DOCX 9000. Professional Doctoral Capstone/Project

DOCX 9000. Professional Doctoral Capstone

Professional Doctoral Capstone/Project
Term Planning
The “assignments” for this course are the planning and then tracking of your academic progress for the term and beyond. This planning and tracking are documented on the Term Plan. For this course, you must submit an initial term plan draft, an agreed-upon term plan (if revisions were required), a midterm progress check, and a final term plan to both plan and then track your progress. Your goal(s) for each term must indicate appropriate academic progress.
1. Open the Term Plan document, fill in the information at the top of the first page, and follow the instructions for completion:
Your Term Plan: Refer to the Doctoral Degree Coach and find the task that aligns with the end of the current term (the final day of the current quarter/semester). You can use this task as your term goal. Indicate your term goal(s) and what you will accomplish during the weeks of the term. Your tasks should make clear what you will be working on and your plans for appropriate substantive submissions to your Chair/Mentor. Remember that you must show PROGRESS each term to receive a satisfactory grade for the course. Also include your communication plan for the term.
Submit the completed Initial Term Plan in the course shell by Day 7 of Week 1 to meet course expectations and not be dropped from the course. Then complete the Negotiation & Commitment with your Chair/Mentor. (This requires communication between you and your Chair/Mentor.) Submit your Agreed-Upon Term Plan (if revisions were needed) in the course shell by Day 7 of Week 2. This is the Term Plan you must follow to make adequate academic progress for this course.
2. SMART GOALS can help you create a Term Goal that clearly articulates outcomes.
Specific: Set specific goals, which have a much greater chance of being accomplished than general goals.
Measurable: Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set.
Attainable: Ensure that you can map out a clear path to achieving your goal.
Realistic: Write a goal that represents an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work.
Timely: Ground your goal within a time frame (i.e., by the end of this term).
Adequate Progress Review: Throughout the term, track your progress on the Term Plan by entering dates for task completion and by making journal notes on activities completed or modifications needed, noting any barriers and strategies to overcome them. Your Chair/Mentor must approve any modifications and can add journal notes on the plan document for archival purposes (see the sample plans at the end of the Term Plan form). Submit your Updated Term Plan midterm, following your Progress Check. Submit the Final Term Plan by Day 7 of the final week of the term.
3. Looking Ahead: Think about your long-term goal (anticipated date of program completion) as you begin to work on your Term Goals and weekly tasks for next term. Complete the capstone stage goals. It is helpful to think about overall progress as you think about term-by-term progress. Begin with the end in mind!
Learning Objectives
Students will:
· Propose a personal academic plan for the Term
· Identify preferred strategies for committee communication
Assess personal academic plan for the Term.
Term Plan Assignment Grading
In the Grade Center, term plan assignments will be assessed using a Met/Revise/Not Met grading rubric. Term Plans should be revised and (re)submitted until the score of “Met” is achieved. If scored as “Met,” the Week 2 submission is not required.
Met | 1
Term Plan submitted with SMART term goal(s) indicating what will be accomplished during the term. Tasks clarify the plans for appropriate substantive submissions to the Chair/Mentor. Long-term goals are included on the Capstone Stage Goals.
Revise | .5
Term Plan requires revision and resubmission, prompting an opportunity to meet with the Chair to discuss how to revise and earn a “Met” grade. SMART term goal(s) and/or tasks need to be revised and/or clarified to indicate plans for capstone progress.
Not Met | 0
No Term Plan submission or unsatisfactory progress on term goals (at midterm or final submission).
Learning Resources
8-Week Doctoral Term Plan & Capstone Stage/Project
Student Name: Student ID:
Student Walden Email: Student Phone #:
Program and Specialization/Focus:
2nd Member (if applicable):
University Research Reviewer (if applicable):
Date Started Program:
Current Term Start Date: Stage of Capstone to Select Stage
Do you have an Individual Academic Plan (IAP)? Select One Note: Your Term Plan goals must align with your IAP.
Your Term Plan: On the page labelled Your Term Plan, indicate your term goal(s), stretch goal(s), and the tasks you will accomplish during the weeks of the term. Your tasks should make clear what you will be working on and your plans for appropriate substantive submissions to your Mentor/chair(refer to the syllabus for more information). Remember that you must demonstrate substantial academic PROGRESS each term to receive a satisfactory grade for the course.
· indicate that you have read the course syllabus and understand the capstone course grading policies.
By Day 7 of Week 1[ Submit your Term Plan Draft for Mentor/Chair review, negotiation, and commitment.
By Day 7 of Week 2 [ Submit your completed, agreed-upon Term Plan. [ Chair notes acceptance on form].
SMART GOALS can help you create a Term Goal that clearly articulates outcomes.
· Specific: Set specific goals, which have a much greater chance of being accomplished than general goals.
· Measurable: Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set.
· Attainable: Ensure that you can map out a clear path to achieving your goal.
· Realistic: Write a goal that represents an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work.
· Timely: Ground your goal within a time frame (i.e., by the end of this term).
Midterm Progress Check and Adequate Progress Final Review: Throughout the term, track your progress on YOUR TERM PLAN by entering dates for task completion and by making journal notes on activities completed or modification needed, noting any barriers and strategies to overcome them. Your Mentor/Chair must approve any modifications and can add journal notes on the plan document for archival purposes. Submit your Updated Term Plan midterm, following your Midterm Progress Check. [ Chair assesses progress to date.] Submit your Final Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 8. [ Chair assesses final grade.] Capstone Stage Goals: Think about your long-term goal (anticipated date of program completion) as you work on your Term Goal(s) and weekly tasks each term. Complete the Capstone Stage Goals. It is helpful to think about overall progress as you think about term-by term progress. Begin with the end in mind!
Term GOAL(S) [By the end of this term, I will have completed:
STRETCH GOAL(S) [ Additionally, by the end of this term, I will try to complete:
Mentor/Chair Feedback:

