Balancing School and Life Discussion

Balancing School and Life Discussion


Balancing School and Life – My Quality of Life Self-Care Plan. The purpose of developing this Plan is to set a framework and a plan to maintain wellness and to stay motivated and engaged throughout your Program. Doing this will help you achieve success during your coursework and as a professional nurse.

The goal of the Project is to help you become self-aware and reflective as a means of identifying personal self-care strategies that will increase your energy and help you manage your stress. The Project will give you a chance to learn how this is accomplished as you will be doing similar work with clients during the Program and as a professional nurse to assist them in the same way.

Continue to use the quality of life self-assessment tool you selected to reassess and identify strategies you can use throughout your nursing program to maintain a desired quality of life.

In a 2–3-page paper (not including the title page or reference page), include the following information:

  • Compare your initial scores at the beginning of the course to your scores now at the end of the course.
  • Describe how the scores have improved, declined or remained the same including an explanation for any variation in scores.
  • Discuss new or revised strategies to maintain or improve your desired quality of life throughout the nursing program.

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    Balancing School and Life Discussion

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Sensory Elements of Visual Media Communication Presentation

Sensory Elements of Visual Media Communication Presentation


You are a member of a committee at your child’s school. The committee has been assigned the task to design a flyer for the students to take home to their parents. The purpose of the flyer is to notify parents about the upcoming Field Day for all students. They have specified that it can only be one-page in length, and they have encouraged creativity to catch the eyes of the parents.

Several parents wish to participate, so the leader of the committee creates a fun flyer competition. She asks that each person creates his/her own flyer and create a screen share to persuade the committee to choose your flyer. The screen share should visually show the flyer and include a verbal explanation regarding why your flyer will best attract the eyes of the parents.

Since you are extremely creative, you know that in order to capture the parents’ attention and win this competition, you will need to use color, lines, balance, and contrast visual elements.

In your video presentation, be sure to defend your visual choices to the other parents and members of the committee. You know that if you clearly explain why you chose each of these visual elements and how it best attracts the eyes of the parents, you could win this fun competition!


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Sensory Elements of Visual Media Communication Presentation
Sensory Elements of Visual

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Professional Identity Presentation

Professional Identity Presentation



  • Evaluate leadership and management attributes that support critical decisions for nursing practice.
  • Explain the complexity of organizational systems and their impact on healthcare delivery.
  • Apply quality improvement processes utilizing data from outcome measures in the clinical microsystem.
  • Analyze leadership and management principles that guide supervision of nursing care.
  • Apply principles of professional identity and professionalism.
  • Integrate creative leadership and management strategies to facilitate change.


View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


You were recently promoted to a new leadership position and the organization wants to interview for an article to introduce you to the team. They have provided you with some focus areas to prepare for inclusion in the article.


In a Word document, prepare the following responses for the article:

  • Insights into how your core values influence your professional identity.
  • Discuss your leadership attributes that you would like to develop addressing both leadership and management responsibilities.
  • Organizational structure diagram that reflects the roles and responsibilities of professional nurse leaders in the micro, meso and macro levels of operation that begins with a mission, vision, and philosophy statement directed at improving client health outcomes.
  • Techniques and strategies needed to identify and quantify quality issues that impact outcomes in the clinical microsystem.
  • Apply standards to favorably impact a quality improvement initiative.
  • Describe how communication techniques to include staffing assignment challenges, delegation, supervision, and prioritization impact the improvement of quality as a nurse leader within the context of a multi and interdisciplinary team.
  • Incorporate how change theory is influenced by environmental and cultural dynamics
  • Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar.

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    Professional Identity Presentation
    Professional Identity Presentation

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Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Essay

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Essay



View the grading rubric for this reflection by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


  • Apply research, scholarly evidence, and technology to inform the delivery of care.
  • Apply concepts of quality and safety using outcome measures to identify clinical questions.
  • Demonstrate teambuilding and collaboration when working with intraprofessional and interprofessional teams.
  • Uphold ethical standards related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and clients’ right to privacy.


  • How did you feel about using scholarly evidence to support the decisions for care delivery?
  • How will you use scholarly evidence as an integral part of your nursing practice and how does this impact your nursing practice?
  • How does the use of data support changes in healthcare and change your way of knowing?

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    Quality and Safety Education

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Human Services Professional Roles Paper

 Human Services Professional Roles Paper


Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to review the vignette and to discuss the role of Human Services Professionals towards celebrating diversity, understanding perspectives, and how to implement cross-cultural communication.


