NURS-6512 Differential Diagnosis for Skin Conditions

NURS-6512 Differential Diagnosis for Skin Conditions

NURS-6512 Differential Diagnosis for Skin Conditions


Your assignment woes end here!

Differential Diagnosis For Skin Conditions. Properly identifying the cause and type of a patient’s skin condition involves a process of elimination known as differential diagnosis. Using this process, a health professional can take a given set of physical abnormalities, vital signs, health assessment findings, and patient descriptions of symptoms, and incrementally narrow them down until one diagnosis is determined as the most likely cause.

In this Lab Assignment, you will examine several visual representations of various skin conditions, describe your observations, and use the techniques of differential diagnosis to determine the most likely condition.

To Prepare
Review the Skin Conditions document provided in this week’s Learning Resources, and select one condition to closely examine for this Lab Assignment.
Consider the abnormal physical characteristics you observe in the graphic you selected. How would you describe the characteristics using clinical terminologies?
Explore different conditions that could be the cause of the skin abnormalities in the graphics you selected.
Consider which of the conditions is most likely to be the correct diagnosis, and why.
Search the Walden library for one evidence-based practice, peer-reviewed article based on the skin condition you chose for this Lab Assignment.
Review the Comprehensive SOAP Exemplar found in this week’s Learning Resources to guide you as you prepare your SOAP note.
Download the SOAP Template found in this week’s Learning Resources, and use this template to complete this Lab Assignment.

The Lab Assignment
Choose one skin condition graphic (identify by number in your Chief Complaint) to document your assignment in the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) note format rather than the traditional narrative style. Refer to Chapter 2 of the Sullivan text and the Comprehensive SOAP Template in this week’s Learning Resources for guidance. Remember that not all comprehensive SOAP data are included in every patient case.
Use clinical terminologies to explain the physical characteristics featured in the graphic. Formulate a differential diagnosis of three to five possible conditions for the skin graphic that you chose. Determine which is most likely to be the correct diagnosis and explain your reasoning using at least three different references, one reference from current evidence-based literature from your search and two different references from this week’s Learning Resources.
Properly identifying the cause and type of a patient’s skin condition involves a process of elimination known as differential diagnosis. Using this process, a health professional can take a given set of physical abnormalities, vital signs, health assessment findings, and patient descriptions of symptoms, and incrementally narrow them down until one diagnosis is determined as the most likely cause.
In this Lab Assignment, you will examine several visual representations of various skin conditions, describe your observations, and use the techniques of differential diagnosis to determine the most likely condition.

To Prepare
Review the Skin Conditions document provided in this week’s Learning Resources, and select one condition to closely examine for this Lab Assignment.
Consider the abnormal physical characteristics you observe in the graphic you selected. How would you describe the characteristics using clinical terminologies?
Explore different conditions that could be the cause of the skin abnormalities in the graphics you selected.
Consider which of the conditions is most likely to be the correct diagnosis, and why.
Search the Walden library for one evidence-based practice, peer-reviewed article based on the skin condition you chose for this Lab Assignment.
Review the Comprehensive SOAP Exemplar found in this week’s Learning Resources to guide you as you prepare your SOAP note.
Download the SOAP Template found in this week’s Learning Resources, and use this template to complete this Lab Assignment.

The Lab Assignment
Choose one skin condition graphic (identify by number in your Chief Complaint) to document your assignment in the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) note format rather than the traditional narrative style. Refer to Chapter 2 of the Sullivan text and the Comprehensive SOAP Template in this week’s Learning Resources for guidance. Remember that not all comprehensive SOAP data are included in every patient case.
Use clinical terminologies to explain the physical characteristics featured in the graphic. Formulate a differential diagnosis of three to five possible conditions for the skin graphic that you chose. Determine which is most likely to be the correct diagnosis and explain your reasoning using at least three different references, one reference from current evidence-based literature from your search and two different references from this week’s Learning Resources.

Practicum – Week 8 Journal Entry

Practicum – Week 8 Journal Entry

Practicum – Week 8 Journal Entry

  • Develop effective documentation skills for group therapy sessions *
  • Develop diagnoses for clients receiving group psychotherapy *
  • Evaluate the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for groups *
  • Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric disorders *

Select two clients you observed or counseled this week during a group therapy session. Note: The two clients you select must have attended the same group session.

Then, in your Practicum Journal, address the following:

  • Using the Group Therapy Progress Note in this week’s Learning Resources, document the group session.
  • Describe each client (without violating HIPAA regulations), and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.
  • Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for each client.
  • Explain whether cognitive behavioral therapy would be effective with this group. Include expected outcomes based on this therapeutic approach.
  • Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling each client.
  • Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

 Practicum – Week 8 Journal Entry. For Part 1, select a client whom you observed or counseled this week (other than the client used for this week’s Discussion). Then, address the following in your Practicum Journal:

Explain whether existential-humanistic therapy would be beneficial with this client. Include expected outcomes based on this therapeutic approach.

Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling this client. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.


Michael Price, M. (2011). Searching for meaning. American Psychological Association. Vol. 42, No.10. P. 58

Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
· Chapter 10, “Humanistic-Existential and Solution-Focused Approaches to Psychotherapy” (Review pp. 369–406)
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Note: You will access this text from the Walden Library databases.
Nagy, T. F. (2011). Ethics in psychotherapy. In Essential ethics for psychologists: A primer for understanding and mastering core issues (pp. 185–198). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/12345-010

Note: You will access this text from the Walden Library databases.
Required Media
Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Sommers-Flanagan, R. (2013). Counseling and psychotherapy theories in context and practice [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA:

Note: For this week, view Existential Therapy, Person-Centered Therapy, and Gestalt Therapy only. You will access this media from the Walden Library databases
Laureate Education (Producer). (2012b). Clinical supervision follow-up [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: This is a follow-up to the Thompson family media piece in Week 5. The approximate length of this media piece is 9 minutes.

Accessible player
Laureate Education (Producer). (2015d). On a hamster wheel [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 2 minutes.

Accessible player
Bugental, J. (n.d.). Existential-humanistic psychotherapy [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA:

Walden Module 6 Pathophysiology Knowledge Check

Module 6 Pathophysiology Knowledge Check

Module 6 Pathophysiology Knowledge Check

Walden Module 6 Pathophysiology Knowledge Check. A 21-year-old male college student was brought to Student Health Services by his girlfriend who was concerned about changes in her boyfriend’s behaviors. The girlfriend says that recently he began hearing voices and believes everyone is out to get him. The student says he is unable to finish school because the voices told him he was not smart enough. The girlfriend relates episodes of unexpected rage and crying. Past medical history noncontributory but family history positive for a first cousin who “had mental problems”. Denies current drug abuse but states he smoked marijuana every day during his junior and senior years of high school. He admits to drinking heavily on weekends at various fraternity houses. Physical exam reveals thin, anxious disheveled male who, during conversations, stops talking, cocks his head and appears to be listening to something. There is poor eye contact and conversation is rambling.

Based on the observed behaviors and information from girlfriend, the APRN believes the student has schizophrenia.
Question 1 of 4:
Describe the positive symptoms of schizophrenia and relate those symptoms to the case study patient.
Question 2 of 4:
Explain the genetics of schizophrenia.
Question 3 of 4:
The APRN reviews recent literature and reads that neurotransmitters are involved in the development of schizophrenia. What roles do neurotransmitters play in the development of schizophrenia?
Question 4 of 4
The APRN reviews recent literature and reads that structural problems in the brain may be involved in the development of schizophrenia. Explain what structural abnormalities are seen in people with schizophrenia.
A 34-year-old female was brought to the Urgent Care Center by her husband who is very concerned about the changes he has seen in his wife for the past 3 months. He states that his wife has had been depressed and irritable, has complaints of extreme fatigue, has lost 10 pounds and has had insomnia. He has come home from work to find his wife sitting in front of the TV and not moving for hours. In the past few days, she suddenly has become very hyperactive, has been talking incessantly, has been easily distracted and seems to “flit from one thing to another.”. She hasn’t slept in 3 days. The wife went on an excessive shopping spree for new clothes that resulted in their credit card being denied for exceeding the line of credit. The wife is unable to sit in the exam room and is currently pacing the hallway muttering to herself and is reluctant to talk with or be examined the ARNP. Physical observation shows agitated movements, rapid fire speech, and hyperactivity. Based on the history and observable symptoms, the APRN suspects that the patient has bipolar type 2 disorder. The APRN refers the patient and husband to the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner for evaluation and treatment.
Question 1 of 6:
Discuss the role genetics plays in the development of bipolar 2 disorders.
Question 2 of 6:
Explain how the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system may be associated with bipolar type 2 disease.
Question 3 of 6:
Discuss the role inflammatory cytokines play in the development and exacerbation of bipolar type 2 symptoms
Question 4 of 6:
Discuss the role of the amygdala in bipolar disorder.
Question 5 of 6:
How does neurochemical dysregulation contribute to bipolar disorders?
Question 6 of 6:
What is the current status of the use of nutraceuticals in management of depression?
A 27-year-old female presents to the Emergency Room, with a chief complaint of palpitations, rapid heart rate, sweating, tremors, and inability to catch her breath. The symptoms started about 10 hour ago and have gotten worse. She states she has some chest pain that remains constant no matter what. She also has numbness and tingling around her mouth and lips. She says she knows something “terrible is going to happen”. She denies having any similar episode in the past. Past medical history noncontributory. Social history significant for recent stressor of applying for medical school and taking the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). She had not received the results prior to the episode but is sure that the failed the test. Says she doesn’t know if anyone else in her family has had similar episodes. Physical exam reveals a thin, anxious appearing female who is profusely sweating despite cool ambient air temperature. BP 176/88, Pulse 136, and respirations 26. Electrocardiogram negative for evidence of myocardial infarction and all lab data within normal limits except for mild respiratory alkalosis. The patient’s symptoms are subsiding and the patient states she is feeling better. The APRN suspects the patient has just experienced a panic attack.
Question 1 of 2:
What are panicogens and how do they contribute to the development of panic attack symptoms?
Question 2 of 2:
How does the GABA-benzodiazepine (BZ) receptor systems contribute to panic attacks/disorders?
A 21-year-old female college junior makes an appointment to see the APRN in the Student Health Clinic. The student tells the APRN that it has gotten harder and harder for her to attend classes, especially her history class where the class is preparing for the semester’s end presentations. She says she is terrified to speak to the class and is considering dropping the class so she will not have to present. She has a significant impairment in social activities and has resigned from her sorority. She is unable to go to the library to study as she feels everyone is looking at her and mocking her. She admits to having some of these symptoms in high school, but the guidance counselor was able to work with her to decrease some of her symptoms. Past medical history noncontributory except for the milder symptoms exhibited in high school. Family history noncontributory. Social history positive for anxiety related to social situations that has had a negative impact on both her scholarly and social endeavors. The APRN diagnoses the student with social anxiety disorder (SAD).
Question 1 of 2:
Describe the areas of the brain that are associated with social anxiety disorder.
Question 2 of 2:
How is oxytocin associated with SAD?
A 36-year-old female comes to see the APRN in clinic with a chief complaint of “I’m so and I feel all keyed up all the time”. She states she feels restless, keyed up, and on edge most of the time. She fatigues easily and has difficulty concentrating and says her mind goes blank. She admits to being irritable and snapping at her coworkers which she worries will affect her job. She says the symptoms have been present for about 8 or 9 months. and Increased muscle tension. She has had difficulty falling asleep or stay sleeping. Further questioning revealed that prior to her symptoms, her parents got divorced which has been a great stressor for her. Past medical history noncontributory. Social history positive for a case of “nerves” when she was in high school that seemed to resolve after she graduated from college. No drug or alcohol history. The APRN believes the patient has generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).
Question 1 of 2:
Discuss the role of neurotransmitters in the expression of GAD.
Question 2 of 2:
Explain the structural brain changes that occur in people with GAD.
A 27-year-old man comes to the Veteran’s Administration Hospital at the insistence of his fiancée who accompanies him to the appointment. She tells the APRN that her fiancée has not “been the same” since he returned from his second tour in Iraq. He was an infantryman with a local Marine Reserve unit and served 2 tours and was honorably discharged. Since his return, he has had difficulty sleeping, and says he “sleeps with one eye open” and fears sleep. Deep sleep brings vivid nightmares. He grudgingly admits to having experienced several traumatic events during his second tour of duty. He is unwilling to discuss them and will not reveal specific details. He is short tempered and irritable and is afraid to be around people as he doesn’t want to snap at people and alienate them. He startles easily at loud noises, especially the sounds of cars backfiring. He admits to thinking there are threats everywhere and spends an excessive amount of time searching for them but never finding any. He has intrusive memories almost every day and says he really isn’t interested in doing much of anything. He is very worried that these symptoms are irreparably hurting his relationship with his fiancée who he loves very much. The APRN diagnoses him with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Question 1 of 2:
Describe the changes seen in the brain structure in patients with PTSD.
Question 2 of 2:
Briefly discuss the role glucocorticoids may have on the development of PTSD.
A 17-year-old male high school junior comes to the clinic to establish care. He recently moved from a relatively urban area to a very rural area and has just started his junior year in a new school. The mother states that she has noticed that her son has been frequently washing his hands and avoids contact with any dirty or soiled object. He uses paper towels or napkins over the knob on a door when opening it. According to the mother, this behavior has just appeared since moving. The patient, upon close questioning, admits that he is “grossed out” by some of the boys in the boys’ room since they use the toilet and do not wash their hand afterwards. He is worried about all the germs the boys are carrying around. Past medical history is noncontributory. Social history -lives with parents and 2 siblings in a house in a new town. Is an honors student. Based on these behaviors, The APRN thinks the patient has obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Question 1 of 2:
What is primary pathophysiology of OCD?
Question 2 of 2:
Describe the role the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) has in reinforcement of obsessive behaviors.

NRNP 6665 Assignment 2: Focused SOAP Note And Patient Case Presentation

NRNP 6665 Assignment 2: Focused SOAP Note And Patient Case Presentation

NRNP 6665 Assignment 2: Focused SOAP Note


Your assignment woes end here!

Focused SOAP Note And Patient Case Presentation. For this Assignment, you will document information about a patient that you examined during the last three weeks, using the Focused SOAP Note Template provided. Yo.u will then use this note to develop and record a case presentation for this patient.

To Prepare

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide. Also review the Kaltura Media Uploader resource in the left-hand navigation of the classroom for help creating your self-recorded Kaltura video.
  • Select a patient of any age (either a child or an adult) that you examined during the last 3 weeks.
  • Create a Focused SOAP Note on this patient using the template provided in the Learning Resources. There is also a completed Focused SOAP Note Exemplar provided to serve as a guide to assignment expectations.
    Please Note:

    • All SOAP notes must be signed, and each page must be initialed by your Preceptor. Note: Electronic signatures are not accepted.
    • When you submit your note, you should include the complete focused SOAP note as a Word document and PDF/images of each page that is initialed and signed by your Preceptor.
    • You must submit your SOAP note using SafeAssign. Note: If both files are not received by the due date, faculty will deduct points per the Walden Grading Policy.
  • Then, based on your SOAP note of this patient, develop a video case study presentation. Take time to practice your presentation before you record.
  • Include at least five scholarly resources to support your assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning.
  • Ensure that you have the appropriate lighting and equipment to record the presentation.

The Assignment

Record yourself presenting the complex case study for your clinical patient. In your presentation:

  • Dress professionally with a lab coat and present yourself in a professional manner.
  • Display your photo ID at the start of the video when you introduce yourself.
  • Ensure that you do not include any information that violates the principles of HIPAA (i.e., don’t use the patient’s name or any other identifying information).
  • Present the full complex case study. Include chief complaint; history of present illness; any pertinent past psychiatric, substance use, medical, social, family history; most recent mental status exam; current psychiatric diagnosis including differentials that were ruled out; and plan for treatment and management.
  • Report normal diagnostic results as the name of the test and “normal” (rather than specific value). Abnormal results should be reported as a specific value.
  • Be succinct in your presentation, and do not exceed 8 minutes. Specifically address the following for the patient, using your SOAP note as a guide:
    • Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis? What is the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life?
    • Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment?
    • Assessment: Discuss their mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses and why you chose them. List them from highest priority to lowest priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why? Describe how your primary diagnosis aligns with DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and supported by the patient’s symptoms.
    • Plan: What was your plan for psychotherapy? What was your plan for treatment and management, including alternative therapies? Include pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments, alternative therapies, and follow-up parameters, as well as a rationale for this treatment and management plan. Also be sure to include at least one health promotion activity and one patient education strategy.

Reflection notes: What would you do differently with this patient if you could conduct the session again? If you are able to follow up with your patient, explain whether these interventions were successful and why or why not. If you were not able to conduct a follow up, discuss what your next intervention would be.