Tasks Toward Term Goal(s) Date Completed Journal Notes

1. Submit Initial Term Plan by Day 7 of week 1, set up mentor/chair communication plan, and   Your Notes
Mentor/Chair Notes:
2. Term Plan Negotiation &
Commitment. Submit Term Plan by Day 7 of week 2
  Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Accepts Plan: [Select] Notes:
3.   Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
    Your Notes:
    Mentor/Chair Notes:



Midterm Progress Check [ Submit Updated Term Plan [ Mentor/Chair: [Select] Mentor/Chair Feedback

5 Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
6 Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
7 Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
8. Submit Final Term Plan by Your Notes:
Day 7 of week 8, and Mentor/Chair Notes:
Adequate Progress Final Review

Looking Ahead/ Capstone Stage Goals
To ensure that you meet your long-term goal for program completion, it is important to keep track of both your plan progress (each term) and your term-to-term/capstone stage progress toward completion.

Capstone Stage   Goal Date   Completion Date   Journal Notes
1. Prospectus Stage Completion (if applicable)           Your Notes:
Mentor/chair Notes:
2. Proposal/Plan Stage completion           Your Notes:
Mentor/chair Notes:
3. IRB Application and Approval           Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
4. Final Study Stage Completion           Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
5. CAO Approval and Publication           Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:

LONG-TERM GOAL [ Anticipated Date of Program Completion:
Notes: Time to completion will vary based on individual factors applicable to the student. Factors may be programmatic or academic, such as tuition and fee increase; transfer credits accepted by Walden; program or specialization changes; unsuccessful course completion; credit load per term; part-time vs. full-time enrollment; writing, research, and editing skills; use of external data for the doctoral study/dissertation; and individual progress in the program. Other factors may include personal issues such as the student’s employment obligations, caregiving responsibilities, or health issues, leaves of absences; or other personal circumstances.
SAMPLE Completed Term Plan/Week 1 Submission
Term Goal(s) By the end of this term, I will try to complete: A draft of my literature review Mentor/Chair Feedback:

