answer correctly

answer correctly


1. What is the best response by a woman who is taking oral contraceptives and is prescribed an antibiotic ? A. While taking the antibiotic, she should use another form of contraception. B. There is nothing extra that she should do regarding oral contraception C. Stop taking oral contraception while taking the antibiotic. D. Refuse to take the antibiotic. 2. What is a critical task to complete after administering a medication ? A. Document the medication administration. B. Go immediately to get a blanket the client asked for 15 minutes before the medication administration. C. Verify a client’s blood type. D. Make sure the client has water at the bedside. 3. Which substance is the preferred source for energy in the body’s cells ? A. Vitamins B. Fats C. Protein D. Carbohydrates 4. What approaches to client education are essential to consider when reinforcing client teaching ? Select all that apply A. Identify teaching strategies considering age, level of education and preferred method of learning. B. Choose a method to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching. C. Provide privacy and confidentiality. D. Speak only to the client regardless of cultural background. E. Assess client readiness to learn. 5. Which lab test helps reflect nutritional status ? A. Prealbumin B. CMP C. A1C D. CBC 6. What is the best natural source for vitamin D ? A. Multigrain bread B. Fortified cereals C. Milk D. Sunshine 7. Aminoglycosides can result in which of the following serious side effects ? A. Nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity B. C.difficile pseudomembranous colitis C. Cardiotoxicity and left heart failure D. CNS infection and meningitis 8. Which is a common side effect of opioid use ? A. Constipation B. Decreased pupil size C. Apnea D. Increased blood pressure 9. What is the medication cyclobenzaprine prescribed to treat ? A. Pain associated with diabetes B. Nervous system pain C. Acute surgical pain D. Pain from muscle spasms 10. What is a client’s nutritional requirement when in the hospital ? A. Higher because the body requires nutrition for healing maintenance. B. Much lower because they are sick C. Adherence to daily recommended calories based on height and weight D. Only calculated by registered dieticians 11. What unexpected substance is found in many cough syrups, cold drugs and mouthwashes ? A. Caffeine B. Sodium C. Alcohol D. Magnesium 12. Which medication is a common antiviral drug ? A. Acyclovir B. Gentamycin C. Meropenem D. Fluconazole 13. Why is it important to monitor the duration of aminoglycoside antibiotic therapy? A. Excessive long treatment causes bacteria to re-infect the client. B. Because these antibiotics cause sterility in men and women if not carefully monitored. C. Over exposure can result in permanent hearing loss. D. Longer treatment times result in allergic responses. 14. What does S stand for SBAR ? A. Stat B. Situation C. Standard D. Shift 15. What type of pain can be hard to locate and may be referred ? A. Breakthrough B. Chronic C. Visceral D. Neuropathic 16. Medication for influenza works best when following which guidelines ? A. Combine with an antibiotic B. Administer with 48 hours of symptom presentation. C. Taken with iron supplementation D. Administer at any time during the infection 17. Which is the best way to treat vaginal candidiasis ? A. Acyclovir B. One dose of vancomycin C. One dose of fluconazole D. Antibiotics 18. What is the most severe side effect of morphine sulfate ? A. Tachycardia B. Respiratory depression C. Stroke D. Low blood pressure 19. When is the optimal time for a client to begin antiviral medications after exposure to influenza ? A. As soon as possible. After confirmed exposure. B. Wait for the incubation period to end and start only if symptoms occur C. Begin prophylactically during flu season when immunocompromised. D. Three days after exposure 20. What is a good choice for non-pharmacologic treatment for pain ? A. Running B. Opioids C. Weightlifting D. Massage 21. If a client weighs 230 lbs and the nurse needs to administer medication based on the weight in kg, what is the client’s weight in kg ? A. 105 kg B. 103 kg C. 115 kg D. 100 kg 23. Which of the following describes pain that is present in a specific area of the body, is considered aching and throbbing, and does not resolve within an expected time frame ? A. Visceral B. Nociceptive C. Neuropathic D. Acute 24. What is the effect on host flora when antibiotics are administered ? A. Host flora are increased and become more potent. B. Host flora otherwise known as normal flora do not affect antibiotic activity. C. Host flora protects the body from the damage caused by antibiotics D. Host flora are typically negatively impacted, which can lead to yeast or fungal infections. 