NURS6521 Full Course Latest

NURS6521 Full Course Latest

NURS6521 Full Course Latest

Week 1 discussion

Discussion: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
As an advanced practice nurse assisting physicians in the
diagnosis and treatment of disorders, it is important to not only understand
the impact of disorders on the body, but also the impact of drug treatments on
the body. The relationships between drugs and the body can be described by
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Pharmacokinetics describes what the body
does to the drug through absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion,
whereas pharmacodynamics describes what the drug does to the body. When
selecting drugs and determining dosages for patients, it is essential to
consider individual patient factors that might impact the patient’s
pharmacokinetic and pharamcodynamic processes. These patient factors include
genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, behavior (i.e., diet, nutrition, smoking,
alcohol, illicit drug abuse), and/or pathophysiological changes due to disease.
In this Discussion, you reflect on a case from your past clinical experiences
and consider how a particular patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
processes altered his or her response to a drug.
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation with Dr. Terry
Buttaro, as well as Chapter 2 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, and the Scott
article in the Learning Resources. Consider the principles of pharmacokinetics
and pharmacodynamics.
Reflect on your experiences, observations, and/or clinical
practices from the last five years. Select a case from the last five years that
involves a patient whose individual differences in pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic factors altered his or her anticipated response to a drug. When
referring to your patient, make sure to use a pseudonym or other false form of
identification. This is to ensure the privacy and protection of the patient.
Consider factors that might have influenced the patient’s
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes such as genetics (including
pharmacogenetics), gender, ethnicity, age, behavior, and/or possible
pathophysiological changes due to disease.
Think about a personalized plan of care based on these
influencing factors and patient history in your case study.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the case you selected. Then, describe
factors that might have influenced pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
processes of the patient from the case you selected. Finally, explain details
of the personalized plan of care that you would develop based on influencing
factors and patient history in your case.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by suggesting
additional patient factors that might have interfered with the pharmacokinetic
and pharmadynamic processes of the patients in their case studies. In addition,
suggest how the personal care plan might change if the age of the patient were
different and if the patient had a comorbid condition such as renal failure,
heart failure, or liver failure.
Week 2

Discussion: Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing
What type of drug should you prescribe based on your
patient’s diagnosis? How much of the drug should the patient receive? How often
should the drug be administered? When should the drug not be prescribed? Are
there individual patient factors that could create complications when taking
the drug? Should you be prescribing drugs to this patient?
These are some of the questions you might consider when
selecting a treatment plan for a patient. As an advanced practice nurse
prescribing drugs, you are held accountable for people’s lives on a daily
basis. Patients and their families will often place trust in you because of
your position. With this trust comes power and responsibility, as well as an
ethical and legal obligation to “do no harm.” It is important that you are
aware of current professional, legal, and ethical standards for advanced
practice nurses with prescriptive authority. In this Discussion, you explore
ethical and legal implications of scenarios and consider how to appropriately
Scenario 1:
As a nurse practitioner, you prescribe medications for your
patients. You make an error when prescribing medication to a 5-year-old
patient. Rather than dosing him appropriately, you prescribe a dose suitable
for an adult.
Scenario 2:
A friend calls and asks you to prescribe a medication for
her. You have this autonomy, but you don’t have your friend’s medical history.
You write the prescription anyway.
Scenario 3:
You see another nurse practitioner writing a prescription
for her husband who is not a patient of the nurse practitioner. The
prescription is for a narcotic. You can’t decide whether or not to report the
Scenario 4:
During your lunch break at the hospital, you read a journal
article on pharmacoeconomics. You think of a couple of patients who have
recently mentioned their financial difficulties. You wonder if some of the
expensive drugs you have prescribed are sufficiently managing the patients’
health conditions and improving their quality of life.
To prepare:
Review Chapter 1 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as well
as articles from the American Nurses Association, Anderson and Townsend, the
Drug Enforcement Administration, and Philipsend and Soeken.
Select one of the four scenarios listed above.
Consider the ethical and legal implications of the scenario
for all stakeholders involved such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and
the patient’s family.
Think about two strategies that you, as an advanced practice
nurse, would use to guide your ethically and legally responsible
decision-making in this scenario.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of the ethical and legal implications of
the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved such as the prescriber,
pharmacist, patient, and the patient’s family. Describe two strategies that
you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your decision making in
this scenario.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different scenario than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Suggest additional ethical and legal implications for all
stakeholders in your colleagues’ scenarios.
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 3

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders
As the leading cause of death in the United States for both
men and women, cardiovascular disorders account for 7 million hospitalizations
per year (NCSL, 2012). This is the result of the extensive treatment and care
that is often required for patients with these disorders. While the incidences
of hospitalizations and death are still high, the mortality rate of
cardiovascular disorders has been declining since the 1960s (CDC, 2011).
Improved treatment options have contributed to this decline, as well as more
knowledge on patient risk factors. As an advanced practice nurse, it is your
responsibility to recommend appropriate treatment options for patients with
cardiovascular disorders. To ensure the safety and effectiveness of drug
therapy, advanced practice nurses must consider aspects that might influence
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes such as medical history, other
drugs currently prescribed, and individual patient factors.
Consider the following case studies:
Case Study 1:
Patient AO has a history of obesity and has recently gained
9 pounds. The patient has been diagnosed with hypertension and hyperlipidemia.
Drugs currently prescribed include the following:
Atenolol 12.5 mg daily
Doxazosin 8 mg daily
Hydralazine 10 mg qid
Sertraline 25 mg daily
Simvastatin 80 mg daily
Case Study 2:
Patient HM has a history of atrial fibrillation and a
transient ischemic attack (TIA). The patient has been diagnosed with type 2
diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and ischemic heart disease. Drugs
currently prescribed include the following:
Warfarin 5 mg daily MWF and 2.5 mg daily T, TH, Sat, Sun
Aspirin 81 mg daily
Metformin 1000 mg po bid
Glyburide 10 mg bid
Atenolol 100 mg po daily
Motrin 200 mg 1–3 tablets every 6 hours as needed for pain
Case Study 3:
Patient CB has a history of strokes. The patient has been
diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Drugs
currently prescribed include the following:
Glipizide 10 mg po daily
HCTZ 25 mg daily
Atenolol 25 mg po daily
Hydralazine 25 mg qid
Simvastatin 80 mg daily
Verapamil 180 mg CD daily
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation on hypertension and
hyperlipidemia, as well as Chapters 19 and 20 of the Arcangelo and Peterson
Select one of the three case studies, as well as one the
following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior factors.
Reflect on how the factor you selected might influence the
patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.
Consider how changes in the pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic processes might impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy.
Think about how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy
plan based on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes. Reflect on
whether you would modify the current drug treatment or provide an alternative
treatment option for the patient.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of how the factor you selected might
influence the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in the patient from
the case study you selected. Then, describe how changes in the processes might
impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy. Finally, explain how you might
improve the patient’s drug therapy plan.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different case study than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Provide alternative recommendations for drug treatments.
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 4

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Respiratory Disorders
To the untrained ear, most coughs sound the same. However,
as you might recall from past clinical experiences, a simple cough can lead to
a patient diagnosis of a common cold, pneumonia, or even a chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD). Although it can sometimes be challenging to diagnose
a patient based on common respiratory symptoms such as congestion, coughing,
and wheezing, it is important to be able to distinguish minor differences as
even mild symptoms might require intervention with drug treatments. When
recommending potential treatment options, advanced practice nurses must
consider how individual patient factors might impact the effects of prescribed
To prepare:
Review Chapter 26 and Chapter 27 of the Arcangelo and
Peterson text.
Select and research one of the following respiratory
disorders: the common cold, pneumonia, or a chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) such as emphysema or chronic bronchitis. Consider types of drugs
that would be prescribed to patients to treat symptoms associated with this
Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact effects of
prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help reduce
negative side effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the respiratory disorder you selected
including types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat
associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you selected might impact
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different respiratory disorder than you did. If the disorder you selected is
primarily associated with the upper respiratory system, respond to colleagues
who selected disorders primarily associated with the lower respiratory system.
Provide alternative recommendations for drug treatments.
Week 5

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders
Neurological disorders, such as headaches, seizure
disorders, sleep disorders, depression, and dementia can present several
complications for patients of all ages. These disorders affect patients
physically and emotionally, impacting judgment, school and/or job performance,
and relationships with family and friends. Since these disorders may have
drastic effects on patients’ lives, it is important for advanced practice
nurses to effectively manage patient care. With patient factors and medical
history in mind, it is the advanced practice nurse’s responsibility to manage
the diagnosis, treatment, and education of patients with neurological
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation on pharmacology for
the nervous system.
Select one of the following neurological disorders:
headaches, seizure disorders, sleep disorders, depression, or dementia.
Consider the types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat
symptoms associated with this disorder.
Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the neurological disorder you selected
including types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat
associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you selected might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different neurological disorder than you did. Provide recommendations for
alternative drug treatments and patient education strategies for treatment and
Week 6

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Endocrine and Musculoskeletal
Patients with endocrine and musculoskeletal disorders often
require long-term treatment and care resulting in the need for extensive
patient education. By appropriately educating patients, advanced practice
nurses can assist patients with the management of their disorders. In clinical
settings, patients with endocrine and musculoskeletal disorders typically seek
treatment for symptoms that pose problems to their everyday lives as ordinary
tasks may become difficult to complete. For instance, patients might have
difficulty walking short distances, preparing meals, or even running errands.
To reduce these symptoms and additional health risks, it is essential to
develop drug therapy plans with individual patient factors in mind.
To prepare:
Select one of the following endocrine or musculoskeletal
disorders: thyroid disease, osteoarthritis, rheumatic arthritis, gout, multiple
sclerosis, or fibromyalgia. Consider the types of drugs that would be
prescribed to patients to treat symptoms associated with this disorder.
Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the endocrine or musculoskeletal
disorder you selected including types of drugs that would be prescribed to
patients to treat associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you
selected might impact the effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures
you might take to help reduce negative side effects.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different endocrine or musculoskeletal disorder than you did. Provide
recommendations for alternative drug treatments and patient education
strategies for treatment and management.
Week 7

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Gastrointestinal and
Hepatobiliary Disorders
Gastrointestinal (GI) and hepatobiliary disorders affect the
structure and function of the GI tract. Many of these disorders often have
similar symptoms such as abdominal pain, cramping, constipation, nausea,
bloating, and fatigue. Since multiple disorders can be tied to the same
symptoms, it is important for advanced practice nurses to carefully evaluate
patients and prescribe treatment that targets the cause rather than the
symptom. Once the underlying cause is identified, an appropriate drug therapy
plan can be recommended based on medical history and individual patient
factors. In this Discussion, you examine a case study of a patient who presents
with symptoms of a possible GI/hepatobiliary disorder, and you design an appropriate
drug therapy plan.
Consider the following case study:
Patient HL comes into the clinic with the following
symptoms: nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The patient has a history of drug
abuse and possible Hepatitis C. HL is currently taking the following
prescription drugs:
Synthroid 100 mcg daily
Nifedipine 30 mg daily
Prednisone 10 mg daily
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation on pharmacology for
the gastrointestinal system.
Review the provided case study. Reflect on the patient’s
symptoms, medical history, and drugs currently prescribed.
Think about a possible diagnosis for the patient. Consider
whether the patient has a disorder related to the gastrointestinal and
hepatobiliary system or whether the symptoms are the result of a disorder from
another system or other factors such as pregnancy, drugs, or a psychological
Consider an appropriate drug therapy plan based on the
patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently prescribed.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of your diagnosis for the patient
including your rationale for the diagnosis. Then, describe an appropriate drug
therapy plan based on the patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who diagnosed the
patient differently than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Provide alternative recommendations for drug treatments.
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 8

Discussion: Drug Treatments for HIV/AIDS
While HIV/AIDS is still currently incurable, the prognosis
for patients with this infectious disease has improved due to advancements in
drug treatments. Consider the case of Kristy Aney. Kristy was diagnosed with
HIV in 1992 and was told she would survive, at most, 10 more years. Despite
unfavorable odds, Kristy is still alive 20 years later. Since her diagnosis,
she has witnessed tremendous improvements in HIV/AIDS treatments which have
helped patients live longer with fewer side effects. While she acknowledges
that these drug treatments have kept her alive, she fears that improvements in
drug therapy have led to more people becoming complacent about the disease
(Idaho Statesmen, 2012). In fact, the number of people living with HIV/AIDS in
the United States is higher than it has ever been (CDC, 2012). This poses the
question: Is there a relationship between drug advancements, societal
complacency, and infection?
To prepare:
Review Chapter 49 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as
well as the Krummenacher et al. and Scourfield articles in the Learning
Reflect on whether or not the prevalence of HIV cases might
be attributed to increased complacency due to more advanced drug treatment
options for HIV/AIDS.
Consider how health care professionals can help to change
perceptions and make people more aware of the realities of the disease.
Think about strategies to educate HIV positive patients on
medication adherence, as well as safe practices to reduce the risk of infecting
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of whether or not you think the
prevalence of HIV cases might be attributed to increased complacency due to
more advanced drug treatment options.Then, explain how health care
professionals can help to change perceptions and increase awareness of the
realities of the disease. Finally, describe strategies to educate HIV positive
patients on medication adherence, as well as safe practices to reduce the risk
of infecting others.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who provided a
different rationale than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 9

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Hematologic Disorders
In the 1970s, the average lifespan for patients diagnosed
with sickle cell disease was 14 years. Today, the average lifespan has
increased to 50 years and beyond (TriHealth, 2012). The patient prognosis for
many other hematologic disorders such as hemophilia and cancer continue to
improve as well. This can be attributed to advancements in medical care—specifically
drug therapy and treatment. When managing drug therapies for patients, it is
essential to continuously examine current treatments and evaluate the impact of
patient factors on drug effectiveness. To prepare for your role as an advanced
practice nurse, you must become familiar with common drug treatments for
various hematologic disorders seen in clinical settings.
To prepare:
Select one of the following hematologic disorders: anemia,
hemophilia, cancer, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, thrombolytic disorders, or
white blood cell disorders. Consider the types of drugs that would be
prescribed to patients to treat symptoms associated with this disorder.
Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the hematologic disorder you selected
including types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat
associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you selected might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different hematologic disorder than you did. Provide recommendations for
alternative drug treatments and patient education strategies for treatment and
Week 10

Discussion: Hormone Replacement Therapy
In recent years, hormone replacement therapy has become a
controversial issue. When prescribing therapies, advanced practice nurses must
weigh the strengths and limitations of the prescribed supplemental hormones. If
advanced practice nurses determine that the limitations outweigh the strengths,
then they might suggest alternative treatment options such as herbs or other
natural remedies, changes in diet, and increase in exercise.
Consider the following scenario:
As an advanced practice nurse at a community health clinic,
you often treat female (and sometimes male patients) with hormone deficiencies.
One of your patients requests that you prescribe supplemental hormones. This
poses the questions: How will you determine what kind of treatment to suggest?
What patient factors should you consider? Are supplemental hormones the best
option for the patient, or would they benefit from alternative treatments?
To prepare:
Review Chapter 56 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as
well as the Holloway and Makinen and Huhtaniemi articles in the Learning
Review the provided scenario and reflect on whether or not
you would support hormone replacement therapy.
Locate and review additional articles about research on
hormone replacement therapy for women and/or men. Consider the strengths and
limitations of hormone replacement therapy.
Based on your research of the strengths and limitations,
again reflect on whether or not you would support hormone replacement therapy.
Consider whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones
or recommend alternative treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the strengths and limitations of
hormone replacement therapy. Based on these strengths and limitations, explain
why you would or why you would not support hormone replacement therapy. Explain
whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones or recommend alternative
treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies and why.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who provided a
different rationale than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 11

Discussion: Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatrics
The unapproved use of approved drugs, also called off-label
use, with children is quite common. This is because pediatric dosage guidelines
are typically unavailable since very few drugs have been specifically
researched and tested with children.
When treating children, prescribers often adjust dosages
approved for adults to accommodate a child’s weight. However, children are not
just “smaller” adults. Adults and children process and respond to drugs
differently in their absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.
Children even respond differently during stages from infancy to adolescence.
This poses potential safety concerns when prescribing drugs to pediatric
patients. As an advanced practice nurse, you have to be aware of safety
implications of the off-label use of drugs with this patient group.
To prepare:
Review the Bazzano et al. and Mayhew articles in the
Learning Resources. Reflect on situations in which children should be
prescribed drugs for off-label use.
Think about strategies to make the off-label use and dosage
of drugs safer for children from infancy to adolescence. Consider specific
off-label drugs that you think require extra care and attention when used in
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of circumstances under which children
should be prescribed drugs for off-label use. Then, describe strategies to make
the off-label use and dosage of drugs safer for children from infancy to
adolescence. Include descriptions and names of off-label drugs that require
extra care and attention when used in pediatrics.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who provided a
different rationale than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 2

The Ethics and Legalities of Medication Error Disclosure
American writer Nikki Giovanni once said: “Mistakes are a
fact of life. It is the response to the error that counts” (Goodreads, 2012).
Whenever you make an error when writing a prescription, you must consider the
ethical and legal implications of your error—no matter how seemingly
insignificant it might be. You may fear the possible consequences and feel
pressured not to disclose the error. Regardless, you need to consider the
potential implications of non-disclosure. How you respond to the prescription
error will affect you, the patient, and the health care facility where you
practice. In this Assignment, you examine ethical and legal implications of
disclosure and nondisclosure of personal error.
Consider the following scenario:
You are working as an advanced practice nurse at a community
health clinic. You make an error when prescribing a drug to a patient. You do
not think the patient would know that you made the error, and it certainly was
not intentional.
To prepare:
Consider the ethical implications of disclosure and
Research federal and state laws for advanced practice
nurses. Reflect on the legal implications of disclosure and nondisclosure for
you and the health clinic.
Consider what you would do as the advanced practice nurse in
this scenario including whether or not you would disclose your error.
Review the Institute for Safe Medication Practices website
in the Learning Resources. Consider the process of writing prescriptions. Think
about strategies to avoid medication errors.
By Day 7
Write a 2- to 3- page paper that addresses the following:
Explain the ethical and legal implications of disclosure and
nondisclosure. Be sure to reference laws specific to your state.
Describe what you would do as the advanced practice nurse in
this scenario including whether or not you would disclose your error. Provide
your rationale.
Explain the process of writing prescriptions including
strategies to minimize medication errors.
Week 4

Asthma and Stepwise Management
Asthma is a respiratory disorder that affects children and
adults. Advanced practice nurses often provide treatment to patients with these
disorders. Sometimes patients require immediate treatment making it essential
that you recognize and distinguish minor asthma symptoms from serious,
life-threatening symptoms. Since symptoms and attacks are often induced by a
trigger, advanced practice nurses must also help patients identify their
triggers and recommend appropriate management options. Like many other
disorders, there are various approaches to treating and managing care for
asthmatic patients depending on individual patient factors. One method that
supports the clinical decision-making of drug therapy plans for asthmatic
patients is the stepwise approach, which you explore in this Assignment.
To prepare:
Consider drugs used to treat asthmatic patients including
long-term control and quick relief treatment options for patients. Think about
the impact these drugs might have on patients including adults and children.
Review Chapter 25 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text.
Reflect on using the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management.
Consider how stepwise management assists health care
providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease.
By Day 7
Write a 2- to 3- page paper that addresses the following:
Describe long-term control and quick relief treatment
options for asthma patients, as well as the impact these drugs might have on
Explain the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and
Explain how stepwise management assists health care
providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease.
Week 6