Week Tasks Toward Term Goal(s) Date Completed   Journal Notes
1 Submit Initial Term Plan By Day 7 of Week 1. Meet with chair to review prospectus/goals.     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
2 Term Plan Negotiation & Commitment.
Submit Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 2. Complete prospectus document with revisions from last term and submit to chair.
    Your Notes:
Mentor/chair Accepts Plan: [Select] Notes:
3 Review Writing Center Literature review resources and begin working on lit review.     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
4 Meet with chair for any final notes on prospectus. Submit to 2nd member.     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:

Midterm Progress Check [ Submission Date Term Plan [Mentor/Chair: [ Select]  

5 Submit my renegotiated term plan. Schedule one-on-one meeting with review.     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
6 Complete additional prospectus wishes and finalize document based on a feedback. Work on literature review.     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
7 Post the agreed-upon prospectus in MyDR.
Submit literature review draft to chair.
    Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
8 Submit Final Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 8.
Keep working on literature review. Adequate Progress Final Review.
    Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:

SAMPLE Completed Final Term Plan [ Week 8 Submission
Term Goal(s) By the end of this term, I will have completed: My prospectus with committee consensus as “Met”.
STRETCH Goal(s) Additionally, by the end of this term, I will try to complete: A Draft of my literature review.
Mentor/Chair Feedback: Your goal is appropriate/realistic for the term. Make sure that you work on your Lit review while waiting for committee member feedback.

Week Tasks Toward Term Goal(s) Date Completed   Journal Notes
1 Submit Initial Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 1. Meet with chair to review prospectus/goals. 3/4/20XX   Your Notes: Submitted Plan-3/4. Will talk with chair on the phone every other week. Email, as needed. Mentor/Chair Accepts Plan: [Yes] Notes
2 Term Plan Negotiation & Commitment. Submit Term Plan by Day 7 of week 2. Complete prospectus document with revisions from last term and submit to chair. 3/11/20XX   Your Notes: Finished revisions this week! Mentor/Chair Accepts Plan:[Yes]: Submission-3/11/20XX
3 Review Writing Center literature review resources and begin working on lit review. 3/18/20XX   Your notes: Reviewed 2 archived webinars on writing the literature review. Begin writing literature review. Mentor/Chair Notes: Phone call -3/18/18.
4 Meet with chair for any final notes on prospectus. Submit to 2nd member. 3/20/20XX   Your Notes: Met with Chair early b/c out of town this work. Made final few revisions to prospectus. Mentor/Chair Notes: Sent to 2nd member -3/20/

Midterm Progress check [ Submission date Term Plan [ Mentor/Chair: [On Track] Mentor/Chair feedback You are right on track to Meet your goals!

5 Submit my renegotiated term plan. Schedule one-on-one meeting with librarian to find more sources for literature review. 4/1/20XX Your Notes: Renegotiated term plan with chair. Mentor/Chair Notes: Revised plan Ok’d
6 Complete additional progress revisions and finalize document based on all feedback. Work on literature review. 4/8/20XX Your Notes: Finished revisions from 2nd member-received 4/2. Met with librarian-4/15. Mentor/Chair Notes: Prospectus-ready for submission.
7 Post the agreed-upon prospectus in MyDR. Submit literature review draft to chair. 4/15/20XX Your Notes: Posted Prospectus 4/15. Mentor/Chair Notes: Doing review in system.
8 Submit Final Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 8. Adequate Progress Final Review. 4/22/20XX Your Notes: Submitted End-of-Term Plan by Day 7. Also have 15 pages of literature review done! Mentor/Chair Notes: Prospectus goal “Met” in MyDR.

