NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 5 Creation of Policy or Procedure

NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 5 Creation of Policy or Procedure


The prolonged stress experienced by nurses due to burnout can result in emotional and physical exhaustion. It is a common issue in the healthcare industry that negatively affects the well-being of nurses and their patients. The harms of nursing burnout include reduced job satisfaction, decreased patient care quality, increased rates of medical errors, and high turnover rates. Nursing burnout is commonly caused by gaps like long working hours, inadequate staffing, lack of support, and exposure to traumatic events.

NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 5 Creation of Policy or Procedure

Un-treated burnout should be carefully investigated since it can reduce nurses’ efficiency and lead to mistakes, affecting the health quality and patient care outcomes (Galischa & Sutrimo, 2022). Many studies show the requirement for a strategic policy for the treatment of burnout and suggest different interventions for it. It is crucial for healthcare organizations to implement strategies to prevent and manage nursing burnout to promote the well-being of nurses and provide high-quality care to patients. 

Revised PICO(T): Among qualified nurses of a hospital (P), does the execution of a stress-releasing program (I), compared to zero treatments or stress control (C), reduce nursing burnout, and increase job satisfaction (O) within six months (T)?

A proper healthcare plan based on credible, recent, and evidence-based information is necessary for designing a policy for the intervention of nursing burnout and improving patient care outcomes. This will help to solve issues regarding staffing, nursing leadership, and nurses’ job satisfaction. That is why there was a need to take action on this issue.

Population Affected by the Policy

The target population for an intervention to address nursing burnout includes registered nurses (RNs) working in acute care hospital settings, specifically those who work in high-stress environments such as critical care units, emergency departments, and medical-surgical units. Because Intensive Care Units can have a more stressful environment for nurses because of high death rates, the severity of disease, and ethical concerns (Ramírez-Elvira et al., 2021). The intervention also targets RNs who work long hours, have high patient-to-nurse ratios, and experience inadequate support and recognition from their superiors.

This population excludes certain groups such as nursing assistants or licensed practical nurses who have different roles and responsibilities within the healthcare system. The scope of the intervention would be focused on providing strategies and support to this specific group of RNs to mitigate the risk of nursing burnout and improve their well-being and quality of patient care.

Definitions Section

It is necessary to give a brief explanation of the difficult terminologies in this project because it can help non-industry workers to understand them effectively. Here are the definitions of some related terms used in the project of nursing burnout prevention guidelines:

Registered Nurse (RN): A healthcare professional who has completed a nursing program and passed the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to become licensed to practice nursing.

  1. Burnout: Burnout is a condition of physical, emotional, and psychological fatigue because of continuous and severe anxiety. It happens when you are overburdened, emotionally exhausted, and unable to achieve goals (Smith et al., 2023). When referring to the nurses, it can be a result of inadequate nursing staff and workload.
  2. Interprofessional Collaboration: Interprofessional collaboration refers to the practice of working together with other healthcare professionals, such as physicians, social workers, and pharmacists, to provide comprehensive and coordinated care to patients (Peltonen et al., 2019).
  3. Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI): The Maslach Burnout Inventory a tool that helps in measuring burnout rate among healthcare professionals. Three dimensions of burnout are measured through it: emotional exhaustion (level of getting exhauste), depersonalization, and personal accomplishment (Williamson et al., 2018).
  4. The Nursing Stress Scale (NSS) is a psychological assessment tool designed to measure stress levels among nurses. It is widely used in research to study the impact of nursing-related stress on nurses’ physical and mental health, job satisfaction, and causes of nursing stress (Bautista et al., 2019).
  5. Job Satisfaction refers to an individual’s overall positive or negative feelings towards their job or occupation. It is a subjective assessment of the extent to which an employee feels that their job meets their expectations, needs, and desires (BasuMallick, 2021).

Policy Statement

This quality improvement plan or policy will be implemented for reducing burnout in the nurses in a medical center. All the staff nurses should follow the guidelines and evidence-based practices mentioned in the policy. The administration of the medical center must provide the necessary resources to achieve the outcomes of the plan. The policy will have strategic procedures for reducing stress, counseling, compassion, and mentorship for nurses.

NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 5 Creation of Policy or Procedure

The organization expects the target population to have significantly reduced stress after the implication of the policy. The policy aims to reduce the stress and burnout in nurses by reducing their workload and adequate staffing levels to enhance nurses’ job satisfaction and improve patients’ healthcare. To maintain the overall quality of healthcare and the success of the policy, it is necessary to implement the plan at the proper time. Because quality improvements take extensive time invested in the planning phase, development, and operational phase to be successful and sustainable (O’Donoghue et al., 2021).