You have just finished meeting with Dr. Rasmussen for your individual supervision this week. The theme of the session was focused on the relevance of understanding the impact of culture, language, and gender differences with communication when interacting with clients from a variety of vulnerable populations. Towards the end of the session with Dr. Rasmussen, he asked, “Do you mind if I read you a ‘Thank You’ card I received from a foreign exchange student I worked with several years ago”? You said, “Sure”. The note read as such:

17 January 1997

Hi Dr. Rasmussen,

I want to thank you for the opportunity you provided me with. It is one that I will never forget. Here in El Salvador, I struggled most of my life and never dreamed that I would have the opportunity to come to the United States to study for one year. That opportunity was unmeasurable, in which my gratitude could not be put into words. Most people in my community do not make it beyond 9th grade because, after that, education is not free and is difficult for most to pay for. Aside from that, living in poverty is a norm throughout the country due to corruption and the influx of gangs taking over and causing strife throughout the community. When I came there [to the United States], you along with several members of the university embraced me and provided me with opportunities to learn and to not be a negative statistic. I am graduating with my Bachelor of Arts in Human Services degree from Universidad de El Salvador in May. I want to eventually become a social worker so I can be like you and have some impact here in a community that is suffering, just as other communities are throughout the world. I want to thank you for believing in me and for giving me a chance. Please tell hello to everyone at New Directions.



Dr. Rasmussen then goes on to say Andres is now the director of a local social services agency in Honduras. In amazement, you thank Dr. Rasmussen for sharing this inspirational story and started to think of the many clients you are dealing with that are struggling to endure through many of life’s stressors. You think of Andre’, an African-American single father, who works minimum-wage jobs to make ends meet, but dreams of opening his own business one day. Ann then comes to mind. Ann is a biracial, middle-aged female, struggling with mental health issues partly due to a chronic domestic violence history. Nick then ‘pops’ into mind. Nick is transgendered, misunderstood by his family and most in his community, and seeks solace in talking about the impact of the constant discrimination that he faces. And, Maria, who was diagnosed with PTSD a few years ago, has been involved in many different programs at New Direction, LLC. At 8, she traveled with her family to the United States from Mexico and was an illegal immigrant that did not know any English. Immersed in these thoughts and having the feeling of wanting to be impactful at a community-level, you impulsively decide to pen your thoughts into a formal paper to the local newspaper-understanding that your paper may not get published. You decide to include this in your work-specific portfolio that you will be submitting.

Instructions: Write a three-page double-spaced paper that discusses the following bullet points:

  • Define your role as a Human Services Professional and how your role impacts the community.
  • Explain the role of celebrating diversity and cultural differences within the community.
  • Discuss the importance of understanding the perspectives of others-particularly as it relates to understanding differing cultural beliefs/customs, language differences, and gender differences.
  • Identify, at minimum, 5 strategies for effective cross-cultural communication and how it can be applicable for professionals working as change agents (to include Human Services Professionals).

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    Human Services Professional Roles Paper

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Development of Conservation and Preservation Movements Discussion

 Development of Conservation and Preservation Movements Discussion

in a variety of ways, the rise of Progressivism at the turn of the twentieth century was a response to the unregulated excesses of the late nineteenth century. With respect to the environment, this meant confronting the reality of finite resources and the need to conserve resources in order to ensure a sustainable future. Beyond conservation, preservation—the practice of maintaining environments in their natural state—emerged out of the progressive era as a further attempt at regulating an environment that had been under- or unregulated until the twentieth century.

In your initial post, address the following statement:

  1. Discuss the development of both the conservation and preservation movements, paying particular attention to the politics of regulating the environment, the similarities and differences between the movements, and their comparative impacts on the environment.

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    Development of Conservation and Preservation

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Cold War Discussion

 Cold War Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a history discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.


In this discussion, identify and provide evidence for what you believe to be the most important cause of the Cold War that developed after World War II.


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Cold War Discussion
Cold War Discussion

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Vincom Bank Limited Product Launch Presentation

Vincom Bank Limited Product Launch Presentation


Your manager wants you to create a 6-8 slide PowerPoint presentation outlining the company’s new product launch. For this assignment, select an existing company or create your own fictitious company name. Come up with a new product the company will launch. Examples of a new product could be a new smart watch, cell phone, breakfast cereal, home improvement idea, kitchen appliance, etc. The choice is up to you.

Make sure your PowerPoint presentation incorporates the following best practices:

  • Create or select a template.
  • Content. No more than 30 words on each slide. Font size should be 24 or less. No more than 6 lines of text per slide. Write your content with your audience in mind.
  • Key points and use phrases instead of full sentences.
  • Use the notes section below each slide to write out the details of what you would have said had you given the presentation live.
  • Slides. Include a title slide and a conclusion/summary slide.
  • Fonts and colors. Try not to use more than three fonts. Make sure your fonts can be easily read.
  • Incorporate charts and/or graphs.
  • Slide transitions. If you choose to use transitions, pick one or two and remain consistent.
  • Incorporate an audio or video file.
  • Images. Make sure to use quality images in your presentation.
  • Review. Once you have completed your presentation, thoroughly review the presentation and consider it from the audience’s point of view.