Week 8 Doctoral Term Plan & Capstone Stage Goals
Student Name: Student ID:
Student Walden Email: Student Phone #:
Program and Specialization/Focus:
2nd Member (if applicable):
University Research Reviewer (if applicable):
Date Started Program:
Current Term Start Date: Stage of Capstone: Click to select Stage
Do you have an individual Academic Plan (IAP)? Select one Note: Your Term Plan goals must align with your IAP.
Your Term Plan: On the page labelled YOUR Term Plan, indicate your term goal(s), stretch goal(s), and the tasks you accomplish during the weeks of the term. Your tasks should make clear what you will be working on and your plans for appropriate substantive submissions to your Mentor/Chair (refer to the syllabus for more information). Remember that you must demonstrate substantial academic PROGRESS each term to receive a satisfactory grade for the course.
indicate that you have read the course syllabus and understand the capstone course grading policies.
By day 7 of week 1[Submit your Term Plan Draft for mentor/chair review, negotiation, and commitment.
By day 7 of week 2 [ Submit your completed, agreed-upon Term Plan. [ Chair notes acceptance on form.] SMART GOALS can help you create a Term Goal that clearly articulates outcomes.
· Specific: Set specific goals, which have a much greater chance of being accomplished than general goals.
· Measurable: Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set.
· Attainable: Ensure that you can map out a clear path to achieving your goal.
· Realistic: Write a goal that represents an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work.
· Timely: Ground your goal within a time frame (i.e., by the end of this term).
Midterm Progress Check and Adequate Progress Final Review: Through out the term, track your progress on YOUR Term Plan by entering dates for task completion and by making journal notes on activities completed or modifications needed, noting any barriers and strategies to overcome them. Your purposes. Submit your updated Term Plan Midterm, following your midterm Progress Check. [Chair assesses progress to date.] Submit your final Term Plan by day 7 of Week 8. [Chair assesses final grade].
Capstone Stage Goals: Think about your long-term goal (anticipated date of program completion) as you work on your Term Plan by entering dates for task completion and by making journal notes on activities completed or modifications needed, noting any barriers and strategies to overcome them. Your Mentor/Chair must approve any modifications and can add journal notes on the plan document for archival purposes. Submit your updated Terme Plan midterm, following your Midterm Progress Check. [Chair assesses progress to date.] Submit your Final Term Plan by Day 7 of week 8. [Chair assesses final grade.]  
Capstone Stage Goals: Think about your long-term goal (anticipated date of program completion) as you work on your Term Goal(s) and weekly tasks each term. Complete the Capstone Stage Goals. It is helpful to think about overall progress as you think about term-by-term progress. Begin with the end in mind!
Your Term Plan
Term Goal(s) By the end of this term, I will have completed:
STRETCH Goal(s) Additionally, by the end of this term, I will try to complete:
Mentor/Chair feedback:

Week Tasks Toward term Goal(s) Date completed Journal Notes
1. 1. Submit Initial Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 1, set up Mentor/chair communication plan and   Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
2. Term Plan Negotiation & Commitment. Submit Term plan by Day 7 of week 2.   Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
3.     Your notes:
Mentor/chair Notes:
4.     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes
Mid term Progress Check [Submit
Updated Term Plan
Mentor/chair: Select
Mentor/chair Feedback
5.     Your Notes:
Mentor/chair Notes:
6.     Your Notes:
Mentor/chair Notes:
7.     Your Notes:
Mentor/chair Notes:
8. Submit Final Term Plan by Day 7 of week 8, and Adequate Progress Final Review     Your Notes:
Mentor/chair Notes:

Long-Term: [Anticipated Date of Program Completion:
Note: Time to completion will vary based on individual factors applicable to the student. Factors may be programmatic or academic, such as tuition and fee increases; transfer credits accepted by Walden; program or specialization changes; unsuccessful course completion; credit load per term; part-time enrollment; writing, research, and editing skills; use of external data for the doctoral study/dissertation; and individual progress in the program. Other factors may include personal issues such as the student’s employment obligations, caregiving obligations, caregiving responsibilities, or health issues; leaves of absence; or other personal circumstances.
Sample Completed Term Plan [ Week 1 Submission
Term Goal(s) [ By the end of this, I will have completed: My prospectus with committee consensus as “Met”.
STRETCH Goal(s) [ Additionally, by the end of this term, I will try to complete: A draft of literature review.
Mentor/Chair Feedback:

Week Tasks Toward Term Goals Date Completed Journal Notes
1 Submit Initial Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 1. Set up Mentor/chair to review prospectus/goals.   Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
2 Term Plan Negotiation & Commitment.
Submit Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 2. Complete prospectus document with revisions from last term and submit to chair.
  Your Notes:
Mentor/chair Accepts Plan: [ Select] Notes:
3 Review Writing Center literature review resources and begin working on lit review.   Your Notes:
Mentor/chair Notes:
4 Meet with chair for any final notes on prospectus. Submit to 2nd member.   Your Notes:
Mentor/chair Notes:

