SOC FPX 2000 Assessment 2 Diversity and the Media

Assessment 2 Diversity and the Media

Diversity and the Media

Media is an extremely significant institution of society because of the impact it has on individuals’ identities and their perspectives of the world. A sociological examination of the media can assist us in gaining a better understanding of the ways in which media both reflects and reinforces the social standards, values, and power structures that exist in society. It also helps us comprehend the cultural and social setting in which the media functions, as well as reveals patterns of representation and inequality.

SOC FPX 2000 Assessment 2 Diversity and the Media

In this assessment, I have chosen to critically analyze the article titled “Americans Have Learned to Talk About Racial Inequality. But They’ve Done Little to Solve It.” This article was authored by Janell Ross and was published on May 13, 2021, on the website

Analyzing Sociological Theories

Sociological theories such as the conflict perspective, Weber’s theory of inequality, and Park’s race relation cycle provide important frameworks for understanding the complex nature of racial diversity and social inequality in the US.

Conflict Perspective

The conflict perspective in sociology suggests that society is characterized by competition and struggle for resources, which leads to social inequality and stratification. This theory can greatly assist us in understanding racial diversity in the US, as it can help explain the systemic and institutional nature of racial inequality. 

Yemane (2020) found that race and ethnicity play a significant role in hiring discrimination, with Black applicants being systematically disadvantaged in comparison to white applicants. This research supports the conflict perspective by illustrating how power and resources are unequally distributed based on race.

Weber’s Theory of Inequality

Weber’s theory of inequality suggests that social stratification is based on three factors: class, status, and power. This theory is extremely relevant in understanding racial diversity in the US, as it can help explain the intersectionality of race with other social factors that contribute to social inequality. 

Corra et al. (2022) examined the effects of race and social class on college enrollment and found that Black and low-income students are less likely to enroll in college, even after controlling for academic achievement and other factors. This research supports Weber’s theory by showing how social class and race intersect to create unique experiences of inequality

Park’s Race Relation Cycle

Park’s race relation cycle theory suggests that race relations in society go through a cycle of contact, competition, accommodation, and assimilation. This theory can help us in understanding racial diversity in the US as it can explain the historical and ongoing struggles for racial equality and integration. Recent research has shown that progress has been made in some areas, but there is still a long way to go. Visintin et al. (2019) examined the relationship between interracial contact and prejudice and found that positive contact with people from different racial groups was associated with lower levels of prejudice. This research supports Park’s theory by illustrating how social interaction can help to reduce prejudice and promote positive intergroup relations.

Effect of the Article on Policy and Power: An Analysis

The article may have an effect on policies and power in several ways. First, by drawing attention to the ongoing issue of racial inequality in America and presenting a critical analysis of the systemic issues that underlie it, the article may help to galvanize public support for policy initiatives aimed at addressing these issues. For example, the article notes that legislative action is necessary to address systemic reform, which could include policies such as criminal justice reform, education reform, and increased funding for social services.

Second, the article may have an impact on corporate and institutional power by calling for greater accountability and representation of diverse perspectives. As the article notes, many companies have issued statements of support for racial justice, but more needs to be done to ensure that these statements translate into meaningful action. By calling for greater accountability and representation, the article may help to push companies and institutions to take concrete steps towards addressing racial inequality.

SOC FPX 2000 Assessment 2 Diversity and the Media

There is research that supports the idea that media coverage can have a significant impact on public perceptions and policy outcomes, particularly when it comes to issues of race and inequality.

Supporting Scholarly Articles

Kilgo and Mourão (2021) found that media coverage of racial issues can have a significant impact on public perceptions of racism and support for policies aimed at addressing it. The study found that media coverage that emphasized systemic factors, such as institutional racism, responsible for racism was associated with greater support for such policies aimed at addressing structural racism. Similarly, Boudreau et al. (2022) found that media coverage of police brutality and racial profiling can have a significant impact on public perceptions of police accountability and support for police reform. 

The Portrayal of the Minorities and Dominant Groups in the Article

The article portrays minorities and dominant groups in a critical and nuanced manner, highlighting the ways in which systemic racism has led to significant disparities between white Americans and people of color. 