25. How do sulfonamides work in the body ? A. Best choice for superficial skin infections B. Bacteriostatic, prevent bacterial growth and function C. Bactericidal , destroys the outer membrane of infectious organisms. D. Works only in the bacterial in the bladder 26. In a healthcare setting institution which is the best way to communicate past and current information regarding clients ? A. Write all the information down and present to the shift charge nurse B. Speak directly to the attending physician C. Through the medical record D. Face – to – face 27. If a client speaks a foreign language or signs because they are mute, what must you provide, to complete education ? A. Another nurse who speaks the patients language B. Get a family member to translate C. Professional translation services D. Tell the physician that education cannot be completed 28. What is the most cause of concern for a client who takes acetaminophen ? A. Overdosing in the OTC medication B. The total amount of acetaminophen in the OtC medication C. The ingredient in the OTC that stops the cough D. The impact of any alcohol contained in the OTC remedy 29. What choice is best for treating mild to moderate pain ? A. Acetaminophen B. Morphine C. Oxycodone D. Fentanyl 30. What is the best description of an infection ? A. The activation of the host microbiome against self-proteins. B. An exaggeration of the inflammatory immune response. C. A distribution of the pH of the body in reaction to translocated bacteria in body tissues. D. Disease causing pathogens are invading healthy tissue and releasing destructive toxins. 31. What is a component of the client hand-off ? A. A verbal accounting of the previous shift’s events of client’s care. B. Telling the oncoming nurse who the covering physician is for the shift. C. Telling the family who the oncoming nurse will be. D. Introducing the client family to the oncoming nurse. 32. Which is a side effect of taking skeletal muscle relaxants ? A. Diarrhea B. Insomnia C. Tachycardia D. Hypotension 33. Which bacteria have a double layer outer cell membrane making them more difficult to kill ? A. Aeribuc bacteria B. Gram negative bacteria C. Staphylococcus D. Gram – positive bacteria 34. How does opioid medication work to treat pain ? A. They block the perception of pain at Mu receptors. B. They block nerve endings at the site of pain. C. They block the activity of serotonin. D. They block the activity of substance -p 35. Which vitamins listed are fat soluble vitamins ? A. Thiamine, riboflavin, A, D B. Niacin, A,D,C C. C, A, B1, B3 D. A,D,W and K 36. What is the term for organisms that are resistant to three or more different antibiotics ? A. Resistant organism B. A secondary infection C. D. A superbug or multi drug resistant organisms 37. What is the source of nutrition that supports growth tissue maintenance, and production of enzymes ? A. Fats B. Protein C. Carbohydrates D. Vitamins 38. What are penicillinase and beta-lactamase ? A. These are penicillin antibiotics. B. These are enzymes that have made some bacterias resistant to penicillin. C. These are chemical remands that are part of the synthetic components of cephalosporins. D. These are proteins attached to a bacterial cell well synthesis inhibitor that extends bacterial coverage. 39. Which medication is used to treat oral candidiasis, thrush ? A. Nystatin B. Valacyclovir C. Voriconazole D. Fluconazole 40. Which antibiotic classification is not a cell wall synthesis inhibitor ? A. Penicillin B. Cephalosporins C. Tetracyclines D. Carbapenems 41. What kind of pain is the client describing when saying “ the pain feels sharp shooting and burning down both of my legs “ ! A. Acute pain B. Neuropathic C. Nociceptive pain D. Chronic, visceral pain 42. Which of the following statements describes the purpose for the use of antiviral medication ? A. Prescribers are reluctant to start antiviral medications due to the severity of adverse effects. B. Antiviral medication can only be used once C. If any antiviral is started immediately, treatment will result in a cure. D. If an antiviral is started immediately, treatment will result in a cure. 43. What kind of vitamins are readily excreted in the ir one and not stored in the body ? A. Fat-soluble vitamins B. Botanicals C. Organic Vitamins D. Water soluble vitamins 44. Which of the following is required for bone health and utilization of calcium ? A. Vitamin C B. Vitamin D C. Milk D. Estrogen 45. What term relates to fungal infection ? A. Nematoid B. Mycosis C. Streptococcus viridans D. Helminths 46. What does SBAR stand for ? A. Self, Basis, Action, report B. Situation, background, assessment, recommendation. C. Safe, benevolent, actuating, relevance D. Security, blending, action, recording 47. Most clients will learn important points regarding medications through which approach ? A. Written material B. Oral communication C. Video recording D. A variety of approaches 48. What is the most important to determine when the LPN is assisting the registered nurse with client education ? A. Can the client read and write ? B. Is the lighting in the room appropriate ? C. Does the client have family members in the room ? D. Does the client have at least a high school education ? 49. Which is a natural opioid in the human body released in response to pain stimulation ? A. Dopamine B. Serotonin C. Endorphin D. Substance-p antagonist 50. Which one of these terms means that it takes a higher dose of opioid medication for the client to receive the same pain relief ? A. Tolerance B. Abuse C. Addiction D. Physical addiction