Instructions for Policy Implementation – Step-by-Step

Following are the step-wise instructions for the implementation of policy (within 6 months) regarding the intervention for nursing burnout among registered nurses in a healthcare setting:

  1. Identify the factors significantly affecting burnout: The target population of nurses will be involved in this examination. Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) tool will be used for the evaluation of its three parameters mentioned earlier.
  2. Recording the Stress Level of Each Nurse in the Population: For this purpose, a mobile-based electronic survey form will get filled out by nurses using the Nursing Stress Scale tool (Hendy et al., 2020). Nurses will be asked to be 100% honest with their answers regardless of any organizational pressure.
  3. Maintenance of Staffing Level and Workload: New nursing personnel will be employed to maintain patient-nurse levels. This will ultimately reduce the workload of nurses and treat their burnout, stress, and dissatisfaction with the job (Opoku et al., 2022).
  4. Follow-up Counseling: After the nurses deal with any aggressive patient, their response should be recorded after follow-up counseling, this will aid in reducing their burnout rapidly (Vincent-Höper et al., 2020). Additional personnel may be required for these counseling sessions.
  5. Mentorship: Mentoring and training are critical for the development of both fresh and experienced nurses. More nurses should be hired for leadership purposes. Because mentoring will raise faculty’s understanding of their duties and responsibilities, reduce uncertainty, and encourage the retention of trained nurse professors (Ephraim, 2021). In this way, it will help to reduce burnout among nurses.
  6. Compassion: Nurses must receive empathy and compassion from the organization because it will have mediating effects on their stress (Ren et al., 2020). Nurses will perform much better when they will feel valued and hence the patient outcomes can be enhanced.


The issue of burnout and stress among nurses in healthcare settings is prevalent in today’s life due to many factors. Factors like staffing levels, workload, and resources should be identified to solve the present issue. Various appraisal tools are validated through research for the assessment of intervention for nursing burnout. A proper policy or plan should be implemented for an extended time to sustain its positive outcomes.


BasuMallick, C. (2021, March 11). What is job satisfaction? Definition, factors, importance, statistics, and examples. Spiceworks. 

Bautista, J. R., Lauria, P. A. S., Contreras, M. C. S., Maranion, M. M. G., Villanueva, H. H., Sumaguingsing, R. C., & Abeleda, R. D. (2019). Specific stressors relate to nurses’ job satisfaction, perceived quality of care, and turnover intention. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 26(1). 

Ephraim, N. (2021). Mentoring in nursing education: An essential element in the retention of new nurse faculty. Journal of Professional Nursing, 37(2), 306–319. 

Galischa, S., & Sutrimo, A. (2022). FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH BURNOUT AMONG NURSES DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC: A SCOPING REVIEW. Jurnal Keperawatan Respati Yogyakarta, 9(1), 33. 

Hendy, A., Abozeid, A., Sallam, G., Abboud Abdel Fattah, H., & Ahmed Abdelkader Reshia, F. (2020). Predictive factors affecting stress among nurses providing care at COVID‐19 isolation hospitals at Egypt. Nursing Open. 

O’Donoghue, S. C., DiLibero, J., & Altman, M. (2021). Leading sustainable quality improvement. Nursing Management, 52(2), 42–50. 

Opoku, D. A., Ayisi‐Boateng, N. K., Mohammed, A., Sulemana, A., Gyamfi, A. O., Owusu, D. K., Yeboah, D., Spangenberg, K., Ofosu, H. M., & Edusei, A. K. (2022). Determinants of burnout among nurses and midwives at a tertiary hospital in Ghana: A cross‐sectional study. Nursing Open, 10(2). 

Peltonen, J., Leino-Kilpi, H., Heikkilä, H., Rautava, P., Tuomela, K., Siekkinen, M., Sulosaari, V., & Stolt, M. (2019). Instruments measuring interprofessional collaboration in healthcare – A scoping review. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 34(2), 1–15. 

Ramírez-Elvira, S., Romero-Béjar, J. L., Suleiman-Martos, N., Gómez-Urquiza, J. L., Monsalve-Reyes, C., Cañadas-De la Fuente, G. A., & Albendín-García, L. (2021). Prevalence, risk factors, and burnout levels in Intensive Care Unit nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), 11432. 

NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 5 Creation of Policy or Procedure

Ren, Y., Song, H., Li, S., & Xiao, F. (2020). Mediating effects of nursing organizational climate on the relationships between empathy and burnout among clinical nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(11). 

Smith, M., Segal, J., & Robinson, L. (2023, January 16). Burnout Prevention and Treatment. Https://; Help Guide. 

Vincent-Höper, S., Stein, M., Nienhaus, A., & Schablon, A. (2020). Workplace aggression and burnout in nursing—The moderating role of follow-up counseling. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9), 3152. 

Williamson, K., Lank, P. M., Cheema, N., Hartman, N., & Lovell, E. O. (2018). Comparing the maslach burnout inventory to other well-being instruments in emergency medicine residents. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 10(5), 532–536. 


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