Diabetes and Drug Treatments
Diabetes is an endocrine system disorder that affects
millions of children and adults (ADA, 2011). If left untreated, diabetic
patients are at risk for several alterations including heart disease, stroke,
kidney failure, neuropathy, and blindness. There are various methods for
treating diabetes, many of which include some form of drug therapy. The type of
diabetes as well as the patient’s behavior factors will impact treatment
recommendations. In this Assignment, you compare types of diabetes including
drug treatments for type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes.
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation on the endocrine
system and diabetes, as well as Chapter 46 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text
and the Peterson et al. article in the Learning Resources.
Reflect on differences between types of diabetes including
type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes.
Select one type of diabetes.
Consider one type of drug used to treat the type of diabetes
you selected including proper preparation and administration of this drug.
Then, reflect on dietary considerations related to treatment.
Think about the short-term and long-term impact of the
diabetes you selected on patients including effects of drug treatments.
By Day 7
Write a 2- to 3- page paper that addresses the following:
Explain the differences between types of diabetes including
type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes.
Describe one type of drug used to treat the type of diabetes
you selected including proper preparation and administration of this drug. Include
dietary considerations related to treatment.
Explain the short-term and long-term impact of this diabetes
on patients including effects of drugs treatments.
Week 8

Antimicrobial Agents
Antimicrobial agents are essential components in the
treatment of various bacterial infections as they help to kill or prevent the
growth of microbes such as bacteria, fungi, and protozoans. Prior to the
discovery of antimicrobial agents, treatment options for patients with
bacterial infections were limited. For many patients, treatment often resulted
in the amputation of limbs or even death. Today, treatment options for
bacterial infections typically have a more positive prognosis. Due to the
various types of infections presented in patients, it is essential to be able
to identify the underlying cause of the infection—whether bacterial or
viral—before recommending drug treatments. This will help you identify whether
or not an antimicrobial agent would be appropriate and which specific agent
would target the infection. In this Assignment, you consider the appropriate
use of antimicrobial agents for infections.
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation on principles of
antimicrobial therapy, as well as Chapter 8 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text.
Consider the categories of antimicrobial agents.
Think about differences between viral and bacterial
Reflect on why proper identification of the infection is key
to selecting the proper antimicrobial agent.
By Day 7
Write a 2- to 3- page paper that addresses the following:
Describe the categories of antimicrobial agents.
Describe differences between viral and bacterial infections.
Explain why proper identification of viral and bacterial
infections is key to selecting the proper antimicrobial agent.
Week 10

Cancer and Women’s and Men’s Health
The American Cancer Society estimates that by the end of
2012, more than 226,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more
than 241,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer (American Cancer
Society, 2012a; American Cancer Society 2012b). With such prevalence of women’s
and men’s cancers, patient education and preventive services are essential. In
clinical settings, advanced practice nurses must assist physicians in educating
patients on risk factors, preventive services, and for patients diagnosed with
cancer, on potential drug treatments. The clinical implications of women’s and
men’s cancer greatly depend on early detection, which is primarily achieved
through preventive services. In this Assignment, you consider the short-term
and long-term implications of cancer and drug treatments associated with
women’s and men’s health, as well as appropriate preventive services.
To prepare:
Select a type of cancer associated with women’s or men’s
health such as breast, cervical, or ovarian cancer in women and prostate cancer
in men.
Locate and review articles examining the type of cancer you
Review the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force article in
the Learning Resources. Think about available preventive services that
providers might recommend for patients at risk of this type of cancer.
Select two of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how these factors might impact
decisions related to preventive services.
Consider drug treatment options for patients diagnosed with
the type of cancer you selected including short-term and long-term implications
of the treatments.
By Day 7
Write a 2- to 3- page paper that addresses the following:
Describe available preventive services that providers might
recommend for patients at risk of the type of cancer you selected.
Explain how the factors you selected might impact decisions
related to preventive services.
Describe drug treatment options for patients diagnosed with
the type of cancer you selected. Explain the short-term and long-term
implications of these treatments.

Week 1 quiz

Question 1
A patient has been prescribed several drugs and fluids to be
given intravenously. Before the nurse starts the intravenous administration, a
priority assessment of the patient will be to note the
Question 2
A nurse is caring for a postsurgical patient who has small
tortuous veins and had a difficult IV insertion. The patient is now receiving
IV medications on a regular basis. What is the best nursing intervention to
minimize the adverse effects of this drug therapy?
Question 3
A nurse who is responsible for administering medications
should understand that the goals of the MedWatch program are to (Select all
that apply.)
Question 4
In response to a patient’s nausea, the nurse has mixed a
dose of an antiemetic with 50 mL of sterile normal saline and will administer
the dose by IV piggyback. What is the rationale for the use of IV piggyback?
Question 5
A home health nurse notes that there have been changes to a
patient’s oral drug regimen. The nurse will closely monitor the new drug regimen
Week 2 quiz

Question 1
A 46-year-old white American has been prescribed a drug that
binds to acid glycoproteins. The nurse understands that white Americans usually
Question 2
A nurse is caring for a 46-year-old patient of Chinese
origin who has bipolar disorder. The physician has prescribed lithium carbonate
(Eskalith) to treat the disorder. The nurse is aware that the lithium dose will
likely be given in a
Question 3
A physician has ordered subcutaneous injections of morphine,
a narcotic, every 4 hours as needed for pain for a motor vehicle accident
victim. The nurse is aware that there is a high abuse potential for this drug
and that it is categorized as a
Question 4
A nurse is providing care for a 71-year-old woman who was
sponsored to emigrate from Mexico to the United States 6 months ago. Earlier
this week, the woman slipped while getting off a bus and fractured her hip. How
should the woman’s nurse best exemplify cultural competence in the care of this
Question 5
A patient will begin three new medications as part of her treatment
plan. The nurse practitioner understands that proper disposal of medications is
key when the nurse practitioner states
Week 3 quiz

Question 1
A nurse is caring for a patient who is diabetic and has been
diagnosed with hypertension. An angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor,
captopril, has been prescribed for her. Which of the following should the nurse
assess before beginning drug therapy?
Question 2
A normal maintenance dose for digoxin is 0.125 to 0.5
mg/day. In which of the following patients would the nurse most likely
administer a lower-than-normal maintenance dose of digoxin?
Question 3
A nurse is the cardiac care unit is preparing to hang an
intravenous dose of dofetilide (Tikosyn) for a patient who has just been
admitted. What is the most likely goal of this intervention?
Question 4
A 58-year-old man is admitted to the emergency department. A
diagnosis of severe digoxin toxicity is made. Bradycardia is present, and an
electrocardiogram (ECG) confirms toxicity. The nurse will administer which of
the following drugs?
Question 5
A nurse is caring for a patient who is admitted into the
cardiac care unit with acute, decompensated heart failure. Nesiritide
(Natrecor) has been ordered. When preparing for administration of the drug, the
nurse will
Week 4 quiz

Question 1
A patient is in the clinic for seasonal allergic rhinitis.
Loratadine (Claritin) is prescribed. Which of the following statements will the
nurse include when providing patient education concerning this drug?
Question 2
After a recent history of shortness of breath that has
become increasingly severe, a woman has been prescribed ipratropium by MDI
while she undergoes a diagnostic workup. What patient teaching should the nurse
provide to this patient?
Question 3
A female patient, age 36, is prescribed inhaled
corticosteroid (ICS) for daily use. Which of the following adverse effects
should the nurse closely monitor for in this patient?
Question 4
A female patient calls the clinic and reports that since she
has been taking dextromethorphan (Robitussin), she has been extremely drowsy
and dizzy. The nurse will question the patient about which of the following?
Question 5
Children age 6 to 11 are recommended to start with what
dosage of Allegra?
Week 5 quiz

Question 1
Which of the following would be an expected outcome in a
patient who has been given atropine during a medical emergency?
Question 2
A patient has a history of tonic-clonic seizures that have
been successfully treated with phenytoin (Dilantin) for several years.
Phenytoin achieves a therapeutic effect by
Question 3
An elderly woman is slated for a hemiarthroplasty (hip replacement
surgery) after falling and breaking her hip on the stairs outside her home. The
woman’s pain in the time since her injury has been severe, and her care team
has been treating it with morphine. Which of the following administration
schedules is most likely to control the patient’s pain?
Question 4
A patient who is experiencing withdrawal from heavy alcohol
use have developed psychosis and been treated with haloperidol. Which of the
following assessment findings should prompt the care team to assess the patient
for neuroleptic malignant syndrome?
Question 5
A nurse will be prepared to administer naloxone (Narcan) to
a patient who has had an overdose of morphine. Repeated doses of Narcan will be
necessary because Narcan
Week 6 quiz

Question 1
A 43-year-old woman was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 2
years ago and has experienced a recent exacerbation of her symptoms, including
muscle spasticity. Consequently, she has been prescribed Dantrolene (Dantrium).
In light of this new addition to her drug regimen, what teaching point should
the woman’s nurse provide?
Question 2
A 65-year-old woman has an advanced form of rheumatoid
arthritis. Her treatment includes a regular dosage of methotrexate. The nurse
will advise her to take which of the following vitamin supplements while taking
the drug?
Question 3
A 40-year-old woman with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia has
been prescribed cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) as an adjunct to her existing drug
regimen. What nursing diagnosis should the nurse prioritize when updating the
nursing care plan for this patient?
Question 4
A diabetic patient being treated for obesity tells the nurse
that he is having adverse effects from his drug therapy. The patient has been
taking dextroamphetamine for 2 weeks as adjunct therapy. Which of the following
adverse effects would need the nurse’s immediate attention?
Question 5
A clinic nurse is following a 9-year-old boy who is taking
somatropin. Which of the following will the nurse monitor periodically?
Week 7 quiz

Question 1
A patient has GERD and is taking ranitidine (Zantac). She
continues to have gastric discomfort and asks whether she can take an antacid.
Which of the following is an appropriate response by the nurse?
Question 2
A patient is taking cholestyramine. The nurse will assess
for which of the following common adverse effects of the drug?
Question 3
A patient on 5-FU calls the clinic and reports that he has
between five and seven loose bowel movements daily. The nurse will instruct the
patient to
Question 4
A 42-year-old man is being treated for a peptic ulcer with
ranitidine (Zantac) taken PO at bedtime. Even though few adverse effects are
associated with this drug, one common adverse effect that can be severe is
Question 5
A nurse is overseeing the care of a young man whose
ulcerative colitis is being treated with oral prednisone. Which of the following
actions should the nurse take in order to minimize the potential for adverse
drug effects and risks associated with prednisone treatment?
Week 8 quiz

Question 1
A 34-year-old male has been diagnosed with TB and will be
started on INH therapy. The medication history reveals that he currently takes
antacids on a regular basis. The nurse will instruct the patient to take
Question 2
A patient has been prescribed daptomycin for a complicated
skin infection. Which of the following will the nurse advise the patient to
report immediately?
Question 3
Which of the following is critical to helping prevent
development of resistant strains of microbes in patients?
Question 4
A 72-year-old patient is prescribed ophthalmic ciprofloxacin
for a bacterial infection in her right eye. The nurse will teach her to observe
for which of the following adverse effects of the drug?
Question 5
An immunocompromised patient in a critical care setting has
developed a respiratory infection that has been attributed to
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The nurse should anticipate
that the patient will require treatment with
Week 9 quiz

Question 1
Mr. Lepp is a 63-year-old man who was diagnosed with colon
cancer several weeks ago and who is scheduled to begin chemotherapy. He reports
to the nurse that he read about the need for erythropoietin in an online forum
for cancer patients and wants to explore the use of epoetin alfa with his
oncologist. Which of the following facts should underlie the nurse’s response
to Mr. Lepp?
Question 2
A nurse is discussing oprelvekin therapy with a male
patient. Which of the following will the nurse tell the patient is the most
common adverse effect of the drug?
Question 3
A middle-aged patient has received a diagnosis of GI stromal
tumor following an extensive diagnostic workup. Imatinib has been recommended
as a component of the patient’s drug regimen. What patient education should the
nurse provide to this patient?
Question 4
A patient with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) will be starting
a course of doxorubicin shortly. When planning this patient’s care, what nursing
diagnosis should the nurse prioritize?
Question 5
An oncology nurse is aware of the risks for injury that
exist around the preparation, transportation, and administration of
chemotherapeutic agents. In order to reduce these risks of injury, the nurse
should take which of the following actions?
Week 10

Question 1 A patient is being discharged from the hospital
and will be taking oxybutynin (Ditropan) for overactive bladder. The nurse will
instruct the patient that she will be taking a medication
Question 2 A nurse is working in a women’s hospital where
she is caring for a new mother who is experiencing postpartum urinary
retention. Bethanechol (Urecholine) has been ordered. The nurse will observe
for which of the following?
Question 3 A patient is taking flavoxate hydrochloride
(Urispas) to help control an overactive bladder. On a follow-up visit to the
clinic, the nurse will question the patient about which of the following?
Question 4 A nurse is performing patient education for a
woman who has just been prescribed a bisphosphonate. Which of the following
diagnostic and history findings would have prompted the woman’s care provider
to prescribe a bisphosphonate?
Question 5 A nurse is providing patient education to a
50-year-old woman who is taking methotrexate (MTX) for breast cancer. The nurse
will instruct the patient to avoid which of the following drugs?
Week 11

Question 1
A nurse working in a cancer center is preparing to
administer medication to a 5-year-old child. The nurse will calculate the drug
dosage by using
Question 2
A 5-year-old boy needs an IM injection. The least painful
and most effective injection site would be the
Question 3
A 2-year-old child is diagnosed with a minor ailment and is
to be administered medications at home for 2 weeks. The child lives with his
mother, grandmother, and four other children between the ages of 14 months and
7 years. The home health nurse is asked to assess the home environment to
determine if it is appropriate for the child to take his medication at home.
Which of the following will have the greatest impact on the nurse’s assessment?
Question 4
A 19-year-old patient reports to a clinic with vaginal
discharge with a foul odor. A microscopic exam reveals trichomonas vaginalis.
The nurse practitioner is aware that
Question 5
A 29-year-old woman who is morbidly obese has recently begun
a comprehensive, medically-supervised program of weight reduction. Prior to
adding dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine) to her regimen, the patient should be questioned
about her intake of

Week 1

Discussion: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
As an advanced practice nurse assisting physicians in the
diagnosis and treatment of disorders, it is important to not only understand
the impact of disorders on the body, but also the impact of drug treatments on
the body. The relationships between drugs and the body can be described by
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Pharmacokinetics describes what the body
does to the drug through absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion,
whereas pharmacodynamics describes what the drug does to the body. When
selecting drugs and determining dosages for patients, it is essential to
consider individual patient factors that might impact the patient’s
pharmacokinetic and pharamcodynamic processes. These patient factors include
genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, behavior (i.e., diet, nutrition, smoking,
alcohol, illicit drug abuse), and/or pathophysiological changes due to disease.
In this Discussion, you reflect on a case from your past clinical experiences
and consider how a particular patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
processes altered his or her response to a drug.
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation with Dr. Terry
Buttaro, as well as Chapter 2 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, and the Scott
article in the Learning Resources. Consider the principles of pharmacokinetics
and pharmacodynamics.
Reflect on your experiences, observations, and/or clinical
practices from the last five years. Select a case from the last five years that
involves a patient whose individual differences in pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic factors altered his or her anticipated response to a drug. When
referring to your patient, make sure to use a pseudonym or other false form of
identification. This is to ensure the privacy and protection of the patient.
Consider factors that might have influenced the patient’s
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes such as genetics (including
pharmacogenetics), gender, ethnicity, age, behavior, and/or possible
pathophysiological changes due to disease.
Think about a personalized plan of care based on these
influencing factors and patient history in your case study.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the case you selected. Then, describe
factors that might have influenced pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
processes of the patient from the case you selected. Finally, explain details
of the personalized plan of care that you would develop based on influencing
factors and patient history in your case.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by suggesting
additional patient factors that might have interfered with the pharmacokinetic
and pharmadynamic processes of the patients in their case studies. In addition,
suggest how the personal care plan might change if the age of the patient were
different and if the patient had a comorbid condition such as renal failure,
heart failure, or liver failure.
Week 2

Discussion: Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing
What type of drug should you prescribe based on your
patient’s diagnosis? How much of the drug should the patient receive? How often
should the drug be administered? When should the drug not be prescribed? Are
there individual patient factors that could create complications when taking
the drug? Should you be prescribing drugs to this patient?
These are some of the questions you might consider when
selecting a treatment plan for a patient. As an advanced practice nurse
prescribing drugs, you are held accountable for people’s lives on a daily
basis. Patients and their families will often place trust in you because of
your position. With this trust comes power and responsibility, as well as an
ethical and legal obligation to “do no harm.” It is important that you are
aware of current professional, legal, and ethical standards for advanced
practice nurses with prescriptive authority. In this Discussion, you explore
ethical and legal implications of scenarios and consider how to appropriately
Scenario 1:
As a nurse practitioner, you prescribe medications for your
patients. You make an error when prescribing medication to a 5-year-old
patient. Rather than dosing him appropriately, you prescribe a dose suitable
for an adult.
Scenario 2:
A friend calls and asks you to prescribe a medication for
her. You have this autonomy, but you don’t have your friend’s medical history.
You write the prescription anyway.
Scenario 3:
You see another nurse practitioner writing a prescription
for her husband who is not a patient of the nurse practitioner. The
prescription is for a narcotic. You can’t decide whether or not to report the
Scenario 4:
During your lunch break at the hospital, you read a journal
article on pharmacoeconomics. You think of a couple of patients who have
recently mentioned their financial difficulties. You wonder if some of the
expensive drugs you have prescribed are sufficiently managing the patients’
health conditions and improving their quality of life.
To prepare:
Review Chapter 1 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as well
as articles from the American Nurses Association, Anderson and Townsend, the
Drug Enforcement Administration, and Philipsend and Soeken.
Select one of the four scenarios listed above.
Consider the ethical and legal implications of the scenario
for all stakeholders involved such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and
the patient’s family.
Think about two strategies that you, as an advanced practice
nurse, would use to guide your ethically and legally responsible
decision-making in this scenario.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of the ethical and legal implications of
the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved such as the prescriber,
pharmacist, patient, and the patient’s family. Describe two strategies that
you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your decision making in
this scenario.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different scenario than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Suggest additional ethical and legal implications for all
stakeholders in your colleagues’ scenarios.
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 3