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Project Budgeting Worksheet

 Project Budgeting Worksheet


For this assignment, you will continue working on the WAG expansion project. The PM, project sponsor, and the Finance department have met and determined that 3 million US dollars is still the appropriate funding requirements to build the new plant in the UK over a 2-year time period. After meeting, the team determined the following breakdown for the allocation of costs:

  • The budget will be $1.5 million per year
  • 20% is allocated to salaries each year
  • 50% is allocated to construction, upfitting, and purchase of land per year
  • 20% is allocated for equipment purchases per year
  • 10% is allocated for contingency reserve per year

Your task is to use the budget template linked below to input your projected budget breakdown for year 1 and year 2. Using the tasks that you created in the project management schedule from Module 03 and the work breakdown from Module 04, fill in the sheet so that you can begin building the budget by high-level task group. After completing your budget, explain in a Word document why you chose the expense lines that you included and justify the totals for each of your major categories.


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Project Budgeting Worksheet

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Physics Quantum Mechanics Discussion

Physics Quantum Mechanics Discussion


In a two-page paper, research three examples of technologies that use quantum mechanics. Explain, in your own words, how these applications impact society. If you or someone you know has ever had an MRI scan for a medical diagnosis, you have experienced the result of quantum physics for measuring bodily structures. Finally, provide another specific example from your own life that could be influenced by these applications.


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Physics Quantum Mechanics Discussion

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Analysis of Rising Costs Worksheet

 Analysis of Rising Costs Worksheet

Module 05 Content

  1. Suppose you are an operations manager at a large production facility that produces paper products. You are reviewing data findings showing that the cost of producing your brand of paper towels has risen almost twenty percent over the past six months. These costs include raw materials, equipment, labor costs, and building and administration costs. The labor contract with workers was just renewed. The pressing machines had to be upgraded. Raw materials costs are fluctuating. The following costs for making the paper towels were identified:Today’s Production Costs: The costs from six months ago are included in an
    In row three (Today’s Production Costs), fill out the following Excel columns with the following information.

    • Softwood Costs – ten cents per paper towel roll.
    • Chemical Glue and Resin Costs – two cents per paper towel roll.
    • Equipment Costs – pressing machines – five cents per paper towel roll.
    • Labor Costs – twenty cents per paper towel roll.
    • Building and Administration Costs – twenty-five cents per paper towel roll.
    • Total Paper Towel Production Costs – sixty-two cents per paper towel roll. We sell the paper towels at $1.00 per roll.