Portrayal of Minority Groups

It cites various statistics and studies that highlight the disparities between white Americans and people of color in areas such as health care, education, and wealth. For example, the article notes that Black Americans are twice as likely to die from COVID-19 as white Americans, and that the racial wealth gap has widened over the past several decades.

This portrayal of minorities as being disproportionately affected by racial inequality is supported by research. For example, Daly et al. (2020) found that Black workers earn significantly less than white workers, even after controlling for factors such as education and experience. It also found that Black workers are more likely to experience unemployment and underemployment and are less likely to have access to health care and retirement benefits.

Portrayal of Dominant Groups

The article suggests that dominant groups (i.e., white Americans) have benefited from systemic racism, often at the expense of minority communities. For example, the article notes that white Americans are more likely to have access to quality health care, higher education, and greater wealth, while people of color are more likely to experience poverty, health disparities, and discrimination in the criminal justice system.

This portrayal of dominant groups is also supported by research. For example, Jardina (2019) found that white Americans tend to view themselves as having higher status and greater power than people of color and that they often underestimate the extent of racial inequality.

Data Supporting the Central Tenets of the Article

Discussed below are the key tenets of the article “Americans Have Learned to Talk About Racial Inequality. But They’ve Done Little to Solve It.”

Racial Inequality is Systemic and Disproportionately Affects People of Color

Racial inequality in America is a systemic issue that has persisted for centuries, and it continues to disproportionately affect people of color. Enders and Scott (2018) argue that racial resentment is a persistent factor in American politics and that it is closely related to attitudes toward social welfare policies. The authors present evidence that racial resentment has a significant impact on white Americans’ attitudes towards social welfare programs that are perceived to benefit people of color and that this impact is stronger than the effect of other factors such as party identification or ideology.

Corporate and Institutional Power Must Promote Diversity and Representation

Corporate and institutional power must be held accountable for promoting greater representation and diversity of perspectives. Chaudhry et al. (2021) present evidence that diverse teams are more innovative and generate better business outcomes than homogeneous teams. The authors argue that companies should prioritize diversity and inclusion as a business imperative and that this requires not only hiring a diverse workforce but also creating a culture of inclusion that values diverse perspectives.


This assessment analyzed an article discussing racial inequality in America and its impact on policies and power. The article emphasized the urgency for systemic reform and the need for increased diversity and representation. Moreover, the assessment highlighted the ongoing challenges of racial inequality in America and the crucial role of policymakers and institutional leaders in promoting change. Lastly, the assessment examined relevant research articles supporting the central tenets of the article. 

SOC FPX 2000 Assessment 2 Diversity and the Media


Boudreau, C., MacKenzie, S. A., & Simmons, D. J. (2022). Police violence and public opinion after George Floyd: How the black lives matter movement and endorsements affect support for reforms. Political Research Quarterly, 75(2), 106591292210810.

Chaudhry, I. S., Paquibut, R. Y., & Tunio, M. N. (2021). Do workforce diversity, inclusion practices, & organizational characteristics contribute to organizational innovation? Evidence from the U.A.E. Cogent Business & Management, 8(1), 1947549. Tandfonline.

Corra, M., Carter, J. S., & Carter, S. K. (2022). The interactive impact of race and gender on high school advanced course enrollment. Journal of Negro Education, 80, 33–46.

Daly, M. C., Hobijn, B., & Pedtke, J. H. (2020). Labor market dynamics and black–white earnings gaps. Economics Letters, 186.

Enders, A. M., & Scott, J. S. (2018). The Increasing Racialization of American Electoral Politics, 1988-2016. American Politics Research, 47(2), 275–303.×18755654

Jardina, A. (2019). White Identity Politics. Cambridge University Press.

Kilgo, D. K., & Mourão, R. R. (2021). Protest coverage matters: How media framing and visual communication affects support for black civil rights protests. Mass Communication and Society, 24(4), 576–596.

Visintin, E. P., Green, E. G. T., Falomir-Pichastor, J. M., & Berent, J. (2019). Intergroup contact moderates the influence of social norms on prejudice. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 23(3), 418–440.

Yemane, R. (2020). Cumulative disadvantage? The role of race compared to ethnicity, religion, and non-white phenotype in explaining hiring discrimination in the US labour market. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 69, 100552.