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders
As the leading cause of death in the United States for both
men and women, cardiovascular disorders account for 7 million hospitalizations
per year (NCSL, 2012). This is the result of the extensive treatment and care
that is often required for patients with these disorders. While the incidences
of hospitalizations and death are still high, the mortality rate of
cardiovascular disorders has been declining since the 1960s (CDC, 2011).
Improved treatment options have contributed to this decline, as well as more
knowledge on patient risk factors. As an advanced practice nurse, it is your
responsibility to recommend appropriate treatment options for patients with
cardiovascular disorders. To ensure the safety and effectiveness of drug
therapy, advanced practice nurses must consider aspects that might influence
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes such as medical history, other
drugs currently prescribed, and individual patient factors.
Consider the following case studies:
Case Study 1:
Patient AO has a history of obesity and has recently gained
9 pounds. The patient has been diagnosed with hypertension and hyperlipidemia.
Drugs currently prescribed include the following:
Atenolol 12.5 mg daily
Doxazosin 8 mg daily
Hydralazine 10 mg qid
Sertraline 25 mg daily
Simvastatin 80 mg daily
Case Study 2:
Patient HM has a history of atrial fibrillation and a
transient ischemic attack (TIA). The patient has been diagnosed with type 2
diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and ischemic heart disease. Drugs
currently prescribed include the following:
Warfarin 5 mg daily MWF and 2.5 mg daily T, TH, Sat, Sun
Aspirin 81 mg daily
Metformin 1000 mg po bid
Glyburide 10 mg bid
Atenolol 100 mg po daily
Motrin 200 mg 1–3 tablets every 6 hours as needed for pain
Case Study 3:
Patient CB has a history of strokes. The patient has been
diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Drugs
currently prescribed include the following:
Glipizide 10 mg po daily
HCTZ 25 mg daily
Atenolol 25 mg po daily
Hydralazine 25 mg qid
Simvastatin 80 mg daily
Verapamil 180 mg CD daily
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation on hypertension and
hyperlipidemia, as well as Chapters 19 and 20 of the Arcangelo and Peterson
Select one of the three case studies, as well as one the
following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior factors.
Reflect on how the factor you selected might influence the
patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.
Consider how changes in the pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic processes might impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy.
Think about how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy
plan based on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes. Reflect on
whether you would modify the current drug treatment or provide an alternative
treatment option for the patient.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of how the factor you selected might
influence the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in the patient from
the case study you selected. Then, describe how changes in the processes might
impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy. Finally, explain how you might
improve the patient’s drug therapy plan.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different case study than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Provide alternative recommendations for drug treatments.
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 4

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Respiratory Disorders
To the untrained ear, most coughs sound the same. However,
as you might recall from past clinical experiences, a simple cough can lead to
a patient diagnosis of a common cold, pneumonia, or even a chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD). Although it can sometimes be challenging to diagnose
a patient based on common respiratory symptoms such as congestion, coughing,
and wheezing, it is important to be able to distinguish minor differences as
even mild symptoms might require intervention with drug treatments. When
recommending potential treatment options, advanced practice nurses must
consider how individual patient factors might impact the effects of prescribed
To prepare:
Review Chapter 26 and Chapter 27 of the Arcangelo and
Peterson text.
Select and research one of the following respiratory
disorders: the common cold, pneumonia, or a chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) such as emphysema or chronic bronchitis. Consider types of drugs
that would be prescribed to patients to treat symptoms associated with this
Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact effects of
prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help reduce
negative side effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the respiratory disorder you selected
including types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat
associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you selected might impact
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different respiratory disorder than you did. If the disorder you selected is
primarily associated with the upper respiratory system, respond to colleagues
who selected disorders primarily associated with the lower respiratory system.
Provide alternative recommendations for drug treatments.
Week 5

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders
Neurological disorders, such as headaches, seizure
disorders, sleep disorders, depression, and dementia can present several
complications for patients of all ages. These disorders affect patients
physically and emotionally, impacting judgment, school and/or job performance,
and relationships with family and friends. Since these disorders may have
drastic effects on patients’ lives, it is important for advanced practice
nurses to effectively manage patient care. With patient factors and medical
history in mind, it is the advanced practice nurse’s responsibility to manage
the diagnosis, treatment, and education of patients with neurological
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation on pharmacology for
the nervous system.
Select one of the following neurological disorders:
headaches, seizure disorders, sleep disorders, depression, or dementia.
Consider the types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat
symptoms associated with this disorder.
Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the neurological disorder you selected
including types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat
associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you selected might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different neurological disorder than you did. Provide recommendations for
alternative drug treatments and patient education strategies for treatment and
Week 6

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Endocrine and Musculoskeletal
Patients with endocrine and musculoskeletal disorders often
require long-term treatment and care resulting in the need for extensive
patient education. By appropriately educating patients, advanced practice
nurses can assist patients with the management of their disorders. In clinical
settings, patients with endocrine and musculoskeletal disorders typically seek
treatment for symptoms that pose problems to their everyday lives as ordinary
tasks may become difficult to complete. For instance, patients might have
difficulty walking short distances, preparing meals, or even running errands.
To reduce these symptoms and additional health risks, it is essential to
develop drug therapy plans with individual patient factors in mind.
To prepare:
Select one of the following endocrine or musculoskeletal
disorders: thyroid disease, osteoarthritis, rheumatic arthritis, gout, multiple
sclerosis, or fibromyalgia. Consider the types of drugs that would be
prescribed to patients to treat symptoms associated with this disorder.
Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the endocrine or musculoskeletal
disorder you selected including types of drugs that would be prescribed to
patients to treat associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you
selected might impact the effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures
you might take to help reduce negative side effects.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different endocrine or musculoskeletal disorder than you did. Provide
recommendations for alternative drug treatments and patient education
strategies for treatment and management.
Week 7

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Gastrointestinal and
Hepatobiliary Disorders
Gastrointestinal (GI) and hepatobiliary disorders affect the
structure and function of the GI tract. Many of these disorders often have
similar symptoms such as abdominal pain, cramping, constipation, nausea,
bloating, and fatigue. Since multiple disorders can be tied to the same
symptoms, it is important for advanced practice nurses to carefully evaluate
patients and prescribe treatment that targets the cause rather than the
symptom. Once the underlying cause is identified, an appropriate drug therapy
plan can be recommended based on medical history and individual patient
factors. In this Discussion, you examine a case study of a patient who presents
with symptoms of a possible GI/hepatobiliary disorder, and you design an appropriate
drug therapy plan.
Consider the following case study:
Patient HL comes into the clinic with the following
symptoms: nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The patient has a history of drug
abuse and possible Hepatitis C. HL is currently taking the following
prescription drugs:
Synthroid 100 mcg daily
Nifedipine 30 mg daily
Prednisone 10 mg daily
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation on pharmacology for
the gastrointestinal system.
Review the provided case study. Reflect on the patient’s
symptoms, medical history, and drugs currently prescribed.
Think about a possible diagnosis for the patient. Consider
whether the patient has a disorder related to the gastrointestinal and
hepatobiliary system or whether the symptoms are the result of a disorder from
another system or other factors such as pregnancy, drugs, or a psychological
Consider an appropriate drug therapy plan based on the
patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently prescribed.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of your diagnosis for the patient
including your rationale for the diagnosis. Then, describe an appropriate drug
therapy plan based on the patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who diagnosed the
patient differently than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Provide alternative recommendations for drug treatments.
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 8

Discussion: Drug Treatments for HIV/AIDS
While HIV/AIDS is still currently incurable, the prognosis
for patients with this infectious disease has improved due to advancements in
drug treatments. Consider the case of Kristy Aney. Kristy was diagnosed with
HIV in 1992 and was told she would survive, at most, 10 more years. Despite
unfavorable odds, Kristy is still alive 20 years later. Since her diagnosis,
she has witnessed tremendous improvements in HIV/AIDS treatments which have
helped patients live longer with fewer side effects. While she acknowledges
that these drug treatments have kept her alive, she fears that improvements in
drug therapy have led to more people becoming complacent about the disease
(Idaho Statesmen, 2012). In fact, the number of people living with HIV/AIDS in
the United States is higher than it has ever been (CDC, 2012). This poses the
question: Is there a relationship between drug advancements, societal
complacency, and infection?
To prepare:
Review Chapter 49 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as
well as the Krummenacher et al. and Scourfield articles in the Learning
Reflect on whether or not the prevalence of HIV cases might
be attributed to increased complacency due to more advanced drug treatment
options for HIV/AIDS.
Consider how health care professionals can help to change
perceptions and make people more aware of the realities of the disease.
Think about strategies to educate HIV positive patients on
medication adherence, as well as safe practices to reduce the risk of infecting
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of whether or not you think the
prevalence of HIV cases might be attributed to increased complacency due to
more advanced drug treatment options.Then, explain how health care
professionals can help to change perceptions and increase awareness of the
realities of the disease. Finally, describe strategies to educate HIV positive
patients on medication adherence, as well as safe practices to reduce the risk
of infecting others.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who provided a
different rationale than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 9

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Hematologic Disorders
In the 1970s, the average lifespan for patients diagnosed
with sickle cell disease was 14 years. Today, the average lifespan has
increased to 50 years and beyond (TriHealth, 2012). The patient prognosis for
many other hematologic disorders such as hemophilia and cancer continue to
improve as well. This can be attributed to advancements in medical care—specifically
drug therapy and treatment. When managing drug therapies for patients, it is
essential to continuously examine current treatments and evaluate the impact of
patient factors on drug effectiveness. To prepare for your role as an advanced
practice nurse, you must become familiar with common drug treatments for
various hematologic disorders seen in clinical settings.
To prepare:
Select one of the following hematologic disorders: anemia,
hemophilia, cancer, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, thrombolytic disorders, or
white blood cell disorders. Consider the types of drugs that would be
prescribed to patients to treat symptoms associated with this disorder.
Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the hematologic disorder you selected
including types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat
associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you selected might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different hematologic disorder than you did. Provide recommendations for
alternative drug treatments and patient education strategies for treatment and
Week 10

Discussion: Hormone Replacement Therapy
In recent years, hormone replacement therapy has become a
controversial issue. When prescribing therapies, advanced practice nurses must
weigh the strengths and limitations of the prescribed supplemental hormones. If
advanced practice nurses determine that the limitations outweigh the strengths,
then they might suggest alternative treatment options such as herbs or other
natural remedies, changes in diet, and increase in exercise.
Consider the following scenario:
As an advanced practice nurse at a community health clinic,
you often treat female (and sometimes male patients) with hormone deficiencies.
One of your patients requests that you prescribe supplemental hormones. This
poses the questions: How will you determine what kind of treatment to suggest?
What patient factors should you consider? Are supplemental hormones the best
option for the patient, or would they benefit from alternative treatments?
To prepare:
Review Chapter 56 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as
well as the Holloway and Makinen and Huhtaniemi articles in the Learning
Review the provided scenario and reflect on whether or not
you would support hormone replacement therapy.
Locate and review additional articles about research on
hormone replacement therapy for women and/or men. Consider the strengths and
limitations of hormone replacement therapy.
Based on your research of the strengths and limitations,
again reflect on whether or not you would support hormone replacement therapy.
Consider whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones
or recommend alternative treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the strengths and limitations of
hormone replacement therapy. Based on these strengths and limitations, explain
why you would or why you would not support hormone replacement therapy. Explain
whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones or recommend alternative
treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies and why.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who provided a
different rationale than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 11

Discussion: Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatrics
The unapproved use of approved drugs, also called off-label
use, with children is quite common. This is because pediatric dosage guidelines
are typically unavailable since very few drugs have been specifically
researched and tested with children.
When treating children, prescribers often adjust dosages
approved for adults to accommodate a child’s weight. However, children are not
just “smaller” adults. Adults and children process and respond to drugs
differently in their absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.
Children even respond differently during stages from infancy to adolescence.
This poses potential safety concerns when prescribing drugs to pediatric
patients. As an advanced practice nurse, you have to be aware of safety
implications of the off-label use of drugs with this patient group.
To prepare:
Review the Bazzano et al. and Mayhew articles in the
Learning Resources. Reflect on situations in which children should be
prescribed drugs for off-label use.
Think about strategies to make the off-label use and dosage
of drugs safer for children from infancy to adolescence. Consider specific
off-label drugs that you think require extra care and attention when used in
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of circumstances under which children
should be prescribed drugs for off-label use. Then, describe strategies to make
the off-label use and dosage of drugs safer for children from infancy to
adolescence. Include descriptions and names of off-label drugs that require
extra care and attention when used in pediatrics.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who provided a
different rationale than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 2

The Ethics and Legalities of Medication Error Disclosure
American writer Nikki Giovanni once said: “Mistakes are a
fact of life. It is the response to the error that counts” (Goodreads, 2012).
Whenever you make an error when writing a prescription, you must consider the
ethical and legal implications of your error—no matter how seemingly
insignificant it might be. You may fear the possible consequences and feel
pressured not to disclose the error. Regardless, you need to consider the
potential implications of non-disclosure. How you respond to the prescription
error will affect you, the patient, and the health care facility where you
practice. In this Assignment, you examine ethical and legal implications of
disclosure and nondisclosure of personal error.
Consider the following scenario:
You are working as an advanced practice nurse at a community
health clinic. You make an error when prescribing a drug to a patient. You do
not think the patient would know that you made the error, and it certainly was
not intentional.
To prepare:
Consider the ethical implications of disclosure and
Research federal and state laws for advanced practice
nurses. Reflect on the legal implications of disclosure and nondisclosure for
you and the health clinic.
Consider what you would do as the advanced practice nurse in
this scenario including whether or not you would disclose your error.
Review the Institute for Safe Medication Practices website
in the Learning Resources. Consider the process of writing prescriptions. Think
about strategies to avoid medication errors.
By Day 7
Write a 2- to 3- page paper that addresses the following:
Explain the ethical and legal implications of disclosure and
nondisclosure. Be sure to reference laws specific to your state.
Describe what you would do as the advanced practice nurse in
this scenario including whether or not you would disclose your error. Provide
your rationale.
Explain the process of writing prescriptions including
strategies to minimize medication errors.
Week 4

Asthma and Stepwise Management
Asthma is a respiratory disorder that affects children and
adults. Advanced practice nurses often provide treatment to patients with these
disorders. Sometimes patients require immediate treatment making it essential
that you recognize and distinguish minor asthma symptoms from serious,
life-threatening symptoms. Since symptoms and attacks are often induced by a
trigger, advanced practice nurses must also help patients identify their
triggers and recommend appropriate management options. Like many other
disorders, there are various approaches to treating and managing care for
asthmatic patients depending on individual patient factors. One method that
supports the clinical decision-making of drug therapy plans for asthmatic
patients is the stepwise approach, which you explore in this Assignment.
To prepare:
Consider drugs used to treat asthmatic patients including
long-term control and quick relief treatment options for patients. Think about
the impact these drugs might have on patients including adults and children.
Review Chapter 25 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text.
Reflect on using the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management.
Consider how stepwise management assists health care
providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease.
By Day 7
Write a 2- to 3- page paper that addresses the following:
Describe long-term control and quick relief treatment
options for asthma patients, as well as the impact these drugs might have on
Explain the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and
Explain how stepwise management assists health care
providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease.
Week 6

Diabetes and Drug Treatments
Diabetes is an endocrine system disorder that affects
millions of children and adults (ADA, 2011). If left untreated, diabetic
patients are at risk for several alterations including heart disease, stroke,
kidney failure, neuropathy, and blindness. There are various methods for
treating diabetes, many of which include some form of drug therapy. The type of
diabetes as well as the patient’s behavior factors will impact treatment
recommendations. In this Assignment, you compare types of diabetes including
drug treatments for type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes.
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation on the endocrine
system and diabetes, as well as Chapter 46 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text
and the Peterson et al. article in the Learning Resources.
Reflect on differences between types of diabetes including
type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes.
Select one type of diabetes.
Consider one type of drug used to treat the type of diabetes
you selected including proper preparation and administration of this drug.
Then, reflect on dietary considerations related to treatment.
Think about the short-term and long-term impact of the
diabetes you selected on patients including effects of drug treatments.
By Day 7
Write a 2- to 3- page paper that addresses the following:
Explain the differences between types of diabetes including
type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes.
Describe one type of drug used to treat the type of diabetes
you selected including proper preparation and administration of this drug. Include
dietary considerations related to treatment.
Explain the short-term and long-term impact of this diabetes
on patients including effects of drugs treatments.
Week 8

Antimicrobial Agents
Antimicrobial agents are essential components in the
treatment of various bacterial infections as they help to kill or prevent the
growth of microbes such as bacteria, fungi, and protozoans. Prior to the
discovery of antimicrobial agents, treatment options for patients with
bacterial infections were limited. For many patients, treatment often resulted
in the amputation of limbs or even death. Today, treatment options for
bacterial infections typically have a more positive prognosis. Due to the
various types of infections presented in patients, it is essential to be able
to identify the underlying cause of the infection—whether bacterial or
viral—before recommending drug treatments. This will help you identify whether
or not an antimicrobial agent would be appropriate and which specific agent
would target the infection. In this Assignment, you consider the appropriate
use of antimicrobial agents for infections.
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation on principles of
antimicrobial therapy, as well as Chapter 8 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text.
Consider the categories of antimicrobial agents.
Think about differences between viral and bacterial
Reflect on why proper identification of the infection is key
to selecting the proper antimicrobial agent.
By Day 7
Write a 2- to 3- page paper that addresses the following:
Describe the categories of antimicrobial agents.
Describe differences between viral and bacterial infections.
Explain why proper identification of viral and bacterial
infections is key to selecting the proper antimicrobial agent.
Week 10

Cancer and Women’s and Men’s Health
The American Cancer Society estimates that by the end of
2012, more than 226,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more
than 241,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer (American Cancer
Society, 2012a; American Cancer Society 2012b). With such prevalence of women’s
and men’s cancers, patient education and preventive services are essential. In
clinical settings, advanced practice nurses must assist physicians in educating
patients on risk factors, preventive services, and for patients diagnosed with
cancer, on potential drug treatments. The clinical implications of women’s and
men’s cancer greatly depend on early detection, which is primarily achieved
through preventive services. In this Assignment, you consider the short-term
and long-term implications of cancer and drug treatments associated with
women’s and men’s health, as well as appropriate preventive services.
To prepare:
Select a type of cancer associated with women’s or men’s
health such as breast, cervical, or ovarian cancer in women and prostate cancer
in men.
Locate and review articles examining the type of cancer you
Review the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force article in
the Learning Resources. Think about available preventive services that
providers might recommend for patients at risk of this type of cancer.
Select two of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how these factors might impact
decisions related to preventive services.
Consider drug treatment options for patients diagnosed with
the type of cancer you selected including short-term and long-term implications
of the treatments.
By Day 7
Write a 2- to 3- page paper that addresses the following:
Describe available preventive services that providers might
recommend for patients at risk of the type of cancer you selected.
Explain how the factors you selected might impact decisions
related to preventive services.
Describe drug treatment options for patients diagnosed with
the type of cancer you selected. Explain the short-term and long-term
implications of these treatments.