Midterm Progress Check [ Submission date Term Plan [ Mentor/Chair: [Select] Mentor/Chair Feedback:

5 Submit my renegotiated term plan, Schedule one-on-one meeting with librarian or find more sources for literature review.   Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
6 Complete additional prospectus revisions and finalize document based on the feedback.   Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
7 Post the agreed-up prospectus in MyDR. Submit literature review draft to chair.   Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
8 Submit Final Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 8.
Keep working on literature review.
Adequate Progress Final Review.
  Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:

Sample Completed Final Term Plan [ Week 8 Submission
Term Goal(s) By the end of this term, I will have completed: My prospectus with committee consensus as “Met”.
STRETCH Goal(s) [ Additionally, by the end of this term, I will try to complete: A draft of my literature review.
Mentor/Chair feedback: Your goal is appropriate/realistic for the term. Make sure that you work your lit review while waiting for committee feedback.

Week Tasks Toward Term Goal(s) Date Completed Journal Notes
1 Submit Initial Term Plan By Day 7 of week 1. Set up Mentor/chair to review prospectus/goals. 3/4/20XX Your Notes: Submitted Plan-3/4. Will talk with chair on the phone every other week. Email, as needed. Mentor/chair Notes: Ok.
2 Term Plan Negotiation & Commitment. Submit Term Plan Day 7 of week 2. Complete prospectus document with revisions from last term and submit to chair. 3/11/20XX Your Notes: Finished revisions this week!
Mentor/Chair Accepts Plan: [Yes] Notes: Submission.
3 Review Writing Center literature review resources and begin working on lit review. 3/18/20XX Your Notes: Reviewed 2 archived webinars on writing the literature review. Began writing literature review. Mentor/chair: Notes: Phone call-3/18/18
4 Meet with chair for any final notes on prospectus. Submit to 2nd member. 3/20/20 Chair Notes: Met with chair early b/c out of town this with. Made final few revisions to prospectus.
Mentor/chair Notes: Sent to 2nd member- 3/20.

Midterm Progress Check [ Submission date Term plan [ Mentor/chair [ On track] Mentor/chair feedback. [ You are right on track to meet your goals.

5 Submit my renegotiated term plan. Schedule one-on-one meeting with librarian to find more resources for literature review. 4/1/20XX Your Notes: Renegotiated term plan with chair.
Mentor/chair Notes: Revised plan Ok’d.
6 Complete additional prospectus revisions and finalize document based on all feedback. Work on literature review. 4/8/20XX Your Notes: Finished revisions from 2nd member-received 4/2. Met with librarian-4/15. Mentor/chair Notes: Prospectus-ready for submission.
7 Post the agreed-upon prospectus in MyDR. Submit literature review draft to chair. 4/15/20XX Your Notes: Posted prospectus 4/15.
Mentor/chair Notes: Doing review in system.
Submit Final Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 8.
Keep work on literature review.
Adequate Progress Final Review.
4/22/20XX Your Notes: Submitted End-of-Term Plan by Day 7.
Also have 15 pages of lit review done!
Mentor/chair Notes: Prospectus goal “Met” in MyDR.

