assumptions are plausible. It is not necessary for you to run any regressions in order to answer this question. All data that you use should come from https:/ / when possible. If you use a different source be sure to indicate it.
- Explain the methodology you are using to estimate potential GDP for the U.S. in 2020-2022.
- You will need to use data (see next part) and make assumptions about parameter values and shocks to implement your methodology. What assumptions are you making? Defend those assumptions.
- What data are you using in order to implement your method; provide the series code for each measure. Plot the key data series since 1990 that you are using.
- Create a graph of the CB0 series GDPPOT (from FRED) for the period 2018 to 2022. Also include your alternative estimate for 2020-2022 on this plot.
- Create a table for the years 2020, 2021, and 2022 showing Y measured using (i)the CBO potential GDP and (ii) your new estimate of potential. In the same table, show the inflation rate and the expected inflation rate that you are using.
- Provide two paragraphs of discussion about your results.
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