Week 1 quiz

Question 1
A patient has been prescribed several drugs and fluids to be
given intravenously. Before the nurse starts the intravenous administration, a
priority assessment of the patient will be to note the
Question 2
A nurse is caring for a postsurgical patient who has small
tortuous veins and had a difficult IV insertion. The patient is now receiving
IV medications on a regular basis. What is the best nursing intervention to
minimize the adverse effects of this drug therapy?
Question 3
A nurse who is responsible for administering medications
should understand that the goals of the MedWatch program are to (Select all
that apply.)
Question 4
In response to a patient’s nausea, the nurse has mixed a
dose of an antiemetic with 50 mL of sterile normal saline and will administer
the dose by IV piggyback. What is the rationale for the use of IV piggyback?
Question 5
A home health nurse notes that there have been changes to a
patient’s oral drug regimen. The nurse will closely monitor the new drug regimen
Week 2 quiz

Question 1
A 46-year-old white American has been prescribed a drug that
binds to acid glycoproteins. The nurse understands that white Americans usually
Question 2
A nurse is caring for a 46-year-old patient of Chinese
origin who has bipolar disorder. The physician has prescribed lithium carbonate
(Eskalith) to treat the disorder. The nurse is aware that the lithium dose will
likely be given in a
Question 3
A physician has ordered subcutaneous injections of morphine,
a narcotic, every 4 hours as needed for pain for a motor vehicle accident
victim. The nurse is aware that there is a high abuse potential for this drug
and that it is categorized as a
Question 4
A nurse is providing care for a 71-year-old woman who was
sponsored to emigrate from Mexico to the United States 6 months ago. Earlier
this week, the woman slipped while getting off a bus and fractured her hip. How
should the woman’s nurse best exemplify cultural competence in the care of this
Question 5
A patient will begin three new medications as part of her treatment
plan. The nurse practitioner understands that proper disposal of medications is
key when the nurse practitioner states
Week 3 quiz

Question 1
A nurse is caring for a patient who is diabetic and has been
diagnosed with hypertension. An angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor,
captopril, has been prescribed for her. Which of the following should the nurse
assess before beginning drug therapy?
Question 2
A normal maintenance dose for digoxin is 0.125 to 0.5
mg/day. In which of the following patients would the nurse most likely
administer a lower-than-normal maintenance dose of digoxin?
Question 3
A nurse is the cardiac care unit is preparing to hang an
intravenous dose of dofetilide (Tikosyn) for a patient who has just been
admitted. What is the most likely goal of this intervention?
Question 4
A 58-year-old man is admitted to the emergency department. A
diagnosis of severe digoxin toxicity is made. Bradycardia is present, and an
electrocardiogram (ECG) confirms toxicity. The nurse will administer which of
the following drugs?
Question 5
A nurse is caring for a patient who is admitted into the
cardiac care unit with acute, decompensated heart failure. Nesiritide
(Natrecor) has been ordered. When preparing for administration of the drug, the
nurse will
Week 4 quiz

Question 1
A patient is in the clinic for seasonal allergic rhinitis.
Loratadine (Claritin) is prescribed. Which of the following statements will the
nurse include when providing patient education concerning this drug?
Question 2
After a recent history of shortness of breath that has
become increasingly severe, a woman has been prescribed ipratropium by MDI
while she undergoes a diagnostic workup. What patient teaching should the nurse
provide to this patient?
Question 3
A female patient, age 36, is prescribed inhaled
corticosteroid (ICS) for daily use. Which of the following adverse effects
should the nurse closely monitor for in this patient?
Question 4
A female patient calls the clinic and reports that since she
has been taking dextromethorphan (Robitussin), she has been extremely drowsy
and dizzy. The nurse will question the patient about which of the following?
Question 5
Children age 6 to 11 are recommended to start with what
dosage of Allegra?
Week 5 quiz

Question 1
Which of the following would be an expected outcome in a
patient who has been given atropine during a medical emergency?
Question 2
A patient has a history of tonic-clonic seizures that have
been successfully treated with phenytoin (Dilantin) for several years.
Phenytoin achieves a therapeutic effect by
Question 3
An elderly woman is slated for a hemiarthroplasty (hip replacement
surgery) after falling and breaking her hip on the stairs outside her home. The
woman’s pain in the time since her injury has been severe, and her care team
has been treating it with morphine. Which of the following administration
schedules is most likely to control the patient’s pain?
Question 4
A patient who is experiencing withdrawal from heavy alcohol
use have developed psychosis and been treated with haloperidol. Which of the
following assessment findings should prompt the care team to assess the patient
for neuroleptic malignant syndrome?
Question 5
A nurse will be prepared to administer naloxone (Narcan) to
a patient who has had an overdose of morphine. Repeated doses of Narcan will be
necessary because Narcan
Week 6 quiz

Question 1
A 43-year-old woman was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 2
years ago and has experienced a recent exacerbation of her symptoms, including
muscle spasticity. Consequently, she has been prescribed Dantrolene (Dantrium).
In light of this new addition to her drug regimen, what teaching point should
the woman’s nurse provide?
Question 2
A 65-year-old woman has an advanced form of rheumatoid
arthritis. Her treatment includes a regular dosage of methotrexate. The nurse
will advise her to take which of the following vitamin supplements while taking
the drug?
Question 3
A 40-year-old woman with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia has
been prescribed cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) as an adjunct to her existing drug
regimen. What nursing diagnosis should the nurse prioritize when updating the
nursing care plan for this patient?
Question 4
A diabetic patient being treated for obesity tells the nurse
that he is having adverse effects from his drug therapy. The patient has been
taking dextroamphetamine for 2 weeks as adjunct therapy. Which of the following
adverse effects would need the nurse’s immediate attention?
Question 5
A clinic nurse is following a 9-year-old boy who is taking
somatropin. Which of the following will the nurse monitor periodically?
Week 7 quiz

Question 1
A patient has GERD and is taking ranitidine (Zantac). She
continues to have gastric discomfort and asks whether she can take an antacid.
Which of the following is an appropriate response by the nurse?
Question 2
A patient is taking cholestyramine. The nurse will assess
for which of the following common adverse effects of the drug?
Question 3
A patient on 5-FU calls the clinic and reports that he has
between five and seven loose bowel movements daily. The nurse will instruct the
patient to
Question 4
A 42-year-old man is being treated for a peptic ulcer with
ranitidine (Zantac) taken PO at bedtime. Even though few adverse effects are
associated with this drug, one common adverse effect that can be severe is
Question 5
A nurse is overseeing the care of a young man whose
ulcerative colitis is being treated with oral prednisone. Which of the following
actions should the nurse take in order to minimize the potential for adverse
drug effects and risks associated with prednisone treatment?
Week 8 quiz

Question 1
A 34-year-old male has been diagnosed with TB and will be
started on INH therapy. The medication history reveals that he currently takes
antacids on a regular basis. The nurse will instruct the patient to take
Question 2
A patient has been prescribed daptomycin for a complicated
skin infection. Which of the following will the nurse advise the patient to
report immediately?
Question 3
Which of the following is critical to helping prevent
development of resistant strains of microbes in patients?
Question 4
A 72-year-old patient is prescribed ophthalmic ciprofloxacin
for a bacterial infection in her right eye. The nurse will teach her to observe
for which of the following adverse effects of the drug?
Question 5
An immunocompromised patient in a critical care setting has
developed a respiratory infection that has been attributed to
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The nurse should anticipate
that the patient will require treatment with
Week 9 quiz

Question 1
Mr. Lepp is a 63-year-old man who was diagnosed with colon
cancer several weeks ago and who is scheduled to begin chemotherapy. He reports
to the nurse that he read about the need for erythropoietin in an online forum
for cancer patients and wants to explore the use of epoetin alfa with his
oncologist. Which of the following facts should underlie the nurse’s response
to Mr. Lepp?
Question 2
A nurse is discussing oprelvekin therapy with a male
patient. Which of the following will the nurse tell the patient is the most
common adverse effect of the drug?
Question 3
A middle-aged patient has received a diagnosis of GI stromal
tumor following an extensive diagnostic workup. Imatinib has been recommended
as a component of the patient’s drug regimen. What patient education should the
nurse provide to this patient?
Question 4
A patient with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) will be starting
a course of doxorubicin shortly. When planning this patient’s care, what nursing
diagnosis should the nurse prioritize?
Question 5
An oncology nurse is aware of the risks for injury that
exist around the preparation, transportation, and administration of
chemotherapeutic agents. In order to reduce these risks of injury, the nurse
should take which of the following actions?
Week 10

Question 1 A patient is being discharged from the hospital
and will be taking oxybutynin (Ditropan) for overactive bladder. The nurse will
instruct the patient that she will be taking a medication
Question 2 A nurse is working in a women’s hospital where
she is caring for a new mother who is experiencing postpartum urinary
retention. Bethanechol (Urecholine) has been ordered. The nurse will observe
for which of the following?
Question 3 A patient is taking flavoxate hydrochloride
(Urispas) to help control an overactive bladder. On a follow-up visit to the
clinic, the nurse will question the patient about which of the following?
Question 4 A nurse is performing patient education for a
woman who has just been prescribed a bisphosphonate. Which of the following
diagnostic and history findings would have prompted the woman’s care provider
to prescribe a bisphosphonate?
Question 5 A nurse is providing patient education to a
50-year-old woman who is taking methotrexate (MTX) for breast cancer. The nurse
will instruct the patient to avoid which of the following drugs?
Week 11

Question 1
A nurse working in a cancer center is preparing to
administer medication to a 5-year-old child. The nurse will calculate the drug
dosage by using
Question 2
A 5-year-old boy needs an IM injection. The least painful
and most effective injection site would be the
Question 3
A 2-year-old child is diagnosed with a minor ailment and is
to be administered medications at home for 2 weeks. The child lives with his
mother, grandmother, and four other children between the ages of 14 months and
7 years. The home health nurse is asked to assess the home environment to
determine if it is appropriate for the child to take his medication at home.
Which of the following will have the greatest impact on the nurse’s assessment?
Question 4
A 19-year-old patient reports to a clinic with vaginal
discharge with a foul odor. A microscopic exam reveals trichomonas vaginalis.
The nurse practitioner is aware that
Question 5
A 29-year-old woman who is morbidly obese has recently begun
a comprehensive, medically-supervised program of weight reduction. Prior to
adding dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine) to her regimen, the patient should be questioned
about her intake of

Week 6 assignment 1: Application – PICO Analysis of Dementia, Delirium, and Depression

Week 6 assignment 1: Application – PICO Analysis of Dementia, Delirium, and Depression

Week 6 assignment 1: Application – PICO Analysis of Dementia, Delirium
Assignment 1: Application – PICO Analysis of Dementia, Delirium, and Depression
A PICO analysis is used to pose a focused clinical question
to which you find appropriate evidence-based answers. The PICO question should
include the patient or population (P), anticipated intervention (I), comparison
group or current standard (C), and outcome desired (O). In this Assignment, you
develop a question related to dementia, delirium, or depression. Through your
PICO analysis, you explore various resources and examine current evidence to
answer the question you develop.
To prepare:
Select one of the following disorders as your topic:
dementia, delirium, or depression.
Review the guidelines in the “Literature Review Matrix”
document in this week’s Learning Resources.
Think about a research question around your issue as
indicated in Part I: PICO Analysis of Research Topic.
Consider the resources you will use, search terms and
criteria, and Boolean search strings as indicated in Part II: Search Strategy.
Using the Walden Library and other appropriate databases,
locate five articles related to your PICO question. At least one article must
be a systematic review. All of the articles should be primary sources.
Reflect on the five articles you selected as indicated in
Part III: Analysis of Literature. Consider the conceptual framework/theory,
main finding, research method, strengths of study, weaknesses, and level of
evidence for each article.
Consider how to use the summaries in Part III to create an
evidence table. Use this evidence table to determine appropriate treatment
options for patients who present with the disorder you selected as your topic.
To complete:
Formulate a question around the disorder you selected as
indicated in Part I: PICO Analysis of Research Topic.
Identify the resources you will use, search terms and
criteria, and Boolean search strings as indicated in Part II: Search Strategy.
Summarize the five articles you selected as indicated in Part
III: Analysis of Literature. Describe the conceptual framework/theory, main
finding, research method, strengths of study, weaknesses, and level of evidence
for each article.
Create an evidence table based on the article summaries in
Part III. Describe appropriate treatment options for patients based on this
evidence table.
By Day 7 of Week 6
This Assignment is due.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK6Assgn1+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 6 Assignment 1 link.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK6Assgn1+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

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Nurs6531 all assignments latest

Week 4 assignment Week 1 question

Assignment: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
As a future advanced practice nurse, it is important that
you are able to connect your classroom experience to your Practicum Experience.
By applying the concepts that you study in the classroom to clinical settings,
you enhance your professional competency. Each week, you complete an Assignment
such as Journal Entries and SOAP Notes that prompts you to reflect on your
Practicum Experiences and relate them to the material presented in the
classroom. This week, you begin documenting your Practicum Experiences in your
Practicum Journal.
To prepare for this course’s Practicum Experience, address
the following in your Practicum Journal:
Select and describe a nursing theory to guide your practice.
Develop goals and objectives for your Practicum Experience
in this course. When developing your goals and objectives, be sure to keep the
seven domains of practice in mind.
Create a timeline of practicum activities based on your
practicum requirements.
By Day 7 of Week 4
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 1 Journal
Entry, along with the Week 2 Journal Entry, the Week 3 SOAP Note, and Week 4
Journal Entry by Day 7 of Week 4.
Week 2 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on pattern recognition in diagnoses. Explain how pattern recognition of patient
symptoms might help lead to a diagnosis. If you have not yet been placed at a
practicum site, please contact your Instructor.
By Day 7 of Week 4
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 2 Journal
Entry, along with the Week 1 Journal Entry, the Week 3 SOAP Note, and Week 4
Journal Entry by Day 7 of Week 4.
Week 3 question
In addition to Journal Entries, SOAP Note submissions are a
way to reflect on your Practicum Experiences and connect these experiences to
your classroom experience. SOAP Notes, such as the ones required in this
course, are often used in clinical settings to document patient care. Please
refer to the Seidel, et. al. book excerpt and the Gagan article located in this
week’s Learning Resources for guidance on writing SOAP Notes.
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, select a
patient that you examined during the last 3 weeks. With this patient in mind,
address the following in a SOAP Note:
Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding
his or her personal and medical history?
Objective: What observations did you make during the
physical assessment?
Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a
minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest
priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?
Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary
diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management including
alternative therapies?
Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar
patient evaluation?
By Day 7 of Week 4
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 3 SOAP
Note along with your Journal Entries (Weeks 1, 2, and 4) by Day 7 of Week 4.
Week 4 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient with a known history of a cardiovascular disorder such as a blood
clot or arrhythmia. Describe the patient’s personal and medical history, drug
therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. If you did not evaluate a patient
with this background during the last four weeks, you may select a related case
study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical experiences.
By Day 7 of Week 4
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 4 Journal
Entry along with the Week 1 and Week 2 Journal Entries, and the Week 3 SOAP
Note by Day 7.
Note: Be sure to submit your Assignment to the appropriate
submission link below.
Submissions should match the following:
Week 1 Theory for Practice: Submit to the Assignment Part 1
– Week 4 submission link.
Week 2 Pattern Recognition: Submit to the Assignment Part 2
– Week 4 submission link.
Week 3 SOAP Note: Submit to the Assignment Part 3 – Week 4
submission link.
Week 4 CV Disorder: Submit to the Assignment Part 4 – Week 4
submission link
The Journal Entries are assessed with a Satisfactory (S) or
Unsatisfactory (U) score. This concept also applies to Weeks 7 and 10.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK4PTXAssgn+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 4 Assignment Part X links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK4PTXAssgn+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 5

Assignment 1: Application – Pulmonary Function Testing
Patients with respiratory disorders often require short-term
and long-term treatment. While short-term treatments may successfully relieve a
patient’s current symptoms, long-term treatment and management is a necessary
component of the care plan. Prior to establishing a care plan, it is essential
to complete a thorough patient evaluation. Patients presenting with symptoms of
respiratory disorders such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
frequently require pulmonary function testing. These pulmonary function tests
are designed to assess patient lung function. Results of these tests can be
used in conjunction with the COPD guidelines to develop effective treatment and
management plans for patients.
To prepare:
Review the COPD guidelines in the Global Initiative for
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease article in this week’s Learning Resources.
Reflect on COPD diagnosis, management, and prevention
strategies suggested in the guidelines. Consider how to implement these
strategies in a clinical setting.
Locate and select a case study from a reputable source on a
patient whose condition required pulmonary function testing.
Consider the COPD guidelines for diagnosis and think about a
potential diagnosis for the patient in the case study that you selected.
Reflect on treatment and management options based on the
patient’s diagnosis.
To complete:
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
Describe COPD diagnosis, management, and prevention
strategies suggested in the COPD guidelines. Explain how to implement these
strategies in a clinical setting.
Explain your diagnosis for the patient in the case study
that you selected. Compare the patient’s pulmonary function test results to the
COPD guidelines when making your diagnosis.
Describe treatment and management options based on the
patient’s diagnosis.
By Day 7 of Week 5
This Assignment is due.
Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers
submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The
Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those
required elements (available at All
papers submitted must use this formatting.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK5PTXAssgn1+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 5 Assignment 1 Part 1-3 links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK5PTXAssgn1+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 7