    You have been asked by your Chief Operating Office via email to address the following questions in an email response:

    1. What is the profit margin per paper towel roll?
    2. What are the production costs per paper towel produced?
    3. What is the significance the cost increases from the past 6 months?
    4. Why is it necessary to do a trend analysis for this situation?
    5. What are some recommendations to counteract the new setup costs?

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      Analysis of Rising Costs Worksheet

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Cultural Needs Paper

Cultural Needs Paper

Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to understand the importance of identifying client needs, client rights, respecting cultural variations, and the utilization of strengths towards efficiently impacting progressive client growth.


You just completed your supervision with Dr. Rasmussen. Together, you both looked at how best to utilize the existing resources that are aligned with the client populations that are being served. Additionally, he also discussed upcoming community partnerships that will assist with supportive several of New Directions’ social services and health-specific initiatives.

You have a caseload of persons from many different backgrounds. In a three-page double-spaced paper:

Discuss how to define and create opportunities for clients with diverse needs.

Explain how Human Services Professionals should identify common ground with clients, how to respect the differences with various clients and client populations.

  • Describe what is meant by client strengths and how the appropriate identification of resources can facilitate client growth, regardless of his/her cultural background and/or the group in which s/he is aligned with.

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    Cultural Needs Paper

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Restaurant Products and Services Scenario Analysis

Restaurant Products and Services Scenario Analysis


  1. Scenario
    You manage a local chain restaurant that is known for its burgers. The restaurant is located on the corner of a major intersection in a suburban neighborhood. There are many choices in the area for a cheap meal that is family friendly. With so many options available, you want to be sure that you remain competitive. As a result, you recently decided to make a few changes to the menu. You added quite a few new items and took away a few that weren’t so popular.Your general manager regularly checks your store’s online reviews to see what your customers are saying. She made you aware that recently your online reviews have been less than positive. She provided you with reviews from your website and asked that you summarize the findings and determine next steps. While your sales don’t seem to be slipping, she wants you to analyze the ratings and reviews so that you can proactively address areas that need attention.The reviews and ratings are as follows:Comments/Stars out of 5
    1- Very Poor2- Poor3- Neutral4- Good5- Very Good

    • Great burgers – 3
    • My waitress was really nice – 4
    • My soup was cold – 1
    • My salad was wilted – 1
    • We were seated very quickly – 3
    • The carpet was filthy – 2
    • The food was horrible, but the manager comped the meal – 3
    • Food was ok for typical bar food – 3
    • There is too much to choose from on the menu – 2
    • Really kid friendly – 4
    • There was a wait to be seated and the hostess brought my four-year-old crayons and paper to keep her busy! – 5
    • The place is known for their burgers. They should stick to that. Their pizza was horrible and overpriced! – 1
    • Bathrooms need some serious attention! Gross! – 1
    • Our waiter slipped us a buy one, get one coupon before we paid the bill. Sweet!! – 4
    • You have reviewed the data and have decided that analysis is required in order to prioritize the areas of concern. The data will also allow you to assess what is going right in your restaurant.You and your general manager agree that this exercise is imperative to stay competitive in an already saturated market.Instructions
      You have decided to provide your general manager with a step-by-step action plan, in Microsoft Word, that provides the roadmap used to analyze the data to ensure the conclusions you reached are valid. You will be dealing with both quantitative and qualitative data. As you write your plan, be sure you explain your research method, measurement scale, results, and next steps based on your results.In an introductory statement, briefly explain why the analysis of these ratings and reviews is important.
    • Step 1 – Contrast the two different types of data found in the ratings and reviews and how both will be used in your analysis.
    • Step 2 – Describe the research method and measurement scale you will be using to interpret the ratings and reviews. Be sure to include an analysis of the method, and why it is appropriate in this case.
    • Step 3- Illustrate your coding process by displaying a table with the values ascribed to your qualitative data.
    • Step 4 – Explain whether you applied mean, median, or mode values to your quantitative data. Include a description why your choice best reflects the overall customer rating of your restaurant, what the value is, and a projection of where you would like the rating to be in 6 months.
    • Step 5 – Create a table, chart, or graph using Excel that shows your qualitative research results and identify the top two customer concerns to be addressed. Also, include the area where customers are most satisfied. Be sure to add the graph in the appropriate place in the Word document.