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Communications Presentation

Communications Presentation



This project allows you to demonstrate your mastery of visual communication concepts discussed in this course.


View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


You are newly appointed to the communication team for a reputable philanthropic organization. The current task is for your team to create a global campaign that visually conveys a social message both here in the United States, as well as globally. This visual campaign message will use strategic visual communication to appeal to these differing audiences to reduce and potentially eliminate racial prejudice. Your visual communication campaign will be directed toward audiences from both the United States and another country of your choice.

The board of directors has asked you to assemble four video presentations and one instructional document to submit for their review. They have asked that the total video presentations’ length be under three minutes, and that you present visual examples while verbally explaining the main points of the analysis. You are reminded that four separate links need to be submitted for their review, along with your instructional document for the communication team.

Visual Campaign Elements:

  1. Create two ideas for promotional documents (flyers, pamphlets, etc.) to appeal to both your targeted U.S. viewers and to your targeted viewers from the other global country of your choice. Both of these documents should strategically utilize the following visual communication elements:
  2. color
  3. lines
  4. balance
  5. contrast.
  6. Create your video presentation for the board members clearly explaining how the visual communication elements on each of the two promotional documents strategically convey the message and meaning to viewers. Be sure to compare and contrast how the viewers from the U.S. and the other country might interpret these differing visuals elements, and how you used them strategically to please each targeted audience.
  7. Find two different images to be used on the organization’s website page. One will be for the U.S. website, and one for the website in the country of your choice. Be sure that each of these images visually appeals to these two targeted audience viewers, and that the visual enhances the message to help eliminate racial prejudice. In your video presentation for the board of directors, identify and analyze the visual elements of cultural familiarity, semiotics, and emotional appeal (cognitive). Additionally, explain how each of those visual elements visually persuades the U.S. and global viewers in different ways.
  8. Design two logos for this anti-racism campaign. One logo should be designed for U.S. audiences, and the other should be designed for the other country of your choice. Design your video presentation to explain how each of these logos can clearly be seen on both small and large settings (example: cell phone app size and billboard size), as well as a comparison of how the color, lines, and visual elements are specifically designed to visually appeal to each of these different countries
  9. Create two social media posts, one for the United States and one for the other country of your choice. The posts should include text, images, and the logo matching the country where the social media post will appear. In your video presentation to the board members, compare and analyze how these visual elements (the images and the logo) emotionally engage and persuade each specified target audience (the United States and the country of your choice) to reduce and eliminate racial prejudice.
  10. Create a one-page instructional document for your communication team members outlining the ethical concepts regarding finding and using visuals in communication. Within your instructional document, use images and/or clip art to enhance each of your points in the document, and address the following items:
  11. How might the organization properly obtain and use images from outside sources?
  12. What are the dangers and problems that arise when altering and digitally enhancing images?

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    Communications Presentation
    Communications Presentation

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Culture Gender and Language Dynamics Questions

Culture Gender and Language Dynamics Questions


 discuss and sensitively address culture, gender, and language dynamics through the case of the hypothetical client, Abiha.

Course Competency: Summarize how culture, language, and gender differences can affect communication when working with vulnerable clients.


Allison, the Intake Coordinator at New Directions, LLC, completed an intake with Abiha. Abiha is a 35-year-old, mother of 2, and came to the United States from Saudi Arabia 2 years ago. Abiha stated to Allison that she has difficulty speaking in complete sentences in English and can understand the English language when it is spoken to her slowly. After completion of the intake process, Allison walks Allison to your office where you have been assigned to begin working with her, based upon her primary need for seeking general mental health services. You take the following notes when interacting with Abiha:

Client is having trouble adjusting to some aspects of American culture.

Client indicates that she understands that her Constitutional rights mean that she is equal to her male counterparts. The client states that, growing up in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, was difficult and that women are viewed as ‘second class’ citizens. The client states, “…the effects of being viewed as ‘less than’ continue to haunt me to this day.

  • At work, client states that she feels that Islamic beliefs are not parallel to that of many of her co-workers who appear to have Christian beliefs and sometimes shun away from her.
  • Directions: You are the Human Services Professional that will be working with Abiha and will be developing a plan of care with her at the next visit. In a two-page, double-spaced paper, discuss the following:
  • Explain how culture, language, and gender dynamics can impact communication when working with vulnerable clients, particularly those dealing with issues Abiha is dealing with.

What are Abiha’s needs and how would you address each of her needs in a culturally-appropriate manner?


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Culture Gender and Language Dynamics Questions
Culture Gender and Language

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