Week 5 question
Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient with a known history of asthma. Explain potential predisposing
genetic and environmental factors associated with asthma. If you did not
evaluate a patient with this background during the last 5 weeks, you may select
a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical
By Day 7 of Week 7
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 5 Journal
Entry along with the Week 6 Journal Entries and the Week 7 SOAP Note by Day 7
of Week 7
Week 6 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient who presented with abdominal pain. Describe the patient’s personal
and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. If you
did not evaluate a patient with this background during the last 6 weeks, you
may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous
clinical experiences.
By Day 7 of Week 7
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 6 Journal
Entry along with the Week 5 Journal Entry and the Week 7 SOAP Note by Day 7 of
Week 7
Week 7 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – SOAP Note and Journal
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, select a
patient whom you examined during the last 3 weeks. With this patient in mind,
address the following in a SOAP Note:
Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding
his or her personal and medical history?
Objective: What observations did you make during the
physical assessment?
Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a
minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest
priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?
Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary
diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management including
alternative therapies?
Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar
patient evaluation?
Please refer to the Learning Resources in Week 3 for
guidance on writing SOAP Notes.
By Day 7
This Assignment is due. You will submit the Week 7 SOAP Note
and your Journal Entries (Weeks 5, and 6) by Day 7.
Note: Be sure to submit your Assignment to the appropriate
submission link below.
Submissions should match the following:
Week 5 Asthma: Submit to the Assignment Part 1 – Week 7
submission link.
Week 6 Abdominal Pain: Submit to the Assignment Part 2 –
Week 7 submission link.
Week 7 SOAP Note: Submit to the Assignment Part 3 – Week 7
submission link.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK7PTXAssgn+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 7 Assignment Part X links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK7PTXAssgn+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 9

Week 8 question
Assignment 1: Application– Chronic Kidney Disease
According to the National Kidney Foundation, 26 million
adults in the United States have chronic kidney disease with millions of others
at risk (National Kidney Foundation, 2012). Over time, this disorder will
become progressively worse, and patients will eventually experience a loss of
renal function. Early detection and prevention is key for patients with this
disorder. For this reason, it is important for you, as the provider, to be
aware of various signs, symptoms, and risk factors of chronic kidney disease.
In this Assignment, you explore the disorder including the role that patient
history, physical exams, and diagnostics play in diagnosis and treatment.
To prepare:
Review Chapter 149 in Part 13 of the Buttaro et al. text in
this week’s Learning Resources. Reflect on the clinical presentation of chronic
kidney disease.
Think about how you might diagnose a patient with chronic
kidney disease. Consider the role that patient history, physical exams, and
diagnostics play in diagnosis.
Reflect on potential treatment options for chronic kidney
disease including the implications of prescribed drugs.
Consider the following patient factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, and behavior. Think about how these factors might impact the
diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease.
To complete:
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following
Describe the clinical presentation of chronic kidney
Explain how you might diagnose a patient with chronic kidney
disease including the role that patient history, physical exams, and
diagnostics play in diagnosis.
Explain implications of potential treatment options for this
disease including prescribed drugs.
Describe how patient factors might impact the diagnosis and
treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease.
Week 9 question
Assignment 1: Application – Chronic Kidney Disease (Due)
By Day 7
Submit Assignment: Chronic Kidney Disease. This Assignment
was presented in Week 8 and is due by Day 7 of Week 9.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK9Assgn+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 9 Assignment link.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK9Assgn+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 10

Week 8 question
Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient with a known history of a renal disorder. Describe the patient’s
personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care.
If you did not evaluate a patient with this background during the last 8 weeks,
you may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on
previous clinical experiences.
By Day 7 of Week 10
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 8 Journal
Entry along with the Week 9 Journal Entry and the Week 10 SOAP Note by Day 7 of
Week 10.
Week 9 question
Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient with a known history of a musculoskeletal disorder. Describe the
patient’s personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and
follow-up care. If you did not evaluate a patient with this background during
the last 9 weeks, you may select a related case study from a reputable source
or reflect on previous clinical experiences.
By Day 7 of Week 10
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 9 Journal
Entry along with the Week 8 Journal Entries, and the Week 10 SOAP Note by Day 7
of Week 10.
Week 10 question
Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – SOAP Note and Journal
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, select a
patient that you examined during the last 3 weeks. With this patient in mind,
address the following in a SOAP Note:
Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding
his or her personal and medical history?
Objective: What observations did you make during the
physical assessment?
Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a
minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest
priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?
Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary
diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management including
alternative therapies?
Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar
patient evaluation?
Please refer to the Learning Resources in Week 3 for
guidance on writing SOAP Notes.
By Day 7
You will submit the Week 10 SOAP Note and your Journal
Entries (Weeks 8 and 9) by Day 7.
Note: Be sure to submit your Assignment to the appropriate
submission link below.
Submissions should match the following:
Week 8 Renal Disorder: Submit to the Assignment 2 Part 1 –
Week 10 submission link.
Week 9 Musculoskeletal Disorder: Submit to the Assignment 2
Part 2 – Week 10 submission link.
Week 10 SOAP Note: Submit to the Assignment 2 Part 3 – Week
10 submission link.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK11PTXAssgn2+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 11 Assignment 2 Part X links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK11PTXAssgn2+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 11

Week 10 question
Assignment 1: Application – Patient Education on Stroke
A stroke is a serious disorder that impacts patients
quickly, requiring immediate intervention and treatment. Due to implications of
this disorder, patient education is essential for patient populations at an
increased risk of stroke. According to the National Stroke Association, up to
80% of strokes can be prevented in patients (National Stroke Association,
2012). For this reason, it is essential that you provide patients with the
education and tools necessary to reduce their risk as well as identify signs
and symptoms of strokes. In this Assignment, you have the opportunity to give
back to your practicum site by creating media to educate patients about stroke
prevention. When designing patient education media such as flyers, posters, and
music, it is important to consider strategies that meet the needs of the
patient population you treat at your practicum site.
Note: This Assignment is the focus of the week’s Discussion
and should be completed and ready to post by Day 4.
To prepare:
Review the stroke prevention articles in this week’s
Learning Resources.
Reflect on common lifestyle, behavioral, and cultural
choices of the population that you treat within your practicum setting.
Consider stroke prevention methods for this population.
Think about ways to educate patients on these prevention
methods. Consider educational pieces such as flyers, posters, or other media
that might be most effective with your patient population.
To complete:
Design a media piece to educate patients on stroke
prevention. You may create a flyer, poster, or any other media that is suitable
for your patient population.
By Day 7 of Week 11
This Assignment is due. Prior to your final submission, be
sure to use the feedback your colleagues provide in the Discussion to further
refine your stroke prevention media.
Week 11 question
Assignment 1: Application – Patient Education on Stroke
Prevention (Due)
By Day 7
Submit the Patient Education on Stroke Prevention
Assignment. This Assignment was presented in Week 10 and is due by Day 7.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK11Assgn1+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 11 Assignment 1 link.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK11Assgn1+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

Week 4

Week 1 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
As a future advanced practice nurse, it is important that
you are able to connect your classroom experience to your Practicum Experience.
By applying the concepts that you study in the classroom to clinical settings,
you enhance your professional competency. Each week, you complete an Assignment
such as Journal Entries and SOAP Notes that prompts you to reflect on your
Practicum Experiences and relate them to the material presented in the
classroom. This week, you begin documenting your Practicum Experiences in your
Practicum Journal.
To prepare for this course’s Practicum Experience, address
the following in your Practicum Journal:
Select and describe a nursing theory to guide your practice.
Develop goals and objectives for your Practicum Experience
in this course. When developing your goals and objectives, be sure to keep the
seven domains of practice in mind.
Create a timeline of practicum activities based on your
practicum requirements.
By Day 7 of Week 4
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 1 Journal
Entry, along with the Week 2 Journal Entry, the Week 3 SOAP Note, and Week 4
Journal Entry by Day 7 of Week 4.
Week 2 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on pattern recognition in diagnoses. Explain how pattern recognition of patient
symptoms might help lead to a diagnosis. If you have not yet been placed at a
practicum site, please contact your Instructor.
By Day 7 of Week 4
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 2 Journal
Entry, along with the Week 1 Journal Entry, the Week 3 SOAP Note, and Week 4
Journal Entry by Day 7 of Week 4.
Week 3 question
In addition to Journal Entries, SOAP Note submissions are a
way to reflect on your Practicum Experiences and connect these experiences to
your classroom experience. SOAP Notes, such as the ones required in this
course, are often used in clinical settings to document patient care. Please
refer to the Seidel, et. al. book excerpt and the Gagan article located in this
week’s Learning Resources for guidance on writing SOAP Notes.
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, select a
patient that you examined during the last 3 weeks. With this patient in mind,
address the following in a SOAP Note:
Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding
his or her personal and medical history?
Objective: What observations did you make during the
physical assessment?
Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a
minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest
priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?
Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary
diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management including
alternative therapies?
Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar
patient evaluation?
By Day 7 of Week 4
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 3 SOAP
Note along with your Journal Entries (Weeks 1, 2, and 4) by Day 7 of Week 4.
Week 4 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient with a known history of a cardiovascular disorder such as a blood
clot or arrhythmia. Describe the patient’s personal and medical history, drug
therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. If you did not evaluate a patient
with this background during the last four weeks, you may select a related case
study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical experiences.
By Day 7 of Week 4
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 4 Journal
Entry along with the Week 1 and Week 2 Journal Entries, and the Week 3 SOAP
Note by Day 7.
Note: Be sure to submit your Assignment to the appropriate
submission link below.
Submissions should match the following:
Week 1 Theory for Practice: Submit to the Assignment Part 1
– Week 4 submission link.
Week 2 Pattern Recognition: Submit to the Assignment Part 2
– Week 4 submission link.
Week 3 SOAP Note: Submit to the Assignment Part 3 – Week 4
submission link.
Week 4 CV Disorder: Submit to the Assignment Part 4 – Week 4
submission link
The Journal Entries are assessed with a Satisfactory (S) or
Unsatisfactory (U) score. This concept also applies to Weeks 7 and 10.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK4PTXAssgn+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 4 Assignment Part X links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK4PTXAssgn+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 5

Assignment 1: Application – Pulmonary Function Testing
Patients with respiratory disorders often require short-term
and long-term treatment. While short-term treatments may successfully relieve a
patient’s current symptoms, long-term treatment and management is a necessary
component of the care plan. Prior to establishing a care plan, it is essential
to complete a thorough patient evaluation. Patients presenting with symptoms of
respiratory disorders such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
frequently require pulmonary function testing. These pulmonary function tests
are designed to assess patient lung function. Results of these tests can be
used in conjunction with the COPD guidelines to develop effective treatment and
management plans for patients.
To prepare:
Review the COPD guidelines in the Global Initiative for
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease article in this week’s Learning Resources.
Reflect on COPD diagnosis, management, and prevention
strategies suggested in the guidelines. Consider how to implement these
strategies in a clinical setting.
Locate and select a case study from a reputable source on a
patient whose condition required pulmonary function testing.
Consider the COPD guidelines for diagnosis and think about a
potential diagnosis for the patient in the case study that you selected.
Reflect on treatment and management options based on the
patient’s diagnosis.
To complete:
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
Describe COPD diagnosis, management, and prevention
strategies suggested in the COPD guidelines. Explain how to implement these
strategies in a clinical setting.
Explain your diagnosis for the patient in the case study
that you selected. Compare the patient’s pulmonary function test results to the
COPD guidelines when making your diagnosis.
Describe treatment and management options based on the
patient’s diagnosis.
By Day 7 of Week 5
This Assignment is due.
Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers
submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The
Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those
required elements (available at All
papers submitted must use this formatting.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK5PTXAssgn1+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 5 Assignment 1 Part 1-3 links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK5PTXAssgn1+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 7

Week 5 question
Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient with a known history of asthma. Explain potential predisposing
genetic and environmental factors associated with asthma. If you did not
evaluate a patient with this background during the last 5 weeks, you may select
a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical
By Day 7 of Week 7
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 5 Journal
Entry along with the Week 6 Journal Entries and the Week 7 SOAP Note by Day 7
of Week 7
Week 6 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient who presented with abdominal pain. Describe the patient’s personal
and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. If you
did not evaluate a patient with this background during the last 6 weeks, you
may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous
clinical experiences.
By Day 7 of Week 7
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 6 Journal
Entry along with the Week 5 Journal Entry and the Week 7 SOAP Note by Day 7 of
Week 7
Week 7 question
Assignment: Practicum Experience – SOAP Note and Journal
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, select a
patient whom you examined during the last 3 weeks. With this patient in mind,
address the following in a SOAP Note:
Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding
his or her personal and medical history?
Objective: What observations did you make during the
physical assessment?
Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a
minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest
priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?
Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary
diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management including
alternative therapies?
Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar
patient evaluation?
Please refer to the Learning Resources in Week 3 for
guidance on writing SOAP Notes.
By Day 7
This Assignment is due. You will submit the Week 7 SOAP Note
and your Journal Entries (Weeks 5, and 6) by Day 7.
Note: Be sure to submit your Assignment to the appropriate
submission link below.
Submissions should match the following:
Week 5 Asthma: Submit to the Assignment Part 1 – Week 7
submission link.
Week 6 Abdominal Pain: Submit to the Assignment Part 2 –
Week 7 submission link.
Week 7 SOAP Note: Submit to the Assignment Part 3 – Week 7
submission link.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK7PTXAssgn+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 7 Assignment Part X links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK7PTXAssgn+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 9

Week 8 question
Assignment 1: Application– Chronic Kidney Disease
According to the National Kidney Foundation, 26 million
adults in the United States have chronic kidney disease with millions of others
at risk (National Kidney Foundation, 2012). Over time, this disorder will
become progressively worse, and patients will eventually experience a loss of
renal function. Early detection and prevention is key for patients with this
disorder. For this reason, it is important for you, as the provider, to be
aware of various signs, symptoms, and risk factors of chronic kidney disease.
In this Assignment, you explore the disorder including the role that patient
history, physical exams, and diagnostics play in diagnosis and treatment.
To prepare:
Review Chapter 149 in Part 13 of the Buttaro et al. text in
this week’s Learning Resources. Reflect on the clinical presentation of chronic
kidney disease.
Think about how you might diagnose a patient with chronic
kidney disease. Consider the role that patient history, physical exams, and
diagnostics play in diagnosis.
Reflect on potential treatment options for chronic kidney
disease including the implications of prescribed drugs.
Consider the following patient factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, and behavior. Think about how these factors might impact the
diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease.
To complete:
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following
Describe the clinical presentation of chronic kidney
Explain how you might diagnose a patient with chronic kidney
disease including the role that patient history, physical exams, and
diagnostics play in diagnosis.
Explain implications of potential treatment options for this
disease including prescribed drugs.
Describe how patient factors might impact the diagnosis and
treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease.
Week 9 question
Assignment 1: Application – Chronic Kidney Disease (Due)
By Day 7
Submit Assignment: Chronic Kidney Disease. This Assignment
was presented in Week 8 and is due by Day 7 of Week 9.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK9Assgn+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 9 Assignment link.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK9Assgn+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 10

Week 8 question
Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient with a known history of a renal disorder. Describe the patient’s
personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care.
If you did not evaluate a patient with this background during the last 8 weeks,
you may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on
previous clinical experiences.
By Day 7 of Week 10
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 8 Journal
Entry along with the Week 9 Journal Entry and the Week 10 SOAP Note by Day 7 of
Week 10.
Week 9 question
Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect
on a patient with a known history of a musculoskeletal disorder. Describe the
patient’s personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and
follow-up care. If you did not evaluate a patient with this background during
the last 9 weeks, you may select a related case study from a reputable source
or reflect on previous clinical experiences.
By Day 7 of Week 10
This Assignment is due. You will submit this Week 9 Journal
Entry along with the Week 8 Journal Entries, and the Week 10 SOAP Note by Day 7
of Week 10.
Week 10 question
Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – SOAP Note and Journal
After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, select a
patient that you examined during the last 3 weeks. With this patient in mind,
address the following in a SOAP Note:
Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding
his or her personal and medical history?
Objective: What observations did you make during the
physical assessment?
Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a
minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest
priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?
Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary
diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management including
alternative therapies?
Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar
patient evaluation?
Please refer to the Learning Resources in Week 3 for
guidance on writing SOAP Notes.
By Day 7
You will submit the Week 10 SOAP Note and your Journal
Entries (Weeks 8 and 9) by Day 7.
Note: Be sure to submit your Assignment to the appropriate
submission link below.
Submissions should match the following:
Week 8 Renal Disorder: Submit to the Assignment 2 Part 1 –
Week 10 submission link.
Week 9 Musculoskeletal Disorder: Submit to the Assignment 2
Part 2 – Week 10 submission link.
Week 10 SOAP Note: Submit to the Assignment 2 Part 3 – Week
10 submission link.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK11PTXAssgn2+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 11 Assignment 2 Part X links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK11PTXAssgn2+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Week 11

Week 10 question
Assignment 1: Application – Patient Education on Stroke
A stroke is a serious disorder that impacts patients
quickly, requiring immediate intervention and treatment. Due to implications of
this disorder, patient education is essential for patient populations at an
increased risk of stroke. According to the National Stroke Association, up to
80% of strokes can be prevented in patients (National Stroke Association,
2012). For this reason, it is essential that you provide patients with the
education and tools necessary to reduce their risk as well as identify signs
and symptoms of strokes. In this Assignment, you have the opportunity to give
back to your practicum site by creating media to educate patients about stroke
prevention. When designing patient education media such as flyers, posters, and
music, it is important to consider strategies that meet the needs of the
patient population you treat at your practicum site.
Note: This Assignment is the focus of the week’s Discussion
and should be completed and ready to post by Day 4.
To prepare:
Review the stroke prevention articles in this week’s
Learning Resources.
Reflect on common lifestyle, behavioral, and cultural
choices of the population that you treat within your practicum setting.
Consider stroke prevention methods for this population.
Think about ways to educate patients on these prevention
methods. Consider educational pieces such as flyers, posters, or other media
that might be most effective with your patient population.
To complete:
Design a media piece to educate patients on stroke
prevention. You may create a flyer, poster, or any other media that is suitable
for your patient population.
By Day 7 of Week 11
This Assignment is due. Prior to your final submission, be
sure to use the feedback your colleagues provide in the Discussion to further
refine your stroke prevention media.
Week 11 question
Assignment 1: Application – Patient Education on Stroke
Prevention (Due)
By Day 7
Submit the Patient Education on Stroke Prevention
Assignment. This Assignment was presented in Week 10 and is due by Day 7.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK11Assgn1+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 11 Assignment 1 link.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK11Assgn1+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

Nurs6531 week 5 assignment latest

Nurs6531 week 5 assignment latest

Nurs6531 week 5 assignment.