11-Week Doctoral Term Plan & Capstone Stage Goals
Student Name: Student ID:
Student Walden Email:
Program and Specialization/Focus:
2nd member (if applicable):
University Research Review (if applicable):
Date Started Program:
Current Term Start Date: Stage of Capstone: Click to select Stage
Do you have an Individual Academic Plan (IAP)? Select One Note: Your Term Plan goals must align with your IAP.
Your term Plan: On the page labelled YOUR TERM PLAN, indicate your term goal(s), stretch goal(s), and the tasks you accomplish during the weeks of the term. Your tasks should make clear what you will be working on and your plans for appropriate substantive submissions to your Mentor/Chair (refer to the syllabus for more information). Remember that you must demonstrate substantial academic PROGRESS each term to receive a satisfactory grade for the course.
indicate that you have read the course syllabus and understand the capstone course grading policies.
By Day 7 of week 1 [ Submit your Term Plan Draft for Mentor/Chair review, negotiation, and commitment.
By Day 7 of week 2 [ Submit your completed, agreed-upon Term Plan. [Chair notes acceptance on Form.] SMART GOALS can help you create a Term Goal that clearly articulates outcomes.
· Specific: Set specific goals, which have a much greater chance of being accomplished than general goals.
· Measurable: Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set.
· Attainable: Ensure that you map out a clear path to achieving your goal.
· Realistic: Write a goal that represents an objective towards which you are both willing and able to work.
· Timely: Ground your goal within a time frame (i.e, by the end of this term).
Midterm Progress Check and Adequate Progress Final Review: Throughout the term, track your progress on YOUR TERM PLAN by entering dates for task completion and by making journal notes on activities completed or modifications needed, noting any barriers and strategies to overcome them. Your Mentor/Chair must approve any modifications and can add journal notes on the plan document for archival purposes. Submit your Updated Term Plan midterm, following your Midterm Progress Check. [Chair assesses progress to date.] Submit your Final Term Plan by day 7 of week 11. [Chair assesses final grade.] Capstone Stage Goals: Think about your long-term (anticipated data of program completed) as you work on your Term Goal(s) and weekly tasks each term. Complete the Capstone Stage Goals. It is helpful to think about overall progress as you think about term-by-term progress. Begin with the end in mind!
YOUR Term Plan
Term Goal(s) [ by the end of this term, I will have completed:
STRETCH GOAL(s) [ by the end of this term, I will try to complete:
Mentor/Chair Feedback:

Week Tasks Toward Term Goals Dates Completed Journal Notes:
1 Submit Initial Term Plan by Day 7 of week 1, set up Mentor/chair communication plan and.   Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
2 Term Plan Negotiation & Commitment.
Submit Term Plan by Day 7 of week 2, and
  Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Accepts Plan: [ Select] Notes:
3     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
4     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
5     Your Notes:
Mento/Chair Notes:

Midterm Progress Check [ Submit Updated term Plan [ mentor/Chair: [Select] Mentor/Chair feedback

6     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
7     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
8     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
9     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
10     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
11 Submit Final Term Plan by Day 7 of the week 11, and Adequate Progress Final Review.   Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:

Looking Ahead [ Capstone Stage Goals
To ensure that you meet your-term goal for program completion, it is important to keep track of both your long-term goal for program completion, it is important to keep track of both your term plan progress (each term) and your term-to -term/capstone stage progress toward completion.

  Capstone Stage Goal Date Completion Date Journal Notes
1 Prospectus Stage Completion (if applicable).     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
2 Proposal/Plan Stage Completion     Your Notes:
Mentor/chair Notes:
3 IRB Application and Approval     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
4 Final Study Stage Completion     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
5 CAO Approval and Publication.     Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:

Long-Term Goal [ Anticipated Date of Program Completion:
Note: Time to completion will vary based on individual factors applicable to the student. Factors may be programmatic or academic, such as tuition and fee increase; transfer credits accepted by Walden; program or specialization changes; unsuccessful course completion; credit load per term; part-time vs. full-time enrollment; writing, research, and editing skills, use of external data for the doctoral study/dissertation, and individual; progress in the program. Other factors may include personal issues such as the student’s employment obligations, caregiving responsibilities, or health issues, leaves of absence; or other personal circumstances.
Sample Completed Term Plan [ Week 1 Submission
Term Goal(s) By the end of this term, I will have completed: My prospectus with committee consensus as “Met”.
STRETCH GOAL(S) Additionally, by the end of this term, I will try to complete: A draft of my literature review.
Mentor/chair Feedback:

Week Tasks Toward Term Goal(s) Date Completed Journal Notes
1 Submit Initial Term Plan by day 7 of week 1. Set up Mentor/Chair communication plan. Meet with chair to review prospectus/goals.   Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
2 Term Plan negotiation & commitment. Submit Term Plan by day 7 of week 2. Complete prospectus document with revisions from last term and submit to chair.   Your Notes:
Mentor/chair: Accepts Plan: [Select] Notes:
3 Review Writing center literature review resources and begin work.   Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Accepts Plan: [Select] Notes:
4 Meet with chair for any final notes on prospectus.   Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
5 Second member prospectus review.   Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:

Midterm Progress Check [ Submit to date term Plan [ Mentor/Chair: [Select] Mentor/Chair Feedback:

6 Submit my renegotiated term plan.
Schedule one-on-meeting with member to find more sources for literature review.
  Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
7 Complete additional prospectus revisions and finalize document bases in all feedback.   Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
8 Continue work on literature review.   Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
9 Attend residency. Finalize Prospectus   Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
10 Post the agreed-upon prospectus in MyDr.
Submit literature review draft to chair.
  Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:
11 Submit Final Term Plan by Day 7 of week 11.
Keep working on literature review. Adequate Progress final Review.
  Your Notes:
Mentor/Chair Notes:

Sample Completed Final Term Plan [ Week 11 Submission
TERM GOAL(S) By the end of this term, I will have completed: My prospectus with committee consensus as “Met”.
STRETCH GOAL(S) Additionally, by the end of this term, I will try to complete: A draft of my literature review.
Mentor/Chair Feedback: Your goal is appropriate/realistic for the term. Make sure that you work on your lit review while waiting for committee member feedback.

Week Tasks Toward Term Goal(s) Date Completed Journal Notes
1 Submit Initial term Plan. Meet with chair to review prospectus/goals. 3/4/20XX Your Notes: Submitted Plan ¾. Will talk with chair on the phone every other week. Email, as needed.
Mentor/chair Notes: Ok.
2 Term Plan Negotiation & Commitment. Submit Term plan by Day 7 of Week 2. Complete prospectus document with revisions from last term and submit to chair. 3/11/20XX Your Notes: Finished revisions this week!
Mentor/Chair Accepts Plan: [Yes] Notes: Submission-3/11/20XX
3 Review Writing Center literature review resources and begin work. 3/18/20XX Your Notes: Reviewed 2 archived webinars on writing the literature review. Begin writing literature review.
Mentor/chair Notes: Phone call- 3/18/18
4 Meet with Chair for any final notes on prospectus. 3/20/20XX Your Notes: Meet the chair early b/c out of town this week. To do that few revisions to prospectus.
Mentor/Chair Notes: I’m OK w/prospectus-3/25
5 Second Member prospectus review. 3/2/20XX Your Notes: To 2nd Member for review 1 week early!
Mentor/Chair Notes: To 2nd member -3/25

Midterm Progress Check [ Submit Updated Member [Mentor/Chair [On Track] Mentor/Chair feedback find out if on a right track to meet your goals.

6 Submit my renegotiated plan.
Schedule one-on-one meeting w/chair to find more sources for literature review.
4/8/20XX Your Notes: Renegotiated term plan with chair-4/8. Met with librarian-4/15.
Mentor/chair Notes: Plan Ok; 2nd returned revisions on April 9.
7 Complete additional prospectus revisions and finalize document based on all feedback. Work on literature review.   Your Notes: Still working on revisions-not done yet.
Mentor/Chair Notes: OK for next week.
8 Continue work on literature review. 4/29/20XX Your Notes: Mostly done with revisions this week; finished after residency.
Mentor/Chair Notes: Ok-residency.
9 Attend residency. Finalize prospectus. 5/6/20XX Your Notes: Went to the Atlanta residency this week. Met with chair-5/9/20XX.
Mentor/Chair Notes: Prospectus finalized 5/12/20XX.
10 Post the agreed-upon prospectus in MyDR. Submit literature review draft to chair. 5/13/20XX Your Notes: Submitted and met with chair on next steps. Used the notes from the librarian to work on literature review this week. Have 8 pages so far.
Mentor/Chair Notes: keep working on lit review.
11 Submit Final Term Plan by day 7 of week 11.
Keep working on literature review. Adequate Progress Final Review.
5/20/20XX Your Notes: Submitted End-of-Term Plan by day 7.
Also have 15 pages of lit review done!
Mentor/Chair Notes: Prospectus goal “Met” in MyDR.


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