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Wellness Program Management Paper

Wellness Program Management Paper



You work at a small startup company and recently began an informal competition among a few of your co-workers counting your daily steps. The program went well. It was a great team building exercise and others in your company seemed interested in participating. You decided that you wanted to turn this into a formal company-wide initiative.

In your investigation you found information about other companies that not only had similar programs, but that they had fully developed wellness programs. Further, your investigation revealed the benefits for both employees and employers. For employees, you found that those who participate enjoy reduced healthcare costs and a sense of engagement in the workplace. The benefits to employers include things like reduced workers compensation claims, lower absenteeism and higher overall productivity.

As a result, you determined that all could benefit from not just a ‘step’ program, but a formalized wellness program. You then distributed a very brief survey to determine the level of interest and what aspects of wellness your coworkers showed interest. You distributed a survey to all employees (30) and the results of your survey are displayed below:


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Business Management Research Strategies Discussion

Business Management Research Strategies Discussion


  1. Scenario
    You are a new manager in a research and development department at an agricultural chemical company. Your department engages in high-level scientific research for new product development and improvement upon existing products. Your department also engages in business research to support your sales and marketing teams. While both types of research employ the scientific method, the approach differs.Company policy dictates that business research documents be formatted in a specific way and include the following elements: research strategies, research methods, data analysis, and business strategies based on findings. There is also an expectation that the research results will be presented in settings outside of the R&D department. This may be in the form of a summary document or a presentation.You have decided to prepare a manual for your entry level business research analysts that provides a guide for the format and presentation of their final research project. The manual will be a step-by-step reference guide for the completion and presentation of a research project. The manual will include direction on the elements described above.

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    Business Management Research Strategies Discussion
    Business Management Research Strategies

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Performance Metrics Presentation

 Performance Metrics Presentation


It is time to present your findings to the CEO and Board of Directors of US Bank. Create an executive summary that details the strategic and financial planning that the bank will initiate to maintain a healthy and prudent growth plan.

Be sure to include:

Your recommendation to the executive management on how best to raise capital with supporting reasoning.

A discussion of analyzing performance metrics based on the balance sheet data.

  • Summarize your findings into an official recommendation on how the bank should pursue growth.

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    Performance Metrics Presentation
    Performance Metrics Presentation

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    We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium.

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Supply and Demand Curve Essay

Supply and Demand Curve Essay


You can argue that the concept of supply and demand is probably one of the most fundamental concepts of economics. You learned that demand refers to how much (quantity) of a product or service that is desired by buyers. The quantity demanded is the amount of a product people are willing to buy at a specified price. The relationship between price and quantity demanded is known as the demand relationship. Supply represents how much the market is willing to offer. The quantity supplied refers to the amount of a certain good producers are willing to supply at a specified price. The correlation between price and how much of a good or service is supplied to the market is known as the supply relationship. In other words, the price reflects supply and demand.

Write an essay examining how the aggregate demand and supply curve works. Expand on these concepts by exploring long and short run aggregate supply curves. Explain what shifts in these curves means and what equilibrium is and how it is achieved. Illustrate how all of this feeds into the IS/MP model (Investment–Savings / Monetary–Policy) in order to forecast the economy or “read the tea leaves.”


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Supply and Demand Curve Essay
Supply and Demand Curve Essay

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We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium.

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