Week_5_Assignment_1.doc (57 KB)

Week 5 assignment
Assignment 1: Application – Pulmonary Function Testing
Patients with respiratory disorders often require short-term
and long-term treatment. While short-term treatments may successfully relieve a
patient’s current symptoms, long-term treatment and management is a necessary
component of the care plan. Prior to establishing a care plan, it is essential
to complete a thorough patient evaluation. Patients presenting with symptoms of
respiratory disorders such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
frequently require pulmonary function testing. These pulmonary function tests
are designed to assess patient lung function. Results of these tests can be
used in conjunction with the COPD guidelines to develop effective treatment and
management plans for patients.
To prepare:
Review the COPD guidelines in the Global Initiative for
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease article in this week’s Learning Resources.
Reflect on COPD diagnosis, management, and prevention
strategies suggested in the guidelines. Consider how to implement these
strategies in a clinical setting.
Locate and select a case study from a reputable source on a
patient whose condition required pulmonary function testing.
Consider the COPD guidelines for diagnosis and think about a
potential diagnosis for the patient in the case study that you selected.
Reflect on treatment and management options based on the
patient’s diagnosis.
To complete:
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
Describe COPD diagnosis, management, and prevention
strategies suggested in the COPD guidelines. Explain how to implement these
strategies in a clinical setting.
Explain your diagnosis for the patient in the case study
that you selected. Compare the patient’s pulmonary function test results to the
COPD guidelines when making your diagnosis.
Describe treatment and management options based on the
patient’s diagnosis.
By Day 7 of Week 5
This Assignment is due.
Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers
submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The
Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those
required elements (available at All
papers submitted must use this formatting.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading,
do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the following naming
convention: “WK5PTXAssgn1+lastname+first initial”.
Click the Week 5 Assignment 1 Part 1-3 links.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My
Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK5PTXAssgn1+last name+first
initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files,
repeat until all files are attached.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

Nurs6521 week 10 discussion latest

Nurs6521 week 10 discussion latest

Nurs6521 week 10 discussion.

week_10_discussion.docx (89.48 KB)

Week 10 discussion
Discussion: Hormone Replacement Therapy
In recent years, hormone replacement therapy has become a
controversial issue. When prescribing therapies, advanced practice nurses must
weigh the strengths and limitations of the prescribed supplemental hormones. If
advanced practice nurses determine that the limitations outweigh the strengths,
then they might suggest alternative treatment options such as herbs or other
natural remedies, changes in diet, and increase in exercise.
Consider the following scenario:
As an advanced practice nurse at a community health clinic,
you often treat female (and sometimes male patients) with hormone deficiencies.
One of your patients requests that you prescribe supplemental hormones. This
poses the questions: How will you determine what kind of treatment to suggest?
What patient factors should you consider? Are supplemental hormones the best
option for the patient, or would they benefit from alternative treatments?
To prepare:
Review Chapter 56 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as
well as the Holloway and Makinen and Huhtaniemi articles in the Learning
Review the provided scenario and reflect on whether or not
you would support hormone replacement therapy.
Locate and review additional articles about research on
hormone replacement therapy for women and/or men. Consider the strengths and
limitations of hormone replacement therapy.
Based on your research of the strengths and limitations,
again reflect on whether or not you would support hormone replacement therapy.
Consider whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones
or recommend alternative treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the strengths and limitations of
hormone replacement therapy. Based on these strengths and limitations, explain
why you would or why you would not support hormone replacement therapy. Explain
whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones or recommend alternative
treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies and why.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who provided a
different rationale than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional

Nurs6521 all week discussions

Nurs6521 all week discussions latest

Nurs6521 all week discussions.

Week 1 discussion

Discussion: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
As an advanced practice nurse assisting physicians in the
diagnosis and treatment of disorders, it is important to not only understand
the impact of disorders on the body, but also the impact of drug treatments on
the body. The relationships between drugs and the body can be described by
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Pharmacokinetics describes what the body
does to the drug through absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion,
whereas pharmacodynamics describes what the drug does to the body. When
selecting drugs and determining dosages for patients, it is essential to
consider individual patient factors that might impact the patient’s
pharmacokinetic and pharamcodynamic processes. These patient factors include
genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, behavior (i.e., diet, nutrition, smoking,
alcohol, illicit drug abuse), and/or pathophysiological changes due to disease.
In this Discussion, you reflect on a case from your past clinical experiences
and consider how a particular patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
processes altered his or her response to a drug.
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation with Dr. Terry
Buttaro, as well as Chapter 2 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, and the Scott
article in the Learning Resources. Consider the principles of pharmacokinetics
and pharmacodynamics.
Reflect on your experiences, observations, and/or clinical
practices from the last five years. Select a case from the last five years that
involves a patient whose individual differences in pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic factors altered his or her anticipated response to a drug. When
referring to your patient, make sure to use a pseudonym or other false form of
identification. This is to ensure the privacy and protection of the patient.
Consider factors that might have influenced the patient’s
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes such as genetics (including
pharmacogenetics), gender, ethnicity, age, behavior, and/or possible
pathophysiological changes due to disease.
Think about a personalized plan of care based on these
influencing factors and patient history in your case study.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the case you selected. Then, describe
factors that might have influenced pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
processes of the patient from the case you selected. Finally, explain details
of the personalized plan of care that you would develop based on influencing
factors and patient history in your case.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by suggesting
additional patient factors that might have interfered with the pharmacokinetic
and pharmadynamic processes of the patients in their case studies. In addition,
suggest how the personal care plan might change if the age of the patient were
different and if the patient had a comorbid condition such as renal failure,
heart failure, or liver failure.
Week 2

Discussion: Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing
What type of drug should you prescribe based on your
patient’s diagnosis? How much of the drug should the patient receive? How often
should the drug be administered? When should the drug not be prescribed? Are
there individual patient factors that could create complications when taking
the drug? Should you be prescribing drugs to this patient?
These are some of the questions you might consider when
selecting a treatment plan for a patient. As an advanced practice nurse
prescribing drugs, you are held accountable for people’s lives on a daily
basis. Patients and their families will often place trust in you because of
your position. With this trust comes power and responsibility, as well as an
ethical and legal obligation to “do no harm.” It is important that you are
aware of current professional, legal, and ethical standards for advanced
practice nurses with prescriptive authority. In this Discussion, you explore
ethical and legal implications of scenarios and consider how to appropriately
Scenario 1:
As a nurse practitioner, you prescribe medications for your
patients. You make an error when prescribing medication to a 5-year-old
patient. Rather than dosing him appropriately, you prescribe a dose suitable
for an adult.
Scenario 2:
A friend calls and asks you to prescribe a medication for
her. You have this autonomy, but you don’t have your friend’s medical history.
You write the prescription anyway.
Scenario 3:
You see another nurse practitioner writing a prescription
for her husband who is not a patient of the nurse practitioner. The
prescription is for a narcotic. You can’t decide whether or not to report the
Scenario 4:
During your lunch break at the hospital, you read a journal
article on pharmacoeconomics. You think of a couple of patients who have
recently mentioned their financial difficulties. You wonder if some of the
expensive drugs you have prescribed are sufficiently managing the patients’
health conditions and improving their quality of life.
To prepare:
Review Chapter 1 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as well
as articles from the American Nurses Association, Anderson and Townsend, the
Drug Enforcement Administration, and Philipsend and Soeken.
Select one of the four scenarios listed above.
Consider the ethical and legal implications of the scenario
for all stakeholders involved such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and
the patient’s family.
Think about two strategies that you, as an advanced practice
nurse, would use to guide your ethically and legally responsible
decision-making in this scenario.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of the ethical and legal implications of
the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved such as the prescriber,
pharmacist, patient, and the patient’s family. Describe two strategies that
you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your decision making in
this scenario.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different scenario than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Suggest additional ethical and legal implications for all
stakeholders in your colleagues’ scenarios.
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 3

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders
As the leading cause of death in the United States for both
men and women, cardiovascular disorders account for 7 million hospitalizations
per year (NCSL, 2012). This is the result of the extensive treatment and care
that is often required for patients with these disorders. While the incidences
of hospitalizations and death are still high, the mortality rate of
cardiovascular disorders has been declining since the 1960s (CDC, 2011).
Improved treatment options have contributed to this decline, as well as more
knowledge on patient risk factors. As an advanced practice nurse, it is your
responsibility to recommend appropriate treatment options for patients with
cardiovascular disorders. To ensure the safety and effectiveness of drug
therapy, advanced practice nurses must consider aspects that might influence
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes such as medical history, other
drugs currently prescribed, and individual patient factors.
Consider the following case studies:
Case Study 1:
Patient AO has a history of obesity and has recently gained
9 pounds. The patient has been diagnosed with hypertension and hyperlipidemia.
Drugs currently prescribed include the following:
Atenolol 12.5 mg daily
Doxazosin 8 mg daily
Hydralazine 10 mg qid
Sertraline 25 mg daily
Simvastatin 80 mg daily
Case Study 2:
Patient HM has a history of atrial fibrillation and a
transient ischemic attack (TIA). The patient has been diagnosed with type 2
diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and ischemic heart disease. Drugs
currently prescribed include the following:
Warfarin 5 mg daily MWF and 2.5 mg daily T, TH, Sat, Sun
Aspirin 81 mg daily
Metformin 1000 mg po bid
Glyburide 10 mg bid
Atenolol 100 mg po daily
Motrin 200 mg 1–3 tablets every 6 hours as needed for pain
Case Study 3:
Patient CB has a history of strokes. The patient has been
diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Drugs
currently prescribed include the following:
Glipizide 10 mg po daily
HCTZ 25 mg daily
Atenolol 25 mg po daily
Hydralazine 25 mg qid
Simvastatin 80 mg daily
Verapamil 180 mg CD daily
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation on hypertension and
hyperlipidemia, as well as Chapters 19 and 20 of the Arcangelo and Peterson
Select one of the three case studies, as well as one the
following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior factors.
Reflect on how the factor you selected might influence the
patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.
Consider how changes in the pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic processes might impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy.
Think about how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy
plan based on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes. Reflect on
whether you would modify the current drug treatment or provide an alternative
treatment option for the patient.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of how the factor you selected might
influence the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in the patient from
the case study you selected. Then, describe how changes in the processes might
impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy. Finally, explain how you might
improve the patient’s drug therapy plan.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different case study than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Provide alternative recommendations for drug treatments.
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 4

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Respiratory Disorders
To the untrained ear, most coughs sound the same. However,
as you might recall from past clinical experiences, a simple cough can lead to
a patient diagnosis of a common cold, pneumonia, or even a chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD). Although it can sometimes be challenging to diagnose
a patient based on common respiratory symptoms such as congestion, coughing,
and wheezing, it is important to be able to distinguish minor differences as
even mild symptoms might require intervention with drug treatments. When
recommending potential treatment options, advanced practice nurses must
consider how individual patient factors might impact the effects of prescribed
To prepare:
Review Chapter 26 and Chapter 27 of the Arcangelo and
Peterson text.
Select and research one of the following respiratory
disorders: the common cold, pneumonia, or a chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) such as emphysema or chronic bronchitis. Consider types of drugs
that would be prescribed to patients to treat symptoms associated with this
Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact effects of
prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help reduce
negative side effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the respiratory disorder you selected
including types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat
associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you selected might impact
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different respiratory disorder than you did. If the disorder you selected is
primarily associated with the upper respiratory system, respond to colleagues
who selected disorders primarily associated with the lower respiratory system.
Provide alternative recommendations for drug treatments.
Week 5

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders
Neurological disorders, such as headaches, seizure
disorders, sleep disorders, depression, and dementia can present several
complications for patients of all ages. These disorders affect patients
physically and emotionally, impacting judgment, school and/or job performance,
and relationships with family and friends. Since these disorders may have
drastic effects on patients’ lives, it is important for advanced practice
nurses to effectively manage patient care. With patient factors and medical
history in mind, it is the advanced practice nurse’s responsibility to manage
the diagnosis, treatment, and education of patients with neurological
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation on pharmacology for
the nervous system.
Select one of the following neurological disorders:
headaches, seizure disorders, sleep disorders, depression, or dementia.
Consider the types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat
symptoms associated with this disorder.
Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the neurological disorder you selected
including types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat
associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you selected might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different neurological disorder than you did. Provide recommendations for
alternative drug treatments and patient education strategies for treatment and
Week 6

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Endocrine and Musculoskeletal
Patients with endocrine and musculoskeletal disorders often
require long-term treatment and care resulting in the need for extensive
patient education. By appropriately educating patients, advanced practice
nurses can assist patients with the management of their disorders. In clinical
settings, patients with endocrine and musculoskeletal disorders typically seek
treatment for symptoms that pose problems to their everyday lives as ordinary
tasks may become difficult to complete. For instance, patients might have
difficulty walking short distances, preparing meals, or even running errands.
To reduce these symptoms and additional health risks, it is essential to
develop drug therapy plans with individual patient factors in mind.
To prepare:
Select one of the following endocrine or musculoskeletal
disorders: thyroid disease, osteoarthritis, rheumatic arthritis, gout, multiple
sclerosis, or fibromyalgia. Consider the types of drugs that would be
prescribed to patients to treat symptoms associated with this disorder.
Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the endocrine or musculoskeletal
disorder you selected including types of drugs that would be prescribed to
patients to treat associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you
selected might impact the effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures
you might take to help reduce negative side effects.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different endocrine or musculoskeletal disorder than you did. Provide
recommendations for alternative drug treatments and patient education
strategies for treatment and management.
Week 7

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Gastrointestinal and
Hepatobiliary Disorders
Gastrointestinal (GI) and hepatobiliary disorders affect the
structure and function of the GI tract. Many of these disorders often have
similar symptoms such as abdominal pain, cramping, constipation, nausea,
bloating, and fatigue. Since multiple disorders can be tied to the same
symptoms, it is important for advanced practice nurses to carefully evaluate
patients and prescribe treatment that targets the cause rather than the
symptom. Once the underlying cause is identified, an appropriate drug therapy
plan can be recommended based on medical history and individual patient
factors. In this Discussion, you examine a case study of a patient who presents
with symptoms of a possible GI/hepatobiliary disorder, and you design an appropriate
drug therapy plan.
Consider the following case study:
Patient HL comes into the clinic with the following
symptoms: nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The patient has a history of drug
abuse and possible Hepatitis C. HL is currently taking the following
prescription drugs:
Synthroid 100 mcg daily
Nifedipine 30 mg daily
Prednisone 10 mg daily
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation on pharmacology for
the gastrointestinal system.
Review the provided case study. Reflect on the patient’s
symptoms, medical history, and drugs currently prescribed.
Think about a possible diagnosis for the patient. Consider
whether the patient has a disorder related to the gastrointestinal and
hepatobiliary system or whether the symptoms are the result of a disorder from
another system or other factors such as pregnancy, drugs, or a psychological
Consider an appropriate drug therapy plan based on the
patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently prescribed.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of your diagnosis for the patient
including your rationale for the diagnosis. Then, describe an appropriate drug
therapy plan based on the patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who diagnosed the
patient differently than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Provide alternative recommendations for drug treatments.
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 8

Discussion: Drug Treatments for HIV/AIDS
While HIV/AIDS is still currently incurable, the prognosis
for patients with this infectious disease has improved due to advancements in
drug treatments. Consider the case of Kristy Aney. Kristy was diagnosed with
HIV in 1992 and was told she would survive, at most, 10 more years. Despite
unfavorable odds, Kristy is still alive 20 years later. Since her diagnosis,
she has witnessed tremendous improvements in HIV/AIDS treatments which have
helped patients live longer with fewer side effects. While she acknowledges
that these drug treatments have kept her alive, she fears that improvements in
drug therapy have led to more people becoming complacent about the disease
(Idaho Statesmen, 2012). In fact, the number of people living with HIV/AIDS in
the United States is higher than it has ever been (CDC, 2012). This poses the
question: Is there a relationship between drug advancements, societal
complacency, and infection?
To prepare:
Review Chapter 49 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as
well as the Krummenacher et al. and Scourfield articles in the Learning
Reflect on whether or not the prevalence of HIV cases might
be attributed to increased complacency due to more advanced drug treatment
options for HIV/AIDS.
Consider how health care professionals can help to change
perceptions and make people more aware of the realities of the disease.
Think about strategies to educate HIV positive patients on
medication adherence, as well as safe practices to reduce the risk of infecting
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of whether or not you think the
prevalence of HIV cases might be attributed to increased complacency due to
more advanced drug treatment options.Then, explain how health care
professionals can help to change perceptions and increase awareness of the
realities of the disease. Finally, describe strategies to educate HIV positive
patients on medication adherence, as well as safe practices to reduce the risk
of infecting others.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who provided a
different rationale than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 9

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Hematologic Disorders
In the 1970s, the average lifespan for patients diagnosed
with sickle cell disease was 14 years. Today, the average lifespan has
increased to 50 years and beyond (TriHealth, 2012). The patient prognosis for
many other hematologic disorders such as hemophilia and cancer continue to
improve as well. This can be attributed to advancements in medical care—specifically
drug therapy and treatment. When managing drug therapies for patients, it is
essential to continuously examine current treatments and evaluate the impact of
patient factors on drug effectiveness. To prepare for your role as an advanced
practice nurse, you must become familiar with common drug treatments for
various hematologic disorders seen in clinical settings.
To prepare:
Select one of the following hematologic disorders: anemia,
hemophilia, cancer, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, thrombolytic disorders, or
white blood cell disorders. Consider the types of drugs that would be
prescribed to patients to treat symptoms associated with this disorder.
Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the hematologic disorder you selected
including types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat
associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you selected might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different hematologic disorder than you did. Provide recommendations for
alternative drug treatments and patient education strategies for treatment and
Week 10

Discussion: Hormone Replacement Therapy
In recent years, hormone replacement therapy has become a
controversial issue. When prescribing therapies, advanced practice nurses must
weigh the strengths and limitations of the prescribed supplemental hormones. If
advanced practice nurses determine that the limitations outweigh the strengths,
then they might suggest alternative treatment options such as herbs or other
natural remedies, changes in diet, and increase in exercise.
Consider the following scenario:
As an advanced practice nurse at a community health clinic,
you often treat female (and sometimes male patients) with hormone deficiencies.
One of your patients requests that you prescribe supplemental hormones. This
poses the questions: How will you determine what kind of treatment to suggest?
What patient factors should you consider? Are supplemental hormones the best
option for the patient, or would they benefit from alternative treatments?
To prepare:
Review Chapter 56 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as
well as the Holloway and Makinen and Huhtaniemi articles in the Learning
Review the provided scenario and reflect on whether or not
you would support hormone replacement therapy.
Locate and review additional articles about research on
hormone replacement therapy for women and/or men. Consider the strengths and
limitations of hormone replacement therapy.
Based on your research of the strengths and limitations,
again reflect on whether or not you would support hormone replacement therapy.
Consider whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones
or recommend alternative treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the strengths and limitations of
hormone replacement therapy. Based on these strengths and limitations, explain
why you would or why you would not support hormone replacement therapy. Explain
whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones or recommend alternative
treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies and why.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who provided a
different rationale than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 11

Discussion: Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatrics
The unapproved use of approved drugs, also called off-label
use, with children is quite common. This is because pediatric dosage guidelines
are typically unavailable since very few drugs have been specifically
researched and tested with children.
When treating children, prescribers often adjust dosages
approved for adults to accommodate a child’s weight. However, children are not
just “smaller” adults. Adults and children process and respond to drugs
differently in their absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.
Children even respond differently during stages from infancy to adolescence.
This poses potential safety concerns when prescribing drugs to pediatric
patients. As an advanced practice nurse, you have to be aware of safety
implications of the off-label use of drugs with this patient group.
To prepare:
Review the Bazzano et al. and Mayhew articles in the
Learning Resources. Reflect on situations in which children should be
prescribed drugs for off-label use.
Think about strategies to make the off-label use and dosage
of drugs safer for children from infancy to adolescence. Consider specific
off-label drugs that you think require extra care and attention when used in
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of circumstances under which children
should be prescribed drugs for off-label use. Then, describe strategies to make
the off-label use and dosage of drugs safer for children from infancy to
adolescence. Include descriptions and names of off-label drugs that require
extra care and attention when used in pediatrics.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who provided a
different rationale than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional

Week 1

Discussion: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
As an advanced practice nurse assisting physicians in the
diagnosis and treatment of disorders, it is important to not only understand
the impact of disorders on the body, but also the impact of drug treatments on
the body. The relationships between drugs and the body can be described by
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Pharmacokinetics describes what the body
does to the drug through absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion,
whereas pharmacodynamics describes what the drug does to the body. When
selecting drugs and determining dosages for patients, it is essential to
consider individual patient factors that might impact the patient’s
pharmacokinetic and pharamcodynamic processes. These patient factors include
genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, behavior (i.e., diet, nutrition, smoking,
alcohol, illicit drug abuse), and/or pathophysiological changes due to disease.
In this Discussion, you reflect on a case from your past clinical experiences
and consider how a particular patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
processes altered his or her response to a drug.
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation with Dr. Terry
Buttaro, as well as Chapter 2 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, and the Scott
article in the Learning Resources. Consider the principles of pharmacokinetics
and pharmacodynamics.
Reflect on your experiences, observations, and/or clinical
practices from the last five years. Select a case from the last five years that
involves a patient whose individual differences in pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic factors altered his or her anticipated response to a drug. When
referring to your patient, make sure to use a pseudonym or other false form of
identification. This is to ensure the privacy and protection of the patient.
Consider factors that might have influenced the patient’s
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes such as genetics (including
pharmacogenetics), gender, ethnicity, age, behavior, and/or possible
pathophysiological changes due to disease.
Think about a personalized plan of care based on these
influencing factors and patient history in your case study.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the case you selected. Then, describe
factors that might have influenced pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
processes of the patient from the case you selected. Finally, explain details
of the personalized plan of care that you would develop based on influencing
factors and patient history in your case.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by suggesting
additional patient factors that might have interfered with the pharmacokinetic
and pharmadynamic processes of the patients in their case studies. In addition,
suggest how the personal care plan might change if the age of the patient were
different and if the patient had a comorbid condition such as renal failure,
heart failure, or liver failure.
Week 2

Discussion: Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing
What type of drug should you prescribe based on your
patient’s diagnosis? How much of the drug should the patient receive? How often
should the drug be administered? When should the drug not be prescribed? Are
there individual patient factors that could create complications when taking
the drug? Should you be prescribing drugs to this patient?
These are some of the questions you might consider when
selecting a treatment plan for a patient. As an advanced practice nurse
prescribing drugs, you are held accountable for people’s lives on a daily
basis. Patients and their families will often place trust in you because of
your position. With this trust comes power and responsibility, as well as an
ethical and legal obligation to “do no harm.” It is important that you are
aware of current professional, legal, and ethical standards for advanced
practice nurses with prescriptive authority. In this Discussion, you explore
ethical and legal implications of scenarios and consider how to appropriately
Scenario 1:
As a nurse practitioner, you prescribe medications for your
patients. You make an error when prescribing medication to a 5-year-old
patient. Rather than dosing him appropriately, you prescribe a dose suitable
for an adult.
Scenario 2:
A friend calls and asks you to prescribe a medication for
her. You have this autonomy, but you don’t have your friend’s medical history.
You write the prescription anyway.
Scenario 3:
You see another nurse practitioner writing a prescription
for her husband who is not a patient of the nurse practitioner. The
prescription is for a narcotic. You can’t decide whether or not to report the
Scenario 4:
During your lunch break at the hospital, you read a journal
article on pharmacoeconomics. You think of a couple of patients who have
recently mentioned their financial difficulties. You wonder if some of the
expensive drugs you have prescribed are sufficiently managing the patients’
health conditions and improving their quality of life.
To prepare:
Review Chapter 1 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as well
as articles from the American Nurses Association, Anderson and Townsend, the
Drug Enforcement Administration, and Philipsend and Soeken.
Select one of the four scenarios listed above.
Consider the ethical and legal implications of the scenario
for all stakeholders involved such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and
the patient’s family.
Think about two strategies that you, as an advanced practice
nurse, would use to guide your ethically and legally responsible
decision-making in this scenario.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of the ethical and legal implications of
the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved such as the prescriber,
pharmacist, patient, and the patient’s family. Describe two strategies that
you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your decision making in
this scenario.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different scenario than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Suggest additional ethical and legal implications for all
stakeholders in your colleagues’ scenarios.
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 3

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders
As the leading cause of death in the United States for both
men and women, cardiovascular disorders account for 7 million hospitalizations
per year (NCSL, 2012). This is the result of the extensive treatment and care
that is often required for patients with these disorders. While the incidences
of hospitalizations and death are still high, the mortality rate of
cardiovascular disorders has been declining since the 1960s (CDC, 2011).
Improved treatment options have contributed to this decline, as well as more
knowledge on patient risk factors. As an advanced practice nurse, it is your
responsibility to recommend appropriate treatment options for patients with
cardiovascular disorders. To ensure the safety and effectiveness of drug
therapy, advanced practice nurses must consider aspects that might influence
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes such as medical history, other
drugs currently prescribed, and individual patient factors.
Consider the following case studies:
Case Study 1:
Patient AO has a history of obesity and has recently gained
9 pounds. The patient has been diagnosed with hypertension and hyperlipidemia.
Drugs currently prescribed include the following:
Atenolol 12.5 mg daily
Doxazosin 8 mg daily
Hydralazine 10 mg qid
Sertraline 25 mg daily
Simvastatin 80 mg daily
Case Study 2:
Patient HM has a history of atrial fibrillation and a
transient ischemic attack (TIA). The patient has been diagnosed with type 2
diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and ischemic heart disease. Drugs
currently prescribed include the following:
Warfarin 5 mg daily MWF and 2.5 mg daily T, TH, Sat, Sun
Aspirin 81 mg daily
Metformin 1000 mg po bid
Glyburide 10 mg bid
Atenolol 100 mg po daily
Motrin 200 mg 1–3 tablets every 6 hours as needed for pain
Case Study 3:
Patient CB has a history of strokes. The patient has been
diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Drugs
currently prescribed include the following:
Glipizide 10 mg po daily
HCTZ 25 mg daily
Atenolol 25 mg po daily
Hydralazine 25 mg qid
Simvastatin 80 mg daily
Verapamil 180 mg CD daily
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation on hypertension and
hyperlipidemia, as well as Chapters 19 and 20 of the Arcangelo and Peterson
Select one of the three case studies, as well as one the
following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior factors.
Reflect on how the factor you selected might influence the
patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.
Consider how changes in the pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic processes might impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy.
Think about how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy
plan based on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes. Reflect on
whether you would modify the current drug treatment or provide an alternative
treatment option for the patient.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of how the factor you selected might
influence the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in the patient from
the case study you selected. Then, describe how changes in the processes might
impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy. Finally, explain how you might
improve the patient’s drug therapy plan.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different case study than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Provide alternative recommendations for drug treatments.
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 4

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Respiratory Disorders
To the untrained ear, most coughs sound the same. However,
as you might recall from past clinical experiences, a simple cough can lead to
a patient diagnosis of a common cold, pneumonia, or even a chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD). Although it can sometimes be challenging to diagnose
a patient based on common respiratory symptoms such as congestion, coughing,
and wheezing, it is important to be able to distinguish minor differences as
even mild symptoms might require intervention with drug treatments. When
recommending potential treatment options, advanced practice nurses must
consider how individual patient factors might impact the effects of prescribed
To prepare:
Review Chapter 26 and Chapter 27 of the Arcangelo and
Peterson text.
Select and research one of the following respiratory
disorders: the common cold, pneumonia, or a chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) such as emphysema or chronic bronchitis. Consider types of drugs
that would be prescribed to patients to treat symptoms associated with this
Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact effects of
prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help reduce
negative side effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the respiratory disorder you selected
including types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat
associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you selected might impact
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different respiratory disorder than you did. If the disorder you selected is
primarily associated with the upper respiratory system, respond to colleagues
who selected disorders primarily associated with the lower respiratory system.
Provide alternative recommendations for drug treatments.
Week 5

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders
Neurological disorders, such as headaches, seizure
disorders, sleep disorders, depression, and dementia can present several
complications for patients of all ages. These disorders affect patients
physically and emotionally, impacting judgment, school and/or job performance,
and relationships with family and friends. Since these disorders may have
drastic effects on patients’ lives, it is important for advanced practice
nurses to effectively manage patient care. With patient factors and medical
history in mind, it is the advanced practice nurse’s responsibility to manage
the diagnosis, treatment, and education of patients with neurological
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation on pharmacology for
the nervous system.
Select one of the following neurological disorders:
headaches, seizure disorders, sleep disorders, depression, or dementia.
Consider the types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat
symptoms associated with this disorder.
Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the neurological disorder you selected
including types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat
associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you selected might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different neurological disorder than you did. Provide recommendations for
alternative drug treatments and patient education strategies for treatment and
Week 6

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Endocrine and Musculoskeletal
Patients with endocrine and musculoskeletal disorders often
require long-term treatment and care resulting in the need for extensive
patient education. By appropriately educating patients, advanced practice
nurses can assist patients with the management of their disorders. In clinical
settings, patients with endocrine and musculoskeletal disorders typically seek
treatment for symptoms that pose problems to their everyday lives as ordinary
tasks may become difficult to complete. For instance, patients might have
difficulty walking short distances, preparing meals, or even running errands.
To reduce these symptoms and additional health risks, it is essential to
develop drug therapy plans with individual patient factors in mind.
To prepare:
Select one of the following endocrine or musculoskeletal
disorders: thyroid disease, osteoarthritis, rheumatic arthritis, gout, multiple
sclerosis, or fibromyalgia. Consider the types of drugs that would be
prescribed to patients to treat symptoms associated with this disorder.
Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the endocrine or musculoskeletal
disorder you selected including types of drugs that would be prescribed to
patients to treat associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you
selected might impact the effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures
you might take to help reduce negative side effects.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different endocrine or musculoskeletal disorder than you did. Provide
recommendations for alternative drug treatments and patient education
strategies for treatment and management.
Week 7

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Gastrointestinal and
Hepatobiliary Disorders
Gastrointestinal (GI) and hepatobiliary disorders affect the
structure and function of the GI tract. Many of these disorders often have
similar symptoms such as abdominal pain, cramping, constipation, nausea,
bloating, and fatigue. Since multiple disorders can be tied to the same
symptoms, it is important for advanced practice nurses to carefully evaluate
patients and prescribe treatment that targets the cause rather than the
symptom. Once the underlying cause is identified, an appropriate drug therapy
plan can be recommended based on medical history and individual patient
factors. In this Discussion, you examine a case study of a patient who presents
with symptoms of a possible GI/hepatobiliary disorder, and you design an appropriate
drug therapy plan.
Consider the following case study:
Patient HL comes into the clinic with the following
symptoms: nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The patient has a history of drug
abuse and possible Hepatitis C. HL is currently taking the following
prescription drugs:
Synthroid 100 mcg daily
Nifedipine 30 mg daily
Prednisone 10 mg daily
To prepare:
Review this week’s media presentation on pharmacology for
the gastrointestinal system.
Review the provided case study. Reflect on the patient’s
symptoms, medical history, and drugs currently prescribed.
Think about a possible diagnosis for the patient. Consider
whether the patient has a disorder related to the gastrointestinal and
hepatobiliary system or whether the symptoms are the result of a disorder from
another system or other factors such as pregnancy, drugs, or a psychological
Consider an appropriate drug therapy plan based on the
patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently prescribed.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of your diagnosis for the patient
including your rationale for the diagnosis. Then, describe an appropriate drug
therapy plan based on the patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who diagnosed the
patient differently than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Provide alternative recommendations for drug treatments.
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 8

Discussion: Drug Treatments for HIV/AIDS
While HIV/AIDS is still currently incurable, the prognosis
for patients with this infectious disease has improved due to advancements in
drug treatments. Consider the case of Kristy Aney. Kristy was diagnosed with
HIV in 1992 and was told she would survive, at most, 10 more years. Despite
unfavorable odds, Kristy is still alive 20 years later. Since her diagnosis,
she has witnessed tremendous improvements in HIV/AIDS treatments which have
helped patients live longer with fewer side effects. While she acknowledges
that these drug treatments have kept her alive, she fears that improvements in
drug therapy have led to more people becoming complacent about the disease
(Idaho Statesmen, 2012). In fact, the number of people living with HIV/AIDS in
the United States is higher than it has ever been (CDC, 2012). This poses the
question: Is there a relationship between drug advancements, societal
complacency, and infection?
To prepare:
Review Chapter 49 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as
well as the Krummenacher et al. and Scourfield articles in the Learning
Reflect on whether or not the prevalence of HIV cases might
be attributed to increased complacency due to more advanced drug treatment
options for HIV/AIDS.
Consider how health care professionals can help to change
perceptions and make people more aware of the realities of the disease.
Think about strategies to educate HIV positive patients on
medication adherence, as well as safe practices to reduce the risk of infecting
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of whether or not you think the
prevalence of HIV cases might be attributed to increased complacency due to
more advanced drug treatment options.Then, explain how health care
professionals can help to change perceptions and increase awareness of the
realities of the disease. Finally, describe strategies to educate HIV positive
patients on medication adherence, as well as safe practices to reduce the risk
of infecting others.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who provided a
different rationale than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 9

Discussion: Pharmacotherapy for Hematologic Disorders
In the 1970s, the average lifespan for patients diagnosed
with sickle cell disease was 14 years. Today, the average lifespan has
increased to 50 years and beyond (TriHealth, 2012). The patient prognosis for
many other hematologic disorders such as hemophilia and cancer continue to
improve as well. This can be attributed to advancements in medical care—specifically
drug therapy and treatment. When managing drug therapies for patients, it is
essential to continuously examine current treatments and evaluate the impact of
patient factors on drug effectiveness. To prepare for your role as an advanced
practice nurse, you must become familiar with common drug treatments for
various hematologic disorders seen in clinical settings.
To prepare:
Select one of the following hematologic disorders: anemia,
hemophilia, cancer, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, thrombolytic disorders, or
white blood cell disorders. Consider the types of drugs that would be
prescribed to patients to treat symptoms associated with this disorder.
Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender,
ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the hematologic disorder you selected
including types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat
associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you selected might impact the
effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help
reduce negative side effects.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a
different hematologic disorder than you did. Provide recommendations for
alternative drug treatments and patient education strategies for treatment and
Week 10

Discussion: Hormone Replacement Therapy
In recent years, hormone replacement therapy has become a
controversial issue. When prescribing therapies, advanced practice nurses must
weigh the strengths and limitations of the prescribed supplemental hormones. If
advanced practice nurses determine that the limitations outweigh the strengths,
then they might suggest alternative treatment options such as herbs or other
natural remedies, changes in diet, and increase in exercise.
Consider the following scenario:
As an advanced practice nurse at a community health clinic,
you often treat female (and sometimes male patients) with hormone deficiencies.
One of your patients requests that you prescribe supplemental hormones. This
poses the questions: How will you determine what kind of treatment to suggest?
What patient factors should you consider? Are supplemental hormones the best
option for the patient, or would they benefit from alternative treatments?
To prepare:
Review Chapter 56 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as
well as the Holloway and Makinen and Huhtaniemi articles in the Learning
Review the provided scenario and reflect on whether or not
you would support hormone replacement therapy.
Locate and review additional articles about research on
hormone replacement therapy for women and/or men. Consider the strengths and
limitations of hormone replacement therapy.
Based on your research of the strengths and limitations,
again reflect on whether or not you would support hormone replacement therapy.
Consider whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones
or recommend alternative treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the strengths and limitations of
hormone replacement therapy. Based on these strengths and limitations, explain
why you would or why you would not support hormone replacement therapy. Explain
whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones or recommend alternative
treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies and why.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who provided a
different rationale than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional
Week 11

Discussion: Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatrics
The unapproved use of approved drugs, also called off-label
use, with children is quite common. This is because pediatric dosage guidelines
are typically unavailable since very few drugs have been specifically
researched and tested with children.
When treating children, prescribers often adjust dosages
approved for adults to accommodate a child’s weight. However, children are not
just “smaller” adults. Adults and children process and respond to drugs
differently in their absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.
Children even respond differently during stages from infancy to adolescence.
This poses potential safety concerns when prescribing drugs to pediatric
patients. As an advanced practice nurse, you have to be aware of safety
implications of the off-label use of drugs with this patient group.
To prepare:
Review the Bazzano et al. and Mayhew articles in the
Learning Resources. Reflect on situations in which children should be
prescribed drugs for off-label use.
Think about strategies to make the off-label use and dosage
of drugs safer for children from infancy to adolescence. Consider specific
off-label drugs that you think require extra care and attention when used in
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post an explanation of circumstances under which children
should be prescribed drugs for off-label use. Then, describe strategies to make
the off-label use and dosage of drugs safer for children from infancy to
adolescence. Include descriptions and names of off-label drugs that require
extra care and attention when used in pediatrics.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond
to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who provided a
different rationale than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings
from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional